Social Information Systems
The End of Shadow Applications?
Marc Quast
and Mark J. Handel
University of Grenoble, Campus C207, 220 Rue de la Chimie, 38400 Saint-Martin d’Hères, France
The Boeing Company, MC 7L-70, PO Box 3707, Seattle, WA 98124, U.S.A.
Keywords: Information Systems, Business Applications, Enterprise Architecture, Social Software Engineering.
Abstract: In large corporations, line-of-business organizations frequently introduce unofficial “shadow” applications
to work around the limitations of the established information system. This paper presents a software
architecture designed to alleviate this phenomenon, and reuses examples from a recent industry experience
report to demonstrate how shadow application proliferation could be avoided without sacrificing flexibility
and reactivity. We present the initial results of our prototype, and discuss the possibility of a social
information system designed to both reduce the present chaos and enable the cooperative design and
evolution of business applications.
Delivering the right information at the right time to
the right persons is one of the most important
requirements of today’s business world (Spahn and
Wulf, 2009). Nevertheless, corporate information
systems are a widespread source of frustration
(Newell et al., 2007). Business units do not accept
the poor service provided by their IT departments
and build up independent IT resources to suit their
specific or urgent requirements (Zarnekow et al.,
As a result, information systems of large
corporations are a web of numerous applications. At
the center we find a fairly small set of stable and
robust enterprise applications. These are surrounded
by a larger set of semi-official applications and a
very large number of unofficial applications. We
adopt the term of shadow application proposed by
Handel and Poltrock (2010) for the last two
categories, i.e. applications introduced by business
units to satisfy requirements not met by official
Though the benefit of “getting the job done” is
sufficient to justify, and indeed pay for, their
existence, shadow applications raise serious
problems: duplicated and inconsistent data is
commonplace, and having critical information and
functionality scattered, unreachable and managed
outside of standard IT processes is obviously not
what comes to mind when envisioning a well-
structured and robust information system.
Building upon our industry experience
, this
paper proposes a potential solution. After a short
definition of shadow applications, their main
characteristics and the causes of their emergence, we
propose an alternative architecture for business
applications which could prevent the systematic
recourse to shadow applications in their vicinity,
using two use cases from (Handel and Poltrock,
2010) to illustrate its effects. We present our
prototype implementation and our first results, and
discuss the possibility of a social information system
designed to both reduce the present chaos and enable
the cooperative design and evolution of business
Shadow applications are characterized by their
purpose. If application A exists to work around the
limitations of application B, or if A’s features belong
in B according to its users, A can be considered a
The authors have a cumulated experience of over thirty years in
the development and operation of business applications in
industrial environments
Quast M. and J. Handel M..
Social Information Systems - The End of Shadow Applications?.
DOI: 10.5220/0003985000050015
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 5-15
ISBN: 978-989-8565-10-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
shadow application. This partial definition illustrates
the subjective nature of the phenomenon.
Shadow applications are also characterized by
their ownership. If it is owned by the IT department,
it is an official application; otherwise it is a shadow
application. The important distinction is not so much
“IT or not IT” but “ownership by the actor
effectively using the application”. This allows the
owner to quickly adapt the tool without consulting
other parties or relying on the IT organization’s
priorities. It also provides him with full control over
the visibility of the data and access to features.
Individual spreadsheets meet this definition.
These are often used for simple data storage and
manipulation, as a substitute for more robust
business applications. This is a very common and
possibly dominant use case since their introduction
(Nardi and Miller, 1990), and Handel and Poltrock
(2010) qualify such spreadsheets as shadow
“Official” and “shadow” are relative concepts,
and apply recursively at various levels of an
organization. In other terms, multiple layers of
shadow applications exist, the final one being
personal applications.
Shadow applications are typically loosely
integrated with some official and other shadow
applications. However, manual synchronization is
not uncommon (Hordijk and Wieringa, 2010).
We define a shadow application as an application
works around another application’s limitations
is both functionally and technically owned by the
organization using it.
Shadow applications are usually considered a
“necessary evil” (Hordijk and Wieringa, 2010).
Organizations cannot work without them, but would
prefer to avoid the data duplication they imply as
well as the burden they represent in development
and maintenance costs.
The benefits of shadow applications must
outweigh the drawbacks; otherwise line-of-business
organizations would not develop, deploy, and
maintain them. We will refer to the main benefits of
shadow applications as perceived by their owners as
the “AVI capabilities.”
The owner has full Autonomy to implement new
The owner decides about Visibility of the
application to the larger organization.
The owner can Integrate (manually or
automatically) with other applications.
2.1 Examples of Shadow Applications
A recent experience report contributes observations
about shadow applications in a 10 year engineering
project (Handel and Poltrock, 2010). In this paper,
we will use fictional examples derived from the
information disclosed in this report.
“Luxury can report delays on process instances,
but not the reasons for these delays which are
managed by a shadow application.”
“Sometimes the tasks tracked by Luxury were
informally decomposed into subtasks; (…) Luxury
had no provisions for this kind of task
We make the assumption that Luxury tracks
requests, a common use case in engineering
environments. Figure 1 below shows a fictional
central database of an official application and two of
its shadow applications, managing delay analyses
and subtasks respectively.
Figure 1: Example of fictional official database and
associated shadow application data.
While spreadsheets are arguably the most
common form, shadow application architectures are
limited only by the owner’s resources, including
full-blown business applications and, more
fashionably, third-party applications in the “stealth
cloud”, i.e. cloud services being consumed by
business users without the knowledge, permission or
support of the IT department (Gotts, 2010.).
associated shadow applications
official application
id title state owner
123 assess technology T CLOSED Ruben 04.may 10.may
456 validate new supplier Z CLOSED Barney 27.aug 12.sep
789 align X with standard Y OPEN Johanna 10.oct
2.2 Causes of Shadow Application
Shadow applications emerge to work around the
shortcomings of official applications (Zarnekow et
al., 2006). Thus we need to understand the causes
for these problems.
Large organizations are not consistent and
orderly systems. Referring both to groups and
individuals, Kling (1991) describes working
relationships as “multivalent with and mix elements
of cooperation, conflict, conviviality, competition,
collaboration, control, coercion, coordination and
combat (the c-words)”. Requirements from different
stakeholders are thus often divergent or conflicting,
which explains why the difficulty of requirements
engineering increases exponentially with the number
and diversity of participants. Ackerman (2000)
indicates that when there are hidden or conflicting
goals, people will resist articulating these. Under
such circumstances, it is a challenge to converge on
a consistent set of requirements and deliver a
working application at all. But widespread
dissatisfaction with the result is almost guaranteed
by construction.
As an aggravating factor, corporations are not
static. They must adapt to changes in their
environment like new markets, technologies or
regulations. Though the aforementioned c-words
impact is often obvious at the time of application
introduction, the continuous evolution of business
requirements turns this into a subtle though
continuous problem. Any change in any
stakeholder’s universe can invalidate the initial
compromises and demand new rounds of discussion,
yielding further dissatisfaction.
Besides inter-organization conflicts, some c-
words foster shadow application emergence by
themselves. A successful shadow application and the
knowledge it captures is usually highly visible
within an organization, and its ownership provides
recognition (competition) and power (control,
There are other contributing factors. The
widespread practice of reducing IT costs lowers both
reactivity and quality of IT support, inciting business
units to help themselves (Hoyer and Stanoevska-
Slabena, 2008). Technical obsolescence, a
consequence of either respectable age or unfortunate
choice of foundation technologies, can make it
difficult to find the right skillset to implement
changes. This paper focuses on the following factors
leading to shadow application emergence.
Business unit considers it impossible to converge
on a single set of requirements fulfilling all
stakeholders’ requirements.
Business unit does not want to rely on slow or
expensive third parties.
Business unit considers it in its best interest to
produce a new system they own.
2.3 Preventing Shadow Application
Our opinion is that with present software
architectures, no matter how carefully official
applications are crafted, over time they will spawn
shadow applications whenever resourceful
communities have urgent unsatisfied needs.
Our hypothesis is that if an application provides
the AVI capabilities, the need for shadow
applications is greatly reduced. Today’s software
architectures cannot provide these capabilities
because the components of a business application
(such as data elements, workflows, or forms) are
shared among organizations. This sharing is both the
main reason why business applications exist and the
main reason for the emergence of their shadow
counterparts. We therefore propose an application
architecture with a fundamentally new and different
sharing principle.
In this section we attempt to express the AVI
capabilities as a set of requirements for an
application architecture, with the following
Actor designates an individual or a group of
individuals, for example the entire company, an
organization, department, project team, or
Elements are runtime application components,
like business entities (in our previous example a
Request”), workflows, forms, reports, or even
configuration entries. With this definition an
Application is a collection of related Elements.
3.1 Functional Requirements
Our first two requirements cover the most central
operations in shadow application development.
R1: Actors can extend existing Elements.
R2: Actors can add new Elements.
Example 1 below reuses an observation from
(Handel and Poltrock, 2010) to illustrate how an
application satisfying R1 and R2 could defuse the
need for shadow applications.
Example 1 – Luxury
The official application manages Request entities, with
among others attributes title, state and delay.
The “Quality” department needs to record the
reasons for delays when they occur. Using R2, they
introduce a new Element DelayAnalysis with attributes
like reasonForDelay and analyst and associations with
existing Element Request. Behind the scene, this
leverages R1 to extend the Request Element with the
reverse association delayAnalyses. This blends the new
Element and extensions with the original Luxury
entities thus enabling intuitive bi-directional
Other operations are adding missing attributes to
an existing business element or adding more detailed
states in an existing workflow. Example 1 highlights
a new problem: the extensions are of interest only to
a subset of the application’s users, and may be
confidential. To avoid cross-Actor pollution and
conflicts, both R1 and R2 imply that Actors are
isolated from each other by default, which yields the
requirement R3.
R3: Actors have private spaces.
Elements are hosted in such private spaces and are
by default not visible outside of them. We call these
spaces Perspectives. In a typical enterprise setting,
today’s official applications would be Perspectives
providing ‘scaffolding’ Elements, i.e. skeletons of
business entities and associated high-level rules and
functionality. Organizations at various levels would
have their own Perspectives, hosting the extensions
and additional Elements reflecting their concerns
and level of detail. Individuals could likewise
replace their spreadsheets with private extensions
and Elements hosted in a private Perspective.
However, completely isolated Perspectives would
defeat the purpose of enterprise applications, which
yields R4.
R4: Actors can share the Elements they own.
In the report, Luxury refers to both a business process and
the supporting official application(s). We only refer to the
latter here.
Perspectives can make selected Elements visible,
either to everybody (“public”) or to a restricted set
of Perspectives. We call this operation export.
Obviously the previously mentioned official
Perspectives would export their Elements to all
users. And business-unit-level Perspectives would
export their Elements to the relevant Actors. Even
individuals can share their Elements with others.
It is interesting to note here that this empowers
the entire employee base to contribute to the overall
information system, which we think provides
significant benefits we will discuss later in this
paper. The downside is that this could lead to
cacophony through an overwhelming amount of
available Elements, dictating R5.
R5: Actors can select relevant Elements.
Thus, a symmetrical import operation is
necessary. An Actor must be able to select among all
Elements available to him only the ones he considers
relevant. Instead of building his environment from
scratch an Actor would inherit the Elements from
the groups he belongs to, but must be able to
unimport these if not relevant for him. Example 2
below, again from Handel and Poltrock (2010),
illustrates how R1-R5 could have avoided another
real-life shadow application.
Example 2 – Fallen
“Official application Fallen had produced a shadow
application which added translations into Japanese
next to English data fields.”
Extending existing entities with additional
attributes is a typical use case of R1. Such extensions
would be owned by the Japanese branch of the
company, and hosted on their servers in a Perspective
(R3) we can call
Employees of the Japanese branch would inherit
these extensions, and some groups or Japanese
employees could even choose to unimport the initial
English attributes (R5). The extensions could be
exported to other Japanese-spoken employees in other
regions (R4).
Our previous use of the term Application
encompassed a broad spectrum, from full-blown
enterprise systems to private spreadsheets. Likewise,
for Perspectives we envision a broad range from big
Perspectives hosting self-sufficient third-party
applications to tiny individual Perspectives with just
a few extensions replacing spreadsheets. Some
Perspectives may just factorize the optimal list of
import and unimport declarations for a given
organization or community.
3.2 Usability Requirements
A significant percentage of today’s shadow
applications are created by people without software
engineering skills using office software like
spreadsheets (Nardi and Miller, 1990). This
observation makes usability a key requirement.
R6: No programming is required for R1-R5.
The last item may sound like reviving the dream
of software without programmers. However, the
data-centric nature of business applications makes it
much less difficult for end-users to participate than
more feature-centric software; significant
contributions of entities, attributes, simple formulas
and associations can be made through a forms-based
interface, especially in the presence of example
instances (Markl, Altinel, Simmen and Singh, 2008).
Contributions are not limited to what can be done
by end-users through forms. A language-based
representation of perspectives and elements is still
necessary for professional software developers.
Even for business units, contractors and interns have
always been a means to get access to development
skills beyond their internal competence to
implement complex shadow applications. In a
perspective-centric architecture, such expert
contributions would still be possible, with the
benefit of being better integrated with the rest of the
information system.
Figure 2 below shows the high-level meta-model of
our proposal. It is centered on a classical enterprise
directory component with Users and Groups.
Perspectives are hosted by Repositories.
Perspectives can define Fragments, which can be
either self-sufficient (R2) or extensions of a
Fragment from another Perspective (R1).
Repositories can live on different servers.
At runtime, a User opens a Session, which
determines a set of Perspectives – owned by the
User or inherited from the Groups he is member of.
This in turn determines a set of Fragments, which
can be woven into Elements. The Session becomes
the Application, tailored to the connected user’s
profile. We call this a virtual private application,
private because it reflects the user’s unique
combination of elements, virtual because it does not
exist outside of the session.
Figure 2: Meta-model of Perspective-centric architecture.
In a perspective-centric architecture, applications
are thus dynamically composed at runtime. Today,
commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) applications need
to suit the requirements of a variety of customers
and provide some degree of flexibility through
configuration and customization mechanisms
(Brehm, Heinzl, and Markus, 2001). We consider
our proposal a generalization of these mechanisms
found in application platforms like issue-tracking,
PLM and ERP systems.
We have designed and implemented a first prototype
of a perspective-centric system. Considering the
complexity of the general case of extensible
Elements, our prototype mainly focuses on data, i.e.
business entities.
5.1 End-user Experience
Our main objective was to verify that the dynamic,
perspective-centric nature of the system could be
made transparent to end-users during normal use.
The screenshots below show two different users
connected to a Luxury-like application, both
displaying a request object. The first user belongs to
the quality group and thus sees DelayAnalysis
objects, the second user is from the planning group
and sees SubTask objects.
It is important to stress the additive nature of the
system, as opposed to subtractive, i.e. filtering. In a
filtering approach, somewhere an Element would
exist with all attributes, which get filtered out
depending on the users’ profile. In our approach,
Fragments exist in various places and get pulled
together by the Session. The main visible difference
with a regular system is the presence of edit buttons,
which allow inspection and tailoring of the
connected user’s model as illustrated in the next
User Group
Session Element
active elements
<< server-side, persistent >>
<< server-side, persistent >>
<< client-side, transient >>
screenshot, which shows (1) the possibility to import
another Entity “Customer”, and (2) that Element
“Request” is a composition of Fragments from three
different perspectives.
Figure 3: Two different users during normal use.
Figure 4: A user inspecting his model.
An ideal interface should have the intuitiveness
of a spreadsheet, where filling an empty “header”
cell transparently creates an extension with the new
attribute, with default type and visibility. We believe
the presence of actual records makes such example-
centric modeling possible.
5.2 Architecture
It may appear natural to host extensions on the same
server as their root Elements. However, to fully meet
R1 and R2 any Actor must be able to provide his
own storage and computing resources for extensions.
Otherwise, although independent in functional
terms, he is dependent from a physical resource
point of view. This constraint dictates a distributed
architecture, where Perspectives can be hosted on
distinct servers and are pulled together at runtime by
a client session.
It is important to guarantee that official systems
cannot be disrupted or slowed down by extensions
hosted on unreliable servers. No organization would
accept an architecture with the potential for any
unfortunate experiment by an employee to degrade
access to central services. This constraint dictates
asynchronous communication between components,
allowing results from a high-reliability official
system to be displayed without waiting for the
extension results which may arrive later or never.
The prototype implementation is broken down in
the following components.
A central directory component, which in a real
setting is the enterprise directory server where users
and groups would just need to be annotated with
references (URLs) to their associated perspectives.
Repository components, which host Perspectives
with entity definitions, extensions and associated
instances, persisted in a database and exposed
through web services.
On the client-side, the client session component
communicates with previous components to build a
data model at runtime, and a dynamic user interface
builds simple forms by inspecting this model.
Figure 5 below illustrates the main interactions
between the components, at initialization-time and
during regular use.
Figure 5: Architecture of the prototype.
In step (1), the client authenticates the user and
gets as a reply the full graph of his groups and
perspectives. The client then (2) requests all
perspectives and the associated Fragment
declarations from the various repositories involved.
Receiving a Fragment triggers the (3) weaving
dynamic ui
client session
2 2
4 4
mechanism which composes Elements. Usage is
then similar to any distributed system, i.e. accessing
an object triggers several requests (4).
The communication between components is
standard REST over HTTP. The protocol has been
kept simple in order to enable integration of legacy
systems in a perspective-centric landscape through
the development of wrappers.
5.3 Limitation
The main conceptual limitation of our first prototype
is the focus on data only. Considering the centrality
of data in business applications, we think that the
results presented in the next section still represent a
significant contribution.
From a technical point of view, the prototype has
demonstrated the feasibility of asynchronous
runtime composition of a data model, the
transparency for end-users during normal use, and
end-user update of the data model in their own
As first proof-of-concept, we have instantiated
the prototype with a project tracking use case and a
configuration of 3 groups and 5 individuals with
different perspectives. The prototype has been able
to compose the individual models on the fly, proving
the validity of the concepts of Perspective and
We have presented this prototype to 8
information system professionals from 6 different
industrial and educational organizations. All of them
have over 20 years of experience and have witnessed
the emergence of numerous shadow applications.
Though they did raise some concerns, covered in the
discussion section of this paper, their reactions to the
proposal varied from fairly positive to enthusiastic. 4
out of 8 subjects have volunteered for evaluating the
prototype with real application data.
As a second proof-of-concept, we have
instantiated the prototype with the Luxury-like use-
case presented in previous sections of this paper.
The “Luxury” perspective and its associated
“quality” and “operations” perspectives have
allowed a unified representation of the three points
of view. We were able to walk through use cases of
both the Luxury and Fallen shadow applications, and
show that technically they would have been avoided
with a mature perspective-centric implementation.
The highly dynamic nature of the proposal
initially made all interviewed professionals
uncomfortable, illustrating the fairly conservative
attitude they adopt regarding the architecture of
business applications, particularly the data layer.
One manager has expressed a desire to restrict the
perspective-centric nature of an application to the
initial phases of its life, and to “freeze” the model
once it has been collaboratively built and validated.
This directly contradicted his earlier statements of
continuously evolving and conflicting requirements,
which he acknowledged. Experimentation with
industry datasets is now required to validate our
initial results.
Perspectives represent different, finer and more
connected information system grains than
applications. We think they allow an information
system to evolve organically in a unified and more
controlled way than today’s proliferation of shadow
applications, without sacrificing the business units’
ownership of their specific application elements. The
reactivity and autonomy their mission demands is
thus preserved.
7.1 Towards Social Information
A perspective-centric application architecture
represents a major shift of responsibilities from IT
departments towards the community of users, not
unlike the freedom spreadsheets have provided
(Nardi and Miller, 1990). An IT department’s main
responsibility would be to provide the platform on
which anyone (the IT department itself, but also
business organizations and individual employees)
could contribute elements in their area of expertise.
We think this could leverage the collective
intelligence (Surowiecki, 2004) and energy of
employees to collaboratively build and maintain the
corporate information system, in a form of internal
Considering today’s mostly feudal management
of information systems, this is a fairly disruptive
proposal. Indeed, during our interviews most
subjects have raised the concern that it could result
in chaos. This concern typically takes the official
applications as a reference, while in our opinion it
only represents the tip of the information system
iceberg. When including all shadow applications in
the picture, information systems today can already
not guarantee the overall consistency, and rely upon
humans to keep the whole together. However, as one
architect interviewed observed, the chaos is often
feared to be in core business attributes. But these are
often the best-understood and least controversial of
the data elements; uncertainty is greatest on the
highly domain-specific attributes. By properly
segregating these into the correct perspectives,
overall uncertainty may actually be reduced.
Collecting all shadow application data in a
unified infrastructure may seem to aggravate
inconsistency, but in reality it just reveals the present
state. We think a unified infrastructure would
provide additional leverage to the previously
mentioned human factor in at least two ways.
In the consumer-space, “social” mechanisms like
tagging, rating, voting, and targeted sharing have
proven effective in organizing huge repositories of
consumer-contributed data (Surowiecki, 2008). In a
business environment, users could organize
application elements through similar mechanisms.
We think dealing with authenticated professionals is
an even more beneficial setting than the consumer
space for social technologies to apply, and envision
social information systems where elements are
contributed from the bottom up, shared with other
Actors, ranked and improved through social
feedback mechanisms and eventually gradually
“promoted” to more central perspectives.
This could result in the democratic (or
meritocratic) evolution of a corporation’s
application landscape, a generalization of today’s
frequently requested transfer of shadow applications
from business units to IT departments (Handel and
Poltrock, 2010).
As opposed to today’s situation where shadow
applications are mostly disconnected from their
parent applications and extremely heterogeneous in
their implementation, a unified architecture would
make the continuous evolution and divergence
observable. Indicators could be envisioned (number
of extensions, number of unimports…) and
dashboards built to monitor application evolution.
Pattern-matching techniques could be used to
automatically detect convergence opportunities
(Ahmadi, Jazayeri, Lelli and Nesic, 2008;
Sabatzadeh, Finkelstein and Goedicke, 2010) and
notify the owners of the candidate elements,
fostering convergence discussions.
7.2 Impact on Collaboration
Although the goal of the proposed architecture is to
make evolution a continuous process, introduction of
significant chunks still require traditional projects.
From a functional point of view, the painful and
hazardous process of elaborating the union of
divergent requirements could be replaced by the
identification of the intersection, containing only the
elements all stakeholders agree on, and then spawn
smaller groups to discuss the next level of detail,
thus reducing the risk of conflict and communication
overhead. We think Perspectives would thus contain
the various layers of boundary objects (Star, 1990)
around which people collaborate.
From a technical point of view, private spaces
could help in integrating running development
projects with live production environments,
facilitating continuous integration and delivery
(Fowler, 2010a). Boundaries between mockup,
prototype, beta and production environments could
be smoothened and concurrent development made
easier, as well as quick experimentation encouraged.
7.3 Evaluation in the Real World
One of the challenges of this work is to find suitable
ways to evaluate the underlying concepts of social
information systems. A standard approach would be
to deploy this with a small group of users, and study
its usage. However, if it were deployed in this
fashion, it would become just one more shadow
application, and many of the benefits of a
perspective-centric system would be lost. On the
other hand, this approach is new and unfamiliar
enough to both potential users and IT organizations
that a major implementation would be difficult to
accomplish. As illustrated by the aforementioned
discomfort of the IT professionals, this requires a
significant shift in thinking by IT and line-of-
business managers about how crucial data is stored
and managed. A successful perspective-centric
system requires not only technological
sophistication, but also a degree of organizational
change that is not always present (the “c-words”).
7.4 Challenges and Further Work
A real deployment of such a social architecture
would almost certainly exhibit a high degree of
coupling of its elements, making the system
vulnerable to the evolution of central elements.
However, since all dependencies are explicit,
evolution policies could be defined. For example, if
a high-level perspective deletes an element, it could
be marked as orphan and be proposed to adoption to
owners of perspectives which import or extend it.
We think a significant number of common
business application features can be implemented in
a generic way in the form of functional aspects
(Filman, Elrad, Clarke and Akşit, 2008) to be
applied by an end-user while building his model. For
example, if a particular attribute demands
traceability this could be a single checkbox on the
model’s form, a simple boolean annotation on the
model itself, and could tell a repository to produce
history records with timestamp, user, and previous
value. We are working on more complex aspects like
lifecycle management and authorization.
The manipulation of model and instances
through the same interface presents both the
opportunity to leverage contributions from people
without modeling skills and the risk to confuse them.
Beyond the prototype’s naïve forms for model
manipulation, we consider usability for contributors
with a broad spectrum of software skills a challenge.
For contributors with software engineering skills, the
development of robust application code on top of a
dynamic foundation is not trivial, and needs
appropriate programming language bindings.
Other challenges are not new but rather inherited
from the present situation. As an example, a user
could define an extension concatenating two
attributes, and export this extension to colleagues
who do not have permission to see the initial data.
This is similar to what happens when people extract
confidential data in today’s shadow applications,
breaking the initial authorization mechanism. A
perspective-centric system would actually improve
on this situation; by having a complete view of all
the attributes, a system would be able to detect and
warn about possible permission violations.
At a higher level, perspective-centric
architectures present a number of interesting
challenges, like monitoring and convergence
mechanisms, and adapting the consumer-space
social recommendation mechanisms to application
elements in a business environment.
We consider the work presented in this paper a novel
combination of existing approaches. Shadow
applications are a widely known but widely accepted
problem. They are frequently mentioned when
studying information system agility (Desouza, 2007)
or dissatisfaction with business applications (Hoyer
and Stanoevska-Slabena, 2008), but not always
considered as a problem (Handel and Poltrock,
Situational applications are enterprise
applications built on-the-fly by business units to
solve a specific business problem (Markl et al.,
2008), and can be considered a superset of shadow
applications. Situational applications have attracted
recent interest from enterprise mashup researchers
(Hoyer and Fischer, 2008) who aim at allowing end
users to integrate and combine services, data and
other content (Bitzer and Schumann, 2009) to bridge
the IT/business gap. Mashups can be interpreted as
an evolution of service-oriented architectures (Watt,
2007), which expose business functionality as
standard and composable services.
Mashups are part of the broader topic of end-user
development (Nestler, 2008); (Sutcliffe, 2005),
which advocates the empowerment of end-users to
implement their own specific requirements, and has
intensively studied spreadsheets (Nardi and Miller,
1990); (Spahn and Wulf, 2009) and more recently
collaborative and social aspects in enterprise settings
(Ahmadi et al., 2009).
Model-Driven Engineering (Schmidt, 2006)
elevates the level of abstraction at which software is
developed, turning models into central and
productive artifacts, with a specific models@runtime
branch focusing on model interpretation. The
Software Language Engineering (Kleppe, 2008) and
Domain-Specific Languages (Fowler, 2010a)
domains, related to MDE by the heavy reliance on
meta-models, focus on domain expert involvement
in software development and configuration through
specific textual representations.
The Component-Based Software Engineering
(McIlroy, 1968) community is actively researching
robust dynamic systems, where components can
appear and disappear during execution. It provides
foundation concepts and technologies for making a
social application cope with dynamic elements and
services of variable reliability.
Linked Data (Bizer, Heath, and Berners-Lee,
2009) integrates distributed, loosely coupled and
independently managed repositories of persistent
entities, but targets an internet-wide database and
mostly-read access.
Social Software Engineering focuses on the
understanding of the human and social aspects of
software engineering. It covers both the social
aspects in the software engineering process and the
engineering of social software (Ahmadi et al., 2008).
In the Requirements Engineering domain, Lohmann
et al. (2009) propose to apply social mechanisms
like voting and commenting. Studies on ViewPoints
(Sabetzadeh et al., 2010) have focused on capturing
divergent concerns but aim at reconciling these at
the specification and design level.
The tailoring of enterprise systems, from simple
configuration to the modification of commercial
code, is a topic of sufficient complexity for (Brehm
et al., 2001) to propose a typology. Recent interest in
cloud computing has yielded research in multi-
tenancy (Jansen et al., 2010), a way to configure the
same software installation for various isolated
In this paper we have presented an alternative
architecture for business applications designed to
reduce shadow application proliferation. We have
described the main characteristics of shadow
applications, the causes of their emergence, and have
proposed an architecture principle to defuse this
phenomenon based on an isolation mechanism we
call perspectives. We have presented our prototype,
our first results on real-life use cases and the
encouraging feedback it has received.
We have discussed our broader vision of a social
information system leveraging the collective
intelligence of an organization’s employees, and the
possibility of democratic evolution through the use
of social mechanisms.
We have no silver bullet claim, rather a
potentially interesting paradigm worth exploring.
We have no revolution claim either, merely an
original combination of existing approaches and a
generalization of business application configuration
mechanisms. This is enabled by continuously
growing processing power versus fairly stable core
requirements of business applications, a better
understanding of distributed systems, and recent
social technologies.
This work has been funded by Nano-2012 grant
MoDeSI. The authors would like to thank the
participating interviewees for their time and helpful
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