Computer-Brain Interface Device Experimental Research
Study of Ergonomy and Usability in Business Environment
Radim Brixí, Jaroslav Kalina and Pavel Němec
Department of System Analysis, University of Economics in Prague, nám. W. Churchilla 4, Prague, Czech Republic
Keywords: BCI, EEG, Interface, Brain Waves, Commercial Devices, Epoc Headset, Business Application.
Abstract: This paper presents results of experimental research from 2011, performed on a group of volunteers and
which aim was to properly explore the maturity of BCI devices to be integrated in business environment,
e.g. office work. The testing scenarios and focus was aimed to verify if the current capabilities of the
selected devices were sufficient in their ergonomic features and spectrum of functions to properly
complement and in some case substitute the traditional ways of utilising keyboard and mouse by the users.
The research focused also on ability to learn to use BCI device. The study led to identification of several
ergonomic and hygienic areas which act as a hindrance for wide utilisation of these devices as a feasible
way to provide an users input for the computer over a prolonged period of time.
1.1 Aim of the Paper
The utilisation of electroencefalograhical (EEG)
signals as a mean of communication between human
and computer represents one of the greatest tasks
within the borders of theory of signals research
(Bazztarica, 2002). The crucial part of systems of
communication known as BCI (Brain-Computer
Interface) is the interpretation of EEG signals.
The electrical nature of human brain is known
for more than one century and the first successful
recording of human brain electric activity was
performed by a German psychiatrist and neurologist,
Hans Berger in 1924 (Berger, 1940). Berger utilised
a galvanometer and electrodes created from a
platinum wire, implanted under the test subject’s
Technology accessible to a broader spectrum of
population is still in it’s infancy, first economically
affordable device together with dedicated software
for the end users became available in 2009 (Dillow,
2010); (Hanlon, 2008).
These days with a 3 years long development and
creation of several companies pioneering this
marker, we have a spectrum of cheap devices that
are affordable almost for everyone.
This paper summarises results of a brief study
performed on a group of students during 2011 at
University of Economics, Prague. The aim of this
study was to assess the feasibility of this innovative
way of interfacing with computer to substitute the
traditional ways of interacting with computer. The
research also focused on ability of the students to
fulfil given tasks and we focused on the learning
ability of the students.
1.2 BCI
We consider as a BCI technology such one that
possesses an interface through which human EEG
signal can be captured and transmitted to further
processing (Berger, 2008). Alternative labels are NI
– Neural Interface and BMI – Brain Machine
Interface. (Hatsopoulos, 2009)
We distinguish two types of this technology.
Invasive version requires to be physically implanted
into the brain to allow capturing the EEG signal.
Non-Invasive types attempt to capture the set of
signal by using external devices that do not need to
be implanted into the subject’s body. The current
trend is to develop more advanced non-invasive
types of devices that will reach the quality and
precision of their invasive counterparts (Graimann,
The current trend in the area of commercial BCI
technologies is to penetrate into the already
established segments and provide and alternative
method of controlling the computer for the purpose
Brixí R., Kalina J. and N
emec P..
Computer-Brain Interface Device Experimental Research - Study of Ergonomy and Usability in Business Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0003990200860090
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 86-90
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of entertainment or to substitute classical ways of
input by assigning certain functions to defined brain
activity patterns (Beschizza, 2006).
The utility of alternative means of machine
control and possibly in the future on higher
interconnection or merging between the machines
and their users, and the diminishing of the clear
borders between then may lead to potential ethical
problems as well and redefinition of the relationship
between humans and machines (Kotchetkov, 2010).
Other implied ethical issues into business
environment also are necessary to take in account
(Sigmund, 2010). BCI technologies are innovative
approaches facing problems described in Mildeová
and Brixí (2011).
2.1 Study Design
The study was conducted on a group of 10 separate
volunteers in the age of 20-26 years by using
commercial end-user EPOC headset BCI device
from EMOTIV. Each participant went through 12
separated testing sessions invoking selected set of
functions through contraction of facial muscles,
simulating mouse movement by inbuilt gyroscope
and providing user input solely through cognitive
functions of the brain.
All participants went through 12 session, each
long 10 minutes and focused on invoking predefined
functions in the testing program interface that were
bind to combinations of facial expressions.
Table 1: Overall cognitive training time per participant.
Test subject
Overall cognitive training duration in
1M 480
2F 840
3M 850
4M 610
5M 800
6F 840
7M 840
8F 840
9M 840
10F 860
Table 2: Overall time summary of the study.
Participants 10
Sessions 12
Avg. total time per person 935 min.
Avg. session time per person 78 min.
Total time of sessions 9350 min.
Mouse movement simulation took altogether
time of avg. 35 min. spread across testing sessions
during the study.
2.2 Facial Expression Recognition
The training scenario practiced in this section
consisted of mapping facial expression recognizable
by the neuroheadset to 4 alphanumerical characters
to write a 3x word “Hello” by their invoking,
without making a mistake. Each tested subject was
allowed 25 attempts. Table 3 summarizes the
amount of successful attempts.
Table 3: Writing through facial expression letter invoking.
Participant No. of successful attempts. Attempts total.
15 25
7 25
17 25
4 25
0 25
10 25
0 25
7 25
2 25
0 25
62(25,5 %) 250
Additionally two tests were performed on the set
of participants, during which the participants had to
invoke randomly one of the four previously bound
letters through their facial expressions. A simple
program was built to randomly generate the required
letters and the users had to react with appropriate
facial expression to write the required letter. The
first contained a series of 25 attempts and users were
allowed see virtual representation of their faces on
the screen. The anticipated success rate was decided
upon 70 %.
Test no. 2 was a variation on the first one and
users were not allowed to see the virtual
representation of their faces on the screen. The
anticipated success rate was lowered to 60%.
2.3 Cognitive Activity Recognition
The series of tests focused on usability of computer
functions keybinded to a recognized patterns of
brain activity is of utmost importance from the point
of view of this study, as it is the testing of proper
BCI part of the Emotiv Epoc device.
Participants were asked to focus on a virtual cube
model and to imagine specific movement patterns
(rotation and movement in a specific direction). The
patterns captured by during this calibration were
assigned to defined movement types of the virtual
The aim of this series of tests was to assess the
reliability of this way of exchange of information
with the computer.
Figure 1: Random facial expression function invoking test
First test consisted of asking the participants to
attempt to invoke a demanded movement of the 3D
model cube through the previously bound brain
patters as set of random 25 instructions were
generated for the users to attempt to follow.
Required success rate was decided on 67%.
Test no. 2 required users to again invoke 25
times, in randomly generated order, one the
previously trained brain activity patterns and
through binding with selected keyboard button
combinations call functions assigned to these
buttons in MS Project Professional 2010, an office
application for planning of projects. Decided success
rate was decided on 60%.
Figure 2: Random brain activity pattern invoking test
3.1 Functional Attributes
The obtained data from observation suggest that the
main issue that may hinder utilization of these
devices for a serious work is precision and
The mouse movement simulation through the
inbuilt gyroscope proved to be the only type of
activity the where the users scored success all of the
times. Also the both series of facial expressions
control tests proved successful in case 90% of the
users against decided threshold. However this high
success rate is only for a set of discrete attempts
from test 1 and 2. When faced with a more complex
task (writing “Hello” through invoking keys bound
to certain facial expressions) only 25,5 % attempts
led to a flawless execution.
Test series focused on true BCI aspects of the
device were even less positive. Invoking movements
of the model 3D cube, over desired threshold, was
successful only for 50% of the tested subjects. The
most important part of this study, working with an
existing office application, e.g. invoking 3 functions
(calling the menu, escaping the application, opening
settings, etc.) by binding them to brain activity
patterns proved to be above the agreed threshold
only in case of 30% of the users.
These low rates basically inhibit the utilization of
these devices for office work, acting in the current
state more as a hindrance, than as a tool to improve
working with the computer in office conditions.
Each tested subject spent in avg. 935 minutes
training with various aspects of the device. We do
consider this time to be an unbearable obstacle in
real business environment, especially accompanied
with the low reliability the test data have uncovered.
Even though 935 minutes is a relatively long time
for learning, it is matter of further testing how much
can one improve when working with BCI device
very much longer (for example as long as one learns
to write by hand).
3.2 Non-functional Attributes
3.2.1 Subjective Repulsion from Wet
Tested users reported a continuous repulsive feeling
accompanied with application of wetted sensors on
their skin. The ends of sensors made from foam or
dross need to be drenched properly in conductive
salt fusion to increase the quality of received EEG
signals by the sensors.
From practicality point of view this has been
issue for people with longer hair, especially female
participants. The ideal user for employing the non-
invasive class of EEG sensors is ideally free of hair
cover completely.
3.2.2 Hygiene Issues
Prolonged contact with foam or dross drenched in
the conductive fusion on the skin can lead to skin
irritation over time. Especially individuals with more
sensitive types of skin are susceptible to this effect.
From hygienic point of view, it is recommended
to have a spare set of sensor endings to avoid
possible transmission of skin diseases, lice and
Keeping the ends of sensors in humidor to
preserve the wetness needed to properly transmit the
signals creates an ideal environment for growing of
funguses and mould.
3.2.3 Drying of Sensors
The necessity of keeping the ends of the sensors
drenched in the conductive fusion brings a problem
for scenarios that take a prolonged period of time,
e.g. a simulation of a typical 8 hours office work
day. The drying during the scenario leads to a
reduction of the quality of perceived signal and
deteriorates the capability of the BCI device perform
it’s function as a computer interface. Additional
reapplications of the fusion, lead to a necessity to
stop working and take of the headset, re-apply the
fusion and arrange the sensors once again on the
designed spots of the head. This re-application is a
source additional time-loss.
The usage of conductive salt fusion leads in time
to creation of salt sediments on the surface of the
sensors and the foam ends. Newly available dry
sensors should solve most of the problems, but the
testing of proper functionality of these dry sensors is
a matter of other future research.
3.2.4 Pain, Frustration and Loss of
Tested users have reported a growing pressure due
the frame of the sensor device on their heads,
leading to feeling of physical pain.
Table 4: Avg. times of continuous wearing of the
neuroheadset without perceived pain.
Test Subject Avg. time without interruption (minutes)
1M 60
2F 38,21
3M 60
4M 53, 08
5M 30
6F 60
7M 60
8F 60
9M 42,5
10F 43,75
Our prior aim was to test if the users can wear
the neuroheadset at least 60 minutes continuously.
Table 4 summarizes the time during which were the
users able to suffer the device on their heads. After
this time the perceived pain and loss accompanied
loss of concentration grows rapidly, making further
work unfeasible. The 60% success rate indicates that
the device is in a significant number of cases
problematic for long term wearing ergonomically.
3.2.5 Preparation Time
Preparing and proper positioning the device on
user’s head requires certain amount of time as well-
mostly to drench the sensor ends in the conductive
fusion and set the ends on designed points on the
head. Table 5 provides the average preparation time
per tested subject over all 12 sessions.
Table 5: Avg. preparation time per users.
Subject Avg. preparation time (minutes)
1M 3:13
2F 4:05
3M 2:16
4M 1:15
5M 2:29
6F 3:57
7M 1:43
8F 2:47
9M 2:39
10F 4:02
It is noticeable that the avg. time to set the device
properly on the head was noticeably longer with
females, mostly due to complications accompanied
by longer hair. All tested users had to set-up the
device on their heads by themselves.
The whole sample of volunteers was tested on
exactly one device. This traffic generated enough
strain on the BCI device’s cover to lead to chipping
off several parts used to fixate the device properly
on the skull.
The study has identified several areas ranging for
hygiene, ergonomic aspects, and conformability to
concentration issues that from our point of view
represent an obstacle for serious utilisation of these
devices in day to day life of end users. However
there is significant success in achieving successfully
not all but at least some tasks by users. This fact
opens possibilities for future improvements of
ergonomic issues and preciseness based on number
of sensors of BCI device together with more time for
learning to use such a device. If development is
focused especially on presented issues we believe,
that success in the tests should get noticeable better.
Regardless of the critique backed by the study’s
results, and remaining lack of proper robustness and
spectrum of capabilities of the device used during
the study, we are enthusiastic about the
developments in this area and it’s future implications
for the computer industry, user experience and the
implications for development of business software
In the perspective of the upcoming decades BCI
devices may contribute to fundamental changes in
several areas:
Layout changes of the distribution of control
elements in graphical user interfaces or web pages
that will be better handled by users accessing then
by using BCI device as their primary way of
interacting with the computer.
Gaming industry is currently the most promising
are, where BCI devices can be used even with
relatively limited spectrum of different inputs they
can record. The potential of BCI lays in enhanced
immersion of the virtual experience.
Training and therapeutic utilisation of the device
for practicing concentration and self-control.
Authors would like to thank the faculty of
Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics
in Prague, to allow this branch of research to be
followed within the borders of the programme of
applied information science and institutional
research funding on Department of System Analysis.
Authors also thank all participating volunteers
for cooperation and time dedication which was
provided without any financial compensation.
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