Service Oriented Architecture Quality Evaluation
Riad Belkhatir
, Mourad Oussalah
and Arnaud Viguier
Department of Computing, University of Nantes, Rue de la Houssinière, Nantes, France
BeOtic, Rezé, France
Keywords: SOA, Quality, Evaluation, Attributes.
Abstract: This paper presents a semi-automated method for evaluating SOAs called SOAQE, correcting defects
observed so far with existing methods such as lacks of pertinence and accuracy for evaluation results.
SOAQE takes as a starting point the McCall model, describing software quality, which led to an
international standard for the evaluation of software quality (ISO/IEC 9126-1, 2001). This model is
organized around three types of quality attributes (factors, criteria and metrics). The SOAQE method
consists in decomposing the whole architecture and evaluating it according to the McCall model, i.e. a list
of quality factors arising from business needs grouping criteria composed by metrics. Our experimentations
led us to quantify numerically a first determining factor for SOAs, the ‘dynamism’ and some attributes of its
structure: namely the ‘loose coupling’ criterion and its constituent metrics (‘physical, semantic and
We can distinguish a few architectural paradigms for
distributed systems, and, among the most
noteworthy ones, three have contributed to the
evolution of the concerns. These are
chronologically, object oriented architectures
(OOA), component based architectures (CBA) and
service oriented architectures (SOA).
First developers were quickly aware of code
repetitions in applications and sought to define
mechanisms limiting these repetitions. OOA is
focused on this concern and its development is one
of the achievements of this research. OOA provides
great control of the reusability (reusing a system the
same way or through a certain number of
modifications) which paved the way to applications
more and more complex and consequently to the
identification of new limits in terms of granularity.
These limits have led to the shift of the concerns
towards the composability (combining in a sure way
its architectural elements in order to build new
systems or composite architectural elements).
Correlatively, the software engineering community
developed and introduced CBA to overcome this
new challenge and thus, the CBA reinforces control
of the composability and clearly formalizes the
associated processes. By extension, this
formalization establishes the base necessary to
automation possibilities. At the same time, a part of
the software community took the research in a new
direction: the dynamism concern (developing
applications able to adapt in a dynamic, automatic
and autonomous ways their behaviors to answer the
changing needs of requirements and contexts as well
as possibilities of errors) as the predominant aspect.
In short, SOA has been developed on the basis of the
experience gained by objects and components, with
a focalization from the outset on ways of improving
the dynamism.
The SOAQE method presented in the present
paper allows evaluating SOA by combining the
computerized approach and the human intervention
to eliminate lacks identified with past methods such
as ATAM, SAAM or ARID (Clements,Kazman and
Kein, 2001). The main idea resides in automating
the process to avoid time-wasting evaluations. The
process consists in three principal stages detailed
later in this paper. In the current paper, we first
relate in the section 2 the interests of the evaluation,
we analyze the existing works and we present the
SOAQE method in the section 3; and finally we
relate the experimentation which has been done by
the lab team in the section 4. We conclude this paper
Belkhatir R., Oussalah M. and Viguier A..
SOAQE - Service Oriented Architecture Quality Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0003997701990202
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE-2012), pages 199-202
ISBN: 978-989-8565-13-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
with a conclusion about the perspectives of our
The scientific community utilizes models of quality
introducing what we call the software attributes
2.1 Mc Call Model
One of the models that have been published is the
McCall model in 1977 (see figure 1) decomposing
quality attributes in three stages. This model led to
the IEEE standard: ISO/IEC 9126 (ISO/IEC 9126-1,
2001). A certain number of attributes, called external
(applicable to running software), are considered as
key attributes for quality. We call them quality
factors (Clements,Kazman and Kein, 2001). These
attributes are decomposed in lower level attributes,
the internal attributes (which do not rely on software
execution), called quality criteria and each criterion
is associated to a set of attributes directly
measurable and which are called quality metrics.
Figure 1: Mc Call model applied to the "Maintainability".
2.2 Lack of Precision
Current methods of evaluation stop the quality
attributes decomposition at the “quality factors
step” and remain too vague when it comes to giving
accurate measures to quality. These methods are not
precise because they cannot go further in the
decomposition and consequently they cannot be
automated to the point of defining a finite value for
each attribute. They lead inevitably to the
establishment of a brainstorming between
stakeholders (see section 3) for the purpose of the
institution of a utility tree (SEI, 2010). Because
stakeholders do not have tools to quantitatively
measure each quality factor chosen, they shall set up
scenarios aiming to respectively solicit separately
each criterion, and factor. An approximated
evaluation of the architecture is then realized after
having studied the system behavior while carrying
out the scenarios set.
It is precisely where our work differs from those
existing insofar as we wish to obtain a precise
quantitative measurement for each quality factor
with the SOAQE method. We especially aim to
automate the process in order to avoid hand-operated
evaluations pushing to
solicit stakeholders for the
whole evaluation.
3.1 Principle of the Method
The process consists in three principal stages
corresponding each to a decomposition step of our
quality attributes.We first identify relevant quality
factors for our architecture.Then we isolate the
quality criteria defining them.And finally we define
quality metrics composing each criterion in order to
quantify them numerically.
3.2 Steps in More Detail
The main idea of the SOAQE process is to evaluate
in three steps the whole architecture from every
metric to the set of quality factors obtained after
having previously identified the business objectives.
Our work is based on the architect point of view and
the attributes selected are the ones considered as the
most relevant among all existing.
3.2.1 Quality Factors
The CBA is defined with reusability and
composability (Crnkovic, Chaudron and Larsson,
). Basing on previous analysis, we define the
SOA with the Reusability, the Composability and the
Dynamism.These three attributes, that we identified
as quality factors for SOA represent the qualitative
quintessence which has directed the definition of the
object, component and service paradigms.
The first step of the SOAQE method consists in
choosing a first quality factor to study in depth and
there exist a lot which could come out after the
analysis of the business objectives. But we have
naturally chosen to work on those identified as the
qualitative quintessence for SOA. These three quality
attributes (dynamism, composability and reusability)
define each of our three paradigms to varying degrees.
Moreover, there exist a hierarchical ranking
propelling “dynamism” on top of SOA concerns, and
this is precisely why we chose to especially focus
deeply on this quality factor. We may record that each
of the two others attributes is of major importance for
the three paradigms considered (object, component or
service oriented architectures).
3.2.2 Quality Criteria
With regards to our work and after having identified
the determining factor quality for SOA (i.e. the
dynamism), we were interested in the second step of
the SOAQE method, namely, discovering the criteria
defining the factor on which we have gone through.
Further down the road, any factor is composed
by a set of criteria that could be looked at as part of
our work. These criteria belong to different families
of attributes and a few of them are common to the
three quality factors chosen for our paper. But we
deliberately concentrated our work on technical
criteria of each of the quality factors studied because
we adopted the point of view of an architect that is
itself a technical stakeholder. In this light, we
identified six criteria common to each of our three
factors. These technical criteria gather elements
having significant impacts on global quality, from
the development process to the system produced: the
loose coupling (potential of dependences reduction
between services), the explicit architecture
(paradigm ability to define clear architectural
application views), the expressive power (potential
of paradigm expression in terms of creation capacity
and optionalities), the communication abstractions
(paradigm capacity to abstract services functions
communications), the upgradability (paradigm
ability to make evolve its services), and the owner's
responsibility (corresponds to the responsibilities
sharing out between services providers and
consumers). Each of these quality criteria is given
varying degrees of consideration according to the
quality factor in question. Our previous works
(Hock-Koon, 2011) allowed organizing
hierarchically (under three distinct levels) these
quality criteria for each of the three quality factors
(dynamism, reusability and composability).
Consequently, we obtain the triptych of the
figure 2 while considering all paradigms. While
focusing on the dynamism, our previous work
(Hock-Koon, 2011) allowed to conclude that the
loose coupling” criterion is of biggest importance
for this factor (see figure 2), this is why we chose to
concentrate in depth, on it; whereas, the criterion
“expressive power” is of less importance.
3.2.3 Quality Metrics
The coupling is relatively well known by the
community, and thus, our lab team members decided
to look into the matter (Hock-Koon, 2011).
Figure 2: Expression of reusability, composability and
dynamism perspectives.
We found three quality metrics for the latter
which must be considered for the third step of the
SOAQE method (the semantic coupling: {high, low
or non-predominant} based on the high-level
description of a service defined by the architect, the
syntactic coupling: {high, low} measures
dependencies in terms of realization between
abstract services and concrete services and the
physical coupling: {γ, β and α with 0γβα}
focusing on the implementation of the service). This
implementation corresponds to a particular instance
of the service where a choice has been made
concerning concrete services to use. A unique
solution has been chosen to fulfill each of the needs
expressed by abstract services. It reuses existing
researches (Perepletchikov, Ryan, Frampton and
Tari, 2007) and it is based on measurements such as
methods calls, messages exchanged, the number of
linked services, commune objects and so forth.
These metrics shall make it possible to identify
physical dependencies between concrete services.
For the experimentation, we tempted to quantitative-
ly measure the key quality attributes discussed in the
previous sections of this paper; notably, the quality
factor “dynamism”, the “loose coupling” criteria and
the “physical, syntactic and semantic coupling”
metrics. That being said, it is important to note that
the SOAQE method must be reproduced for every
quality factor identified after having analyzed the
objectives of the company and the set of criteria and
metrics belonging to that quality factor.
4.1 Loose Coupling
Taking as a starting point an existing formula of the
field of “Preliminary analysis of risks” (see formula
3.1) (Mortureux, 2002) our works led to the
identification of a mathematical formula (see
formula 3.2) combining the three couplings studied:
semantic, syntactic and physical.
NB: The simplified formula (see formula 3.1)
usually used in the automotive industry, makes it
possible to measure the default risk of a car
component A is the Criticality of the car component,
B is the Probability of occurrence of a failure on this
component and C is the Probability of non-detection
of this failure.
We associate this concept of risk with our vision
of the coupling. Correlatively, the quintessence of
the coupling is the expression of the dependences
which can exist between two elements and the
principle of dependence defines that one element
cannot be used without the other. Reducing the risk
that the role defined by a service cannot be assured
anymore is decreasing the dependence of the
application in relation to this service and thus
reducing its coupling. The calculation of this risk
takes into account all the characteristics influencing
the coupling by redefining the three variables A, B
and C according to the semantic, syntactic and
physical couplings. The global coupling corresponds
to the sum of the three couplings calculated
individually beforehand. The lower this result is, the
more the coupling is weak.
NB: The criticality A
[(a),(b),(c)] is affiliated to
the semantic coupling. ‘a’ if the service is only
associated to non predominant couplings, ‘b’ for
non predominants and low couplings and ‘c’ for non
predominants,low and high couplings, while ‘Ps’ is
the probability of failure of a service.
The finality of our work is to design a conceptual
framework and, in fine, a semi-automated prototype
(based on past methods, such as ATAM or SAAM)
which could quantify with an accurate value the
quality of the whole service oriented architecture.
Another pursued goal consists in bringing to the
customer "less abstract" documents than those
proposed today. The quality concept remaining a
relative one, we will target the sectors requiring a
special attention by directly addressing the various
development lab teams charged with the relevant
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Clements, P., Kazman, R., Klein, M., 2001. Evaluating
Software Architectures: Methods and case studied,
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Hock-Koon, A., 2011. Contribution à la compréhension et
à la modélisation de la composition et du couplage
faible de services dans les architectures orientées
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Mortureux, Y., 2002. Preliminary risk analysis.
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Perepletchikov, M., Ryan, C., Frampton, K., Tari, Z.,
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Figure 3: Defaut risk of a car component (3.1) and global coupling of an architecture (3.2) formulas.