Sven Wenzel
, Christian Wessel
, Thorsten Humberg
and Jan J
Chair of Software Engineering, Technical University Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany
Fraunhofer ISST, 44227 Dortmund, Germany
Business Processes, Cloud Computing, Compliance, Risks.
Cloud computing is yet one of the leading developments and depicts the biggest progress in web technologies.
It offers a convenient way for using shared and easy accessible resources, in both a web-based and demand-
oriented sense. However, cloud computing brings concept-based risks, e.g. the risk of private data becoming
publicly available. Outsourcing of services into a cloud computing environment arises numerous compliance
and security-problems for the potential customer. Legal as well as business requirements have to be met after
migration to a cloud environment. Compliance to laws, industry-specific regulations and other rules have to
be kept. In this paper we present the research project SecureClouds and our ongoing research towards security
and compliance analysis of processes which are to be outsourced into the cloud. We further show a first
prototype of an analytic tool-environment that allows us to examine whether outsourcing of a business process
is possible while keeping all security and compliance requirements.
Cloud computing is currently one of the most rapid
growing trends and represents the technological de-
velopment on the web. Computational power, stor-
age space as well as other complex services are out-
sourced and made accessible through defined inter-
faces across the internet. The main advantage is that
users are only billed according to the actual usage
of the utilized service. Cloud computing hence pro-
vides comfortable, demand- and web-based access to
shared and freely available resources, which are in-
stantly and automatically made accessible (Mell and
Grance, 2009). This enables small- and medium-
sized enterprises to minimize costs by configuring
their IT infrastructure more efficiently due to a dy-
namic structure.
At the same time, cloud computing inherently
comes along with risks. For example, confidential
data could be made public or might be accessed by
employees of a cloud service provider. According
to different surveys, e.g. (BITKOM, 2009), these
risks lead to limited acceptance of cloud comput-
ing in business scenarios dealing with confidential
Parts of this work have been funded financially by
BMBF grant 01IS11008D (SecureClouds).
data. Especially small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) have their doubts regarding cloud computing,
although they perfectly fit into the target audience of
cloud computing services.
With the research project SecureClouds we fo-
cus on that target audience and support small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to securely utilize
cloud computing technology and thus gaining eco-
nomic advantages. Our idea is to deal with the risks
of cloud computing as early as possible, i.e. in the de-
cision phase whether processes should be outsourced
into a cloud environment or not. Therefore, we cur-
rently develop a threefold approach to investigate the
security and compliance requirements of such busi-
ness processes. During the decision phase we as-
sist SMEs with a risk analysis for their business pro-
cesses. The analysis reveals potential security risks
for the case that these processes are moved into the
cloud. In the implementation phase, we provide
compliance and security analysis for the processes,
which are partially or even completely executed in the
cloud. The analyses are thereby tool assisted. The
toolset contains different components: for risk anal-
ysis, for compliance analysis and for security anal-
ysis. The approach and the toolset are described in
what follows. They constitute the ongoing work of
Wenzel S., Wessel C., Humberg T. and Jürjens J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003979306750680
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CloudSecGov-2012), pages 675-680
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the BMBF-funded project SecureClouds, which also
includes the local security consultant admeritia and
the logistics SME LinogistiX. Parts of the approach
have already been implemented in prototypes. The
validation of the approach is planned to be performed
by the logistics service provider LinogistiX, who will
serve as test customer for outsourcing business pro-
cesses into the cloud.
The next section will give a brief overview over
cloud computing and compliance. Subsequently, we
present the three pillars of our approach: risk analy-
sis (Section 3), compliance analysis (Section 4), and
security analysis (Section 5). The prototype imple-
mentation of our approach in a toolset based on the
CARiSMA tool environment is shown in Section 6.
We briefly discuss related work in Section 7. Finally,
we conclude this paper and take a look on open re-
search topics in Section 8.
Before we introduce our approach on risk, compli-
ance and security analysis of processes that are to be
outsourced into a cloud, we first want to introduce
some terms.
2.1 Cloud Computing
The American National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) subdivides cloud computing into
three layers named service levels. In a bottom-up
manner these layers are Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS), which provides basic virtual hardware re-
sources such as virtual machines or networks, Plat-
form as a Service (PaaS), which acts as a middleware
such as a programming interface for distributed and
scalable software, and Software as a Service (SaaS)
representing the top-level layer that provides applica-
tions ready to use.
Depending on the chosen layer type, different se-
curity needs have to be considered. If an IaaS struc-
ture was chosen, only the bare virtual hardware is pro-
vided. Therefore all protection needed must be in-
stalled by the customer of the cloud service. With
PaaS it is necessary that the software developed on
top of it meets the security standards needed for the
business process. On the SaaS layer software must be
chosen, that comply with the security needs.
Furthermore a cloud belongs to one of four char-
acteristics defined as the deployment model, mean-
ing its accessibility or the intended user groups of
the cloud: Private clouds are only accessible for the
users of one specific company or organization. Com-
munity clouds are shared between several companies
or organizations which have common goals or secu-
rity requirements. Public clouds are public accessible
for a large range of users. Typically a cloud provider
chooses this deployment model to sell cloud services.
Hybrid clouds are composed of two or more clouds
of different deployment models. This model may be
used for load balancing e.g. if the resources of a pri-
vate cloud are insufficient in times with high peaks, a
public cloud can be hired for compensation.
Depending on the deployment model different se-
curity needs have to be considered. While private
clouds can be considered relatively secured against
attacks from outside they are exposed to internal at-
tackers. The security needs for community clouds
are a bit more complex, since there is more than one
party accessing the cloud. The weakest security level
is found within public clouds. Therefore a business
process outsourced to a public cloud must either be
non-critical or they deserve respective data protection.
Carrying sensitive data to or from a private cloud to
a public or community cloud as it happens in hybrid
clouds, has also to be realized in a secured manner.
2.2 Risks & Compliance
In our understanding risks are defined as the compo-
nents mentioned in the BSI basic protection catalog
(BSI, 2006); probability of occurrence and amount of
damage are seen as irrelevant. Risks are considered
to be more IT security related while compliance is de-
fined as the internal regulations and laws a company
have to comply with. Security risks, compliance and
security are tightly bound to each other, e.g. consider
an attacker that is able to gather personal data from
an unsecured server. Because of the security issue the
compliance requirement of personal data protection
cannot be held.
Risks. Here, a risk is defined as a IT security related
weakness in a cloud-based process. This may be an
unsecured communication channel between one host
of the cloud with another, insufficient rights manage-
ment on a specific host, or just the processing of con-
fidential data.
Compliance. A security analysis on the cloud com-
puting environment should be performed before a se-
curity requirement analysis is performed on the busi-
ness operation. This will yield the maximum number
of security requirements that can be met. The confor-
mance to compliance regulations should be audited on
three levels.
Process & Compliance Analysis. Documents from
which business processes can be derived should be
analyzed. Our approach, which is presented in what
follows, considers processes given in form of process
models (e.g. UML activity diagrams or BPMN mod-
els). The risk analysis works also on less structured
documents such as textual process descriptions.
Design Time Compliance. The implementation of a
business process has to comply with legal regulations
and company policies. The main focus here is the
cloud interface, the process steps within the cloud and
the data flows between the cloud and the user.
Runtime Compliance. It has to be ensured that
all compliance-relevant and critical processes (esp.
those outsourced into a cloud) are monitored and
logged. Such a monitoring can be performed by us-
ing business process mining and conformance check-
ing (W. van der Aalst et al., 2007). It is not further
considered in this paper.
The first pillar of our approach is a security risk analy-
sis of the business processes that are to be outsourced
into a cloud environment.
We have developed an algorithm that enables en-
terprises to check their business processes for activ-
ities that comprise security requirements. The algo-
rithm takes a business process as input. The entire
text of the model is extracted from all entities of the
model and is then imported in an internal data model.
The other input for the algorithm is a set of secu-
rity patterns, which are derived from the basic pro-
tection catalogs of the BSI (BSI, 2006). A security
pattern consist of three parts:
1. An unique Identifier, derived from the hierarchy
given by the catalogs.
2. The Title stating the content of the pattern.
3. The complete text itself, as given in the standard.
Using methods from the field of natural language pro-
cessing, the algorithm is able to compare the descrip-
tions of an activity to security patterns, thus identify-
ing relevant activities and patterns. Given a pair of
one activity and one pattern, the method proceeds in
three steps (cf. Algorithm 1):
First, all stop words are removed from the descrip-
tion text. Those words are a concept from the area of
language processing and form a set of words that do
not contribute to the meaning of a text. Typical ex-
amples are words like ”the”, ”that” or ”a” (Runeson
et al., 2007). As those are quite common in the texts
of the patterns as well as in the activity labels, these
would cause many irrelevant matches and are there-
fore excluded from further consideration.
Algorithm 1: Risk detection algorithm.
Input: Text T, composed of words
W = {w
}, Pattern P={p
,..., p
}, Set
S of stopwords
Result: Set M of security-relevant words in T
W =
w synonyms(w) /* extend */
= P/S /* patterns w/o stopwords */
M = W
/* matching words */
return M
The next step applies language tools to the de-
scription: For each word remaining after the removal
of the stop words, words with similar meanings are
added, to allow for a better comparison to the patterns.
Finally, the set of words of the description after
the synonyms were added is compared to the set of
words of the pattern. Those words that are elements
of both sets are detected, if the number of these words
exceeds a fixed threshold, the considered activity is
classified as security relevant. The classified activities
are currently listed in a report. Visualization such as
coloring the tasks in the BPMN diagram according to
the severity would be possible.
Once the decision is made and the business process
(or parts of it) is outsourced into the cloud, the process
often requires some adaption to the new environment.
I.e. tasks are distributed to different actors or ordering
is rearranged for a more smoothly execution.
The second pillar of our approach is a compliance
check that verifies whether the legal regulations (e.g.
binding of duty) are still kept. Therefore, we cur-
rently develop a catalog of compliance rules that can
be checked on a business process model.
Simple rules can easily be expressed as OCL con-
straints. An example is the binding of duty constraint,
which ensures that two tasks are performed by the
same actor (or entity):
context TaskSet inv: self.selectedTasks
forAll(x,y|x <> y implies x.performer
forAll(z|y.performer includes(z) ) )
In order to formulate such constraints, the meta model
of the business process model requires some exten-
sions. In case of the above-mentioned binding of duty,
we must be able to define the set of tasks that are
bound (i.e. TaskSet). We have developed an exten-
sion model for BPMN. It allows to define additional
information such as role bindings, tasks set, etc. and
can be weaved into an BPMN model.
More complex rules, especially those containing
flow characteristics such as ’Task A has to be per-
formed before Task B’, can hardly be expressed in
OCL. Therefore we propose to define process frag-
ments and rule sets that can be compared to the pro-
cess. A fragment is basically a snippet of a pro-
cess necessary to express a certain rule. The compli-
ance rules can be checked by analyzing whether the
structure of a given process fragment is contained in
the business process, similar to a graph isomorphism
check. However, it is not a real isomorphism since the
business processes may contain additional tasks and
the same process can be modeled in different ways.
For the first prototype of the compliance anal-
ysis, we have implemented the Minimum Require-
ments for Risk Management for Insurance Undertak-
ings (MaRisk VA) published by the German Federal
Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) with regards
to the Solvency II ordinance. They define for instance
that the executive board of an enterprise has to be
informed if significant problems are discovered dur-
ing an audit. We systematically collected the process
requirements defined in MaRisk and formulated nine
process fragments and 40 rules out of that.
Each check analyzes the existence of the signifi-
cant tasks of a process fragment in the business pro-
cess that is analyzed. The rules inspect certain proper-
ties such as existence of paths between certain tasks,
ordering of tasks, or boundary events. The mapping
between tasks of the process fragment and tasks of the
analyzed process is still a manual task. However, the
manual effort is reduced to locating certain tasks, the
analysis of the relationships and interactions can be
The third pillar of our approach is the automated
analysis of security properties. The goal is to inte-
grate process models and UML deployment diagrams
within the analysis process. This enables the security
analysis of the (physical) distribution of a process and
of the communication between different entities.
Deployment diagrams can be used to model the
cloud environment, i.e. the different virtual (and real)
machines, the provided services, and so on. There-
fore we currently develop a UML profile that pro-
vides stereotypes to classify the different components,
e.g. <<IaaS>>, <<PaaS>>, or <<public cloud>>.
Tagged values can be used to assign additional infor-
mation to the entities, such as geographical location
of a server. By combining the business process model
and the deployment model we are able to determine
which parts of the analyzed business process will be
Figure 1: Distribution of processes onto system nodes.
deployed into the cloud and how (i.e. which service
levels are used etc.). Therefore we need to map the el-
ements of the process model onto the elements of the
deployment model. The mapping can be performed
by the system designer. An example is illustrated in
Figure 1. The mapping allows us to classify parts of
the business processes into groups with different se-
curity needs, e.g. tasks processing confidential data
that are delegated to a service provider. According to
the security need, the different parts of the processes
can be proposed to the user for further inspection.
Besides that, it enables the automatic inspection
in form of model-based security analysis. An ex-
ample is the data protection prescribed by the Ger-
man data protection law, Bundesdatenschutzgesetz
(BDSG), §4b. It says that personal data must not
be stored or processed outside the European Union.
Hence, if a task processes personal data such as the
social security number, we have to ensure that the ma-
chine which hosts this tasks is located within the EU.
Given the integrated process and deployment model
such properties can be checked easily, because the
mapping between processes and deployments shows
us, which tasks are executed on which system node.
Another aspect of our approach is to inspect the
communication between the parts of the business pro-
cess. Especially the communication between parts
hosted in the cloud and the other are of interest. This
information can also be extracted from the deploy-
ment diagram. Using UML deployment diagrams has
the advantage that it can be annotated with UMLsec
urjens, 2005) stereotypes to emphasize security re-
lated connections. UMLsec is an extension for UML
that allows us to annotate models with security related
properties, e.g. a communication link between two
computers can be marked with <<encrypted>>, to
denote that the link if established has to be encrypted.
Another possible idea is to annotate the business pro-
cess model with security related information. This
way security checks can be accomplished directly on
the business process level and no mapping would be
necessary as a preliminary step.
Figure 2: The toolset user interface.
We have implemented the risk analysis and the com-
pliance checks as plugins for the CARiSMA frame-
. It is fully integrated into the Eclipse GUI (see
Figure 2). CARiSMA provides an analysis wizard (1)
for the definition of a model analysis. The user can
select the model(s) he wants to analyze and adjust pa-
rameters of the different checks (e.g. which ontolo-
gies to use). The analysis editor (2) allows the user to
modify the settings of existing analyses. The results
of an executed analysis are displayed in the analysis
results view (3). Different icons indicate whether a
model contains risks or compliance violations.
The back-end of CARiSMA is build on top of
the Eclipse Modeling Framework, which implements
the OMG Meta Object Facility (MOF) specification.
For UML models, the Eclipse UML2 implementa-
tion and the UMLsec profile (J
urjens, 2005) is used.
For BPMN models we use the Eclipse BPMN project
which we have extended by additional classes for in-
serting security related information such as role as-
signments (Michel, 2011).
The risk analysis and the compliance analysis
have been implemented as different plugins (i.e.
checks) for CARiSMA. The security analysis will be
implemented in the same manner. The risk analy-
sis contains of four major components: An extractor
extracts the vocabulary of a process model. A nor-
malizer cleans the extracted information and elimi-
nates the different flections of words. An expander
extends the normalized information, e.g. with syn-
onyms, based on powerful ontologies. The analyzer
searches for the different security and risk patterns in
the normalized and extended texts. It can use differ-
ent pattern repositories we have implemented such
as the BSI basic protection catalog (BSI, 2006) or
ISO 27000. Different normalizer implementations
can extract from different sources and decouple our
approach from certain modeling languages. For each
language a certain normalizer can be implemented.
Different expanders allow us to include certain on-
tologies to find synonyms etc. The current implemen-
tation uses standard language libraries such as Word-
. Custom security- and cloud-related ontologies
are currently developed.
The compliance analysis is basically realized as
a set of checks, each implementing a certain rule.
A general check using the OCL interpreter of the
Eclipse project, even enables the quick definition of
new constraints. So far UML activity diagrams and
BPMN models are supported. The compliance analy-
sis based on process fragments (i.e. the MaRisk rules
from Section 4) is currently limited to BPMN models.
The security analysis exists so far only on con-
ceptual level. However, since CARiSMA is the suc-
cessor of the UMLsec tool, a broad range of UML-
based security checks is available. The security anal-
ysis for UMLsec models can be easily adapted to
the cloud-specific analysis proposed in Section 5,
especially because basic functionality such as the
<<secure links>> check are already given.
Cloud computing is still on the peak of Gartner’s
technology hype cycle (Dixon and Jones, 2011). Es-
pecially the economic potential of cloud computing
for small and medium-sized enterprises has been dis-
cussed for quite a while now (BITKOM, 2009). How-
ever, if it comes to confidential information such as
enterprise data and other security-related issues, the
majority of SMEs is still doubting.
A project related to our approach and the project
SecureClouds is CloudCycle
. It focuses on cloud
providers and offers services that allow them to guar-
antee their customers that they are compliant with se-
curity policies and further regulations. The approach
of CloudCycle is a suitable complement for our ap-
proach. Once business processes are successful out-
sourced into the cloud their security and compliance
can be monitored.
Ontologies for cloud computing and cloud secu-
rity have been presented by (Gr
auler et al., 2011).
They analyzed the different sources of risks within
cloud computing environments and manifested them
in an ontology. Based on that ontology, they pro-
vide a database of cloud providers that allows users
to select a providers based on certain security proper-
ties. This is especially interesting for finding a suit-
able cloud provider after potential risks of a business
process have been revealed by our approach.
Further work on general IT risk analysis exists.
(Peschke et al., 2011) present the RiskFinder which
is a precursor of our risk analysis component. It
analyses UML models with respect to security rele-
vant vocabulary. Schneider et. al. propose a heuris-
tic search based on Bayesian filters (Schneider et al.,
2011). HeRA realizes a feedback-driven approach
for security analysis during requirements engineering
(Knauss et al., 2009). These approaches provide pow-
erful rules, however, they work only on single words
and do not consider language databases.
An approach to encode and check security re-
quirements in BPMN models has been presented in
(Wolter et al., 2008). However, these requirement fo-
cus only on closed systems and are not eligible for
open processes which are meant to be executed in
cloud environments. Security requirements on ser-
vice orchestration level have been discussed in (Men-
zel et al., 2009).
In this paper we have presented our research project
SecureClouds which develops an approach to as-
sist small and medium-sized enterprises for deciding
which of their business processes are eligible to be
outsourced into a cloud computing environment. The
approach is based on three pillars. Firstly, risk anal-
ysis is used to unfold potential risks of business pro-
cesses that are to be outsourced into a cloud environ-
ment. Secondly, compliance analysis allows the en-
terprises to check whether the processes are still com-
pliant after adapting them to cloud environments. Fi-
nally, a security analysis enables the validation of se-
curity properties of cloud-based business processes.
The approach is currently being implemented in a
toolset based on the CARiSMA analysis tool environ-
ment which is a framework to provide a broad collec-
tion of different model-based security analyses.
While the approach presented here only focuses
on the perspective of the users of cloud environments,
it would be interesting to inspect also the business
processes within the cloud provider’s domain. Fur-
thermore, the analysis of cloud environment them-
selves might be interesting for inspecting the influ-
ence of cloud architectures on security properties.
The approach presented here is still in an early
stage of development. It is the result of the first year
of the project SecureClouds. For the second year of
that project, we plan to deepen our research in differ-
ent ways. One major aspect will be the further devel-
opment of the ontologies that we use for risk analysis.
Additional compliance and security checks are also
planned to be implemented. Last but not least, the
most important step we achieve is the evaluation of
our approach in real case study in the logistics domain
together with the enterprise partners of the project.
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