Stakeholders Analysis for Utility Relocation in Construction Project
Ying-Mei Cheng and Chi-Hsien Hou
Department of Civil Engineering and Hazard Mitigation Design, China University of Technology,
56 Hsing-Lung Road, Section 3, Taipei, 116, Taiwan
Keywords: Stakeholders, K-prototypes, Utility Relocation.
Abstract: Communication is a complicated task while executing utility relocation projects in developed city. The main
reason behind this is the number of stakeholders involved. This research tries to identify and classify the
stakeholders during the utility relocation projects through interviews with the experts, questionnaire and
clustering approach. First, 25 stakeholders and the 6 attributes, Power, Profit, Influence, Impact,
Legitimacy, and Urgency are identified from interviews with the experienced engineers. The questionnaire
is then developed based on the 6 attributes. The k-prototypes approach is adopted to analyze the results of
the questionnaires and classify these stakeholders. The project managers can customize their communication
techniques or choose suitable timing to involve the stakeholders with similar characteristics for each group
in order to promote communication efficiency, and reach the anticipated objective.
Many researches have discussed stakeholders
management, analysis or mapping in recent years
(Smith et al., 2004; Bourne, 2005; Newcombe, 2010;
Jeffrey et al., 2010; Jing et al., 2011; etc.). All of
these researches emphasize that the stakeholders’
management influences the success of a project.
Construction projects are full of uncertainties and
risks because of the on-site condition, especially
when the construction project includes the relocation
of utility lines. Most of the utilities are buried
underground in Taipei, Taiwan, which entail the
water system, electricity, gas, sewage and so on, and
they each under a different jurisdiction with different
specialization. Communication among the different
stakeholders is complex and difficult. For this
reason, recognizing the stakeholders in utility
relocation project to improve communication among
them and ensure project success is the objective of
this research. This research tries to identify the
stakeholders and their attributes during the utility
relocation projects through interviews with the
experts. The attributes become the basis for the
questionnaires. The k-prototypes approach is then
applied to analyze the results of the questionnaires
and classify the stakeholders during utility
The concept of stakeholders was first raised by
Freeman in 1984. Freeman defines the stakeholder
as any group or individual who can affect or is
affected by the achievement of the organization's
objectives (Freeman, 1984). According to “A Guide
to the Project Management Body of Knowledge”
(PMI, 2008), project managers spend the majority of
their time communicating with team members and
other project stakeholders, whether they are internal
or external to the organization. PMI (2008) also
states that project stakeholders are individuals and
organizations that are actively involved in the
project or whose interests may be affected as a result
of project execution or project completion.
2.1 Stakeholders Recognition
Taipei is a fully developed city in Taiwan with
crowded population. Most of the infrastructures,
such as the electricity system, and gas utilities were
built decades ago. Thus, when a property owner
wants to build new infrastructure, communication
becomes a major issue for utility relocation. This
research will analyze the stakeholders during utility
relocation of the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit)
construction project, a classic example for utility
relocation in Taiwan. Generally, utilities involved in
Cheng Y. and Hou C..
Stakeholders Analysis for Utility Relocation in Construction Project.
DOI: 10.5220/0003989403220325
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 322-325
ISBN: 978-989-8565-10-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
such project include Street Light, Sewage System,
Water System, Gas, Electricity, Telecommunication,
Signalization, Military Information and Storm
Drainage. Many jurisdictions and agencies are
involved. Different types of utilities also require
different expertise. This research utilizes the
engineers’ practical experiences to identify 25
stakeholders during the utility relocation project.
Table 1 shows how Taiwanese engineers typically
categorize the stakeholders:
Table 1: Stakeholders’ classification using practical
Group 1 - Cable Pipeline Units
1 Taipower Power Supply Station
2 Taipower District Office
3 Chunghwa Telecom District Office
4 The Parks and Street Lights Office, Taipei City
5 Traffic Engineering Office, Taipei City
6 Network Transmission Squad of the Signal Group,
Army Corps
7 Fixed Line Companies
8 Telecommunication Companies
9 Cable Companies
Group 2 - Fluid Pipeline Units
1 Storm Drainage Section of the Hydraulic
Engineering Office, Public Works Department,
Taipei City Government
2 Sewage Systems Office, Public Works Department,
Taipei City Government
3 Engineering Division, Taipei Water Department
4 Taipei City Fire Department
5 Natural Gas Companies
Group 3 - Client
1 Client (Department of Rapid Transit Department,
Group 4 - Contractors
1 Material Suppliers
2 Utility Contractors
Group 5 - Elected Representative & Law Enforcement
1 Local Traffic Police
2 Local Police
3 Local Borough Office
4 Local Representatives and Council Members
Group 6 - User
1 Local Community Management Center
2 Local Financial Sector
3 Local Businesses
4 Local Residents
2.2 Stakeholders Classification
Ronald (1997) identified 3 attributes: Power,
Legitimacy, and Urgency and use them to classify
the stakeholders into 7 groups – Dormant,
Discretionary, Demanding, Dominant, Dangerous,
Dependent, and Definitive. In his research, Power
means the ability of those who possess power to
bring about the outcomes they desire (Salancik and
Pfeifer, 1974). Legitimacy is a generalized
perception or assumption that the actions of an entity
are desirable, proper, or appropriate within some
socially constructed system of norms, values,
beliefs, and definitions (Suchman, 1995). Ronald
argued that Urgency is based on the time sensitivity
and the criticality, so they define urgency as the
degree to which stakeholder claims call for
immediate attention (Ronald, 1997). Newcombe
(2003) included the property developer, British Rail,
design practice, insurance company, general public,
contractor, users, and local authority as the key
stakeholders in the Swindon redevelopment project.
He applied the power/predictability matrix and the
power/interest matrix to classify the stakeholders
and analyze the stakeholders’ influence. Bourne
(2005) used the Stakeholder Circle methodology to
classify and prioritize stakeholders, develop
strategies and monitor effectiveness. Different from
the above mentioned researches which used
qualitative method or analysis software to classify
the stakeholders, this research tries to classify the
stakeholders by using the quantitative attributes or
characteristics of stakeholders.
This research identifies the stakeholders of utility
relocation projects through interviews with the
experts. 25 stakeholders are first identified from the
interviews, and then 7 attributes, Power, Interest,
Influence, Impact, Legitimacy, Urgency, and
Public/Private sector are adopted to set up the
questionnaires. The 6 former attributes are numeric
data type. Power, Legitimacy, and Urgency are
defined in section 2.2. Interest refers to the
stakeholders’ level or concern regarding the project
outcomes. Influence is the stakeholders’ active
involvement in the project. Impact means the
stakeholders’ ability to affect changes to the
project’s planning or execution (PMI, 2008). The
last data is categorical data type, which represents
whether the stakeholders belong to the public or
private sector. Because the k-prototypes approach
can be applied toward mixed data type, it is adopted
in this research to analyze the results of the
questionnaires and classify the stakeholders during
utility relocation.
3.1 Questionnaire
The questionnaire is designed to get the attribute
value for each stakeholder. The questionnaire
assigns a seven-point Likert scale for the 6 attributes
of each of the 25 stakeholders, which will be
discussed later on. The “7” in the scale means the
highest, “6” means higher, “5” means high, “4”
means average, “3” means low, “2” means lower,
and “1” means the lowest. In order to achieve
objectivity and professional result, the members
need to have utility relocation related experience. In
addition, the recipients of the questionnaires are
from both public and private sectors, for example,
Department of Rapid Transit Systems, Sewage
Systems Office, Chunghwa Telecom, Water
Department, gas companies, contractors and so on.
There are 37 participants for this questionnaire,
including engineering staff or officials who have
participated in utility relocation related projects,
among which 14 has over 20 years of experience, 13
with 10 to 20 years of experience, 5 with 5 to 10
years, and 5 with 1 to 5 years.
3.2 K-prototypes Algorithm
The clustering algorithms have numerous scientific
and practical applications, such as in artificial
intelligence, pattern recognition, and medical
research. In general, it can be divided into various
categories based upon their principles and
algorithms. The traditional clustering methods
include the following: 1) Partitioning methods; 2)
Hierarchical methods; 3) Density-based methods;
and 4) Grid-based methods. The k-prototypes
algorithm is a type of Partitioning methods proposed
by Huang (1998). This algorithm provides a
straightforward approach to integrate the k-means
and k-modes algorithms to cluster mixed-data-type
objects. The objective function is defined as follows:
in Equation (1),
where W is an n
k partition matrix, Q = {Q
, Q
, … ,
} is a set of objects in the same object domain,
where 1
k. Let X = {X
…, X
} be a set of n
objects. Object X
is represented as [x
, x
,…, x
where 1
n, 1
m. Equation (2) is the
squared Euclidean distance measure of the numeric
attributes and Equation (3) is the simple matching
dissimilarity measure of the categorical attributes.
The weight
is used to maintain a balance between
both data types. Interested readers are encouraged to
refer to Huang’s paper for details on this algorithm
(Huang, 1998).
This research used the questionnaires to assign
values to stakeholders’ 6 attributes with the addition
of whether the stakeholders are from public or
private sector, and the k-prototypes approach to
analyze the stakeholders. Based on Roland’s
classification result (Ronald, 1997), this research
uses 7 as the initial number of groups. The numbers
of each group is shown in Figure 1. Only 1
stakeholder (local community management center) is
classified under Group 1, so the researchers consider
that most of its attribute values are close to the
means of Group 6, it means the characteristics of
local community management center are similar to
those of Group 6, so it was combined with Group 6
into the new Group.
After the adjustment, table 2 shows the means of
each attribute in each group. Group 1 now includes
the Storm Drainage Section of Hydraulic
Engineering Office of Public Works Department and
Sewage Systems Office in Taipei City Government,
Sewage Systems Office of Public Works
Department in Taipei City Government, and client
(Department of Rapid Transit Department, TCG).
Group 2 includes the Parks and Street Lights Office
and Traffic Engineering Office of Taipei City
Government, Network Transmission Squad of the
Army Corps Signal Group, and Taipei City Fire
Department. Group 3 includes Taipower Power
Supply Station, Taipower District Offices,
Chunghwa Telecom District Offices, Engineering
Division of Taipei Water Department, and natural
gas companies. Group 4 includes the fixed line
companies, telecommunication companies, cable
companies, and utility subcontractors. Group 5
includes local traffic police, local police stations,
local borough offices, and local representatives and
council members. Finally, Group 6 includes material
suppliers, local financial sector, local businesses,
local residents, and local community management
center. The classification results indicates that Group
3 has the highest values in power, profit, influence,
legitimacy, and urgency while Group 1 has the
second highest values in power, profit, influence,
legitimacy, urgency, and the highest value in impact.
Project managers need to pay more attention to the
stakeholders within these 2 groups.
Figure 1: The numbers of each group (Before adjustment).
Table 2: The means of attribute in each group.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Power 5.4234 4.7432 5.4541 4.7365 4.0676 3.6270
Interest 5.0180 4.5203 5.3568 4.8378 3.9662 4.3946
Influence 4.9459 4.6149 5.7027 4.5203 3.9122 3.8865
Impact 5.4955 4.1081 5.3459 4.1554 3.6149 3.6865
Legitimacy 5.3604 4.9730 5.4703 4.4122 3.6014 3.4865
Urgency 5.0090 4.8108 6.0595 4.5203 3.1081 3.3297
This research utilized questionnaire and k-prototypes
clustering approaches to classify the stakeholders for
utility relocation projects. Comparing with the
traditional classification method, which depends on
the engineers’ subjective opinions, this method
proposed objective and quantitative classification.
The authors first interviewed experienced engineers
to identify a list of 25 stakeholders, who are then
classified into 6 groups. Stakeholders in each group
are with similar characteristics. According to this
information, project managers can plan for
communication accordingly. For example, the
project team can seek advices from the group with
the highest attribute values early in the processes. In
conclusion, project managers/team can customize
their communication strategy for each group.
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