Towards a User-centered Ubiquitous Customer Feedback Elicitation
Enrico Wieck and Jasminko Novak
School of Business Studies, Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, Zur Schwedenschanze 15, Stralsund, Germany
Customer Feedback, Ubiquitous Computing, User-centered Design, Design Science, Reference Process
This paper suggests a customer-driven approach for regular elicitation of customer feedback for vendors.
Ubiquity and user-centeredness are assumed as central enablers of customer-driven feedback elicitation em-
bedded in customer’s common consumption and/or purchase environment (e.g. point of sale). Following the
design science methodology, a user-centered ubiquitous customer feedback elicitation framework is developed
as an artifact that can support vendors in developing corresponding systems. The framework is evaluated by
producing a concrete system instantiation realized with low-fidelty prototyping and wizard-of-oz techniques.
Evaluation results indicate the suitability of the proposed approach: the framework was applicable for the
development of a ubiquitous customer feedback elicitation system and the resulting low-fidelity prototype was
rated as suitable for ubiquitous and user-centred feedback elicitation.
Current Feedback Elicitation. Customer feedback
is important for vendors for a number of reasons. For
example: (1) it can provide information for product
engineering processes and market research, (2) it of-
ten provides the opportunity to identify product faults
so that vendors may be able to fix them and improve
product quality or (3) customer’s loyalty can increase
through interaction by communication to the vendor
(as part of customer-relationship management).
Considering different methods for obtaining cus-
tomer feedback, we can differentiate between vendor-
driven and customer-driven feedback elicitation.
Vendor-driven is defined as feedback elicitation ini-
tiated by the vendor (e.g. surveys, interviews). In this
case, it is the vendor’s task to motivate and incentivize
the customers for providing feedback. Customer-
driven denotes the customer as the initiator of feed-
back elicitation. A vendor is not initially involved in
motivating customers for feedback communication.
We assume that customers are most likely inter-
ested in providing their feedback when actually using
a product or service. However, vendor-driven cus-
tomer feedback elicitation in many cases neither takes
place at the point of sale/use nor at the customer’s
common usage environment, e.g. at home. In addi-
tion, current approaches like interviews or competi-
tions require significant expenditure of the vendor in
planning and conducting customer feedback elicita-
tion. Thus, vendor-driven customer feedback elici-
tation often lacks integration into the customer con-
sumption process. This can hamper customer feed-
back communication as it requires additional and ded-
icated effort of the customers not directly related to
the time-based context of their use of the product or
service. We argue that a customer driven feedback
elicitation that is better integrated into the customer
consumption process could help to better fulfil ven-
dors’ and customers’ feedback elicitation needs.
Solution Approach and Goals. Based on the follow-
ing assumptions, a customer driven approach is devel-
oped in this paper: (1) Feedback elicitation should be
user-centered, i.e. use customers’ intrinsic motivation
(if existing) to communicate their feedback. These
motivations are different from current feedback elic-
itation, as mainly vendors benefit from feedback so
far. (2) Feedback elicitation shall be ubiquitous, i.e.
integrated into customer’s environment. This spans
customers’ purchase and usage processes. The inte-
gration is assumed to support customer’s motivation
for feedback elicitation.
These assumptions can be supported by related
work. User-centredness, i.e. a customer’s intrinsic
motivation to contribute feedback, can be seen in
Wieck E. and Novak J..
Towards a User-centered Ubiquitous Customer Feedback Elicitation Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0003993302690272
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 269-272
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
online-communities. It is a trust-building mechanism
especially in e-commerce situations, where feedback
depicts a first evaluation of the business partner’s
trustworthiness (cf. Dellarocas (2003) on eBay’s
feedback mechanism). Ubiquity can also be seen in
e-commerce situations as feedback is often a part of
the purchase or use processes there (e.g. Skype feed-
back function after completing a call). Different kinds
of intrinsic motivation (such as fun, sense of commu-
nity or altruism and autonomy) have also been identi-
fied as the dominant factor for user-generated content
(Nov 2007, Kuznetsov 2006). Therefore, the goal is
to develop a ubiquitous customer feedback elicitation
framework based on user-centeredness and ubiquity
as main design guidelines.
The chosen methodological approach combines the
design science paradigm with a user-centred de-
sign methodology for its operationalization. Design
science as defined in information systems research
is ”fundamentally a problem solving paradigm”
(Hevner et al. 2004) with the goal to ”develop
technology-based solutions to important and relevant
business problems” (ibid). The solutions are arti-
facts (constructs, models, methods and instantiations)
whose construction relies on ”kernel theories that are
applied, tested, modified and extended through the ex-
perience, creativity, intuition and problem solving ca-
pabilities of the researcher” (ibid). Thus, our goal is
to develop a framework for user-centred, ubiquitous
feedback systems as an artifact that can inform design
and implementation of feedback systems in practice.
The adopted research method in pursuing this goal
is depicted in figure 1. To identify the framework’s re-
quirements, a literature analysis and a user-centred re-
quirements analysis with scenario-building and focus
group discussions were performed. Two different sce-
narios were discussed: a product-based (books) and a
service-based scenario (university restaurant). Both
provided input to the requirements and to the refer-
ence process model. On the basis of the obtained re-
quirements, a user-centred, ubiquitous feedback elic-
Literature analysis
requirements analysis
User-centered ubiquitous customer
feedback elicitation framework (reference process model)
Instantiation: low-fidelity wizard of oz prototype
First field-test evaluation
Figure 1: Research approach.
itation framework was derived. This step included
the consideration of technological constraints and en-
ablers. The derivedframework was then applied to in-
stantiate a concrete feedback system. The goal of the
instantiation was to evaluate two key questions: (1) Is
the framework suitable for the development of con-
crete feedback systems? (2) Does the derived instan-
tiation satisfy customers requirements for feedback
elicitation? To address these questions the derived in-
stantiation was implemented and evaluated in form of
a low-fidelity prototype.
To support vendors in developing a ubiquitous cus-
tomer feedback elicitation system, a reference process
model is derivedthat is based on the literature analysis
and user-centered requirements analysis. According
to Fettke and Loos (2005), reference process models
can be used for business engineering since they serve
as a blue-print and can be instantiated for a specific
use case. For this purpose, the framework includes
the required modules for a ubiquitous customer feed-
back elicitation system and the module relations.
The customer consumption processes as described
in Reisch and Scherhorn (2005) are the basis for
the construction of the process model. They include
pre- and post-purchase processes. Pre-purchase pro-
cesses are (1) reflexion of one’s needs, (2) information
searching, retrieval and evaluation and (3) purchase
decision. Post-purchase processes are (4) consump-
tion and usage as well as (5) utilization and disposal.
All requirements derived from literature and require-
ments analysis were mapped to the corresponding
consumption process phase.
The reference process model differentiates be-
tween customer driven, vendor drivenand system pro-
cesses. Customer driven processes contain all inter-
actions triggered by a customer. Vendor driven pro-
cesses are such that do need vendor’s initiation. Sys-
tem processes are those that do not require any cus-
tomer or vendor initiation, but highlight specific as-
pects, e.g. store or display existing feedback.
According to the reference process model, a cus-
tomer has only two tasks. The first is to choose a
product using one or more methods and the second
is to communicate the corresponding feedback dur-
ing or after the consumption/usage phase. All other
processes need to be vendor or system driven. A ven-
dor should provide incentives for feedback elicitation
as part of the system design. It is also the vendors’
responsibility to realize mechanisms for the commu-
General processes
Pre-purchase processes Post-purchase processes
Communicate incentives and motivate customers
… community
… others (financial/
customized incentives)
Send receipt confirmation to customer
Need reflexion Information search Consumption/Usage Utilization/Disposal
Identify product
Perform survey
Purchase decision
Realize incentives through ...
… trust-building
rating profiles
… manual
… recomm.
… search in
… search for
Communicate feedback ...
… as product
… as fault
… as problem
solution request
Select product through ...
… automatic
… as product
Display existing feedback
Vendor driven processes
outside consumption process
Vendor driven processes
inside consumption process
System processesConsumption process phase
Customer driven processes
inside consumption process
Store feedback
Analyse feedback
Figure 2: A ubiquitous customer feedback elicitation reference process model.
nication of incentives to the customer, for example
through the customers’ feedback visible in a commu-
nity or through a rating profile. However, though the
vendor should formulate an appropriate incentive sys-
tem, its design should build on intrinsic motivational
factors (such as fun, community reputation etc. (Nov
2007, Kuznetsov 2006)). In this way, the incentive
system is customer-oriented and provided at design
time as part of the system design. Thus, it’s activation
is actually not vendor- but customer-driven (in con-
trast to other approaches such as surveys etc.).
The feedback system is then responsible for prod-
uct identification, displaying existing feedback, send-
ing a feedback receipt confirmation to the customer
as well as for storing and analysing the feedback for
further use. The resulting reference process model is
shown in figure 2.
The goal of the evaluation was twofold: (1) to test if
the framework is applicable for instantiation, i.e. if
it is suitable to generate a concrete version of a feed-
back system. By demonstrating this we can prove the
internal validity of the developed framework accord-
ing to the design science method. (2) To test if the
derived concrete instantiation, e.g. a prototype, satis-
fies the criteria of user-centered and ubiquitous cus-
tomer feedback elicitation. By proving these aspects
of the instantiated prototype we can validate whether
the design goals of the instantiation were reached.
Prototype System and Evaluation Design. A
scenario-based procedure was chosen to develop a
concrete instantiation. The instantiation itself was re-
alized as a low-fidelity wizard-of-oz simulated proto-
type. A university restaurant scenario was chosen for
the validation setting since it was one of the scenarios
addressed in the requirements analysis and as it repre-
sents a recurring service that commonly lacks an es-
tablished solution for ubiquitous, customer-centered
regular feedback elicitation. Most often customers
can only use an online feedback form or talk to the
staff that usually has limited time for conversation
only. Furthermore, enabling technical infrastructure
such as AutoID technology RFID may be readily
available if RFID chip cards are used for the payment
process (as increasingly common in university restau-
rants). This makes it a realistic scenario both in terms
of a concrete need and the realistic possibilities for
eventual technical realisation.
The prototypesystem was realized as follows. The
feedback design follows a traffic-light metaphor (red,
yellow, green). A customer meal tray is supposed to
have a built-in RFID chip. The customer’s chosen
meal is registered at the cash desk and stored onto the
meal tray RFID chip there. After consumption, a cus-
tomer evaluatesthe lunch with the meal tray by touch-
ing the feedback light on a separate table (cf. fig-
ure 3). A notebook display was used to send a confir-
mation receipt to the user. This display was controlled
Figure 3: A customer submits feedback using the prototype.
by an assistant who was responsible for displaying
the confirmation. Participants were not told that the
assistant operates the display and thus had the im-
pression of a functioning system (wizard-of-oz simu-
lation). Restaurant staff was briefed for co-operation
in advance for a more realistic simulation. Partici-
pants were asked to perform a complete consumption
process, i.e. choose and pay a meal (sweets), eat and
small talk (as in a typical lunch situation), and return
the meal tray including feedback elicitation.
In total, 14 participants took part in the evaluation,
57% male and 43% female. All were students having
lunch regularly in the university restaurant. Partici-
pants were divided into three groups with each four
to five participants as smaller groups are more real-
istic and easier to observe. Their impressions from
the test were obtained through Likert-scale question-
naires and a group discussion.
Participants fulfilled most tasks without notable
problems. There was little uncertainty with the pro-
totype’s feedback lights as some participants were not
sure about the correct meal tray positioning for touch-
ing the light. In such a case, either other participants
gave assistance or the persons interacted with the pro-
totype, e.g. by trying out other positions, until the
notebook display showed a confirmation.
Results and Lessons Learned. In summary, the re-
sults indicate that a majority of the participants would
like to have the opportunity to contribute their feed-
back daily (71 % completely agree (ca), 29 % partly
agree (pa)), would daily provide their feedback (50 %
ca, 43 % pa) and would like to know the other’s feed-
back (14 % ca, 57 % pa). These results indicate that
the design was successful in building on participant’s
intrinsic motivation. Prototype experience was rated
as fun (43 % ca, 57 % pa), simple to use (57 % ca,
43 % pa) and feedback elicitation was rated practical
(64 % ca, 36 % pa). Immediate receipt confirmation
of the submitted feedback on a screen was also agreed
with as a good idea, but it was noted that other cus-
tomers should not see one’s own rating. This points
to the importance of anonymity and implies need for
further research on this aspect of the framework de-
sign. Participants also favored the prototype system
over traditional feedback methods and would want to
have it implemented in the university restaurant.
In the discussion, participants suggested using a
lamp indicating successful feedback contribution or
an acoustic signal instead of showing the selected
feedback light itself.
Overall, the prototype evaluation indicates that
the derived ubiquitous customer feedback elicitation
framework is suitable for instantiation of a concrete
prototype. The prototype was evaluated as appropri-
ate for feedback elicitation by the participants and was
perceived as satisfying user needs (user-centredness).
We have presented an approach to elicit customer
feedback based on user-centeredness and ubiquity as
principal design guidelines. A framework for user-
centered, ubiquitous customer feedback elicitation
has been proposed as an artifact supporting vendors in
the development of such feedback systems. Through
an instantiation of a concrete prototype and its eval-
uation by a wizard-of-oz simulation in a field-test,
the internal validity and design goals of the proposed
framework were validated.
The evaluation represents a first test with limi-
tations regarding prototype implementation, partici-
pant representativeness and other influencing circum-
stances. Thus, the results allow only limited gener-
alization and depict therefore a first indicator of the
suitability of the proposed solution. Further evalua-
tions with repeated tests and more participants over a
longer period of time are recommended. In addition,
other use cases should be included for producing dif-
ferent instantiations and validating more comprehen-
sively the different parts of the proposed framework.
Future research should also address the question
of feedback confirmation in more detail, as well as the
integration of mobile devices (e.g. smartphones) and
the integration with feedback in online-communities.
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