A Cloud Computing Infrastructure on Demand with Open Source Technologies
M. A. Alvarez
, A. Fernandez-Montes
, J. A. Ortega
and L. Gonzalez-Abril
Computer Languages and Systems Department, University of Seville, Seville, Spain
Applied Economics I Department, University of Seville, Seville, Spain
Cloud Computing, Cluster, Cobbler, IaaS, OpenNebula, Profile, Puppet, ReCarta, Virtual Machine.
A new approach technology to enable the expansion and replication of resources on demand is presented in
this paper. This approach is called CICA GRID and it provides service to research community in the Scientific
Computer Centre of Andalusia (CICA). This approach is an alternative solution to the initial cost involved in
building an own data center by public organizations for researches. This solution quickly provides resources
with a minimal technical staff effort. Also, an architecture and user interface example called ReCarta was
presented. This system supplies a private Cloud Computing system for non-technical end-users.
In the last years, Cloud Computing has been launched
as a concept that it has potential to transform the way
in which computers are used and managed. This tech-
nology promises to realize the objective of transform-
ing the computing resources into a single process.
This process can use any quantity of resources dur-
ing the needed time.
These features are especially interesting for the
HPC/Grid Computing/Scientific area since they en-
able resources to be managed in a controlled envi-
ronment. In this sense, researchers estimate their
computing needs when a new project is considered.
Therefore, researchers must spend their time to con-
figure the available resources to satisfy their needs.
Furthermore, the problem is bigger if researchers do
not have technical computer knowledges.
In response to the needs of researchers and to
improve the Andalusian Supercomputing Network
, the Scientific Computer Center of Andalu-
sia (CICA)
has implemented a technology solution
called CICA GRID. It enables the expansion or repli-
cation of resources depending on research demands.
CICA, in collaboration with the Spanish National
Grid Initiative
, features a high scalability cloud with
a quick resources configuration: a GRID environment
The developed approach incorporates three tools
to carry out its function: Cobbler
, Puppet
and Open-
. It was called ReCarta
and it hides these
tools to user by a web interface.
The paper is organized as follows: Cloud Com-
puting technology is briefly presented in the next sec-
tion. In Section 3, the project motivation and system
architecture are analyzed and users’ tools and exam-
ples are given in Section 4. Benchmarks and features
are shown in Section 5. Section 6 provides a final dis-
cussion and concludes this paper.
Cloud Computing refers to hardware and software in-
frastructure which allows applications to be served
across the web for end-users. Furthermore, it provides
computational resources and virtual hosting to build
their own applications for them and the hardware and
software datacenter is called the Cloud.
There are two kinds of Cloud: Public Cloud (Arm-
brust et al., 2009) and Private Cloud. The first one
is available for commercial purposes and pay-per-use
(Stuer et al., 2007). The second one is found in an in-
A. Alvarez M., Fernandez-Montes A., A. Ortega J. and Gonzalez-Abril L..
The CICA GRID - A Cloud Computing Infrastructure on Demand with Open Source Technologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0003992603010304
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 301-304
ISBN: 978-989-8565-11-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
dividual organization and the access is only allowed
to authorized members. Also, Cloud Computing sys-
tems can be classified as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Ser-
vice), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Soft-
ware as a Service).
A cluster for HPC is supported by CICA and the ap-
plied model is basically IaaS inside a private cloud
which is accessed only by users from RASCI. It uses
SGE as the Local Resource Manager (LRM) with Sun
Grid Engine. Furthermore, this cluster has about 30
machines ant it is part of the Spanish National Grid
The main motivation is to increase the require-
ments for access to excess computational resources
of a working scheme in a cluster with an LRM. Thus,
a project where authenticated and authorized users
could design their own computational infrastructure
and then use and manage it across a comfortable and
simple interface was initiated. It was called “Recursos
a la carta” (À-la-carte resources).
To achieve these goals some technical issues must
be solved: i) machine supply; and ii) how to distribute
the available physical resources among these virtual
machines which they need them. The presented pro-
posal, called CICA GRID, is developed as follows.
3.1 Provisioning and Management of
Large-scale Virtual Systems
The CICA GRID is a private cloud with 35 virtual
machines. It is composed by gLite’s working nodes
and services (Andreetto et al., 2008). It is essential
to have a tool that enables easy and flexible admin-
istration of these machines. The management of this
cloud will be easier and more automated with it. Also,
it must support the production control of the features
and services of each machine. Hence, the problem of
building the machines demanded by users has been
resolved using Cobbler/Koan.
This tool facilitates the provisioning of virtual ma-
chines according to options given by users when they
select how they want to build their machines and es-
tablishes an object hierarchy which defines the con-
figuration characteristics at the highest levels. From
the highest to the lowest level, they are Distro, Pro-
file, Subprofile and System.
The relationship between objects that can be de-
fined with Cobbler and the actual supplied machines
are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Cobbler object hierarchy.
At the time of computer installation, PXE boots
the system while Cobbler shows a drop-down menu
where the installation type can be chosen. If a virtual
machine is going to be supplied, then it is possible to
use the Koan command over the physical machine to
specify what kind of machine is needed.
In the CICA GRID, users initiate a guided instal-
lation through a Cobbler profile. In answer to this
request, the designated virtual machines are kept in
a shared space (machine repository [see Figure 2])
where they are left available to OpenNebula for de-
Since provision and deployment of virtual ma-
chines does not resolve all infrastructure maintenance
problems, a system for automating administration
tasks is required and Puppet has been chosen. It pro-
vides a framework to simplify the work of system ad-
ministrators, reusing the code as much as possible and
allowing a modular system. Also, it is based on a
client-server scheme and a declarative language that
specifies administration tasks.
Puppet is used in the CICA GRID to configure
and ensure that the NTP service of machines works
correctly. Also, it must ensure that users are authen-
ticated by LDAP and a basic backup configuration,
security updates and certain file systems are set up.
Through Cobbler profiles, each newly supplied vir-
tual machine has a Puppet installed client.
Both Cobbler/Koan and Puppet have been proved
to be capable of providing support for hundreds of
3.2 Virtualized Systems
Open Nebula has been chosen to solve the problem
of finding a system for an efficient deployment on
virtual machine. It is an open-source virtual infras-
tructure engine and it enables dynamic deployment
and re-placement of virtual machines using a pool of
physical resources. It has achieved to decouple the
server not only from the physical infrastructure, but
also from the physical location.
Therefore, once Cobbler has provided machines
requested by users and they have been saved in repos-
itory, the system will build needed files to enable
OpenNebula to launch the deployment of machines
as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Architecture: connection scheme.
The CICA GRID has a modular design. It facilitates
its development and has been implemented in Python
(Lutz and Van, 2001) language. Each module presents
a well-defined interface so it can be easily used by
other parts. They are Cobbler, DHCP and DNS man-
agement, Puppet, Open Nebula and User Interface
4.1 ReCarta
A minimalist approach which attempts to show users
the possible options is required. Therefore, the main
focus is not on writing less code, but providing users
with a useful system. This system is called ReCarta.
The created machine is composed for 2 steps. At
first, users must define hardware and software fea-
tures when they create a new group of machines.
Later, users must indicate how many machines and
the names of each have to be defined with these fea-
At the end of this process, created system user data
is shown along with the information needed for con-
nection and start-up. Therefore, users have a project
control panel at their disposal and they can see sys-
tems that they have been defined.
4.2 Code Example
A code example is given in order to illustrate the set of
calls to defined API by different modules. They carry
out tasks that a user has requested via web interface.
A new Cobbler profile (a new project in the user
terminology) is created. It defines machines with 1
CPU, 512 MB of RAM, 4 GB of hard drive and Java
language support.
import mod_cobbler
import mod_dhcpDns
import mod_puppet
import mod_nebula
miCobbler = mod_cobbler.Cobbler( ’john’ )
miCobbler.setProfile( {
’comment’:’project profile’,
’software’:[ ’X-WINDOW’, ’JAVA-SUPPORT’ ]
} )
macs = miCobbler.setSystems( [
{ ’nombre’:’project-vm’,
’comentario’:’project VM’,
’perfil’:’project’ }
] )
mapIpNames = mod_dhcpDns.addSystemsDHCP(macs)
mod_dhcpDns.addEntryDns( mapIpNames )
miCobbler.provisionSystems( [ ’project-vm’ ] )
It is important to note two ReCarta design fea-
. One is the high abstraction level offered by
different methods. The kickstart template is modified
to adapt it to different user requirements and it do not
appear nowhere. Also, DHCP/DNS server configura-
tions are modified to assign a place to new systems in
The other feature of ReCarta is the absence of
system database to save information about defined
projects and users, etc. ReCarta put the usernames
as a prefix to data profiles and the project name to de-
fined system names by users. This design decision
has been taken to keep ReCarta as simple as possible.
The CICA GRID is a private cloud with 35 virtual
machines with the following virtualized features: 1
core and 1 GB RAM. 6 physical servers are used to
virtualize them with the following features: 2 cores
and 4 GB RAM.
Table 1: HPCC benchmarks.
Intel 6400 Intel 6400
Physical Virtualized
PTRANS(GB/s) 0.65 0.54
HPL(Gflops) 14.26 13.01
MPI Latency(ms) 0.00043 0.00053
MPI Bandwidth (ms) 1471.17 1477.64
Table 2: Bonnie++ write test - 2Gb blocks.
Server Sequential Sequential Random
type output (Kbs) input (Kbs) (seek/s)
Virtual 14014 34851 150.7
Physical 45678 49719 64.7
Table 3: Bonnie++ create test - 1Gb blocks.
Server type Sequential Random
Create (s) Create (s)
Virtual 0.0000 0.0000
Physical 1621 891
Table 4: Consumption of 6 physical and 35 virtual servers.
Servers Consumption Total
(KWh/year) (KWh/year)
35 virtual 222.6 7791
6 physical 516 3096
Nowadays, ReCarta creates systems compound of
Xen (Barham et al., 2003) virtual machines. It has
been used because it is proved that a paravirtualized
virtual machine only loses 5-10% of CPU perfor-
mances respect to equivalent physical machine.
Table 1 presents HPCC benchmark execution re-
sults. As expected, performances of the physical ma-
chine are better than virtualized machine. However, it
is observed that the performance is about the same in
both cases, so we can conclude that the proposal can
be accepted as valid.
Table 2 and Table 3 show Bonnie++ execution
results for virtual machine memory and equivalent
physical machine. Also, a significant decrease in per-
formance between virtual and physical machine can
be seen for writing action to disc in these latter cases.
In this case, the differences are slightly higher be-
cause the benchmark is performed on disk access. In
this process, a virtual machine generates a very in-
tense traffic on its virtual hard disk, especially read-
The power consumption can see in Table 4. The
use of virtualization allows the power consumption to
be reduced to 39% can be seen in it.
Although the CICA GRID is still in its experimen-
tal phase, some case studies have been carried out.
One of them is the creation of a small virtual cluster
to be used with Apache Hadoop (Borthakur, 2007).
Also, the project objectives have enabled that more
job requests could be served without exceed the nor-
mal workload for a HPC cluster.
From the point of view of the energy-saving in-
volved in virtualized environments, the CICA GRID
renders research advances for the research groups
with less cost by releasing electrical consumption.
We have learned during the launching of our pilot
project of Cloud Computing that our users appreciate
two advantages: i) the illusion of having a huge com-
puting resource reserved exclusively for them; and ii)
the possibility of increasing and decreasing the re-
sources according to their needs.
This research is partially supported by the projects of
the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitive-
ness ARTEMISA (TIN2009-14378-C02-01) and Si-
mon (TIC-8052) of the Andalusian Regional Ministry
of Economy, Innovation and Science.
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