Refactoring Business Process Models
A Systematic Review
María Fernández-Ropero, Ricardo Pérez-Castillo and Mario Piattini
Instituto de Tecnologías y Sistemas de Información (ITSI), University of Castilla-La Mancha,
Paseo de la Universidad 4, 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: Refactoring, Business Process, Systematic Literature Review.
Abstract: Business processes are nowadays recognized as one of the intangible business assets that provide more
competitive advantage to organizations. Organizations must therefore be able to manage their business
process models and deal with their quality problems, i.e. lack of understandability, maintainability or
reusability among others. Such quality problems are exacerbated in business processes models that were
mined by reverse engineering from enterprise information systems, since business process are more likely to
undergo inconsistencies, redundancies, etc. Refactoring has proved to be a suitable solution to cope with
these quality problems. Refactoring changes the internal structure of a business process model while
preserves its external behaviour. This paper presents an in-depth systematic review for collecting,
categorizing and analyzing all the refactoring methods and techniques applied to business process models.
The systematic review is conducted following the formal methodology proposed by Kitchenhan. The review
reports 206 related studies, from which 16 were considered as primary studies. The most valuable
conclusion is that none of these studies proposes refactoring techniques for business process models
previously obtained by reverse engineering, which is considered as a greenfield research area.
Business processes depict sequences of coordinated
business activities as well as the involved roles and
resources that organizations must carry out to
achieve common goals (Weske, 2007). Business
processes are today recognized as an intangible
business asset that provides competitive advantages
for organizations (Jeston et al., 2008). In addition,
most business processes are automated by enterprise
information systems.
To take an effective advantage of business
process management, business processes need to be
represented in models following standard notations
such as BPMN (Business Process Modeling and
Notation) (OMG, 2006). Organizations sometimes
do not explicitly have their business processes
models because they have never modeled their
business processes before. Even when the
organization has business process models, such
models can be outdated or misaligned regarding the
actual processes supported by enterprise information
systems. In these cases, reverse engineering
techniques can be used to obtain business process
models from existing information systems (Pérez-
Castillo et al., 2011a, Pérez-Castillo et al., 2011b).
This way, the retrieved models are prone to have a
lower quality degree since every reverse engineering
technique is characterized by a semantic loss when
the abstraction level is progressively increased (in
this case from existing information systems to
business processes).
In fact, bussiness process models can sometimes
present quality faults such as redundancies,
ambiguities, inconsistencies, lack of completeness,
as well as non-adherence to conventions or
standards, among others (Mens et al., 2007).
Business process models particularly obtained by
reverse engineering dramatically face these
problems. For this reason its is necessary to carry
out a refactoring process, which can solve the
mentioned quality problems. Refactoring modifies
the internal structure of business process models
without changing or altering the external semantics.
Refactoring techniques therefore make it possible to
improve the quality of business processes, so that
they become more understandable, maintenible and
reusable (Dijkman et al., 2011).
Fernández-Ropero M., Pérez-Castillo R. and Piattini M..
Refactoring Business Process Models - A Systematic Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0003993801400145
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE-2012), pages 140-145
ISBN: 978-989-8565-13-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The concept of refactoring was proposed by
Opdyke in 1992 as a methodology for restructuring
programs (Opdyke, 1992). In the last decades
refactoring has emerged as a technique to improve
the maintainability of software systems. Traditional
refactoring primarily focuses on the level of source
code for the software life cycle, but it can also be
applied to the scope of the models (Mens and
Tourwé, 2004). For example, refactoring has been
applied to UML (Unified Modeling Language)
models and also to business process modeling.
Refactoring is also frequently termed as
restructuring since it is applied as the second stage
of software modernization process. Software
modernization advocates carrying out traditional
software reengineering following the model-driven
developments principles (i.e., considering all the
involved artifacts as models at different abstraction
levels). Software modernization consists of three
stages: (i) reverse engineering, which represents the
system at a higher level of abstraction; (ii)
restructuring or refactoring, which represents the
system at the same level of abstraction, improving
one or more properties of the system, preserving its
external behavior; and (iii) forward engineering,
which generates the implementation of the system at
a lower level of abstraction integrating the new
features included in the previous stage.
Business process models refactoring, within a
software modernization process, first needs to detect
refactoring opportunities and then it applies
refactoring operators. Currently, there are several
techniques and approaches to refactor business
process models. However, there is not a systematic
review of all available techniques in the literature in
order to understand its evolution and motivation in
each case. For this reason this paper presents a
systematic literature review to know the refactoring
techniques and detect those techniques that can be
particularly applied to business process models
retrieved by reverse engineering. The review
provides a summary of the state-of-the-art and
identifies possible areas of research that have not
been addressed yet.
The systematic literature review is planed and
conducted following the process proposed by
(Kitchenham and Charters, 2007) which is organized
in: (1) planning, which defines the research
questions and establishes the search protocol; (2)
execution, in which the search of research studies is
systematically carried out according to the protocol
defined in the previous phase; and (3) analysis of
results, in which some of the retrieved studies are
considered as primary and are analyzed to draw
After analyzing the studies retrieved during the
search, the following main conclusions were
obtained: (1) studies about business process
refactoring hardly ever provide an empirical
validation of their proposals, which reveals that this
research field is not mature enough; (2) there is an
increasing interest in the area in recent years; and (3)
none of the studies proposes to refactor business
process models previously obtained through reverse
engineering from existing information systems. As a
result, there is a potential research field that has not
been addressed by now.
The remaining of the paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 describes the first phase of the
systematic review through the formulation of
research questions. Section 3 corresponds to the
second phase of the systematic review, the
conduction. Section 4 describes the analysis of the
results, concluding the process of Kitchenham.
Finally, Section 5 shows the obtained conclusions
after the execution of a systematic literature review.
This section presents the planning of the review. It
shows the research questions formulated and the
development of the protocol to guide the review.
2.1 Research Questions
This section provides the research questions
formulated in the review, which must be answered
after analysing the obtained results. Table 1 shows
the research questions RQ1 and the additional
question AQ1.
2.2 Development of the Protocol
This section specifies the method used to carry out
the systematic review. The review protocol provides
guidelines to find primary studies that give an
answer to the research questions. Thus, it is
necessary to have some selection criteria of these
primary studies for their inclusion in or exclusion
from the systematic review. Then, a categorization
of each primary study is performed through data
2.2.1 Formulation of the Search Strings
In order to formulate the search string it is necessary
to know what to search and where to search.
The answer to the first question is obtained from
search terms that are derived from the research
questions (‘Refactoring’ and ‘Business Process
Model’), together with the related terms that are
included in the search string by using the logical
OR. Some of these terms are subsets of other terms.
For this reason, it has been decided to select the
most general terms in order to avoid redundancies.
The search string is shown in Table 2.
As regards to where to search it is necessary to
establish a series of digital libraries where the
searches will be performed. The search of the string
mentioned above is performed in the following
digital libraries: (DL1) ACM Digital Library, (DL2)
Springer Link, (DL3) IEEE Xplore Digital Library
and (DL4) Scopus. Each of these digital libraries
provides a different search, so it is necessary to
make small changes in the search string in order to
adapt it to each of these mechanisms.
2.2.2 Selection Criteria
This section defines the inclusion and exclusion
criteria that must pass each of the studies retrieved
by the search string in order to be considered as
primary studies.
Inclusion criteria are those that determine if a
study is considered for review or not (see Table 3),
while exclusion criteria are applied after them to
exclude non-relevant studies (see Table 4).
2.2.3 Study Selection Procedure
The procedure to retrieve primary studies for the
systematic review is shown in Table 5.
After planning the systematic literature review by
the search protocol the primary studies are obtained
by its execution. The steps for conducting the review
1. Adapt the search string for each digital
library, since each one has different search
2. Carry out a search in each of the digital
3. Apply de procedure of study selection to
obtain the primary studies.
4. Use the data extraction mechanism for
managing the relevant information from the
Table 1: Research Questions.
Id. Research Questions
RQ1 What techniques or procedures exist to carry
out refactoring business process models?
AQ1 Are there any techniques or procedures to
refactor business process models obtained
through reverse engineering?
Table 2: Research String.
Id. Research String
RS1 (Refactoring OR Restructuring OR Refactored
OR Refactor) AND (Process Model OR BPMN
OR Workflows OR Business Process)
Table 3: Inclusion Criteria.
Id. Inclusion Criteria
IC1 The study answers directly to the research
IC2 The study is focused on the refactoring of
business process models
IC3 The study has been published between January
2006 and December 2011
IC4 The study provides empirical validation
Table 4: Exclusion Criteria.
Id. Exclusion Criteria
EC1 The study has a business focus
EC2 The study has an approach away from software
EC3 The study is duplicated
EC4 The study is written in a language different to
EC5 The study shows only personal opinions or
anecdotes without scientific basis
Table 5: Procedure for studies selection.
1. Read Title and abstract of study e
2. Apply Inclusion Criteria (IC)
2.1. If c IC, e
SATISFIES c go to step 3
2.2. If c IC, e
¬SATISFIES c go to step 8
2.3. If not enough information to determine it, go
to step 3
3. Apply Exclusion Criteria (EC)
3.1. If c EC, e
¬SATISFIES c go to step 4
3.2. If c EC, e
SATISFIES c go to step 8
3.3. If not enough information to determine it, go
to step 4
4. Read full text
5. Apply Inclusion Criteria again (IC)
5.1. If c CI, e
SATISFIES c go to step 6
5.2. If c CI, e
¬SATISFIES c go to step 8
6. Apply Exclusion Criteria again (EC)
6.1. If c CE, e
SATISFIES c go to step 8
6.2. If c CE, e
¬SATISFIES c go to step 7
7. Accept study
8. Refuse study
When applying the search protocol it is
necessary to extract the relevant information from
each retrieved study. To manage the information
from each of the studies it has been prepared a form
of relevant information that collects the relevant
information for each retrieved study as an identifier
of the study, the digital library where the study was
recovered, the title of the study, the list of authors of
the study and the year of publication of the study.
Also, the form includes information relating to the
satisfaction of the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
For each primary study, additional relevant
information is also stored for later analysis, i.e.
publication type (journal, conference or book), used
notation (BPMN, Petri Nets, PTS Tree or others)
and kind of empirical validation performed in the
study (experiment, study case, poll, example or no
validation). Moreover, the AQ1 (see Table 1) is
formulated to each of the primary studies. This
additional relevant information is collected to assess
the quality of each study.
All of the primary studies are indexed in the
database that provides the tool EndNote (Reuters,
2011). Additionally, all collected information during
the execution of the systematic review is available
online in (Pérez-Castillo and Fernández-Ropero,
The obtained results are analyzed to be interpreted
and to draw conclusions. The systematic review was
carried out with two different analyses (see the
following sections): (1) a descriptive statistical
analysis and (2) a state-of-the-art assessment.
4.1 Statistics Analysis
After the execution of the search with the search
string 206 studies were retrieved and after full
execution of the review 16 studies were considered
as primary studies. Table 6 provides some
descriptive statistics.
Regarding the inclusion/exclusion criteria, only
7.77% of the studies met the inclusion and exclusion
criteria proposed at the beginning. In the case of the
ACM library only 28.57% of the studies were
accepted as primary studies, with 4 studies published
in journals, 9 published in conferences and 1
published in a book. In the case of Springer library
only 4.17% of studies were accepted, with 1
published in a book. This decrease is due to the fact
that most studies are duplicated in next libraries
because those studies met the exclusion criterion
EC3. The same happened with IEEE Xplore library;
for this reason none of studies were considered as
primary studies from this library. Finally, from
Scopus library only 0.96% of the retrieved studies
were considered as primary studies, with 1 published
in a journal, because it was the last library to search.
Concerning the kind of the publications, Table 6
shows that the majority of the studies (56%) have
been published in conferences while 31% and 13%
of the studies were respectively published in journals
or books. This indicates that the subject under study
does not have a great maturity degree.
Considering the year of publication, Figure 1
shows that there is a large increase of publications in
the last years. In fact, in 2010 there was an increase
in publication, but most of them are not relevant for
this review since they did not meet the inclusion
criteria (as answering the research questions) or
since those studies did not provide empirical
validation. Regarding primary studies, a growth is
observed along the years with various studies per
year from 2006.
Regarding the notation used to represent business
process in the primary studies, Petri Nets
predominates with 50% over all the primary studies
(see Figure 2 (a)). The next most predominant
notation is BPMN, which is used in 19% of the
primary studies. Petri Nets might be more
commonly used than BPMN given that Petri Nets is
a well-proven notation and it has been used since the
60’s while the BPMN notation is relatively new and
it is not widespread.
With respect to the type of the empirical
validation conducted in the primary studies, it shows
that most studies (63%) provide only examples (see
Figure 2 (b)). The reason for this could be a certain
lack of maturity in the field and only proposals have
been made.
Table 6: Summary of results.
Primary studies
ACM 49 4 9 1 14 28.57%
Springer 24 0 0 1 1 4.17%
IEEE 29 0 0 0 0 0.00%
Scopus 104 1 0 0 1 0.96%
TOTAL 206 5 9 2 16 7.77%
Additionally, the analysis of the primary studies
revealed that no primary study considers business
process models obtained through reverse
Figure 1: Distribution of year of publication.
Figure 2: Distribution of primary studies according (a)
notation type and (b) empirical validation type.
Finally, the location of the authors involved in the
studies was also analyzed, since it may be important
to understand the usefulness of the findings. At least
ten countries were found, the most common of
which being Germany (5 authors) as well as China
and Switzerland (3 authors). Other countries as
Austria, Netherlands, United Kingdom and United
States have 2 authors, and Australia, Estonia and
Japan have one author.
4.2 State-of-the-Art Analysis
After analyzing the whole set of primary studies, a
set of common topics was collected. This analysis
establishes a relationship between the most common,
valuable topics and the primary studies addressing
such topics.
Table 7 shows the reference of each primary
study, that can be consulted in (Pérez-Castillo and
Fernández-Ropero, 2012), and also shows the digital
library where the study was retrieved and a list with
all the topics indicating which topic appears or is
addressed for each primary study.
There are 14 topics related to the studies. Topics
are related to whether the study shows some
scenarios (also called smells or refactoring
opportunities) where refactoring would be necessary
and, besides, if the algorithm used to make the
detection is shown. Moreover, topics related to
whether the study shows refactoring techniques and
its algorithm. Other topic is whether the study
proposes a metric. Furthermore, there are other
topics related to quality as readability, reusability,
Table 7: Topics of primary studies.
Reference of primary study
Digital Library
Detect refactoring
Algorithms to detect
Measuring and
Business Process
Business Process
Business Process
Violations or
Business Process
Software Processes
or Workflow
Aware Information
Process Variants
(Dijkman et al., 2011)
(Dumas et al., 2011)
(Weber et al., 2011)
(Zeng et al., 2010)
(Hanakawa, 2011)
(Leopold et al., 2010)
(Feineman, 2010)
(Weber and Reichert, 2008)
(Awad et al., 2009)
(Koehler et al., 2008)
(Yan and Wang, 2009)
(Vanhatalo et al., 2008)
(Chivers and McDermid, 2006)
(Wang et al., 2007)
(Küster et al., 2006)
(Singh et al., 2007)
<2006 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
All studies Primary studies
Petri Nets
PTS Tree
Study Case
security, understandability and maintainability. A
topic about whether the study proposes the
implementation of its algorithms or not. There is a
topic about whether the study is generic as software
process or workflow but it can be applied in this
context. Also, there is a topic on whether the study is
about PAIS (Process-Aware Information System).
Finally, there is a topic to indicate whether the study
makes refactoring of process variants models.
The paper presents a systematic literature review of
refactoring techniques and methods to be applied to
business process models obtained by reverse
engineering. The review has been carried out by
following the formal methodology proposed by
In total, 206 relevant studies were found in four
different digital libraries (ACM, SpringerLink, IEEE
Xplore and Scopus). 16 of these studies were
considered as primary according to the inclusion and
exclusion criteria and specific data were collected
from them in order to analyze them and to obtain
conclusions. After applying a statistical analysis the
most valuable findings were the following: (1) as
negative aspects: little empirical validation
performed. Most of the studies considered only an
example of the techniques or methods proposed, and
some were proposed as future work to validate their
proposals through study cases; (2) as beneficial
aspects: growing interest in the field due to
increased studies in recent years. It is also an area of
research which is not mature enough, so it is
interesting to address it.
Particularly, refactoring techniques have not
been especially developed to business processes
obtained by reverse engineering. Therefore, it may
be a possible field in which to make further research
efforts since it has not been addressed yet by the
research community.
This work was supported by the FPU Spanish
Program and the R&D projects ALTAMIRA (PII
2I09-0106-2463), PEGASO/MAGO (TIN2009-
13718-C02-01), MOTERO (JCCM and FEDER,
PEII11-0366-9449) and MEDUSAS (CDTI, IDI-
Dijkman, R., Gfeller, B., Küster, J. & Völzer, H. 2011.
Identifying refactoring opportunities in process model
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Jeston, J., Nelis, J. & Davenport, T. 2008. Business
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Kitchenham, B. & Charters, S. 2007. Guidelines for
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Mens, T., Taentzer, G. & Müller, D. Year. Challenges in
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Mens, T. & Tourwé, T. 2004. A survey of software
refactoring. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions
on, 30, 126-139.
Omg. 2006. Business Process Modeling Notation
Specification 1.0 [Online]. Available: http://www.
MN_1-0_Spec_06-02-01.pdf [Accessed].
Opdyke, W. F. 1992. Refactoring: A program
restructuring aid in designing object-oriented
application frameworks. PhD thesis, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Pérez-Castillo, R. & Fernández-Ropero, M. 2012.
Refactoring Business Process Models - A Systematic
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Pérez-Castillo, R., Fernández-Ropero, M., Guzmán, I. G.-
R. D. & Piattini, M. 2011a. MARBLE. A Business
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Williamsburg, VI.
Pérez-Castillo, R., García-Rodríguez De Guzmán, I. &
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MARBLE. Information and Software Technology.
Reuters, T. 2011. EndNote ®. Bibliographies Made Easy
Weske, M. 2007. Business Process Management:
Concepts, Languages, Architectures, Leipzig,
Alemania, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.