Bibliographic Review
D. Koukoula
,N. Hatziargyriou
, Aris Dimeas
and A. Krkoleva
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Fyrom, Macedonia
Keywords: Gossip algorithms, Ad-hoc networks, Power grid.
Abstract: Motivated by the need of application of reliable distributed algorithms in modern power systems, we study
gossip algorithms. The inspiration of gossiping can be adapted to communication, computation or spreading
information needs of power grids related to the control of voltage and frequency, to the load balancing and
to every aspect of control and measurement in a power network. A short reference on related applications is
the evidence of capabilities of gossip algorithms.
Modern power grids integrate gradually an
increasing number of dispersed micro-generators
and new kind of loads, such as electric vehicles.
Apparently, customers tend to become more
conscious of their electricity consuming behaviours
and they want to fully understand and take control of
the costs related to energy, while they are waiting to
enjoy uninterruptible power. Therefore, power grids
tend to become smart grids and dispersed generation
must be followed by distributed intelligence
enabling grids to take advantage of ICT
In this paper we attempt a bibliographic
approach of gossip algorithms, as fully distributed
algorithms of processing and disseminating
information, and we argue that they should be
implemented on smart grids of the future.
Specifically, gossip algorithms could be applied to
power quality control, to information dissemination
of smart meters, to local load balancing, to
determination of the best operation point of a
dispersed generation unit.
Gossip Algorithms were firstly described, under the
name epidemic algorithms, in 1987 (Demers, 1987)
as a tool for rapid update awareness among database
replications. The core idea of Gossip Algorithms is
the fast information dissemination among a group of
nodes, such as a rumour is spread within a social
network or like a virus infects a group of humans. So
far Gossip Algorithms have been variously used in
routing in ad-hoc networks, in data aggregation, in
peer sampling. Gossip Algorithms may not offer the
optimally best solution to a problem, but they give
distributed systems a powerful tool for solving a
distributed problem in a good inexpensive way. In a
smart grid, a candidate to participate in gossiping
could be every part having the ability to
communicate with other parts and holds some kind
of data.
2.1 Description
A Gossip Algorithm consists of a sequence of steps,
which are periodically followed by all nodes
interconnected in a network. The scope of the
procedure is the spread of new information in
exponential rate.
A common Gossip Algorithm includes three
main steps: peer selection, decision about the
exchanged data and data processing. Each of these
steps includes a certain procedure, which can be
deterministic or not. The peer selection for the
information propagation can be either probabilistic
or defined under a specified metric. Let the node A
to be the initiator of communication. Node A has a
Koukoula D., Hatziargyriou N., Dimeas A. and Krkoleva A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003978701540158
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2012), pages 154-158
ISBN: 978-989-8565-09-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
partial knowledge of the candidate nodes, with
which a connection can be established. This set of
nodes is a subset of the nodes of network, which is
known to node A through a network map or through
a periodical procedure, in which each node identifies
its neighbourhood nodes within its communication
range area. Therefore a type of peer selection
algorithm may contain an internal priority list
according to the distance of neighbours. Another
option is to leave the nodes select their peers
randomly according to a possibility density function.
In any case gossiping ensures the new information
will be spread exponentially. The second step of the
gossiping procedure includes a decision about the
data exchanged in each round of communication.
The content of the message sent depends on the final
scope of the algorithm. If the final scope is data
aggregation, the message may contain an average
value. If the scope is the control of a critical growth,
the message may contain the current measurement of
the growth. The third step of gossiping is apparently
connected to the second step and deploys a number
of comparisons or calculations internally.
Formally expressed, gossip algorithms include
operations at any node of a network of n nodes,
which satisfy the following properties (Shah, 2009):
(1)The algorithm should only utilize information
obtained from its neighborhood
(2)The algorithm performs at most O(di logn)
amount of computation per unit time.
(3) Let |Fi| be the amount of storage required at
node i to generate its output. Then the algorithm
maintains O(poly(logn) +|Fi|) amount of storage at
node i during its running.
(4)The algorithm does not require
synchronization between node and its neighbors
(5)The eventual outcome of the algorithm is not
affected by ‘reasonable’ changes in the
neighborhood during the course of running of the
The classification of gossip algorithms is based
on the final scope of the algorithm and on the time
between gossiping rounds. The final scope of the
algorithm can be information dissemination, simple
overall computations (e.g. averaging) or locally
computations of separable functions (e.g. load
balancing). According to the timing of the message
transmissions, a gossip algorithm can be either
synchronous or asynchronous. Furthermore, the
direction of information transmitted is an important
parameter of a gossip algorithm. When gossip
initiator nodes are asking for information from their
partners, we have pulling type of gossiping, while
the action of pushing new information to their
partners, means pushing type of gossiping. There is
also a mixed type of gossiping, which is names as
push-pull, when gossiping nodes inform each other.
The research so far presents best convergence for
push-pull gossiping type.
According to the convergence criterion there are
two different types of gossip algorithms (Renesse,
2008), (Jelasity,2007) : anti-entropy and rumor-
mongering. Anti-entropy gossiping includes
information propagation until it is replaced by newer
information, while rumor-mongering means that
new information is spread until there is high
probability that all the nodes have received the
information. The information spreading with rumor-
mongering can be stopped by when the receiver is
aware that rumor has spread sufficiently
Gossip algorithms gather a variety of
characteristics, which make them ideal for
distributed applications in a changing environment
like a power system.
Gossip algorithms are by default implemented
distributed and there is no need for central
coordination. They do not rely on a static network
topology and are resistant to communication
failures. They are fast and scalable to large systems.
We provide a short description of some of the
related applications. We describe a group of power
grid problems or generally sensor network problems
solved by gossip algorithms.
3.1 Peer-to-Peer Architectures
In (Beitollahi, 2007) authors describe four peer-to-
peer architectures and evaluate them according to
their ability to deploy an overlay network over nodes
of the power grid. As nodes we can see physical part
of the grid, such as circuit breakers or transformers,
or agents representing distributed generators and
loads. Some of the proposed architectures and
routing algorithms are proved to meet better the
needs of modern power grids, to fulfil basic
operations like demand and production matching,
intelligent load shedding, secondary and tertiary
3.2 Decentralized Aggregation
3.2.1 Accelerated Gossip Algorithms for
Distributed Computing
In (Cao, 2006) authors propose an accelerated gossip
algorithm with application in averaging
measurements of sensor networks. The need of
acceleration in gossip algorithms for sensor
networks proves their importance.
The core of the algorithm is based on the idea
that each sensor has at its disposal local memory
(e.g. a register), where the sensor stores the current
and previous measurements. The content of the
message transmitted in every round of the gossiping
is deployed by a mixture of these stored values. The
accelerated gossip algorithm offers a tenfold
convergence rate by decreasing only the local
computations, and performs quite well when applied
to overlay networks of more than 20.000 nodes.
3.2.2 Randomized Gossip Algorithms
In (Boyd, 2006) authors have designed a gossip
algorithm suitable for averaging and for
decentralized optimization in an arbitrarily
connected network. We can see the results both of
the synchronous and the asynchronous
implementation of the algorithm. The asynchronous
model of gossiping shows better convergence speed.
We can find a description of a fast aggregation
algorithm for wireless sensor networks, modelled as
Geometric Random Graphs.
3.2.3 Geographic Gossip
In (Dimakis, 2008) authors propose a gossip
algorithm, which exploits the geographic
information contained in nodes. The application
evaluated is on data aggregation of sensor networks.
The algorithm differs from random gossiping in the
way of determination of gossiping peer. The initiator
of gossiping searches the candidate partner having
knowledge of the geographic properties of its
3.3 Control of Microgrids
In (Brabandere, 2007) authors implement a set of
distributed control algorithms based on gossiping.
The nodes participating in gossip are distributed
energy resources of a microgrid and the final scopes
of gossip algorithms include the voltage/frequency
control to ensure stable operation, power generation
following local load deviations and the economic
optimization of power production based on a totally
distributed matching. The results show a very
encouraging view of the capabilities of gossip
algorithms as decentralized computational entities
serving the need of modern power systems.
3.3.1 Control of Microsource Generation
Electric generation within a microgrid can consist of
different renewable and conventional fuel
technologies. The selection of operating period and
power level of generators is quite complicated and
depends on cost of fuel, cost of deferral of electric
power, and impact of emissions and differs on
respect with the most important goal of the
microgrid (e.g. energy saving, load-generation
balancing). Modern power systems encompass
dispersed generators with different technical
limitations and interests. The control of this diverse
portfolio matches well to gossip algorithms as the
core of distributed computation.
3.3.2 Domestic Loads Control
Controllable domestic loads can participate in the
optimization process followed by the microgrid.
They can form a group of loads, which can follow a
specified schedule. However, in future power grids
controllable domestic loads should be able of
participating themselves in a more dynamic way in
the energy market.
3.3.3 Load Shifting and Shedding
The microgrid undertakes the load and generation
balancing employing different policies. The control
of generation is a choice already described. Apart
from that, microgrid should find smarter ways to
avoid a black-out during peak hours. Shedding of
loads could be an option, while an elegant way
would be to utilize energy storage or renewables
with pump-storage facilities so as to store energy
during value periods, when conventional generation
is inexpensive and when there is excess of
renewable energy production. The scheduling and
coordination of these complex operations could be a
very interesting field of application of gossiping. A
mesh network could be constructed, containing a
group of nodes (e.g. generators, loads, renewables,
storage facilities).
3.3.4 Ancillary Services
The other side of the microgrid should be selling
power to the main utility grid during overall peak
load period aiming to maximize its profit. Microgrid
could provide valuable ancillary services to the main
utility grid. However, providing these ancillary
services means that the microgrid as an entity has
established a fast and reliable communication with
the main grid, as well as that every node of the
microgrid itself communicates well with each other..
Microgrids may participate in deregulated energy
markets market as both suppliers, and customers of
electricity services, leading to global optimization of
exploitation of natural resources. The key of the
success of this operation is the deployment of
reliable distributed algorithms resistant to
communication failures, such as gossip algorithms.
A prerequisite of gossiping is the existence of mesh
networks. The main idea of introducing gossip
algorithms into power grids is to build mesh overlay
networks above the existing structures. The wide
spread of smart meters in low level voltage will
allow the structure of new mesh networks over
power grids. However, there is a need of careful
selection of the adopted communication
technologies. An improved selection could be the
exploitation of wireless low-range communication
technologies, such as Radio Frequencies or
WiMAX, to enable the construction of an overlay
mesh network.
According to Gupta and Kumar an ad-hoc
wireless network can be modeled by a Geometric
Random Graph. The wireless ad hoc network of
nodes is modeled with transmission radius. Nodes
are placed randomly on a grid and are connected
with other nodes in their neighborhood within their
transmission range. An example of such a graph is
shown in the following figure.
Figure 1: Geometric Random Graph.
The representation of power grid parts as nodes
of an overlay mesh network, transform it to smart
grid and enable the implementation of gossip
algorithms to improve performance. Gossip
algorithms should prove themselves as a powerful
distributed tool for information exchange and
decentralized computations in a dynamically
changing network relied on external changes (e.g.
increased load, environmental conditions, unit and
grid failures).
In the context of liberalised energy markets, modern
power grids should play an active role. Distributed
generation and renewable energy resources should
be integrated in a manner that does not harm the
stability and economic operation of the system. The
available options of maintaining the stability and the
cost effectiveness of modern power systems include
flexible management of controllable loads, the
curtailment or shifting of the production of
renewable resources, the use of energy storage
devices. The central control and coordination of
these operations does not always ensure the best
outcome, as it stresses the communication resources
and lacks on reliability due to communication
failures. The choice between the different available
solutions should economic notions, having in mind
the technical limitations. The application of gossip
algorithms on mesh networks, which have been built
over power systems, gives the wanted distributed
impetus and integrates a fairly new ICT
infrastructure with the domain of smart grids.
As a future work, we intend to make an evaluation
of different communication technologies for smart
meters and elaborate the results of implementation
of gossip algorithms over these communication
technologies. The simulation of communication is
intended to be held on Network Simulator 3. The
main problem is that the communication simulation
is based on discrete time events, which is in contrast
to the continuous character of the power grid
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