in section 5 can be used only for tests in real environ-
ment. Figure 5 illustrates the trend of the correction
performed by the EKF filter on robot state variables x,
y and θ for a single test run in Pal1 within the corre-
sponding σ-bound computed from the covariance ma-
trix. The value of correction is bound by or compara-
ble to the σ-bound. Similar measures have been per-
formed in all the runs and for all the environments. In
all cases, the standard deviation is less than 6 mm for
position and 0.020 rad for angular variables.
The precision of the polygonal maps is measured
by the restricted Hausdorff distances between the cor-
responding polylines of the reference map and of cur-
rent observation. Table 1 reports the results for the
different environments. For each polyline i of the ref-
erence map, the mean restricted Hausdorff distance
and the corresponding standard deviations σ
been estimated. The results in the table are respec-
tively the average, minimum and maximum values of
mean distances µ
and standard deviations σ
for all
the polylines. The mean distance and variance in the
simulated environments are greater than in the real en-
vironments. This outcome can be explained with the
high accuracy achieved by the localizer. The overall
error is always less than 10 cm.
In this paper, we have presented a method to build
polygonal local maps that manage semi-static objects
in order to improve the navigation of industrial UGVs.
The maps consists of polylines extracted from laser
scans representing the boundary of objects. The pro-
posed methods extracts, associates and merges the
polylines obtained from the scan into a consistent
map. The proposed data association algorithm is
based on both the shape similarity measure and the re-
stricted Hausdorff distance, a novel metric proposed
in this work. The accurate environment reconstruc-
tion allows the identification of semi-static objects
and the definition of efficient navigation policies. To
replicate the navigation system of industrial UGVs,
an EKF localizer and a fixed path navigation system
have been implemented. Experimental results show
that the error of the reconstruction is smaller than
10 cm. In our future works, we expect to exploit the
polygonal into a complete localization and mapping
This research is partially supported by SICK SPA.
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