Per H
akon Meland
, Karin Bernsmed
, Martin Gilje Jaatun
, Astrid Undheim
Humberto Castejon
SINTEF ICT, Trondheim, Norway
Telenor Research and Future Studies, Trondheim, Norway
Cloud Computing, Security, Requirements, SLAs, Contracts, Brokering.
The uptake of Cloud computing is being hindered by the fact that not only are current Cloud SLAs written
in natural language, but they also fail to cover security requirements. This paper considers a Cloud brokering
model that helps negotiate and establish SLAs between customers and providers. This broker handles security
requirements on two different levels; between the customer and the broker, where the requirements are stated
in natural language; and between the broker and the different Cloud providers, where requirements are stated
in deontic contract languages. We investigate the suitability of seven of those languages for expressing security
requirements in SLAs and exemplify their use in the Cloud brokering model through a practical use case for a
video streaming service.
Cloud computing has found its way into the IT ser-
vice delivery model for many of today’s businesses.
Recent numbers show that 10% of current enterprise
application software is running in the Cloud, and a
50% increase is expected within the next four years
(Gartner, 2011). As pointed out by (Liu et al., 2011),
the continued growth will increase the number of ac-
tors in the field, making the integration of Cloud ser-
vices too complex to manage for the ordinary Cloud
customer. The Cloud broker represents a promising
and ambitious approach to manage Cloud services
in the near future. Its main purpose is to simplify
the usage, performance and delivery of Cloud ser-
vices and to help negotiate the relationships between
providers and customers. These relationships are
regulated through Service Level Agreements (SLAs),
which have become an important part of the Cloud
service delivery model. An SLA is a binding agree-
ment between the Cloud customer and the Cloud ser-
vice provider, the primary purpose of which is to
state the obligations of the provider, together with the
penalties if the provider fails to uphold the conditions.
Even though service availability is considered to
be a critical issue, the number one barrier against
adopting Cloud computing services is the lack of as-
surance for the safekeeping of data and applications
deployed in the Cloud (ENISA, 2009). Keeping these
in-house is considered to be less of a risk since the
organization has better control of the infrastructure
and configuration. For a Cloud customer to perform
a proper risk analysis he will need to consider for in-
stance where his data and applications will be stored,
whether they will be encrypted at rest and in transit,
and whether international standards such as ISO/IEC
27002 are being adhered to. Even though most public
Cloud providers are happy to answer these types of
questions whenever asked, they will rarely or never
make any promises regarding security in their SLAs.
Rather, their SLAs are standard contracts made to fit
as many as possible and take little responsibility in
case of a security incident or service outage. This
is a major drawback for any potential customer who
needs to ensure that e.g. privacy legislation or inter-
nal security policies are conformed to. We believe
that in order for Cloud computing to reach its full
potential as a mainstream outsourcing alternative, the
customers’ security requirements must be guaranteed
through SLAs.
Existing SLAs cover traditional QoS requirements
such as service performance and availability, as well
as specification of reporting and violation handling,
and are written in natural language. In this paper we
Meland P., Bernsmed K., Jaatun M., Undheim A. and Castejon H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003977906380646
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CloudSecGov-2012), pages 638-646
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
have a special focus on SLAs covering security re-
quirements, since they are considered more difficult
to measure and quantify compared to the traditional
ones. As pointed out by (Dwivedi and Padmanabhuni,
2008), security is only represented through policies,
and not enforced through SLAs, and minimal work
has been done on security SLA representation and en-
This paper considers a Cloud broker model where
the broker help negotiate and establish SLAs be-
tween Cloud customers and Cloud service providers,
based on security requirements expressed by the cus-
tomer. The broker handles security requirements on
two different levels; between the customer and the
broker, where the requirements are stated in natural
language, and between the broker and the different
service providers, where requirements are stated in a
deontic contract language (“a language that can ex-
press the rights and obligations of parties to a contract
in a form that can be parsed by software applications
and processed with other data to determine state infor-
mation about matters governed by the contract” (Leff
and Meyer, 2007)). We provide examples using some
of the existing approaches which may be applicable
for Cloud computing, and investigate their suitability
for the Cloud brokering model though a practical use
case for a video streaming service.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2
we discuss the role of security in the context of Cloud
service brokering. In Section 3 we describe a use
case that utilizes a broker to negotiate security re-
quirements, and Section 4 shows some of the deontic
contract language dialects that can be used to specify
security requirements in SLAs. We discuss these ap-
proaches and related work in Section 5, and conclude
the paper in Section 6.
As the uptake of Cloud services increases, we see
a growing number of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings
from a broad set of providers. A Cloud broker is thus
foreseen to become an important part of the Cloud
ecosystem, providing a one-stop shop for consumers,
SMEs and enterprises that look for a complete Cloud
service portfolio covering all their IT needs. This
Cloud broker will act as an intermediary between
the customers and Cloud service providers (see Fig-
ure 1). It will facilitate choosing the best service
providers to fulfill the requirements of a customer
based on optimization algorithms. In its simplest
form, this can be translated into picking the cheapest
IaaS provider(s) whose offerings cover a minimum set
of functional requirements. For SaaS, functionality
may be of higher importance, and only small varia-
tions in non-functional requirements will be present.
A Cloud broker will have business relationships with
a set of Cloud providers offering different types of
services. It is expected that the broker will negotiate
and sign an SLA with those providers before includ-
ing their services in its own service portfolio. How-
ever, some SLA requirements and corresponding met-
rics may still be open for negotiation with individual
customers. The customer requirements may then be
used to choose between individual Cloud providers.
However, to achieve this vision, there remain quite
a few challenges related to contract scenarios as pre-
sented by (Leff and Meyer, 2007):
“Contract documents are created using word pro-
cessing applications. These documents can’t eas-
ily be processed at convenient levels of granular-
ity by automated systems.
“Consumers cannot easily compare terms offered
by different providers.
“Contract negotiation is slow and expensive. The
inefficiencies inherent in human contract negotia-
tion limit the value of the transaction, particularly
where rich parameter sets are involved.
“There is no standard way to map a given set of
negotiated contract parameters to a unique set of
contract terms.
The above challenges could be solved by using
deontic contract languages. However, the customers
may not have the necessary skill or technical exper-
tise to write a deontic contract that can be automat-
ically processed to find the best suitable candidates,
and technical contract writing tools have not been
widely accepted (Finnegan et al., 2007). An important
role of the Cloud broker is therefore to help the cus-
tomer translate the requirements into a deontic con-
tract language. This will facilitate dynamic and auto-
matic SLA negotiation between the Cloud broker and
the Cloud service providers, including renegotiation
of SLAs or migration of service components in case
of changing requirements from the users as well as
measured and observed breach of SLAs. Since there
is currently no prevalent standard for expressing con-
tract terms, the Cloud broker would in many cases
need to be multilingual.
CloudyFilms is a new startup planning to offer video
streaming on demand with a pay-per-view business
Cloud 1
Cloud 2
Cloud 3
Cloud Broker
Service Request
Settlement and
- functional req
- security req
- constraints
-SLA negotiation
-SLA monitoring
-Violation handling
SLA Management
Figure 1: A Cloud broker model for ensuring secure Cloud deployment.
model. In order to minimize investment costs in
hardware infrastructure and increase business agility,
CloudyFilms decides to deploy its service in the
Cloud. For that, CloudyFilms needs different types
of virtual resources, including computation and stor-
age, with different functional, QoS and security re-
quirements. In particular, CloudyFilms needs two
large VMs to run the service portal and the streaming
server, and a small VM to run the customer registry.
It also needs separate storage spaces to store the cus-
tomer data and the video files (see Figure 2). Though
there are many requirements that would be relevant
for these resources, we have chosen a small subset of
security requirements that are of particular interest for
Cloud computing and brokering:
1. Data Retention. Data shall only be stored for
the period required by the purpose for which they
were collected. When the contract between the
parties expires (or after a specific time), all con-
sumer data must be deleted so that it cannot be
2. Data Location. Data shall only be stored or pro-
cessed in a location under the influence of the Eu-
ropean Privacy directive.
3. Non-delegation. A service provider may not sub-
contract processing or storage to a third party.
These requirements are targeted towards specific
resources. For example, the data retention require-
ment is imposed on the customer data storage (S1) to
guarantee that customer data is completely removed
from a provider’s storage in case it is moved to a
new provider. Moreover, the location requirement
is imposed on both the customer data storage (S1)
and on the customer registry’s VM (VM2) to ensure
they will always be hosted in European datacenters.
Finally, the non-delegation requirement is imposed
on the streaming server (VM3) and the video stor-
age (S2). This requirement ensures that, if S2 and
VM3 are replicated on several providers, the selected
providers do not use the same infrastructure (i.e. pre-
venting one of them from sub-contracting infrastruc-
ture/services from the other one, the latter becoming
a single point of failure).
In this use case, there is not a single affordable
IaaS provider able to offer all the resources needed by
CloudyFilms at an affordable price while at the same
time fulfilling all the security requirements. Since
dealing with multiple providers is too much of an
administrative and technical burden for such a small
company, CloudyFilms decides to use the services of
a Cloud broker. The broker gets CloudyFilms’ speci-
fication of hardware, security and QoS requirements,
and uses it to select the cheapest IaaS providers that
fulfill those requirements (e.g. it selects provider 2,
in Europe, to host the customer data, even though it
is more expensive than provider 3, in the US - see
Figure 2). With each of the selected providers, the
broker automatically negotiates an SLA on behalf of
CloudyFilms and supervises its enforcement.
In this section we have selected a set of seven exist-
ing deontic contract languages found in the literature
and for each of them tried to express at least one of
the sample security requirements from Section 3. We
have considered these languages based on the follow-
ing properties:
Feasibility. How well the language fits the type
of requirements considered in the paper.
Complexity. The size and expressiveness of the
Extensibility. The possibility of adding addi-
tional concepts and expressions.
front end
Functional Req
VM 1: 2 CPU
VM 2: 1 CPU
VM 3: 2 CPU
S1: 1 Gb
S2: 40 Gb
Security Req
VM 1: none
VM 2: location
VM 3: non-delegation
S1: location, retention
S2: non-delegation
VM 1
VM 2
VM 3
S 1
S 2
front end
Service Request
1: US, 5 $
2: EU, 10 $
3: US, 5 $
4: US, 5 $
Figure 2: A Cloud Broker negotiating security requirements.
Maturity. How long the language has been pub-
licly available.
Support. Associated documents, tools and other
sources of information.
Adoption. The current uptake among the relevant
This is not intended to be an exhaustive survey, but a
sample used to illustrate the diversity and suitability
of current technology for expressing security require-
ments in a machine readable way given the context of
service brokering for Cloud SLAs.
The Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) specifica-
tion (Cranor, 2003) allows websites to express their
privacy policies in machine readable format. The pur-
pose is to inform the user about how the personal
information that is collected by the website will be
handled. Privacy preferences are expressed using
APPEL (Cranor et al., 2002), which are evaluated
against the P3P policy files in order to let user agents
make automated or semi-automated decisions. For
the CloudyFilms use case the APPEL language can
be used to put restrictions on what data is collected
by the provider and how it will be used (in terms of
purpose, recipient and retention). The rule set in List-
ing 1 states that it is not acceptable that the service
provider transfers the customer data to any third party
(non-delegation). Here we have assumed that the cus-
tomer data consists of physical and online contact in-
formation and purchase information.
With APPEL it is straightforward to put restric-
tions onto data storage retention by using the RETEN-
TION element, however, it is not possible to articulate
restrictions on the geographic location.
Writing policies in P3P/APPEL is fairly straight-
forward and there are several tools that help translate
policies stated in natural languages to the machine-
readable format. The language is easily extensible,
however, the restricted vocabulary and the limited
scope (data collection practices for websites) makes it
difficult to express security requirements for service-
oriented architectures such as the Cloud.
Version 1.0 of the P3P specification was released
in 2002, representing a cornerstone in the privacy pro-
tection field. However, adoption was slow already
from the beginning, and more recent numbers show
that only a fraction of all websites have a P3P pol-
icy (Egelman et al., 2006). The work on the specifi-
cation has been officially suspended since 2006.
Listing 1: An APPEL rule set for restricting access to cus-
tomer data.
1 < a p p e l : RULE b e h a v i o r = b l ock ”
d e s c r i p t i o n = S e r v i c e may
t r a n s f e r c u s to m e r d a t a t o 3 r d
p a r t i e s >
2 <p3p : POLICY>
3 <p3p :STATEMENT>
4 <p3p :DATAGROUP><p3p :DATA>
5 <p3p : CATEGORIES a p p e l : c o n n e c t i v e =
o r>
6 <p3p : p h y s i c a l />
7 <p3p : o n l i n e />
8 <p3p : o t h e r c a t e g o r y />
9 </p3p : CATEGORIES>
10 </p3p :DATA></p3p :DATAGROUP>
11 <p3p : RECIPIENT a p p e l : c o n n e c t i v e =
o r>
12 <p3p : same/>
13 <p3p : o t h e r r e c i p i e n t />
14 <p3p : p u b l i c />
15 <p3p : d e l i v e r y />
16 <p3p : u n r e l a t e d />
17 </p3p : RECIPIENT>
18 </p3p :STATEMENT>
19 </p3p : POLICY>
20 </ a p p e l : RULE>
4.2 RFC 4745
RFC 4745 (Schulzrinne et al., 2007) is a frame-
work for creating authorization policies for access to
application-specific data. The purpose of the frame-
work is to combine location specific policies and pres-
ence specific policies into one common authorization
system. The framework defines a rule set (i.e. policy),
consisting of conditions, actions and transformations
(i.e. permissions), that are evaluated in order to de-
termine if a request for access to data items should
be permitted or not. There are currently three con-
ditions defined in RFC4745; identity, sphere and va-
lidity, making it possible to put restrictions on who,
where and when data can be accessed. RFC4745
does not directly support any of the example secu-
rity requirements for the CloudyFilms use case, how-
ever, the identity condition may be used to put re-
strictions on the domain attribute for providers who
try to access the data. For example, the rule set in
Listing 2 will block service providers within the do-
mains and The purpose
of RFC4745 was to increase interoperability by al-
lowing authorization policies to travel with the data,
and could possibly be extended to be applicable to the
Cloud brokering context. The framework has already
been extended and implemented as part of presence-
based systems based on SIP (IBM, 2009).
Listing 2: A rule set expressed according to RFC 4745.
1 < r u l e i d = f 3 g4 4 r 1>
2 < c o n d i t i o n s >
3 < i d e n t i t y >
4 <many>
5 < e x c e pt domain = e xa mp le . com
/ >
6 < e x c e p t domain = e xa mp le . o r g
/ >
7 </many>
8 </ i d e n t i t y >
9 </ c o n d i t i o n s >
10 < a c t i o n s />
11 < t r a n s f o r m a t i o n s />
12 </ r u l e >
Listing 3: A rule set expressed in WS-XACML.
1 XACMLP riv acy Ass erti on
2 R e q u i r e m e n t s
3 RETENTION : d a t a k e p t o n l y u n t i l
t r a n s a c t i o n c o m p l e t e d
4 RECIPIENT : d a t a n o t g i v e n t o a ny 3 r d
p a r t y
5 C a p a b i l i t i e s
6 P r o v i d e c u s t o m e r d a t a
XACML (eXtensible Access Control Markup Lan-
guage) (OASIS, 2005) describes both a policy lan-
guage and an access control decision request/response
language. The typical setup is that someone wants to
perform an action on a resource; however, XACML
can also be used to find a policy that applies to a given
request and evaluate the request against the policy.
The current version of XACML (2.0) is very lim-
ited for other purposes than access control. How-
ever, in WS-XACML (which is a proposed feature for
XACML 3.0) the client (i.e. customer) can use an
XACMLPrivacyAssertion to make sure that the ser-
vice fulfills an obligation regarding the client’s pro-
vided personal information. Two such assertions will
match if every requirement in each assertion is satis-
fied by at least one capability in the other. The re-
quirement in Listing 3 (expressed in pseudocode to
save space) states that customer data should not be
stored by the provider or forwarded to any third party.
XACML is very powerful and is easily extensible,
but it is considered difficult to write and reason over
XACML policies. It has been widely adopted, espe-
cially within academic research. Version 3.0 (which
is a work in progress) will include additional aspects,
such as delegation, which will make it possible to del-
egate (and put constraints of the delegation of) access
Listing 4: A WS-Agreement service level objective that
uses P3P to put restrictions on data retention.
1 <wsag : G u a r a n t e e Term
2 wsag : Name=
S e c u r i t y R e q u i r e m e n t s
3 wsag : O b l i g a t e d = P r o v i d e r >
4 <wsag : S e r v i c e S c o p e
5 Se rvi ceN ame =
S t o r e C o n s u m e r D a t a >
6 </wsag : S e r v i c e S c o p e >
7 <wsag : S e r v i c e L e v e l O b j e c t i v e >
8 <wsag : C u s t o m S e r v i c e L e v e l >
9 <RETENTION>< s t a t e d p u r p o s e /></
10 </wsag : C u s t o m S e r v i c e L e v e l >
11 </wsag : S e r v i c e L e v e l O b j e c t i v e >
12 </wsag : Gu ara nte e Ter m>
4.4 WS-Agreement
The WS-Agreement specification (Andrieux et al.,
2003) is a protocol for establishing an agreement be-
tween two parties, such as service providers and con-
sumers. It allows the use of any service term, and
is therefore suitable for security agreements as well.
The specification provides a template for the agree-
ment, which consists of the name of the agreement
(this is optional), the context (the participants and the
lifetime of the agreement) and the agreement terms.
The agreement terms are used to specify the obliga-
tions of the parties and the associated guarantee terms
are used to provide assurance to the service consumer
on the service quality and/or resource availability of-
fered by the service provider.
WS-Agreement does not include any ontology for
expressing security requirements, but it is possible to
use the service level objectives in the guarantee terms
to put restrictions on data storage location, retention
and non-delegation using any existing security on-
tologies. For example, a service level objective that
uses P3P to put restrictions on the data retention could
look as illustrated in Listing 4.
WS-Agreement is an open standard and it has
been widely adopted for QoS support for service ori-
ented architectures in web and grid contexts.
4.5 Primelife Policy Language
The PrimeLife Policy Language (PPL) is an XML-
based policy language developed by the EU project
PrimeLife (PrimeLife Consortium, 2012). In addition
to access control, PPL provides data handling as an
extension to XACML 3.0 (Ragget, D. et al, 2009).
PPL is focused around data handling and credential
capabilities. The user’s privacy preferences are evalu-
Listing 5: Expressing non-delegation in PPL.
1 < D a t a H a n d l i n g P r e f e r e n c e s >
2 < O b l i g a t i o n s S e t > . . </
O b l i g a t i o n s S e t >
3 < A u t h o r i z a t i o n s S e t >
4 . .
5 <A uthzD ownst reamU sage a l l o w e d =
f a l s e >
6 </AuthzDownstreamUsage>
7 </ A u t h o r i z a t i o n s S e t >
Listing 6: A data retention requirement expressed in BCL.
1 P o l i c y : D a t a R e t e n t i o n
2 Ro l e : P r o v i d e r
3 M o d a l i t y : O b l i g a t i o n
4 T r i g g e r : S t o r e C o n s u m e r D a t a
5 B e h a v i o u r : D e l et e C o n s u m e r Da t a
a f t e r S t o re C o n s u m e r D a t a . d a t e +
ated against the service provider’s data handing poli-
cies and if there is a match a sticky policy can be
attached to the data. PPL supports both data reten-
tion and non-delegation; the latter by making it pos-
sible for a user to specify to whom and under what
circumstances personal data may be forwarded to a
third party (called ”downstream data controller” in the
language specification). Non-delegation using PPL
is expressed in Listing 5. In this data handling pol-
icy the AuthorizationsSet will be used to define what
the service provider can do with the collected infor-
mation and the ObligationsSet defines the obligations
that the provider promises to adhere to. The current
draft of PPL does not support restrictions in terms of
geographic location of the data storage and process-
ing but the vocabulary is left open and might be ex-
tended to include such restrictions. PPL is still very
young since PrimeLife has just completed, and there
is consequently little adoption.
4.6 Business Contract Language
The Business Contract Language (BCL) (Governatori
and Milosevic, 2006) is an event driven language in-
tended for runtime monitoring of contract terms. A
single event can be used to signify actions of the sig-
natories, temporal occurrences or change of state as-
sociated to a contract variable. Listing 6 shows how
one may express the data retention requirement as an
obligation (pattern that must occur given an event) for
the service provider:
Besides from obligations, modality can be used
to express permissions (allowed behavior) and pro-
hibitions (what must not occur). Given this expres-
siveness, all of our requirement examples should be
Listing 7: A non-delegation requirement in ConSpec.
1 SCOPE c o m p o s i t i o n
3 BEFORE i n v o k e S e r v i c e ( s )
5 ( s . nond e l e g a t i o n ( ) . e q u a l s ( t r u e ) )
> s k i p
possible to represent in BCL. The language also sup-
ports the expression of violations and their corre-
sponding reparations, which is very relevant for se-
curity policies. The language seems therefore well
suited for security SLA negotiation, and still manages
to have a limited set of constructs. It seems fairly easy
to extend, but there must be a common agreement
on triggers and behavior among the involved parties.
Though BCL was introduced in 2005, there is cur-
rently little available information, tools and activities
related to it.
4.7 ConSpec
The ConSpec language (Aktug and Naliuka, 2008;
Greci et al., 2009) can be used to formally specify
contracts and various security enforcement tasks, and
it is strongly inspired by the policy specification lan-
guage PSLang (Erlingsson, 2004) for runtime moni-
toring. It consists of declarations related to the secu-
rity state and, like BCL, defines events that triggers
actions for updating the states. Listing 7 exemplifies
the non-delegation requirement. No specific variables
are defined after the security state declaration, but the
event clause tells us that the service can only be in-
voked as long as it promises to not delegate the task
to others.
ConSpec is a relatively simple and restricted lan-
guage, with a finite set of variables, no loops and in-
tended for expressing security requirements. It is well
suited for contract matching, can be somewhat ex-
tended, but is mostly limited to academic use. How-
ever, parsing tools are available and adoption and
documentation is currently being done through the
Aniketos project (Aniketos Consortium, 2012).
4.8 LegalXML
LegalXML is a standard from OASIS for structuring
legal documents and information using XML and re-
lated technologies. A special technical committee de-
veloped eContracts(Leff and Meyer, 2007), which is
an open standard for the markup of contract docu-
ments to enable creation, maintenance, management,
exchange and publication of contract documents and
contract terms. It is intended to be used by automated
Listing 8: An eContract with a location requirement.
1 <?xml v e r s i o n = 1 . 0 e n c o d i n g =” ut f
2 < c o n t r a c t xmlns = u r n : o a s i s : names : t c
: e C o n t r a c t s :1 :0 >
3 < t i t l e ><t e x t > P e r s i s t e n t s t o r a g e
l o c a t i o n </ t e x t ></ t i t l e >
4 < c o n d i t i o n s >< c o n d i t i o n name=”EU>
Eu r o p e a n Union </ c o n d i t i o n ></
c o n d i t i o n s >
5 <body>
6 <b l o c k c o n d i t i o n =EU>
7 < t e x t >D ata s h a l l o n l y be s t o r e d
on s e r v e r s l o c a t e d w i t h i n
t h e Eu r o pean Union </ t e x t >
8 </ b l o c k >
9 </body>
10 </ c o n t r a c t >
processing systems rather than lawyers, and to struc-
ture any kind of contract. A simplified example rep-
resenting the location requirement using eContract is
shown in Listing 8. The grammatical content is repre-
sented inside the “block” element, and the character
data within the “text” element. In this example, we
have used a conditional attribute to express that it has
a jurisdiction limited to the EU.
Though eContracts is a deontic contract language,
the contractual terms within the blocks are still mostly
defined using natural language. The main intention of
eContracts is to represent contracts that have already
been agreed upon and signed by the involved parties
independent of word processing tools. This makes
this approach less suitable for Cloud SLA brokering.
The specification defines 51 core elements, and pro-
vides a generic structure that can be used to encom-
pass a wide range of contracts. The structure is simple
with high degree of freedom. Version 1.0 of the spec-
ification dates back to 2007, but at the same time the
technical committee was dissolved and to the best of
our knowledge there has been little activity since to
continue the work of eContracts.
In the previous section we presented seven different
specification languages and investigated to what de-
gree it is possible to express the security requirements
for the CloudyFilms use case. Table 1 shows a com-
parison of the languages based on the properties we
defined in Section 4 using the values {low, medium,
P3P represents early work in the context of pri-
Table 1: Comparing the specification languages in Section 4.
Language Feasibility Complexity Extensibility Maturity Support Adoption
P3P Medium Low Medium High Medium Medium
RFC4745 Low Low High Low Low Medium
XACML Low Medium High High High High
WS-Agreement High Low High High High High
PPL Medium Medium High Low Low Low
BCL High Medium Medium Medium Low Low
ConSpec High Medium Medium Medium Low Medium
LegalXML Low Low High High Low Low
vacy protection and usage of personal information,
and several of the subsequently developed languages
have been inspired by this work. However, now
this initiative is more or less dead, mostly because
the slow adoption and limited interest from the ser-
vice providers. In our context the main limitation is
data handling preferences, which is shared by PPL.
XACML is designed to be more general purpose than
both P3P and PPL, which is both a strength and a
weakness. WS-Agreement, BCL and ConSpec all
seem suitable for expressing security requirements
in a deontic form, however, neither specifies a secu-
rity term ontology, leaving the problem of translat-
ing security requirements stated in natural language
to a machine-readable format unsolved. According to
(Pearson and Charlesworth, 2009), translation of leg-
islation/regulation to machine readable policies has
proven to be very difficult, and they give an overview
of various projects that have tried to do so.
Other languages that we have not explored in our
Cloud broker use case include for instance ecXML
(Farrell et al., 2004), which has an event based na-
ture similar to BCL. The Contract Expression Lan-
guage (Wang, 2010) is similar to eContracts, mean-
ing that they are designed to express already agreed
upon terms between the involved parties. Web Ser-
vice Level Agreements (WSLA) was designed to be
a flexible SLA definition language, but is not suitable
for security due to its focus on downtime, through-
put, response time and other quantifiable parameters
(WSLA, 2003). The Rule Based Service Level Agree-
ment language (RBSLA) (Paschke, 2005) is another
mark-up language for rule-based policy and contract
specifications. Though there has been little activity
from RBSLA since 2006, it was based on the still on-
going RuleML initiative (RuleML, 2012). A wider
range of related policy languages and protocols can
be found in papers by (Yag
ue, 2006) and (Dwivedi
and Padmanabhuni, 2008).
Somewhat related to our brokering use case,
(Nepal et al., 2009) present an XML-based contract
language for establishing collaborative services. Al-
though their approach seems more geared toward an
environment of collaborating peers, they do describe a
situation where collaborators contribute through pro-
viding web services. They provide little details on
security aspects, but highlight the need for deletion of
information after a contract termination.
Current Cloud SLAs are written in natural language,
and seldom cover security requirements; this is hin-
dering the uptake of Cloud Computing. We envi-
sion Cloud brokers to have a role in translating cus-
tomer requirements into deontic contract languages,
thus helping users to find the most suitable Cloud
providers in a more automated and dynamic way.
Many different contract specification languages exist
today, but there is no single “silver bullet” language
that stands out as a prevalent candidate. Further work
is required on the specification and reasoning of secu-
rity requirements for Cloud SLA broking, and there is
need for a common ontology that represents contrac-
tual security concepts.
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