Moving Across Paradigms between the Process Design and Enactment
Phase in Enterprise Information Systems
Filip Caron and Jan Vanthienen
Leuven Institute for Research on Information Systems (LIRIS), Faculty of Business and Economics, KU Leuven,
Naamsestraat 69, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Process-aware Information Systems, Business Process Management, Process Modeling, Process Enactment,
Transitions, Enterprise Information Systems.
While the business process management literature often assumes a single approach (e.g. procedural or event-
driven) over the process lifecycle, a transition between approaches at different phases in the process lifecycle
may significantly reduce the impact of intrinsic trade-offs between process characteristics. This position paper
explores several business process strategies by analyzing the approaches at different phases in the process
lifecycle as well as the various transitions.
Organizations face a continuous pressure to improve
process compliance, flexibility, efficiency and effec-
tiveness. While responding to these pressures indi-
vidually can be demanding, the real challenge is deal-
ing with the intrinsic tradeoffs (e.g. between com-
pliance, efficiency and flexibility). A wide spectrum
of business process management paradigms has been
presented in the literature, each with its specific trade-
offs. Additionally, most of these contributions con-
sider the selection of the optimal approach given the
business environment as a one-time choice at the pro-
cess design phase. However, business processes may
also require different tradeoffs at different phases of
the process lifecycle.
The contribution of this position paper will be the
exploration of various business process strategies that
combine the selection of a design-time paradigm and
a run-time paradigm (i.e. position selection) with
a transition path, resulting in a better fit between
the business processes and the business environment.
Rather than making a value judgement of the different
strategies, we will focus on a discussion of the impact
on the process characteristics.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: first we introduce and assess the different po-
sitions (section 2 & 3), followed by the specification
and analysis of the transition strategies (section 4) and
section 5 concludes the paper.
Each position in the process lifecycle is defined by the
combination of the related lifecycle phase and process
Traditionally, the traditional business process life-
cycle consists of four phases with distinct roles
(Weske, 2007), i.e. process design phase, process
implementation phase, process enactment phase and
process evaluation phase. The design phase and the
enactment phase straightforwardly belong to respec-
tively the design-time and run-time. As the process
analysis and evaluation phase often results in spe-
cific recommendations/requirements for a process re-
design, it can be considered as part of the next cycle’s
design-time. The implementation phase can be asso-
ciated with run-time as it is the implemented process
that will be executed.
The business process management literature has
proposed a wide spectrum of process paradigms with
at the extremes the procedural (Zisman, 1977; OMG,
2006; Ellis and Nutt, 1993) and declarative (Goed-
ertier and Vanthienen, 2009; van der Aalst et al.,
2009b; Swenson, 2010) process paradigm. In be-
tween there exists a wide variety of hybrid paradigms
that combine aspects of both extremes (Sadiq et al.,
2005; van der Aalst et al., 2009a; Schonenberg et al.,
2008; Kumar and Yao, 2009; Hallerbach et al., 2010).
Caron F. and Vanthienen J..
Moving Across Paradigms between the Process Design and Enactment Phase in Enterprise Information Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0003999202180223
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 218-223
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Since every position has its own design or execu-
tion principles, all positions have different character-
istics and consequently appeal to different business
requirements. In (Davenport, 1993) Davenport iden-
tifies four desirable qualities for business processes;
process flexibility, compliance, effectiveness and effi-
ciency. This section analyzes the possible impact of
each position’s principles on these characteristics.
Process flexibility is the extent to which an or-
ganization can deal with business process change,
the ability to accommodate the special needs of
particular business process instances (i.e. run-
time flexibility) as well as to accommodate pro-
cess model evolutions (i.e. maintainability).
Process compliance is the extent to which a pro-
cess is in correspondence with the internally de-
fined business rules and the externally imposed
business regulations.
Process effectiveness is the extent to which a
business process realizes its business goals.
Process efficiency is the extent to which the or-
ganization of the business process is capable of
minimizing the amount of utilized resources such
as personnel, materials, time, machine capacity.
Additionally, two important characteristics of pro-
cess modeling languages are taken into account for
the evaluation of the design-time positions:
The expressibility of a process modeling lan-
guage is determined by its ability to express spe-
cific process elements, e.g. control-flow, data, ex-
ecution and temporal information (Lu and Sadiq,
2007; zur Muehlen et al., 2007)
The level of comprehensibility reflects the ability
of a process modeling language to define under-
standable process models that can be easily com-
municated among various stakeholders (Fahland
et al., 2009a).
Tables 1 and 2 represent the assessment results of
respectively the design-time and run-time positions.
Traditional business process management solutions
are oriented towards a single process paradigm, e.g.
the business processes are modeled using procedural
process modeling languages (such as BPMN (OMG,
2006)) and then executed in a procedural enactment
environment (such as BPEL (OASIS, 2007)). These
design-time to run-time transitions within a single
process paradigm are the same paradigm transitions.
There also exist business processes that have differ-
ent requirements at design-time and run-time, e.g.
in terms of flexibility. In these cases we analyze
design-time to run-time transitions between process
paradigms, the cross paradigm transitions.
Different process lifecycle phases may require dif-
ferent tradeoffs between process characteristics. Con-
sequently, cross paradigm transitions may in practice
result in a better fit between the business process-
aware information systems and the business environ-
4.1 Same Paradigm Transitions
Procedural - Procedural Transition. Different
transformation strategies between procedural process
modeling languages and procedural process execu-
tion languages have been proposed in the literature
(Decker et al., 2008; Ouyang et al., 2009). How-
ever, due to a conceptual mismatch between the stan-
dard procedural process modeling and execution lan-
guages, translation techniques are generally only of-
fered for a core subset of the procedural process mod-
eling constructs (Recker and Mendling, 2006).
Impact on Process Characteristics. A set of research
contributions on process variant management (based
on querying process variants before run-time) falls
into the scope of the procedural-procedural transi-
tion, e.g. (Lu et al., 2009). While this procedural-
procedural transition might have a positive impact on
the process flexibility, managing changing compli-
ance requirements can be challenging for repositories
with large collections of process variants. The im-
pact on process efficiency and effectiveness depends
on the quality of the process variants and the number
of different situations captured by the process variants
in the repository. In (Reichert et al., 2009) a technique
is presented for adding, replacing and moving activi-
Example Process Case. The procedural-procedural
transition can be recommendedfor business processes
in a stable environment with predictable execution
paths, e.g. processing standard and static items (such
as online orders).
Declarative - Declarative Transition. The common
declarative process modeling languages have their
roots in formal logic. Due to this formal founda-
tion the translation of a high-level declarative process
Table 1: Design-Time Positions Analysis.
Procedural process
Declarative process
Hybrid process modeling
Description Exact specification of all ex-
ecution paths, events and
Set of constraints, business
rules, event conditions or
other (logical) expressions
that define mandatory prop-
erties and dependencies be-
tween activities.
Combination of procedural
and declarative constructs
resulting in process models
with placehoder activities or
procedural process models
with rule-based adaption
Impact on process
Positive: Comprehensible
models, process efficiency
Negative: Overspecification
(Sadiq et al., 2005), main-
tainability issues (Fahland
et al., 2009b)
Positive: Flexibility,
compliance by design,
maintainability (traceability
and absence of duplication),
high expressibility (Lu and
Sadiq, 2007)
Negative: Limited com-
prehensibility (large and
unstructured sets of formal
rules) (Fickas, 1989)
Moderation of impact:
Improved flexibility and
reduced maintainability
issues (declarative place-
holder activities), Improved
efficiency and reduced
flexibility (procedural
placehoder activities),
improved flexibility (rule-
based adaption)
Languages examples Petri Net (based) modeling
(Zisman, 1977; Ellis and
Nutt, 1993), BPMN (OMG,
2006) and UML Activity
Diagram (OMG, 2004)
ConDec (Pesic and van der
Aalst, 2006), DecSerFlow
(van der Aalst and Pesic,
2006) and BPCN (Lu et al.,
Placeholder activities
(Sadiq et al., 2005; van der
Aalst et al., 2009a; Scho-
nenberg et al., 2008),
rule-based adaption (Kumar
and Yao, 2009; Hallerbach
et al., 2010)
Table 2: Run-Time Positions Analysis.
Procedural process
Declarative process
Hybrid process enactment
Description Straightforward execution
based on precisely specified
execution paths
An individual execution
path that satisfies the set
of mandatory constraints is
dynamically created
The base process is ex-
ecuted according to the
principles of the paradigm,
whenever a placeholder
activity is executed a
paradigms switch takes
Impact on process
Positive: high efficiency
Negative: limited flexibility
Positive: high flexibility, as-
sured compliance
Negative: little support, lim-
ited efficiency
Characteristics of process
parts are determined by
their paradigm.
Flexibility as a service im-
proves flexibility
Language examples & ex-
ecution environments
BPEL (OASIS, 2007) and
YAWL (van der Aalst and
Ter Hofstede, 2005)
LTL (Pesic et al., 2008),
CTL (Yu et al., 2006),
PLMflow (Zeng et al.,
2002), ECA rules (Kappel
et al., 1998) and event rules
(Paschke and Boley, 2009)
Chameleon (Sadiq et al.,
2005) and subprocesses
encapsulated in a service
(van der Aalst et al., 2009a)
model into enactable rules is rather straightforward
(e.g. translation of a ConDec process model into LTL
expressions (Pesic et al., 2008)).
Impact on Process Characteristics. During the
declarative-declarative transition no (additional) fac-
tors that affect the business process’s flexibility, com-
pliance, efficiency or effectiveness will/can be intro-
Example Process Case. These transitions are suitable
for business processes in a highly evolving environ-
ment and/or business processes with non-predictable
execution paths. As declarative process management
systems might provide limited support at run-time
(Weber et al., 2009), this transition type will be most
suited for experts dealing with unique cases (Schmidt,
2006) (e.g. non-standardized health care processes).
Hybrid - Hybrid Transition. The hybrid-hybrid
transition can only be applied on hybrid process mod-
els that contain placeholder activities. Within the con-
text of this type of hybrid paradigm, the business
process paradigms of each process parts determine
which same paradigm transition will be used for that
process part.
Impact on Process Characteristics. As these tran-
sitions are intrinsically similar to the previously de-
scribed same strategy transitions, we argue that the
impact on the process characteristics of this transi-
tion is determined by those same strategy transitions.
It should be noted that process variant management
approaches in this context will be easier to main-
tain than those presented in the context of procedural-
procedural transitions, since the base structure is not
Example Process Case. Hybrid-hybrid transitions
will be used for business processes that contain both
process parts with stable and highly evolving environ-
ments and/or that consist of both process parts with
predictable and non-predictable execution paths (e.g.
an advisory project with structured administrative ac-
tivities and unstructured problem solving parts).
4.2 Cross-Paradigm Transitions
While the impact of the same paradigm transitions on
the desirable characteristics of a business process is
rather limited, the impact of the cross-paradigm tran-
sitions can be rather extensive.
Procedural - Declarative Transition. The procedu-
ral process model is translated into a set of event-
based business rules (e.g. preconditions), which can
be used for a declarative process enactment (Casati
et al., 1998).
Impact on Process Characteristics. Since the im-
plicit constraints governing the procedural process
model are exactly mapped on event-based business
rules, the issue of overspecification is not dealt with.
However, process exibility slightly increases com-
pared to the procedural-procedural transition due to
the possibility of a run-time replacement or addition
of a service task and the ability to define extra event-
based business rules to deal with temporary circum-
stances (Dumas et al., 2005). The process effective-
ness and efficiency are determined by the quality of
the process model and the declarative execution envi-
Example Process Case. The procedural-declarative
transition is suitable for use within the context of dis-
tributed processes, for which the process environment
remains relatively stable and the ability to dynam-
ically deal with temporary circumstances is valued
(e.g. order-to-cash process in virtual organizations).
Declarative - Procedural Transition. Before run-
time a systematic procedure is used for the construc-
tion of an optimal control-flow with reference to a
particular characteristic. This procedure is closely
related to artificial intelligence planning techniques
(Hendler et al., 1990; Ferreira and Ferreira, 2005).
Impact on Process Characteristics. While the
declarative process specifications provide extensive
design-time flexibility, run-time flexibility remains
limited to the flexibility offered by procedural en-
actment. However, the declarative process model in
combination with a time-efficient planning algorithm,
allows for a rapid adoption of new compliance re-
quirements. Moreover,when the proceduralworkflow
engine does not support any of the run-time flexibil-
ity enhancing techniques, compliance can be easily
checked against the declarative process model.
The use of an artificial planning algorithm might
positively affect both the process efficiency and ef-
fectiveness, since an optimization criterion needs to
be specified. In addition, compared to declarative
process enactment the end-user will be sufficiently
guided and supported.
Example Process Case. The declarative-procedural
transition is useful for processes that require far-
reaching redesigns at regular intervals and/or for pro-
cesses that benefit from an optimization with refer-
ence to a certain criterium. These process, however,
are at the same time relatively stable in the periods
between those redesign phases.
Hybrid - Procedural Transition. Within the con-
text of this transition the focus is primarily placed on
hybrid models of the second type, the process mod-
els that combine a full procedural specification with
a set of business rules. Before run-time the procedu-
ral reference model is customized to the specific needs
of a particular case by applying the set of customiz-
ing business rules (Kumar and Yao, 2009; Hallerbach
et al., 2010).
Impact on Process Characteristics. Due to the hy-
brid process model as a starting position, a neat ap-
proach to process variant management is provided.
Compared to the process variant management ap-
proach introduced in the procedural-procedural tran-
sition, maintenance of requirements is not needlessly
complicated since there is no duplication of the base
process. However, the customization must be per-
formed correctly and completely in order not to affect
the process effectiveness and compliance.
Example Process Case. This type of hybrid - proce-
dural transition will most likely be used for support-
ing a set of business processes that all only slightly
differ from a specific reference process. We also ex-
pect the business processes to have predictable execu-
tion paths (e.g. claim handling for different insurance
Translating Declarative Placeholders. Naturally, hy-
brid process models with placeholder activities can be
transformed into procedural execution models as de-
scribed in the declarative-proceduraltransition, which
also results in a hybrid-procedural transition. Charac-
teristics of the transition in this context are compara-
ble with those of the declarative-proceduraltransition.
Designing information systems that provide support
for operational business processes with the right level
of process flexibility, compliance, efficiency and ef-
fectiveness can be a challenging task. This posi-
tion paper promotes a clear distinction between the
business process strategies and their differences at
distinct points in the process life cycle. Further-
more, the paper elaborated on the transitions between
design-time and run-time; in addition to the same
paradigm transitions three interesting cross-paradigm
transitions were presented.
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