upon, (Kimball, 1996), (Imon, 2002), (Mazón,
2006). To develop this DB, data models have been
shown, as in (Tryfona, 2003), (Torlone, 2003),
(Malinowski, 2004), (Luján-Mora, 2006),
(Gascueña, 2006). There are authors that propose
using transactional database models, as
(Malinowski, 2004), (Tryfona, 2003), however other
authors propose using specific models that treat the
semantic MM in a specific manner, as (Kimball,
1996), (Torlone, 2003), (Gascueña, 2008c). In recent
years, the importance given to MM models has
increased, and there are even some proposals that try
to represent spatial-temporal data behavior within
them, as in (Malinowski, 2005), (Parent, 2006),
(Gascueña, 2008a), (Bimonte, 2008). This leads us
to stress the value that the scientific community is
giving to MM models used in the development of
the DW or MMDB. Regarding the processing of
data, there are some works as in (Gascueña, 2008b),
where an analysis is performed, while separating the
concepts of basic data and derived data. They use
models to represent both data types, and they
propose an algorithm responsible for the automatic
gathering of the data derived from the DW. However
there are few proposals regarding the data
processing functionalities of DSS.
The CU is the most widely employed technique
to model Software systems functionalities. However,
these are almost always used in a particular way for
each system; they are "tailored" by the applications
that they model. We think it would be desirable to
propose CU "patterns" that could
be reused by most
systems that need the same functionalities. There are
some initiatives that tackle generalized problems,
such as in (Guttorm, 2005) who proposes using CU
to represent the supposed potential threats that a
system could face, modeling both the functionality
and threats of systems, They name these, cases of
bad use, misuse cases. In (Kantorowitz, 2003) a
framework is proposed, oriented on CU, to build,
automatically, graphical user interfaces (GUI). They
also attempt to reuse these CU in different
applications. In (Luján-Mora, 2006) the MM
semantics are specified using class diagrams and
they propose new artifacts aimed at collecting such
semantics. They include an example of how to
specify two data requirements by two CU. But the
proposed CU, are entirely dependent upon the
discussed requirements. In this paper we propose a
general reusable CU, a “pattern”, which may be
used as a guide in the development of DSS to the
end of modeling the data processing functionality.
We are framing this paper within the Software
Engineering into the Analysis Phase of software life
cycle. We will use data models and CU to propose a
guide for development of DSS; proposing, on one
hand, appropriate conceptual MM data models that
reflect the basic starting data required to develop a
DW. And on the other hand, we will use CU to
represent the functionality of any DSS, regarding
data processing, and that will allows us to obtain,
dynamically and automatically derived data. The
MM data models used in this study were shown in
(Gascueña, 2006) and completed in (Gascueña,
2008a). To obtain dynamically derived data, we
have used the algorithm presented in (Gascueña,
3.1 Data Models
In this section we offer a brief introduction of
conceptual MM model named FactEntity (FE), to
better understand our proposal.
The MM models should represent the data
focused to analysis at the earliest stages of the DSS
development. They try to represent a fact object of
study, from different perspectives or dimensions and
with different levels of detail or granularities. Levels
are obtained by grouping basic data from different
criteria. With different criterion are formed different
hierarchies. A hierarchy contains a set of levels
grouped according to a criterion. A dimension can
have multiple hierarchies. A fact consists of a set of
fact measurements.
The FE model distinguishes between basic data
(existing data) and data obtained by processing the
basic data according to the analysis criteria, also
called derived data. Facts and dimensions are
combined to obtain the named factEntities. The
factEntities can be basic and virtual. The Basic
factEntities BfE, are obtained through the
dimensional levels of minimum granularity (leaf
levels) and basic fact measures. The named Virtual
factEntities VfE, are obtained through the processing
of basic data. The rules by which each factEntity
contains a single level of each dimension and a set
of fact measures are complied with. Though
sometimes this set could be empty. In figure 1, we
see the constructors, elements, relationships and
functions used by the FE model, representing the
MM semantics.
Hierarchies are classified according to the
involvement their “path Rollup” (moving from a
lower to a higher level) has over fact measures. Next