Figure 6: Functional Model of the hydraulic system.
The example studied shows that the TOM4D struc-
tural model plays the same role as the declaration of
generic component instances, the connection equa-
tions and the activities declaration in PEPA formal-
The functional TOM4D models play the same role
as the so called ”behavioral” model of components in
Reiter’s theory. There is no equivalent in PEPA be-
cause the process algebras are centered with the de-
scription of the behavioral properties of the connected
components. In this perspective, the value of a vari-
able at a particular time depends on the different ac-
tivities at work in the process. Consequently, the FM
cannot be modelled in the modeling process.
Process algebras define the set of states through
a set of symbols corresponding to an expert’s lan-
guage items, contrary to TOM4D where the states
are anonymous: their meanings are provided with the
value of the whole set of variables used when the sys-
tem enters a state. The set of PEPA actions plays the
same role as the set of timed observation classes and
the behavior definition is similar to the set of transi-
tion relations of the TOM4D behavioral models. Such
a behavioral model is not covered by Reiter’s theory.
In other words, a diagnosis model built according to
Reiter’s theory is formulated with a structural model
and a functional model in the TOM4D meaning. A di-
agnosis model built according to PEPA is formulated
with a structural model and a behavioral model.
On the other hand, the TOM4D methodology
obliges the experts to define the way they ”see” the
system in order to model in terms of perception.
There is no equivalent in PEPA because it consid-
ers the diagnosis model as a consequence of both the
system structure and the behavior of its components.
This was one of the reason for proposing TOM4D.
An important property of the TOM4D methodol-
ogy is the use of T.O.S. T.O.S. facilitates the introduc-
tion of a physical interpretation to model behaviors
having a physical meaning.
From the technical viewpoint, the PEPA model is
more compact than TOM4D models. A compact rep-
resentation is an advantage for the modeler since the
lower the number of symbols there are to be defined,
the better the model will be.
One the advantages of TOM4D is precisely that
its makes explicit the different relations between the
terms used by an expert to formulate their knowledge
(variable, value, state transition condition, etc). In
other words, TOM4D obliges experts to clarify their
knowledge when analyzing the system to be modeled
according to four points of view: perception, struc-
ture, function and behavior. From this standpoint,
the graphical representations of TOM4D models are
clearly an advantage for interpreting and validating
Finally, TOM4D methodology provides concepts
and tools to help the modeler to define the correct
level of abstraction for efficient diagnosis. The ex-
periments we performed with TOM4D methodology
show that this level of abstraction corresponds to that
used by an expert to formulate their knowledge of di-
agnoses applied to dynamic systems.
We are now investigating these approaches to
characterize the properties of their diagnosis algo-
rithms (computational and pertinence properties).
The authors would like to thank the PACA region and
FEDER for their funding.
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