Marco Casassa Mont
, Kieran McCorry
, Nick Papanikolaou
, Siani Pearson
Cloud and Security Lab, HP Labs, Bristol, United Kingdom
Enterprise Services CTO Office, Hewlett Packard Ltd, United Kingdom
Keywords: Cloud Security, Privacy, SLAs, Decision Support Systems, Enterprise Computing, Information Governance.
Abstract: We present in this paper the novel concept of a policy orchestration service, which is designed to facilitate
security and privacy governance in the enterprise, particularly for the case where various services are
provided to the enterprise through external suppliers in the cloud. The orchestration service mediates
between the enterprises’ internal decision support systems (which incorporate core security and privacy
recommendations) and the cloud-based service providers, who are assumed to be bound by contractual
service level agreements with the enterprise. The function of the orchestration service, which is intended to
be accessed as a trusted service in the cloud, is to ensure that applicable security and privacy
recommendations are actioned by service providers through adequate monitoring and enforcement
The potential offered by cloud computing for the
provision of core business services anytime,
anywhere, to anyone is huge. Customers of cloud
service providers have access to potentially vast
computational resources (not just raw computing
power, but also data storage and networking
infrastructure), and enterprises are enticed to
outsource core business activities and functions to
the cloud due to the benefits of reduced cost and
increased efficiency that can be thus made. It is
actually possible to outsource the work of entire
business units to providers of cloud-based business
software, such as
However, security concerns and worries over
customer privacy have proven to be fundamental
barriers to the adoption of cloud-based services.
Enterprises that handle large amounts of customer
data need to take numerous measures to comply with
security standards, data protection laws, and core
business principles with regards to preventing harm
to customers’ data and their reputations.
The usual model of information security
management within the enterprise is given by the
lifecycle depicted in Figure 1. This information
security lifecycle is a very high-level view of the
processes that should be repeatedly carried out in
order to assess and implement security requirements;
we note here that specifically for privacy issues,
there exist similar models of information manage-
ment, including for example privacy impact assess-
ments (see ICO 2009), but we refer to the informa-
tion security lifecycle here as the starting point for
our considerations. The lifecycle does not specify
how the processes of, say, risk assessment, moni-
toring and auditing are implemented in practice,
through a cloud service or otherwise. Our
Figure 1. The Information Security Lifecycle.
Casassa Mont M., McCorry K., Papanikolaou N. and Pearson S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003978406700674
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CloudSecGov-2012), pages 670-674
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
focus is on the governance of information within the
enterprise, and the processes that enable both
privacy and security requirements to be satisfied.
What the lifecycle shows is that the handling of
such requirements within the enterprise is a cyclic
process, which requires constant re-assessment and re-
implementation of appropriate measures. For example,
risk assessments need to be conducted regularly in
order to determine necessary data governance practices,
which in turn need to be encoded into policies and
enforced using suitable controls.
The objective in this paper is to describe a means
for automating information governance in
enterprises that outsource important information
processing tasks to external cloud service providers.
Our contribution is the design of a system
component known as a policy orchestrator or policy
orchestration service, and an accompanying
architecture, whose purpose is to automate a
significant part of the governance processes (mainly
the monitoring and enforcement of privacy and
security requirements) in this setting.
1.1 Related Work
Decision support systems for business applications
are covered extensively in Turban et al. (2010). We
note that there is a body of research on algorithms
for decision support systems that support optimal
selection of suppliers (see for example Ghodsypour
and O'Brien, 1998); while in this paper we are not
interested in optimality criteria for supplier selection
directly, the idea of using decision support systems
to manage external suppliers supporting business
functions has some relevance to our ideas.
Governance, risk management and compliance
(GRC) platforms (see Gartner 2011) are widely used
in enterprises to monitor flows of data and ensure
compliance requirements are satisfied throughout
businesses processes.
Agent technology (see e.g. Padgham and
Winikoff 2004) is currently used at the end-points
(systems, apps, solutions and/or processes) to
enforce and monitor activities. However, most
current approaches involve manual steps to inform
these agents about what to do. Information has to be
gathered about the affected systems, including
required configurations and access rights; relevant
people need to be identified and involved to provide
this data; somebody has to instantiate
templates/scripts based on the above details; various
enforcement and monitoring activities need to be
carried out. Potentially new decisions or decision
changes require repeating this process all over again.
Collaborative and knowledge management tools
are of relevance, particularly due to the complexity
of maintaining a large rule base. Knowledge
management techniques and tools are widely used
(see Alavi and Leidner 1999).
Workflow and scripting solutions exist widely
(see Jackson and Twaddle 1997 for an account of the
basic principles involved); the very idea of an
orchestration service is heavily inspired by
workflow management systems, as it can effectively
be regarded as a means to implement workflows for
decision support system recommendations in the
In order to cope with the deluge of rules and
restrictions that need to be met, enterprises use
special information governance platforms, namely,
tools that enable managers, chief information
security officers (CISOs) and privacy officers to
monitor how data is stored, handled and processed at
different control points within the enterprise. In
addition, the use of decision support systems is
commonplace; these are automated tools that
intelligently generate lists of recommendations that,
when followed in practice, will ensure that particular
requirements (for our purposes, security and privacy
requirements) are satisfied.
Decision support systems do not usually include
means to enforce or action the recommendations
they produce; the output of a decision support
system is a visual display of information, often just
an itemized list of actions that a human user should
carry out. In addition, the usefulness of any decision
support system’s output is dependent on the
accuracy and completeness of its rule base; if the
rules that the system incorporates are not up-to-date,
or do not take into account all external factors, such
as, for example, all the different laws and
regulations that impact an enterprise’s security
practices, then that decision support system will not
serve its purpose well, and possibly lead to incorrect
decisions on the part of the human user.
We are interested in designing a system
architecture that helps manage an enterprise’s
information governance practices when it utilizes
cloud services from external suppliers. Our concrete
contribution in this paper is the design of a core
component for such an architecture, namely, the
orchestrator, whose function is to monitor and
enforce security and privacy recommendations.
These recommendations would typically be
customised for a particular project/application, and it
is likely that they would be produced automatically
by means of a decision support system – an example
of such a system is the HP Privacy Advisor (see
Pearson et al. 2009). However, the orchestrator is
not intended to be used only with customised, auto-
generated inputs; it might use other sources for
privacy and security rules, such as databases with
pre-defined corporate policies.
Figure 2: Overall system architecture.
The orchestrator takes as its inputs a list of
security and privacy recommendations, the set of
service level agreements detailing the relationship
and expectations of the enterprise with regards to its
suppliers, and a set of templates which map
recommendations to technical policy rules (such as
access control rules for particular types of data). The
output of the orchestrator is a set of policies and a
set of instructions to be carried out and implemented
by the external suppliers. If a particular
recommendation cannot be actioned directly, or is
not satisfied by any of the SLAs available, then the
orchestrator will notify the system user accordingly.
Clearly these functions, which the orchestrator
provides, are of fundamental practical importance to
the enterprise; without them, the entire process of
making sure that security and privacy
recommendations are in fact implemented in
practice becomes fully manual and hence error-
prone. Since the orchestrator is a software service, it
can perform both monitoring and enforcement
functions automatically, with little human
intervention as and when needed.
To drive this point home, consider what actions
are normally needed to practically implement a
decision support system’s recommendations:
identifying the suitable actions to be carried out
gathering relevant information at the operational
level (for example, about the system affected, the
people involved, the access rights)
delegating steps and activities to IT
administrators in charge of specific fields (so that
they can then monitor compliance against the
recommended changes).
Current approaches to security and privacy
governance within the enterprise provide little
visibility about the involved ecosystem (people,
systems, activities); they are primarily manual; and
they do not actively involve all the necessary
stakeholders to deal with the overall process.
The orchestrator, or policy orchestration service,
that we propose performs the following in an
automated manner:
(1) it enables a collaborative exchange of
information between relevant stakeholders;
(2) it ‘orchestrates’ the translation of a decision
support system’s recommendations into a set
of commands corresponding to enforcement
and monitoring activities to be executed by
the external service provider;
(3) it supports the execution and monitoring of
these activities;
(4) it traces and audits them.
We detail these functionalities in the next section.
The key idea here, as we have discussed in the
previous sections, is to achieve automation in the
way decision support systems’ recommendations are
transformed into enforceable activities by (1)
leveraging workflow capabilities and (2) integrating
multiple sources of information. Specifically we
introduce a framework (in particular, an assurance
service) that provides assurance and “orchestration
capabilities” to achieve this.
There are two processes carried out by the
orchestration service:
The collaborative creation of Templates to map
various types of decision support system outputs
into enforceable and monitorable actions
The collaborative instantiation of these
Templates, for a specific set of decision support
system recommendations, in a given project,
into a set for enforceable and monitorable
Figure 3 illustrates the high level components of this
Assurance Service. We assume the scenario of an
enterprise, with a set of security and privacy
requirements, which are fed into a decision support
system in order to produce guidelines and
recommendations. In the context of this paper, the
requirements relate to a business process that needs
to be outsourced to external, cloud-based suppliers
or service providers.
Figure 3: Architecture for the Assurance Service (where
DSS = Decision Support System).
The suppliers are bound by service level agreements,
whose statements constitute restrictions and
obligations as to how the business process will be
carried out. The SLAs are fixed and are not
expected, under normal circumstances, to change.
We assume that various organisational decision
support systems interface with the orchestration
service by providing a “formal” representation of the
decisions that have been made, such as lists of
abstract, required actions and activities to be
At the very core, within the Assurance Service,
there is an Orchestration Engine, driven by various
workflows (referred to as “workflow templates”)
that can be defined by administrators or as the result
of collaborative activities between various
The Assurance Service, by means of the Mapper
component, maps the inputs from decision support
systems into suitable workflows that need to be
carried out by the orchestrator.
Specifically, the orchestrator is able to identify
potential issues in the refinement process, for
example due to lack of information, conflicting
inputs or system unavailability and raise exceptions
to be handled by users.
The purpose of the orchestrator component is to
determine whether (and how) a particular business
process can be outsourced subject to the constraints
of the SLAs, and issues appropriate monitoring and
enforcement commands to the external service
providers. The orchestrator also takes a set of
templates (whose exact format depends on the
intended usage scenario – we will not specify this
here) that define how each type of recommendation
produced by the decision support system is mapped
to a technical policy and/or action command to be
executed automatically. For example, a security
recommendation that requires a given data set to be
restricted for exclusive access by a specified group
of users will be mapped to a technical access control
policy (for example, in the standard eXtended
Access Control Markup Language – XACML), and
a set of commands that can be executed to enforce
this access control policy.
In the ideal situation, when all information is
available, the orchestrator (by using these
workflows) will automate the following steps:
identify the suitable templates required to map
abstract actions into enforceable and/or
monitoring activities. We will refer to these as
“refinement templates”;
collect from the internal knowledge base the
actual information necessary to instantiate the
templates (e.g. involved systems, required
configurations, involved access rights, etc.)
and instantiate them;
interact with the relevant entities (people,
systems, applications, processes, etc.) to ensure
that specific actions/items are enforced or
monitored. This step could be mediated by
suitably deployed agents;
collect and consolidate audit logs from these
various entities.
However, as previously mentioned, this is not so
trivial. The details required for mapping actions into
actionable items might not be available; specific
configurations might still be needed; specific inputs
and authorizations might need to be provided by the
key stakeholders.
In this context, the assurance service, by means
of the orchestrator and an associated Portal,
orchestrates the interactions between the various
stakeholders to obtain the relevant information. This
is again driven by a set of Templates indicating what
information is required to enable the mapping of
abstract decisions into monitorable and enforceable
The relevant templates might have previously
built by using the same collaborative service, by
factoring in input from different stakeholders, on
how to effectively map specific types of decisions
support system recommendations into enforceable
and monitorable actions.
There might be situations where the relevant
templates are not available. In this case, a process is
Tem p la tes
Collaboration Portal
Monitoring Systems
Assurance Service
initiated by the assurance service/orchestrator to
generate these Templates, by involving the relevant
Whilst traditional workflows aim at carrying out
various business process steps, in this context the
orchestrator’s main objective is to:
1. enable the refinement of abstract decisions
made by a decision support system, by
integrating know-how from different sources
and triggering the relevant steps, including
interactions with people and systems;
2. support the creation of relevant templates, for
various types of decision support system
The Portal is a collaborative web service where
various people in the organisation can register,
access various relevant information, based on their
roles (templates, knowledge bases, etc.), and
contribute to the specification of these information.
The Portal is not passive: it is used by the
orchestrator to require stakeholder interventions, if
necessary. As previously described, the orchestrator
(driven by workflow templates) will prompt the
stakeholders for the necessary information.
We envisage two main interaction mechanisms:
Stakeholders are asked to intervene and
provide information based on need – i.e. during
the execution of workflows. This is pretty
much standard practice;
The assurance service, via the portal, actually
provides a collaborative service where the
various involved people can interact upfront,
share information and collaborate to create the
various templates necessary during the
mapping process. In other words, this portal
provides an additional way to generate the
“templates”. These interactions might be
triggered by challenges raised by
administrators and decision makers rather than
just the orchestrations and/or involved
In the latter case the assurance service and
orchestrator provide an active ecosystem where
various stakeholders, with different skills and
expertise, can collaboratively discuss and create
material that is relevant for the enforcement of
decisions, within the organisation.
The main advantage of the orchestration service is
that it addresses the problem of enforcing and
monitoring decisions by:
Integrating input and contributions of various
stakeholders, by means of an automated
Enabling compliance with agreed decisions
Whilst common solutions in this space rely on
manual interventions and/or automated but very
specific solutions (with static knowledge bases valid
only in very restricted domains – subject to
expensive maintenance/extensions), the proposed
solution solves these problems by collaboratively
involving the various stakeholders in the process;
getting their input to update knowledge bases;
ensuring that templates, scripts and mapping
mechanisms evolve over time, based on needs.
We acknowledge the valuable input of Tomas
Sander, Prasad Rao and Richard Brown, whose
comments helped shape our ideas around the policy
orchestration service.
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