Assessing the Efficacy of Improvements in User Satisfaction
for Mobile Applications
User Feedback from the Review Data
Bomi Song, Woori Han and Yongtae Park
Department of Industrial Engineeing, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanka-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Keywords: Improvement of Mobile Application, User Satisfaction, User Feedback, Review Data.
Abstract: Monitoring user feedback is of central importance in the iterative and incremental appraoch to improvement
of mobile applications. Knowledge from user review on mobile applications can be fruitful source of user
feedback on firms’ effort to improve their mobile applications. This paper proposes an approach to
assessing the efficacy of improvements in user satisfaction for mobile applications using user review data.
Specifically, overall satisfaction score and frequencies of updated features in review data are compared
before and after updates of mobile applications. We believe our method can facilitate utilizing user reviews
to track user feedback and obtain useful knowledge in planning and managing updates of mobile
applications, and serve as a starting point of more general model.
The strategic importance of achieving user
satisfaction has become more apparent in mobile
applications given the rapidly changing markets and
fierce competition (Lal et al., 2001; Heyes, 2002).
Chasing the growing markets for mobile
applications and opportunities for new business,
numerous mobile applications have appeared, but
many of them have disappeared from the
competition. Users are impatient with poor mobile
applications due to low switching barrier and a lot of
alternatives (Kimbler, 2010; Holzer and Ondrus,
In this situation, companies and mobile
application developers are focusing increasing
attention on iterative and incremental approach to
development and deployment of a mobile
application to develop innovative and useful services
as well as deliver quality and reliable services
(Abrahamsson et al., 2003; Abrahamsson, 2005;
Rahimian and Ramsin, 2008). High flexibility of the
iterative and incremental approach enables
developers and providers of mobile applications to
embrace environmental changes including
technologies, customer needs, and regulations into
mobile applications (Blazevic et al., 2003). Also, it
provides a way for fast time-to-market of an
innovation (Blazevic et al., 2003) and ongoing effort
to innovate in a fast manner (Tapscott et al., 1988;
Blazevic et al., 2003). To sum up, continual
improvements by updating versions of mobile
applications can increase loyalty of existing users, as
well as attract new users with relative low cost than
launching a complete service at the first time.
Monitoring user feedback is of central
importance in the iterative and incremental appraoch
to improvement of mobile applications. It is the first
step for the next improvement, providing evidences
for assessing the current improvements and
establishing direction of the next improvement in the
light of users (Highsmith and Cockburn, 2001;
Lindvall et al., 2002). Also, as mentioned earlier,
since they are rapidly changing, user requirements
should be reassessed and reprioritized based on the
user feedback (Bajic and Lyons, 2011). In this
regard, understanding of how firms improvement
effort affects user satisfaction and mirroring the
results on the next version are crucial in the success
of mobile applications. However, as for the mobile
applications, it is impeded in many cases due to a
lack of quantitative data and systematic processes.
With respect to the data, there exist numerous
methods for getting user feedback such as focus
groups, large-scale test bed, and conference with
users. However, small and medium enterprises in the
Song B., Han W. and Park Y..
Assessing the Efficacy of Improvements in User Satisfaction for Mobile Applications - User Feedback from the Review Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0003992105030506
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2012), pages 503-506
ISBN: 978-989-8565-22-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
mobile application industry, which are the majority,
are hard to bear a large amount of cost of such direct
relationships with users (Bajic and Lyons, 2011). In
this situation, user reviews can provide for mobile
applications developers and providers with useful
information on users thinking at relatively low cost.
In addition, review data have several advantages as
source of voice of customers high availability,
validity, and influence (Bickart and Schindler, 2001;
Büyüközkan et al., 2007).
This study primarily aims to propose a new
approach to assess the efficacy of improvements in
user satisfaction of mobile applications by analyzing
user feedback in review data. Specifically, overall
satisfaction score and frequencies of updated
features in review data are compared before and
after updates of mobile applications.
As shown in Figure 1, the proposed approach
consists of four steps: construction of database,
development of keyword vectors, comparison before
and after updates, and assessment of improvements.
Figure 1: Overall process.
2.1 Step 1: Construction of Database
Two kinds of data are required: update information
on mobile applications and user reviews on those
mobile applications. On the on hand, update
information can be found in a variety of sources on
the Web such as official websites of application
developers or providers, websites that provide
information on mobile applications collectively (e.g., and news sites dealing with
mobile applications (e.g. On the
other hand, basically, user reviews can be found in
download sites of mobile applications like Apple
App Store and Android Market. Blogs and forums
can also be source of user reviews.
Such data are in the different formats according
to their sources, as well as being in the unstructured
textual format. Hence, update information and user
reviews on the Web are stored in separate databases,
named updated information DB and User review DB.
Updated information DB consists of six fields
including application name, category, version,
release date, price, and description of improvement.
User review DB consists of seven fields including
application name, version, reviewer, review date,
overall rating, title, and comment. To construct
those databases, web documents including update
information or user reviews on the target mobile
applications are firstly collected. And then, the
information that corresponds to each field of two
databases is extracted from the documents by
parsing them.
2.2 Step 2: Development of Keyword
In this step, user reviews are transformed into
keyword vectors. The ultimate purpose of this study
is to investigate how users think about the
improvements achieved by the update of mobile
applications that is represented in the review data.
Therefore, in this study, keyword vectors for user
reviews are designed to consist of application name,
version, overall rating, and frequency of keywords
for updated features.
While the first three fields are simply bring from
the user review DB, the last filed needs further
processes as follows. Firstly, keywords representing
updated features should be identified in advance. For
this purpose, keywords are extracted from the field
of description of improvement of update information
DB for each version of each application. Then, the
Table 1: An example of keyword vectors.
Frequency of keywords
for updated features
extracted keywords are annotated with types of them;
new features (N), refinements (R), or fixing
bugs/errors (F). Secondly, the frequency of
keywords for updated features is counted from the
ICINCO 2012 - 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
field of title and comment of user review DB. Table
1 shows an example of keyword vectors.
2.3 Step 3: Comparison before and
after Updates
Based on the developed keyword vectors, effect of a
particular update on users thinking is examined at
the update level and feature level. To this end,
average overall rating and average frequency of
keywords for updated features are compared before
and after updates, respectively.
For the update-level comparison, the hypothesis
is; the average overall rating for a version of mobile
application is different from that for its previous
version. Since overall ratings can be considered a
kind of Likert scale, Wilcoxon rank-sum test (also
called Mann-Witney U test), a non-parametric
statistical test, is used for testing the hypothesis. If
the hypothesis is rejected, it is difficult to derive any
conclusion about the efficacy of update without
additional information. In contrast, if the hypothesis
is accepted, it can be concluded that the update have
affected the changes in average overall ratings, and
further analysis is needed for identifying that which
features improved by the update have influence in
the change of overall rating. Hence, the feature-level
comparison is needed for the version about which
the update-level hypothesis is accepted.
The hypothesis for feature-level comparison is;
the average frequency of keywords for updated
features in the reviews for a version of mobile
application is different from that for its previous
version. Considering frequency of keyword ratio
scale, independent samples Students t-test is used
for testing the hypothesis. The result might be one of
four cases: the hypothesis is rejected and frequency
of keywords remains high; the hypothesis is rejected
and frequency of keywords remains low; the
hypothesis is accepted and frequency of keywords is
increased after the update; and the hypothesis is
accepted and frequency of keywords is decreased
after the update. The frequency of keywords for
updated features appearing in user reviews per se,
however, is difficult to provide information on
whether users like the updated features or not since
user feedback on the updated features can be
positive or negative. Therefore, the change in
frequency of keywords for updated features should
be investigated in conjunction with the changes in
overall rating.
2.4 Step 4: Assessment of Improvement
Based on the results of update-level and feature-
level comparison before and after updates, efficacy
matrix of updates is constructed. An example of
efficacy matrix of updates is presented in Table 2.
Table 2: An example of efficacy matrix of updates.
Change in frequency of keywords for
updated features
The row indicates direction of change in overall
rating after update, which has been examined in the
update-level comparison. On the other hand, the
column represents change in frequency of keywords
for updated features, which is obtained as the result
of feature-level comparison. According to the results
of comparison before and after comparisons in the
previous step, each keyword for the updated feature
is classified into one of eight cells in the efficacy
matrix of updates.
On the efficacy matrix of updates, change in
overall rating after update is regarded as the proxy of
user satisfaction and change in frequency of
keywords for updated features is regarded as the
proxy of users’ interest. By jointly investigating the
changes in overall rating and keyword frequency,
users attitudes towards the updated features can be
inferred for each cell of the efficacy matrix of
updates as follows:
Cell (a): users had often expressed their
dissatisfaction with the features, but have
rarely expressed their satisfaction with the
features after improvement;
Cell (b): users had often expressed their
satisfaction with the features, but have rarely
expressed their dissatisfaction with the
features after improvement;
Cell (c): users had not expected, but have been
delighted with the updated features;
Cell (d): Users have not liked 1) the updated
features per se or 2) the quality of the updated
Cell (e): complaints on the features have been
addressed via the updates, and users has been
satisfactory with the result of improvements;
Cell (f): users had wanted the features to be
improved, but have not liked the quality of the
Cell (g) and (h): users might not be interested
in the updated features, or the changes in
Assessing the Efficacy of Improvements in User Satisfaction for Mobile Applications - User Feedback from the Review
overall rating might be affected by the other
We have proposed a way of utilizing user reviews
for assessing the efficacy of improvement in user
satisfaction for mobile application. The changes in
user satisfaction for updates and users interests for
the updated features were statistically examined by
comparing the average overall satisfaction and the
average frequency of keyword for the updated
features, respectively. Moreover, the suggested
efficacy matrix of updates enabled to assess users
attitudes towards the updated features. Our
suggested approach can facilitate utilizing user
reviews to track user feedback and obtain useful
knowledge in planning and managing updates of
mobile applications, or further in developing of new
mobile applications.
The future research may include the following
themes. Firstly, measuring user satisfaction on the
individual updated features rather than overall
satisfaction can allow more sophisticated analysis of
efficacy matrix. For this purpose, sentiment analysis
or conjoint analysis can be incorporated into the
proposed approach. Secondly, indexes that represent
the efficacy of updated features based on the
efficacy matrix can provide more clear
understanding of the updated features influence on
the user satisfaction. Finally, the suggested approach
should be actually implemented with the appropriate
cases. These topics can be fruitful area for future
This work was supported by the National Research
Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the
Korea government(MEST) (No. 2009-0085757).
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ICINCO 2012 - 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics