Assessment and Choice of Software Solution with the Analytic Network
Process Method
Jerzy Michnik
and Krzysztof Kania
Operations Research Department, University of Economics in Katowice, ul. 1 Maja 50, Katowice, Poland
Knowledge Engineering Department, University of Economics in Katowice, ul. 1 Maja 50, Katowice, Poland
Analytic Network Process (ANP), Software Assessment.
Assessment and choice of software solution belong of the most difficult tasks facing business and IT experts.
Multiple criteria decision methods can help in making that kind of a decision. However most of the methods is
based on the assumption of criteria independence which is rarely fulfilled in practice. We applied the Analytic
Network Process (ANP) as an aid for a choice of software solution and compare its results with the Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP) method which is more often used in such a task.
Under the pressure of rapid development of infor-
mation and communication technologies (ICT) and
the growing importance of information systems in
business, the organizations often face the problem
of matching the available ICT to business needs.
A choice and successful implementation of the ver-
satile ICT system is a serious challenge for an or-
ganization. Such a project lasts a long time, needs
substantial investment and re-organization of most of
the business procedures. A complete ICT system is
a compound structure with many specialized com-
ponents and an exchange of information between its
The aim of our work was to develop the effective
decision aid for an assessment and choice of ICT solu-
tion characterized by a wide range of attributes by ap-
plying the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method
for ranking the decision alternatives. The ANP seems
to be more suitable then the other methods as it has
the ability to handle the complicated decision model
with many criteria and dependencies among them.
The article is structured as follows. Sec. 2 defines
a research problem, Sec. 3 presents the ANP method.
Sec. 4 contains the model of Business Intelligence
(BI) systems assessment. Sec. 5 concludes the article.
Selecting a specific software is a stage of the whole
decision process, where requirements formulated in
the sphere of business and ICT meet together. Man-
agers want the software to give them the greatest pos-
sible business opportunities and focus mainly on the
software functionalities, while the ICT professionals
have to take into account many technological limita-
tions, existing and legacy systems, the possibility of
performing additional tasks (administration, support
and safety) and many others.
Selecting a software for the large-scale systems is
a strategic decision because it determines the operat-
ing environment for a long time and bounds an orga-
nization to a particular vendor. It can be implemented
in different ways (Woitsch et al., 2009). The most
common approaches to that task can be described as
heuristic approach as they are based on knowledge
of experts involved in the process of software assess-
ment. Hence, a quality of the decisions depends pri-
marily on a quality of knowledge and an experience
of experts. Yet, the serious difficulty encumber the
heuristic procedure in practice. It is evoked by the
enormous quantity of information that have to be pro-
cessed on the way to final decision. ICT is a highly
compound system of several components with many
various sub-elements that are characterized by a large
number of qualitative and quantitative features.
Risk of making the wrong choice is high because
Michnik J. and Kania K..
Assessment and Choice of Software Solution with the Analytic Network Process Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0003991603260329
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 326-329
ISBN: 978-989-8565-10-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of the variety of offers, the high cost of software
implementation that excludes rapid changes of en-
vironment, very long time needed for software de-
ployments and because of technological and hardware
linkages established during the project. All these risks
can be reduced by a precise projection of business
needs and technological constraints during the proce-
dure of software selecting. Unfortunately, the desired
properties of the system are often dependent on each
other and they create a net rather then a simple hierar-
chy. So, it is necessary to use a method that gives the
possibility of more than just a simple imposition of a
set of weights.
Some number of formal methods that support
software selection has been reported. The authors
of Computer Science Technical Report mentioned,
among others, 4 papers that use the linear weighted at-
tribute method (simple additive weighting) (Fritz and
Carter, 1994). The other similar multiple criteria de-
cision methods, like SMART (Valiris et al., 2005) or
ELECTRE II (Stamelos et al., 2000), also have been
tested. Lai et al. report the results of a case study
where the AHP method was employed to support the
selection of multimedia authoring system (Lai et al.,
2002). Selecting the best software product among the
alternatives for each module in the development of
modular software systems has also been done with the
aid of AHP (Jung and Choi, 1999).
All methods mentioned above base on an assump-
tion that the criteria, considered in the evaluation of
alternatives, are independent. Yet, the ICT system
is compounded from the interfering modules and it
leads to some dependencies between criteria. Use of
a method that can involve dependencies in the ana-
lyzed system may substantially improve the results.
Wu proposed a hybrid model that combines the
Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory
(DEMATEL) with the ANP and the zero-one goal
programming (ZOGP) to get an effective solution
that considers both financial and non-financial factors
(Wu, 2008). Recently, ANP has been used to select
most suitable simulation software (Aya
g, Zeki, 2011)
and ERP system (Wieszała et al., 2011).
Almost all of the publications cited above con-
cern the assessment of single, specialized software or
consider (Wu, 2008) the series of the mutually non-
excluded IT projects. Our evaluation deals with more
complex implementation of a whole, multi-modular
ITC system in an enterprise when only one alterna-
tive is to be selected.
The Analytic Network Process (ANP) (Saaty, 2005)
is defined as a multiple criteria method that derives
priority scales of absolute numbers from individual
judgments. The numbers come out from the pair-
wise comparisons of elements of the studied system.
One provides the judgment by answering two kinds of
questions: ’Which of the two elements is more dom-
inant with respect to a criterion?’ or ’Which of the
two elements influences the third element more with
respect to a criterion?’
The ANP procedure can be summarized in the fol-
lowing steps:
1. Set up: a) the control criterion representing the
decision problem, b) the main groups of crite-
ria (named components or clusters) characterizing
the decision problem, c) the criteria that belong
to each cluster, d) the decision alternatives, e) the
relations between elements of the decision model
(criteria and alternatives).
2. Make all pairwise comparisons for relations in the
model using the two kinds of questions mentioned
3. Perform the following operations: a) calculate pri-
ority vectors for supermatrix and cluster matrix,
b) build the unweighted supermatrix, c) weight
the unweighted supermatrix with the cluster ma-
trix, d) calculate the limit supermatrix.
4. Read out the overall priorities for alternatives
from the limit supermatrix. Discuss the results.
If needed, make the suitable modifications of the
model and repeat the procedure.
All steps besides Step 3, are the tasks that need to
be made by people engaged in the decision process
(decision maker(s) and/or analyst). Step 3 has a com-
putational character and can be automatized with a
suitable software (in this work, like in many others,
the specialized software ”Superdecisions” has been
used). The short description of the operations of Step
3 is presented below.
A priority vector is derived from paired compar-
isons matrix by normalizing its columns and taking
the geometric mean form rows (in the same way as
in the AHP). Let’s assume that we need to compare
p elements of the model with respect to some control
criterion. So, the pairwise comparison matrix C will
be the square matrix of size p× p. Saaty (Saaty, 2005)
suggests to use the following scale to translate the ver-
bal comparisons (easier to obtain from decision mak-
ers) into numbers: equal importance = 1; moderate
importance = 3, strong importance = 5, very strong
importance = 7, extreme importance = 9. The even
numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 are used for an assessment lying
between the above main points of scale.
Each priority vector becomes a column of matrix
i j
= [w
, where n
) is a number of elements
in cluster i ( j). Let’s assume that there is a system of
N clusters. Then the supermatrix will be constructed
from N ×N blocks, i.e. W = [W
i j
. W
i j
the influence of the elements from cluster i on the el-
ements from cluster j. The supermatrix W represents
the influence priority of the element on the left of the
matrix on the element at the top of the matrix.
In the next step, the supermatrix is transformed
into a weighted supermatrix, i.e. to the matrix, whose
columns sums to unity. Initially the supermatrix
columns are made up of several eigenvectors which,
in normalized form, sum to one and hence that col-
umn sums to the number of nonzero eigenvectors.
The weighted supermatrix can be obtained by weight-
ing the initial supermatrix with the cluster matrix. The
cluster matrix contains eigenvectors representing the
priorities of clusters with respect to the general con-
trol criterion (in most cases it will be a main objec-
In the end the limit matrix is derived by raising
the weighted matrix to an arbitrarily high power. This
procedure sums up the influences along paths of dif-
ferent length in the underlying network and deter-
mines the overall priorities.
The need for analysis and evaluation of BI en-
vironments results from the fact that none of the
largest vendors of integrated analytical platforms of-
fers full functionality required in management prac-
tice of business or public organizations. Moreover, an
open source software often has functionality similar
to commercial tools or even enhances specific busi-
ness analytic modules. Flexibility and ease of adap-
tation to the particular needs are the advantages of an
open source software.
Our example follows and supplements BI environ-
ments evaluation presented in (Dudała et al., 2010).
The evaluation was conducted in five modules (ac-
cording to classical architecture of BI environments):
Database/Data Warehouse server, ETL tools, OLAP,
Data Mining and Reporting tools. In each module a
set of criteria was proposed. This modules take a role
of criteria clusters in the ANP model. They are com-
plemented by two other clusters: Main objective and
Alternatives. The structure of the model, generated
by Superdecisions software, is presented in fig. 1.
Figure 1: Clusters and their interrelations in the ANP
The cluster numbering and priorities of criteria
clusters are as follows: 1. Alternatives; 2. Busi-
ness Intelligence Vendor (main objective); 3. Data
Base/Data warehouse server (0.042); 4. Data Mining
(0.193); 5. ETL (0.229); 6. OLAP (0.418); 7. Report-
ing server (0.116).
The limited space prevent us to present the com-
plete input data. Below, there are given only some
parts of the unweighted supermatrix. Table 1 contains
the example of criteria and their initial priorities.
Table 1: Criteria in cluster 6 OLAP.
No. Criterion Priority
61 Diff. data sources OLAP 0.139376
62 Graph. interf. OLAP 0.163747
63 Lic/fin cond. OLAP 0.162196
64 MDX language 0.139376
65 MS Office int. OLAP 0.139376
66 Security OLAP 0.127965
67 User supp. OLAP 0.127965
The priorities of alternatives with respect to the
selected criteria are presented in Tab. 2 (sample for
the cluster OLAP).
Table 2: Selected alternatives’ priorities with respect to cri-
teria from cluster 6 OLAP.
Diff. data
sources OLAP
User supp.
V1 0.084863 0.187670
V2 0.459105 0.187670
V3 0.154541 0.363056
V4 0.154541 0.199955
V5 0.146949 0.061648
A number of dependencies between criteria have
to be considered. They regard criteria belonging to
the same cluster and are represented by ’inner depen-
dence loops’ in fig. 1. The dependence of ’Lic/fin
cond. on other criteria in cluster ’Performance’
on ’Scalability’, ’Paralell computing’ and in cluster
’OLAP’ is a good example (see Tab. 3).
Table 3: The dependence of ’Lic/fin cond. in cluster 6
No. Criterion Priority
62 Graph. interf. OLAP 0.113512
64 MDX language 0.539254
65 MS Office int. OLAP 0.244404
67 User supp. OLAP 0.102830
Calculations for the ANP and AHP models have
been done with Superdecisions software (ANP Team,
2012). Fig. 2 shows the final priorities of alternatives
given by ANP. For the sake of comparison the results
of AHP are also presented.
Figure 2: Final priorities of alternatives given by ANP and
AHP models.
As it can be seen at Fig 2, the assessment with
the ANP not only has changed the overall ranking but
also has differentiated vendors much more then AHP.
Hence, the ANP gives a better base for the final deci-
A software selection is a task that have to take into
account multiple, often interdependent factors. This
article shows how this task can be done with the ANP
method. In comparison with the other methods, ANP
allows better modeling of the needs of users as it al-
lows for the relationships between elements of the
modeled system. In fact, our example has demon-
strated that an inclusion of the interrelations among
factors may lead to different results in comparison
to methods with independence principle (represented
here by AHP).
We have built and solved the ANP model for an
extended problem of BI system selection, in which all
main modules has been considered: Data Base/Data
Warehouse Server, Data Mining, ETL, OLAP and Re-
porting Server. Each of these modules, in turn, con-
tained 7-14 criteria. Altogether the problem embod-
ied 49 criteria, and additionally there were some de-
pendencies between them. Inevitably, requiring the
hundreds of comparisons, the procedure became re-
ally labor intensive and high demanding. The only ex-
cuse of this inconvenience is that several hours spent
on pair-wise comparisons may be assumed as not so
high cost in comparison with the overall time and
money expense of such a big and important project.
This also suggests a potential direction of the future
study towards the methods with similar capabilities
but less laborious and less demanding.
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