Subgroup Discovery Applied to the e-Commerce Website
C. J. Carmona
, S. Ram
, F. Torres
, E. Bernal
, M. J. del Jesus
and S. Garc
Department of Computer Science, University of Jaen, Jaen, Spain
Department of Marketing, University of Jaen, Jaen, Spain
Department of Economics, University of Jaen, Jaen, Spain
Subgroup Discovery, NMEEF-SD, Web Usage Mining,
Subgroup discovery is a descriptive data mining technique whose main objective is the search for partial
relations with unusual statistical characteristics with respect to a property of interest. In this paper, we present
the application of a subgroup discovery technique in a users history data set associated to an e-commerce
website called which is related to sales of extra virgin olive oil and iberian products
from Spain. The unusual knowledge is extracted using NMEEF-SD algorithm which is one of the most
representative algorithm in this task throughout the literature. In order to apply this algorithm, information of
website such as browser, source, keywords and so on is extracted through Google Analytics toolkit. Results
obtained are discussed to provide advices and improve the design of the website.
Electronic commerce is the buying and selling of
products or services through electronic media, such as
Internet and other computer networks. Nowadays, the
amount of trade conducted electronically has grown
extraordinarily due to the Internet. A high variety of
commerce is made in this way (Soares et al., 2008),
stimulating the creation and use of innovations such
as electronic funds transfer, the supply chain manage-
ment, marketing on Internet, online transaction pro-
cessing, among others. Due to the concentration of
olive oil cooperatives in Andalusia (Spain) in the last
years, the literature proliferates on the export of olive
products (Moral-Pajares and Lanzas-Molina, 2009),
the use of e-commerce in the agricultural cooperatives
and the adoption of Information and Communication
Technologies as an essential toolkit in such export.
This necessity arises to propose methodologies for in-
telligent data analysis, to enable the extraction of use-
ful knowledge from the data. This is the concept of
the Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) (Han,
KDD in web mining was defined by Etzioni (Et-
zioni, 1996) as the use of data mining techniques to
discover and extract knowledge in a website automat-
ically, and by Cooley (Cooley et al., 1999) as the im-
portance to consider the behaviour and preferences of
the user. Web mining can be classified in three do-
mains with respect to the nature of data (Cooley et al.,
1997; Markov and Larose, 2007): web content min-
ing, web structure data and web usage mining.
In the specialized literature, we found recent ap-
plications and consolidated reviews on the use of data
mining in e-commerce. In (Schafer et al., 2001),
the authors discussed different models of e-commerce
recommendation and in (Hu and Liu, 2004) a method-
ology to extract information from customer question-
naires was provided. The extraction of predictive
knowledge is used to set personalized recommenda-
tions in web use (Zhang and Jiao, 2007) and associ-
ation rules are used for descriptive same task (Laz-
correta et al., 2008). Predictive and descriptive tasks
can hybridize to achieve the same purpose (Kim et al.,
2002) and the recommendation of time-varying prod-
ucts (Min and Han, 2005).
This paper is focused on web usage mining.
In this way an specific methodology for extract-
ing useful information from web usage data ac-
quired using Google Analytics toolkit in the website is applied: subgroup discovery
task (Kloesgen, 1996; Wrobel, 1997). The main ob-
jective of this task is to obtain unusual knowledge and
describe behaviour of different access to the website
for users in order to increment the number of visits
and orders in the website.
Carmona C., Ramírez-Gallego S., Torres F., Bernal E., J. del Jesus M. and García S..
Subgroup Discovery Applied to the e-Commerce Website
DOI: 10.5220/0003982302390244
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 239-244
ISBN: 978-989-8565-11-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Structure of this paper is organised as follows:
Section 2 presents the subgroup discovery data min-
ing technique, Section 3 presents the main infor-
mation about the e-commerce website in which is
based this paper “”, in Section
4 the complete experimental study is presented and
finally, Section 5 presents concluding remarks about
this study to the experts.
The concept of subgroup discovery was initially in-
troduced by Kloesgen (Kloesgen, 1996) and Wrobel
(Wrobel, 1997). It can be defined as (Wrobel, 2001):
“In subgroup discovery, we assume we are
given a so-called population of individuals
(objects, customer, ...) and a property of those
individuals we are interested in. The task
of subgroup discovery is then to discover the
subgroups of the population that are statisti-
cally “most interesting”, i.e., are as large as
possible and have the most unusual statistical
(distributional) characteristics with respect to
the property of interest.
Considering this definition, the main property of
this task is the search of partial relations where the
majority of examples for the property of interest (or
target variable) will be covered. In addition, the re-
lations must be interesting with an unusual behaviour
respect to the full data set.
In order to represent the knowledge, subgroup dis-
covery employs a rule (R) which consists of an in-
duced subgroup description. It can be formally de-
fined as:
R : Cond TargetVar
where TargetVar is a value for the variable of in-
terest (target variable) for the subgroup discovery
task (which also appears as Class in the literature),
and Cond is commonly a conjunction of features
(attribute-value pairs) which is able to describe an
unusual statistical distribution with respect to the
In Fig. 1 is represented a subgroup with two
values for the target variable (TargetVar = o and
TargetVar = x). In this representation a subgroup for
the first value of the target variable can be observed,
where the rule attempts to cover a high number of ob-
jects with a single function as for example a circle.
As can be observed the subgroup does not cover all
the examples for the target value o even the examples
covered are not positive in all the cases, but the func-
tion is uniform and simple.
Data set
Figure 1: Representation of a subgroup discovery rule with
respect to a value (o) of the target variable.
Throughout the literature have been presented a
wide number of algorithms in the subgroup discov-
ery task (Herrera et al., 2011), as for example propos-
als based on adaptations of classification algorithms,
based on association rules algorithms or evolution-
ary fuzzy systems for subgroup discovery. This pa-
per is focused in an evolutionary fuzzy systems called
NMEEF-SD algorithm (Carmona et al., 2010) which
is one of the most representative into subgroup dis-
covery task.
is a project born in the province of Ja
from Andalusia (Spain) in 2010. The main purpose is
to announce to the world the treasure of its land, the
extra virgin olive oil. This website is focused in the
olive oil produced in a particular territory of Ja
en: the
Sierra M
agina Natural Park. Sierra M
agina is a pro-
tected area of 50,000 acres of natural park, made up of
forested slopes, concealed valleys and rugged moun-
tain peaks. The highest peak, the M
agina Mountain
is the highest in the Ja
en province, standing at 2,167
OrOliveSur’s catalog presents a wide number of
extra virgin olive oils focused on the picual variety.
This is the most extended olive grove variety at the
world. In Spain it represents 50% of production. Most
of it is to be found in Andalusia, especially in the
province of Ja
en. Its olive is large-sized and elon-
gated in shape, with a peak at the end. The trees of
this variety are of an intense silvery colour, open and
structured. In addition, picual variety has excellent
organoleptic properties because in stability and oleic
acid obtains the best values with respect to other vari-
eties like arbequina or hojiblanca, among others.
It is interesting to remark that users can find
Figure 2: Homepage from the e-commerce website
an English ( and Spanish
( version. In Fig. 2 the
homepage of OrOliveSur is shown.
Along two years, OrOliveSur has received both
national and international orders from European
Union countries (Spain, Denmark, Germany, Great
Britain, France, etc.), and its visits and orders are in-
creased every day. The most important characteristic
is that OrOliveSur offers a complete catalog with a
lot of products and complete descriptions about these
ones. Moreover, the OrOliveSur website gives di-
rect sales and clients can pay with different types like
transfer bank, PayPal or credit card.
Applying subgroup discovery algorithms in this
data, the webmaster team can obtain information re-
lated to the main properties of user access with un-
usual behaviours with respect to a target variable such
as source or keyword access for example.
Non-dominated Multi-objective Evolutionary algo-
rithm for Extracting Fuzzy rules in Subgroup Discov-
ery (NMEEF-SD) (Carmona et al., 2010) is an evolu-
tionary fuzzy system (Herrera, 2008) whose objective
is to extract descriptive fuzzy and/or crisp rules for
the subgroup discovery task, depending on the type
of variables present in the problem. This algorithm in-
cludes some quality measures in order to obtain rules
with suitable values not only in the quality measures
used but also in the rest of the most used quality mea-
sures in subgroup discovery. The best way to obtain
solutions with a good compromise between several
quality measures for subgroup discovery is through
a MOEA approach. In this sense, NMEEF-SD has
a multi-objective approach based on NSGA-II (Deb
et al., 2002), a MOEA based on a non-dominated sort-
ing approach, and on the use of elitism. NMEEF-SD
is oriented towards the subgroup discovery task and
uses specific operators to promote the extraction of
simple, interpretable and high quality subgroup dis-
covery rules. The algorithm permits a number of qual-
ity measures to be used both for the selection and the
evaluation of rules within the evolutionary process
and it also allows the use of different representation
for rules (Carmona et al., 2009): canonical and DNF.
As the general objective of NMEEF-SD is to ob-
tain a set of general and accurate rules, the algo-
rithm includes components to enhance these charac-
teristics. In particular, diversity is enhanced in the
population using a new operator which performs a re-
initialisation based on coverage. In addition, the algo-
rithm can employ different niching techniques (Car-
mona et al., 2011a) as crowding distance, utility or
knee-angle measure for the selection of the rules. In
this study, a comparison among different measures
promoting the diversity of the population is presented,
in order to obtain the best compromise between the
objectives of the MOEA. On the other hand, to pro-
mote generalisation, as well as the objectives con-
sidered in the evolutionary approach, the algorithm
includes operators of biased initialisation and biased
mutation. Finally, to ensure accuracy, in addition to
the objectives, NMEEF-SD returns as its final solu-
tion those rules which reach a predetermined confi-
dence threshold.
NMEEF-SD has shown its quality in real-world
problems in different domains as education (Carmona
et al., 2011c) or medical (Carmona et al., 2011b).
The main purpose of the application of this algorithm
in this data set is focused on the study of design in
the e-commerce website of through
the obtention of unusual subgroups in a data set ob-
tained with the webmaster toolkit Google Analytics
from the period 1st January to 31st December for the
year 2011. Among data we collect information re-
lated to:
Browser name: IE, Firefox, Chrome, Android and
so on.
Keyword access: Olive oil, Iberian products,
Brand, Gift, Other or Nothing.
Visitor type: New or Returning.
New visits.
Source access: Direct, Mail, Search Engine, So-
cial Network and so on.
Page views.
Time on site.
Time per page (time/page).
Unique page views.
Due to fact that the NMEEF-SD algorithm needs
to select a target variable in order to obtain results, we
employ as target variable different features: Keyword,
Visitor type and Source, i.e. NMEEF-SD obtains dif-
ferent subgroups for each target variable selected with
the main objective for describing a complete set of
interesting relationships in data. With respect to the
parameters used by NMEEF-SD algorithm can be ob-
served in Table 1.
Table 1: Parameters used by NMEEF-SD algorithm.
Population size 50
Evaluations 10000
Crossover Probability 0.6
Mutation Probability 0.1
Minimum confidence 0.6
Rule representation Canonical
Linguistic labels 9
Objective 1 Sensitivity
Objective 2 Unusualness
The most relevant subgroups obtained for
NMEEF-SD algorithm with respect to the different
property values together values of quality measures
are shown in Table 2. This one describes rules
obtained and the quality measures of significance
(SIGN), unusualness (UNUS), sensitivity (SENS)
and fuzzy confidence (FCNF). A complete de-
scription of these quality measures can be found in
(Herrera et al., 2011).
As can be observed in results obtained by
NMEEF-SD, there are a huge number of rules with
high values in the majority of quality measures. Even
Table 2: Rules and results obtained by NMEEF-SD algorithm.
R1 IF source=E THEN keyword=olive oil 1949.707 0.117 0.999 0.483
R2 IF source=E THEN keyword=brand 1949.707 0.073 1.000 0.303
R3 IF time/page views=Low THEN keyword=nothing 3.920 0.001 0.999 0.448
R4 IF time=Low THEN keyword=nothing 11.175 0.005 0,982 0.486
R5 IF keyword=nothing AND page views=Very low AND unique
page views=Very low THEN source=R
2216.810 0.090 0.996 0.373
R6 IF keyword=nothing AND unique page views=Very low
THEN source=R
2265.863 0.089 0.999 0.368
R7 IF keyword=nothing AND page views=Very low AND
page/visits=Very low THEN source=R
2216.810 0.090 0.996 0.372
R8 IF keyword=nothing AND unique page views=Very low AND
unique page/visits=Very low THEN source=R
2265.863 0.089 0.999 0.368
R9 IF visitor-type=N AND unique page views=Low THEN
90.077 0.038 0.658 0.653
R10 IF browser=IE AND page views=Low THEN source=E 137.419 0.057 0.575 0.709
R11 IF new visits=0 THEN visitor type=R 2819.825 0.229 1.000 1.000
though some rules like R11 is obvious because if vis-
its are not news the consequence is because users are
returning. However, this rule provides information
about the good behaviour of the algorithm used.
It is interesting to remark that users that access di-
rectly to the website, i.e. without using any keywords
as rules R3 and R4 show in the results, remain in the
website during an acceptable time and time per page
views is interesting. In addition, R5, R6, R7 and R8
show that reference websites like directories or blogs
with external links to OrOliveSur are visits with low
number of page-views and unique-page-views. In this
way, webmaster must improve the description and im-
age of OrOliveSur in these reference websites because
it is probably that users does not find the information
Rule most interesting discovered by NMEEF-SD
is the use of the browser Internet Explorer for the ma-
jority users that visit OrOliveSur through search en-
gine as Google or Yahoo, for example. These users
visit between 1 and 100 pages in the website. In this
way, we recommend to the webmaster to analyse the
design of the website to test that is correctly shown
and designed in this browser in different versions.
In this paper, a study based on a subgroup discovery
technique in order to extract unusual knowledge in a
data set with information about users history associ-
ated to an e-commerce website is presented. These
data are collected from the e-commerce website OrO- which is related to the sell of extra virgin
olive oil and iberian products from Spain. The main
purpose is to discover interesting and unusualness in-
formation that allow to help to the webmaster team to
improve the design of the website. To do so, NMEEF-
SD algorithm is employed which is one of the most
representative throughout the related literature. This
real-world application is classified within web usage
In general, knowledge discovered is related to
the original point of user access where accesses per-
formed through keywords are more interesting than
by references websites. In this way, webmaster team
must improve the description and image of OrO-
liveSur in these reference websites because it is prob-
ably that users do not find the information hoped.
Finally, an important recommendation is per-
formed in order to analyse the design of the website
with the browser IE in different versions because the
majority visits are performed from this browser with
high values of page views.
This paper was supported by the Spanish Ministry
of Education, Social Policy and Sports under project
TIN-2008-06681-C06-02, FEDER Founds, by the
Andalusian Research Plan under project TIC-3928,
FEDER Founds, and by the University of Ja
en Re-
search Plan under proyect UJA2010/13/07 and Caja
Rural sponsorship.
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