From a High Level Business Process Model
to Service Model Artifacts
A Model-Driven Approach
Mokhtar Soltani
and Sidi Mohammed Benslimane
Sciences and Technology Department, Ibn Khaldoun University, Tiaret, Algeria
Computer Sciences and Technology Department, Djillali Liabes University, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Keywords: Business Process Modeling, Model-Driven Development, Service-Oriented Architecture, Service
Abstract: One of the key activities needed to develop a quality service oriented solution is the specification of service
model. The majority of existing methods for service model specification are developed manually because
they are based on the competence of the developers. The integration of Business Process Modeling (BPM)
and Model-Driven Development (MDD) allows the automation of the SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture)
services development. Three steps are used for developing an SOA solution: service identification, service
specification and finally service realization. In this paper we propose a method called AMSI (Automatic
Model-Driven Service Identification) that automatically identifies the architecturally significant elements
from a high level business process model to specifying service model artifacts. The main goal of this work
is to support the automation of the development process of service-oriented enterprise information system.
Bridging the gap between Enterprise Modeling
methods and Semantic Web services is an important
yet challenging task. For organizations with business
goals, the automation of business processes as Web
services is increasingly important, especially with
many business transactions taking place within the
Web today (Nadarajan et al., 2007). Nowadays, the
enterprises are organized in networks, in which
various actors can be interacting. The
competitiveness of these companies is deeply related
to the capacity to structure, share and exchange
knowledge with the participants in the collaborative
network. This need to exchange knowledge obliges
the companies to evolve their information systems
and their applications in order to return them
interoperable. The interoperability of enterprise
applications allows ensuring the exchange of the
functionalities and the services in a transparent way.
Each functionality, service, or data have a specific
model. Several transformations of these models are
essential to ensure interoperability between the
various heterogeneous entities of the enterprise. So
that these model transformations become an
effective solution for establishing interoperability in
a purely heterogeneous environment; it is necessary
that they must be guided by a standard modeling
framework. The MDA approach (Model-Driven
Architecture) provides the bases to support the
model-driven interoperability. The development of
an enterprise application to large scale always starts
with the highest level abstraction where they are the
specification and the representation of the business
in the form of business process models. These
models must be projected gradually on an adapted
architecture to the need for interoperability.
Currently, the more adapted paradigm to the
realization of the interoperable applications is the
service-oriented paradigm. Since the services
encapsulate the functionalities of the applications
according to enterprise business processes, the
comprehension of the business process model is a
precondition necessary to the automatic derivation
of the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The
main idea of the service-oriented approach is to
quickly build applications by the assembling of a set
of software services. The result of this assembly is
called "composite application". The effective
achievement of this approach allows facilitating
Soltani M. and Benslimane S..
From a High Level Business Process Model to Service Model Artifacts - A Model-Driven Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0003989702650268
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 265-268
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
integration and the interoperability of enterprise
information systems which are heterogeneous and
was not conceived to be interoperable. Therefore,
the service-oriented approach proposes a framework
to solve these problems by the development of
interoperable applications starting from a high level
business process.
The remainder of this paper is organised as
follows. In section 2 we presented a basic concepts
needed to understand our approach including
Business Process Modelling, Service-Oriented
Architecture, and Model-Driven Architecture. In
section 3 we presented our approach called AMSI
(Automatic Model-driven Service Identification).
Finally, our conclusion and future work is given.
Service identification is one of the core elements of
the BPM and SOA handshake that reinforces the
current mantra that “BPM should be service
oriented, SOA should be business process focused,
and SOA takes over where BPM leaves the
enterprise in a path towards agility” (Inaganti et al.,
2.1 Business Process Modeling
The process vision plays a significant role in the
theories of the organizations as in the information
system field where the process modeling is regarded
as a key element of the representation of dynamics.
The business process modeling is a prerequisite
necessary to design an organizational information
system. The business process definition reflects the
functional needs implicitly.
However, it is not sufficient to just conceive the
business activities connected by control flows of the
process. To represent the complete whole of the
requirements, a process definition must explicitly
indicate all the entities which take part in the
process. These requirements should be transformed,
without loss of information, in semantic
specifications of which different software
components can be derived.
2.2 Service-Oriented Architecture
Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is a new
paradigm for distributed computing that uses
services to support the development of interoperable,
evolvable, and distributed applications. Services are
autonomous, platform-independent entities that can
be described, published, discovered, and loosely
coupled by using standard protocols. Service-
Oriented Architecture is the main architectural style
for SOC. The main idea of Service-Oriented
Architecture is the restructuring of enterprise
information systems into loosely coupled,
independent services. These services should allow
the reuse of existing implemented functionality in
order to minimize the time between design and
implementation when business requirements change.
The key challenges in developing the service
oriented systems are the mapping of business
processes models into service models. Service
models play an important role during service-
oriented analysis and design phases.
According to the IBM SOMA (Arsanjani, 2004),
service-oriented modeling lifecycle has three main
Service Identification. This phase is about
identifying the architecturally significant elements of
the target solution. The output artifact of this phase
is analysis-level service model.
Service Specification. This phase is about
describing a service: what it offers, what it requests
and how it is exposed. It also describes dependencies
with other services, service composition, and service
messages. The main model related to this phase is
the design-level service model.
Service Realization. This phase is about
providing a solution for a particular service. We
represent here, how a service is realized. The model
related with this phase is the design model. This
model has to be traced back to the service model,
because it represents its realization.
Service identification is one of the main activities in
the modeling of a service-oriented solution, and
therefore errors made during identification can flow
down through detailed design and implementation
activities that may necessitate multiple iterations,
especially in building composite applications.
According to (Arsanjani, 2004), the initial
activity in the development of a new SOA solution is
the service identification. The result of the service
identification is a set of candidate services.
The first stage in the service identification
process is the modeling of a high level business
process that is represented as a CIM model.
Metadata are added to the CIM model in the second
stage. This operation is based on a whole of generic
concepts stored in the process model ontology. The
third stage allows the transformation, after the
interrogation of the process model ontology, of the
input business process model into an executable
process model expressed as a PIM model. In the
fourth stage, the service identification engine
generates a whole of candidate’s services for
implementing the input process. (cf. Figure 1)
Figure 1: Automatic Model-Driven Service Identifier.
3.1 Business Process Annotation
In this stage, complementary information is added to
the business model elements such as the nature of
the activities (manual, semi-automatic, automatic),
the composition of the activities (decomposable,
atomic activity), the goal of activity etc. All
knowledge’s about the initial business process are
extracted and stored in the Process Model Ontology
by business analyst and knowledge engineer.
Our automatic service identifier uses a Process
Model Ontology (PMO). This ontology allows the
annotation of the input business process model and it
is regarded as a knowledge base usable to identify
the software services.
The Process Model Ontology is a formal
framework that provides knowledge description and
reasoning techniques. The starting point in defining
an ontology is to decide what the basic ontology
elements (concepts and roles) represent. The Process
Model Ontology is based on two principles: to unify
the different existing Business Process Metamodels,
and to provide the necessary properties for deriving
software services from a height level business
processes. The PMO captures generic concepts
associated with business processes and the
relationships among them. To facilitate the
extraction of the multiple views on a process model
the PMO allows a business analyst and a knowledge
engineer to mark the visibility of activities to
different collaboration roles. Thus various views on
the business process model can be extracted.
Our proposition is that constructing the Process
Model Ontology through a careful analysis of
existing reference metamodels, guarantees the
representational width of the ontology, i.e. that all
existing business process models can be represented
and all software services can be extracted from it.
3.2 Business Process Transformation
The first step for identifying SOA services is the
business process modelling. However, we cannot
directly transform a high level business model into
SOA solution because it is independent of any
computation specification and it comprises manual,
semi-automatic and automatic activities. As well as
the high level activities have a great granularity. The
same business activity can be transformed into
several SOA services. Thus it is necessary firstly to
transform the high level business process into an
intermediate process called executable process in
order to identify the candidate services. As business
process models are at a higher abstraction level than
executable process models, additional domain
knowledge will need to be added during this step.
The Process Model Ontology is queried to transform
the annotated business process model into an
executable process. During this stage, the
transformation engine executes the following
rename a business activity,
split a business activity into several,
merge two business activities in only one,
insert a new activity in the executable process,
remove an activity from the business process.
3.3 Service Identification
The identification engine queries the ontology and
takes the executable process as input in order to
generate automatically the candidate services. In this
phase, a set of design metrics which satisfy business
goals should be extracted from the PMO such as
cohesion, coupling, granularity of activities, etc. that
are considered as input parameters for classifying
the candidate services in a groups (composite
services). The transformation between executable
process model and Service-Oriented Architecture
should be one-to-one. All aspects modeled in the
executable process are transferred to a service model
artifact. The identification of the services
corresponding to the executables activities is
possible via their names. The identification engine
searches the name of the activity in the concepts
taxonomy of the ontology and extracts the properties
of the activity and its relations with the other
concepts of ontology. After this research phase, the
identification engine generates a set of candidate
services equivalents (implementing) to the activity
in question. Thus their initial descriptions (name of
the service, names of the interfaces, etc.). We can
formulate our identification algorithm as a multi-
objective optimization problem that classifies
candidate’s services according to optimal values of
design metrics. (cf. Figure 2)
Figure 2: Service Identification Steps.
In this paper we outlined some of our initial work in
the development of AMSI, a method for identifying
automatically candidate SOA services from a high
level business process. The method defines how a
high level business process should be transformed
into an executable process in order to identifying
SOA services. Our automatic service identifier uses
a Process Model Ontology (PMO) to annotate the
business process model. The annotated business
process model is used as input of a transformation
engine which transforms it, after the interrogation of
ontology, into an executable process. Finally an
identification engine querying the ontology and take
the executable process as input in order to generate
the candidates services automatically.
Future work is mainly related to the description
of transformation and identification algorithms,
finally implementation and evaluation of our
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