as well as phonetic similarity measures. We will
also incorporate other heuristics such as those pro-
posed in (Wong et al., 2006). Other collections of
errors such as the one used by Aspell (Hirst and St-
Onge, 1998) will be included as well as collections
of documents tagged with errors such as the one used
by (Pedler, 2007). The platform can then be used to
determine optimal parameters in the combination of
different approaches and heuristics. We wish to eval-
uate complete error correction systems on the same
platform. The results are more difficult to interpret
because we do not control the resources (including
dictionaries) they rely on, but they will provide refer-
ence results to locate raw performance of the evalu-
ated approaches.
An Indexation Time Error Correction (ITEC) sys-
tem can be used in the analysis of documents to cor-
rect errors they contain and allowing creation of more
representative indexes. We wish to make indirect
evaluation of error correction approaches by compar-
ing the results obtained by information retrieval sys-
tems on evaluation campaigns such as TREC (Kantor
and Voorhees, 2000) or INEX without ITEC and with
it enabled.
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