Model-driven Test Engineering
A Practical Analysis in the AQUA-WS Project
C. R. Cutilla
, J. A. García-García
, J. J. Gutiérrez
, P. Domínguez-Mayo
, M. J. Escalona
L. Rodríguez
and F. J. Domínguez-Mayo
IWT2 Research Group. University of Seville, Seville. Spain
Emasesa, Seville, Spain
Keywords: Model-driven Engineering, Quality, Software Metrics, Model-driven Web Engineering, Methodologies.
Abstract: The effective application of test phases has been one of the most relevant, critical and cost phases in the life
cycle of software projects in the last years. During the test phase, the test team has to assure the quality of
the system and the concordance with the initial requirements of the system. The model driven paradigm is
offering suitable results in some areas and the test phase could be one of them. This paper presents how the
application of this paradigm can help to improve this aspect in the functional test generation and it analyses
the experience in a real project developed under this approach.
The quality assurance of a system is one of the most
studied and analysed aspects in Software
Engineering. The finding of methods, techniques
and tools to reduce quality assurance costs and
increase the guarantee of the results becomes an
essential aim for enterprises and development teams
(Ahmed, 2012).
The test phase is one of the most important in
quality assurance. It guarantees that the system
meets its necessities in relation to requirements
(Binder, 1999).
However, bad estimations, time problems or
other inconveniences in projects make the amount of
resources oriented to the test phase not to be enough.
For this reason, both research and enterprise are
looking for solutions to reduce the cost of this phase.
In the last years, the use of the model-driven
paradigm for test generation has become an
important fact that is offering good results (Heckel
and Lohmann, 2003).
This paper presents how a Model-Driven Web
approach, named NDT (Navigational Development
Techniques) (Escalona and Aragon, 2008) was
enriched with a set of models and transformation so
as to generate functional test cases from the
functional requirements. This improvement of NDT
enriches the approach offering a suitable solution for
quality assurance in systems developed with NDT.
In order to illustrate this improvement, this paper
presents its application in a real project named
AQUA-WS Project.
This paper is an evolution of the paper presented
in (Cutilla et al., 2011) where we adapted our
original and theoretical approach for functional test
generation presented in detail (Gutierrez et al., 2011)
for being applied in a practical environment. This
new paper presents the complete adaptation of the
theoretical approach and learned lesson in the
enterprise environment.
The paper is structured as follows: it starts with a
global vision of NDT and presents how the approach
of (Gutierrez et al., 2008) was adapted to generate
functional tests cases from functional requirements
in NDT. Section 3 introduces the AQUA-WS project
and presents how the process was adapted to be
explained in this paper and learned lessons from the
experience are later concluded. Finally, it offers
some related work and conclusions as well as
suggests some future work in this line of research.
NDT methodology is a Web methodology proposed
Cutilla C., García-García J., Gutiérrez J., Domínguez-Mayo P., Escalona M., Rodríguez L. and Domínguez-Mayo F..
Model-driven Test Engineering - A Practical Analysis in the AQUA-WS Project.
DOI: 10.5220/0003991301110119
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-2012), pages 111-119
ISBN: 978-989-8565-19-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
under the Model-Driven paradigm. Initially, NDT
dealt with the definition of a set of formal
metamodels for the requirements and analysis
phases. In addition, NDT defined a set of derivation
rules, expressed under the standard QVT (Query-
View-Transformation) (OMG 2008), which
generated the analysis models from requirements
model. QVT standard defined a declarative and
imperative language proposed by the OMG (Object
Management Group) for model transformation in the
Model-Driven Engineering context.
Nowadays, NDT defines a set of metamodels for
every phase of the life cycle of software
development: the Feasibility Study phase of the
project, the Requirements phase, the Analysis phase,
the Design phase, the Implementation phase, the
Testing phase, and finally the Maintenance phase.
Besides, it states new transformation rules to
systematically generate models.
Figure 1 represents a diagram of the life cycle of
NDT. Although it is represented sequentially, NDT
supports different life cycles like iterative or agile
The Feasibility Study phase gathers the result of
the studies that verify the viability of a particular
software project. The needs of the project can be
analysed, but not in depth. NDT proposes derivation
rules to generate the basic model of the
Requirements phase from these requirements
specifically defined.
The next one is the Requirements phase. It
focuses on defining the catalogue of requirements
which contains the needs of the system to be
developed. It is divided into a series of activities (see
Figure 2): capture, definition and validation of
The objectives of the system are stated in the
first activity of the requirements phase. From these
objectives, the different system requirements are
captured and defined.
NDT proposes to classify project requirements
according to their nature: information storage
requirements (storage requirements and new
natures), functional requirements, actor
requirements, interaction requirements and non-
functional requirements. NDT provides special
patterns and UML techniques (OMG 2005) to define
them, such as the use cases technique for functional
requirements specification.
Once the requirements have been defined, NDT
recommends validating them. If there are no errors
in the definition of requirements, the System
Requirements Document can be generated. This
document is the starting point for the specification of
the analysis phase.
On the contrary, if there is just an error in the
definition of requirements, the previous activities
would be carried out once again. This process can be
repeated until obtaining a suitable System
Requirements Document.
Figure 1: Phases covered by NDT.
The use of patterns or templates to define every
requirement offers a structured and in-depth
Moreover, the fact that some fields of such
patterns only admit particular values makes results
be obtained systematically in the remaining life
cycle process of NDT.
The following phase, the Analysis phase, will
include the resulting products from the analysis,
definition and organization of requirements in the
previous phase.
NDT proposes four models in this phase (see
Figure 2) described as follows:
1. The Conceptual Model, which represents
the static structure of the system.
2. The Process Model, which represents the
functional structure of the system.
3. The Navigation Model, which shows how
users can navigate through the system.
4. The Abstract Interface Model, which are a
set of prototypes of the system interface.
The transition between the requirements model and
the analysis model is standardized and automated
and based on QVT transformations, which change
the concepts of requirements metamodels to design
the first versions of the analysis models. These
models are known in NDT as basic models of
analysis. For instance, the basic conceptual model of
analysis is obtained from the storage requirements
defined during the Requirements phase.
Thereafter, the team of analysts can transform
these basic models to enrich and complete the final
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
model of analysis. As this process is not automatic,
the expertise of an analyst is required.
Transformations are represented in Figure 2 through
the stereotype «NDTSupport».
In order to ensure consistency between
requirements and analysis models, NDT controls
these transformations by means of a set of defined
rules and heuristics.
After completing the analysis models, NDT
define transformations to generate the basic models
of the Design phase.
Then, the Design phase provides the relevant
knowledge to carry out the analysis in the machine.
It is oriented to the specific platform used and must
be related to the structure of the future code
developed during the Implementation phase.
NDT proposes the following models for the
Design phase:
1. The Design Class Model, which is based on
design-oriented layers. In fact, this model
consists of three other models:
a. The Presentation Class Model, corresponding
to the presentation layer. This model is
obtained from the navigation classes of the
Analysis phase.
b. The Business Class Model, corresponding to
the business logic layer. This model is
obtained from the process class model of the
Analysis phase.
c. The Data Access Classes Model,
corresponding to the data access layer. This
model is obtained from the content class
model of the Analysis phase.
2. The Prototype Design Model, which deals with
the prototypes design of the application that
have to be agreed with the client. This model is
obtained from the navigation model of the
Analysis phase.
3. The Physical Data Model, which describes the
structure of a database such as data, data
relationships and the restrictions they must
comply with. This model is obtained from the
content class model of the Analysis phase.
After creating the basic models, the team of analysts
can execute controlled transformations of such
models in order to enrich and create the final design
This idea is being followed in the remaining life
cycle with implementation. The NDT life cycle ends
with the Maintenance phase. This process begins
when the project has gone into production and ends
when the system is out of date. This process is very
complex and critical consequently, this phase is one
of the most expensive in the life cycle.
To sum up, NDT offers an environment
conducive to the development of Web systems since
it completely covers the life cycle of software
development. Furthermore, this methodology
provides a set of Java-free tools that speed up the
work for the development of every phase in the life
cycle. This toolkit is distributed under the NDT-
Suite package (NDT-Suite 2012), which is
composed of the following tools:
1. NDT-Profile is a specific profile for NDT,
developed using Enterprise Architect
(Enterprise Architect 2012). This tool offers
the chance of having all the artefacts that
define NDT easy and quickly as they are
integrated within the tool Enterprise Architect.
2. NDT-Driver is the key tool for executing
transformations among NDT models. It
implements a set of automated procedures that
enables to perform all MDE transformations
among the different models of NDT that were
previously described. The data source to use
this tool is a project developed with NDT-
3. NDT-Quality is a tool that automates most of
the methodological review of a project
developed with NDT-Profile. It checks the
quality of using NDT methodology in each
phase of software life cycle and the quality of
traceability of MDE rules of NDT.
4. NDT-Prototype is a tool designed to
automatically generate a set of XHTML
prototypes from the navigation models
described in the Analysis phase, of a project
developed with NDT-Profile.
5. NDT-Glossary consists in implementing an
automated procedure that generates the first
instance of the glossary of terms of a project
developed by means of NDT-Profile tool. This
tool is useful for the validation of requirements
captured during the Requirements phase of the
2.1 Including Early Testing in NDT
To be applied in several real projects is one of the
most important advantages of NDT. The necessity of
ensuring the quality of the system as well as
improving the approach with the Test phase was
detected during these applications. Thus, the life
cycle of NDT was enriched with a new Test phase.
Using the same ideas that in the rest of its phases, a
Test phase was added in NDT. Once the
requirements specification phase has been completed
and the catalogue of system requirements has been
Model-driven Test Engineering - A Practical Analysis in the AQUA-WS Project
Figure 2: NDT Transformations from Requirements to Analysis and from Requirements to Testing model.
drafted and validated, NDT defines derivation
rules to generate the System test model, the
Testing phase model and the Analysis phase
models. Figure 2 shows all these transformations
through the stereotype «QVTTransformation».
NDT conceives the Testing phase as an early
phase of software life cycle. Thus, test cases can be
defined in relation to the needs of the system that
have been gathered during the Requirements
phase. Furthermore, this methodology proposes to
carry it out together with the remaining phases.
The Testing phase is divided into the following
activities: drawing up the test plan, a parallel
activity to the Analysis phase; environment
specification and test plan design, a parallel
activity to the Design phase; and implementation
of test plan, a parallel activity to the system
construction and Implementation phase.
NDT suggests three models in this phase (see
Figure 2): implementation tests model, system tests
model, and acceptance tests model. Every model is
described by means of the use case diagrams of
The system tests model is the only one that can
be generated systematically. NDT proposes
derivation rules to generate the basic model of
system tests from the functional requirements
defined in the Requirements phase. These
transformation rules are based on the rules
described in the paper (Gutierrez et al 2008).
Figure 3 represents a global view of the
transformations used for testing generation in NDT.
From the functional requirements model of NDT,
obtained during the requirements, a transformation
is generated to enrich this model with some specific
paths that describe each functional path (T1 in
Figure 3). Two transformations are defined from
this enriched model. The first one, T2, enables to get
Test Scenarios Model where any specific possible
scenario is described. The second one, T3, allows
the generation of another model, Test Value Model.
Moreover, both are integrated within a fourth
transformation, T4, to get the Test Case Model.
Figure 3: An overview of the transformation process.
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
All transformations were defined in QVT-
Procedural and they are based on NDT
metamodels and new models defined for testing.
This paper does not aim to present these
transformation and metamodels in details as they
can be consulted in (Gutierrez et al 2008). It
particularly intends to explain how this process can
be applied in a real project like AQUA.
2.2 Implementing Early Testing in
In order to carry out this early testing solution in
NDT for its practical application, we have to
implement it in NDT-Suite.
Metamodels for testing were included in NDT-
Suite and transformations were implemented and
included in NDT-Driver. Besides, both NDT-
Quality and NDT-Report were enriched to support
this new phase
In NDT, functional requirements can be
described in two different ways: using the scenario
technique or UML activity diagrams.
NDT provides different transformation rules to
generate functional test cases, depending on how
you define a functional requirement. For instance,
if a functional requirement is described by means
of scenarios, it may generate as many test cases as
scenarios that requirement has. Nevertheless, if a
functional requirement is described by means of
activity diagrams, it may produce as many test
cases as paths between the initial and the final
activities exist.
Once the basic model of the system tests has
been created, the team of analysts can execute
transformations in this model to enrich and
complete it. As this step is not automatic, the
expertise of the analyst is needed. These
transformations are represented in Figure 2 by the
stereotype «NDTSupport».
Emasesa (Emasesa 2012) is a company operating
the general management of the urban water cycle,
providing and ensuring water supply to all the
citizens in Seville. For this reason, its objectives
are to guarantee the quality of this supply, solve
problems occurred in the supply and control the
correct use of water in Seville.
AQUA-WS (AQUA-WebServices) project
consists in developing and implementing an
integrated business system for customer
management, intervening in water distribution and
cleaning up, and managing projects and work.
This project is born when Emasesa requires
integrating their existing systems in a single one as
well as upgrading the technological platform of the
system. The present systems are the customer
management system (AQUA-SiC), network
management system (AQUA-ReD) and the works
and projects management system (AQUA-SigO).
The AQUA-WS project comprises four main
To migrate AQUA-SiC, AQUA-ReD and
AQUA-SigO to a common technological
platform (JavaJ2EE platform) and join them
in a single system: AQUA-WS. This is the
core AQUA.
To develop an integrated system to support
decision making in AQUA. This is DSS
(Decision Support System).
To offer a suitable way, based on an
integration bus, to connect AQUA with other
transversal systems in Emasesa.
To implement a friendly interface with a
suitable connection for both clients and
employees. This is FrontEnd.
Figure 4: AQUA-WS Architecture.
Figure 4 shows the architecture of AQUA-WS.
AQUA Core, FrontEnd, DSS and the
communication with transversal systems are based
on the use of SAP ERP (SAP Enterprise Resource
Planning) (SAP ERP, 2012) and SAP BW (SAP
Netweaver Business Warehouse) (SAP BW, 2012)
on a GIS (Geographical Information System) and a
documentary resources system.
The development of AQUA is fronted by a
mixed group composed of two international
companies and two research groups from two
Spanish universities. Our group constitutes the
Technical Quality Office of AQUA-WS project.
Model-driven Test Engineering - A Practical Analysis in the AQUA-WS Project
During the development of AQUA-WS, the
working team is using NDT and their associated
tools. In the Test phase NDT-Driver (a tool
described in Section 2) has been used to generate
the test plan.
In Cutilla et al., 2011 the study presents an
estimation of the hour of work that would suppose
realizing the test plan manually and the estimation
realizing with the NDT-Driver tool. In these
preliminary estimates the project saves
approximately 1808 hours of work. The analyst
team was divided in two groups. The group A
performed the test plan manually and the group B
generates the test plan with the NDT-Driver tool.
Group A devoted approximately 40 minutes for
each test case, about 10 minutes more than was
estimated. After the review of the Technical
Quality Office of AQUA-WS Project, the group
A’s test plan was incomplete, there were many test
case not identified. Consequently, the group A had
to make a one more cycle of delivery and revision
of the test plan than the group B, increasing the
number of hours of work.
AQUA-WS is following an iterative life cycle;
NDT-Driver is applied for each piece of the system
that is presented in order to generate its test plan.
The Testing phase relevance is noticed in the
proper AQUA-WS project planning, which assigns
nearly 40% of the duration of the project on the
different types of tests.
This phase has been provided by a group of
experts headed by some members of the AQUA-
WS Technical Quality Office. This group consists
of members of the Technical Quality Office,
members of the company responsible for the
maintenance of the current system and members of
the companies carrying out the development of
AQUA-WS system.
The test cycle is very complex and there are
some different kinds of tests in different part of the
life cycle. These tests are: The Unit tests are
performed by the developments team when testing
the design and behaviour of every element of the
system is built. For this test, the developments
teams use JUnit (JUnit 2012) tool, which allows
the automation of code Java test cases.
The Integration tests verify the correct
relationship among the system components
through their interfaces and their compliance with
the established functionality. JMeter’s (JMeter
2012) tool is being executed to deal with unit
testing performances. It is a loading tool useful to
prove simulations on any software resources. It
was initially designed to strength testing on Web
applications. The performance on AQUA-WS
project is considered relevant due to the large
number of the staff who is simultaneously working
at the company.
The Acceptance tests, a subset of the System
testing, are performed by the testing group and are
intended to verify both, the system functionality
and quality attributes. These tests are carried out in
an environment as similar as possible to the
operational one. As we have previously mentioned,
the system tests are automatically generated by
NDT-Driver from the functional requirements
defined in the Requirements Phase of the project.
In test implementations some errors or incidents
are detected and reported to the development team
who works simultaneously to solve such incidents.
The User tests are a subset Acceptance tests
that are executed with final users. They focus on
ensuring the correct implementation of the system.
The use of NDT is oriented towards
Acceptance and User tests. After studying the
different tools for the automatic execution of
system tests, all of them were discarded. Due to the
high level of casuistry and interrelation of data
with the different systems, controlling the
automatic test was more tedious than the individual
accomplishment of the testing team.
The system tests are the most important in
AQUA-WS project. Their accomplishment is
structured in two cycles of tests executed by the
testing team. In the first cycle, a large number of
tests are applied with the aim of validating a major
number of casuistries. The tests cycles have been
carried out according to the Test Plan outline,
which has been generated by NDT-Driver (a tool
described in Section 2). This Test Plan has shown
all the functionality and casuistry of the project.
The incidents detected during the different
cycles have been managed by a procedure
designed by the Technical Quality Office in liaison
with the project manager and all the implied actors.
It is based on different types of incidents and
degrees of views.
Once the development team has solved all
incidents, the second tests cycle begins. The tests
gathered in the Test Plan are executed to check and
assess that all the reported incidents have been
correctly managed and no new incident has been
generated due to collateral effects.
Provided that this project arises from the
unification of previously well-established systems,
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
the tests lead, even more, to keep the functionality
and a high degree of similarities to the previous
application, but without forgetting the optimization
of the system and its performance.
Thanks to the collaboration with the Technical
Quality Office as the Testing group in this project,
we must highlight the importance of delivering the
different cycles of planned tests during the course
of the project. One of the key points to perform a
successful Test phase is to have a defined Test
Plan, as complete and thorough as possible, in
order to verify that all the functionality offered by
the developed system works correctly, according
to the end user’s expectations.
In this regard, AQUA-WS project reveals that
due to the wide range of possible test cases and the
large number of potential casuistry, the analyst
team must complete, correctly define and structure
the Test Plan for all subsystems conforming the
project (indicated in Section 4). The lack of
involvement when providing the Testing group
with a correct Test Plan has been essentially
motivated by the delays occurred during life cycle
of the project.
Other important learned aspect was the
necessity of “hiding” the mechanism of
transformations, metamodels and Model-Driven
paradigm in general to the development team. In
fact, these concepts are very abstract and complex
for the development team and, if they are put into
practise, suitable tools, like NDT-Suite, based on
UML diagrams that are widely known by software
teams, are definitely required.
Another essential aspect is the early detection
of errors through the early testing. As Functional
tests are directly and automatically derived from
requirements, both the development team and users
can check what they demanded in the requirements
by detecting inconsistencies and other errors in
early phases.
As it was concluded from comparative studies
(Escalona et al. 2007), the Test phase is one of the
less studied in Web Engineering. Recently, only
some approaches are working in this respect. If this
study also focused on early testing, that is, in test
derived from requirements, the set of approaches
that support them would reduce.
Thus, WebML (Brambilla et al., 2009) includes
BPMN (Business Process Management Notation)
as Computation Independent Model and proposes
the systematic generation of test cases by means of
Model-Driven paradigm.
Robles et al. (Robles et al., 2009) are carrying
out something similar generating mockups from
requirements as a base for testing the application.
Thus, in this approach a Model-Driven approach
begins with a set of requirements described by
means of some mockups and then generates user
interfaces from them as well as, simultaneously, a
set of tests to assess them. Additionally, the
approach uses XML to describe the system.
Another relevant work, developed by Perez et
al.(Pérez et al., 2009), highlights product lines,
although it offers specific examples for Web
environments. It uses the Model-Driven paradigm
for the systematic generation of test cases in
product lines described with a dynamic model.
Some classical Web approaches like UWE
(UML Web Engineering) (Koch et al., 2008) or
OOHDM (Object-Oriented Hypermedia Method)
(Rossi and Schwabe, 2008) try to support the Test
phase in their life cycle. Nevertheless, they have
not provided a concrete solution yet.
In Software Engineering field, the use of
mechanisms for early testing in the generation of
functional tests cases is not a new idea. However,
as it can be concluded from the study in (Escalona
et al.2011) there is an important gap between the
development process and the test process, which
are frequently disconnected. The Model-Driven
paradigm is offering good results when trying to
improve this aspect.
In comparison with these works, our work is
quite relevant since it applies the Model-Driven
paradigm to Web environment for early testing.
In Software Engineering and especially in Web
Engineering, it is important to conduct a complete
an exhaustive Test phase in the project life cycle
for the developed product may assure quality and
meet clients and final users’ needs and
To achieve these aims, the Test phase must be
planned with enough time to be attained and,
additionally, it must be provided with the
necessary resources, both technical and human.
This work presents how this aspect has been
Model-driven Test Engineering - A Practical Analysis in the AQUA-WS Project
managed and how the different tests cycles have
taken place in a relevant project: the AQUA-WS
As a research objective, the project AQUA-WS
has started an important line of investigation that
should be continued. The use of automatic
technologies to generate system tests from
functional requirements captured during the project
phase of requirements has reduced the time
analysts teams would have spent in developing the
different Test Plans.
In this sense, the application of NDT
methodology and its package of tools (NDT-Suite)
for such important project have undoubtedly meant
a great challenge.
One of the most recent ideas carried out in the
last years by several authors is the use of Model-
Driven Engineering (MDE) paradigm in test
generation (Escalona et al., 2011). MDE is a new
paradigm that focuses on defining a set of
metamodels, which are instanced in the
development process, and a set of transformations
among them. Consequently, some related work in
this line of research has recently emerged.
The application of the MDE paradigm in the
test generation context is commonly referred to as
Model-Based Testing (MBT).
As future research papers, we propose using
MBT to improve the Testing phase in the NDT
methodology. Nowadays, NDT only supplies test
cases generation. In the future we intend to
progress on this, so that, it will not only generate
test cases automatically, but also the data set used
to test.
Moreover, we propose future lines of research
with the aim of creating control panels to carry out
an automatic management of the Testing phase, not
as manual as it is being executed today.
Finally, we are working on improving the
approach presented in Figure 3 by adding
mechanisms to give priority to derived testing. The
approach presented in this paper generates a high
number of testing and, in real projects, there is a
common necessity of performing a set of testing
exclusively. We are focusing our work on offering
mechanisms for giving priority to the most critical
This research has been supported by the Tempros
project (TIN2010-20057-C03-02) and the project
Red CaSA (TIN 2010-12312-E) of the Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain, as well as by the
NDTQ-Framework project of the Junta de
Andalucía, Spain (TIC-5789).
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