This paper has suggested new IFT algorithms meant
for parameter tuning of PI controllers dedicated to
the level control of the first two tanks in vertical
three-tank systems. A complete data-based
experiment-based approach is proposed with this
The experimental results show that the six steps
of our IFT algorithms ensure the performance
improvement of a representative nonlinear MIMO
benchmark process. An improved model reference
tracking is observed after few iterations of IFT
algorithms. The control system structure presented
in this paper does not employ an adaptive model
reference approach.
The results concerning the control system
behaviour with respect to modifications of
disturbance inputs have not been presented. The
integral components of PI controllers ensure the
disturbance rejection.
One limitation of this data-based technique is the
need for initial PI stabilizing controllers tuned by a
model-based approach represented, for example, by
the MO method. The integral components of PI
controllers cope with the cross-couplings specific to
MIMO systems. However, different organizations of
the experiments specific to MIMO systems can be
applied in this context in order to ensure further
control system performance improvement (Sjöberg
et al., 2003; Huusom et al., 2009; Rădac et al., 2009;
McDaid et al., 2010; Precup et al., 2010).
Future research will be focused on other data-
based tuning techniques applied to nonlinear MIMO
systems and on comparison of the performance of
similar tuning techniques. Special gradient
experiments for MIMO systems should be
constructed with this regard in order to fit the normal
operating regimes of control systems.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian
National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS –
UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-
0109, and by a grant of the NSERC of Canada.
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