A Cooperation System based on Ontologies
Mina Ziani, Danielle Boulanger and Guilaine Talens
University of Lyon – Jean Moulin, Modeme Team, 6 Cours Albert Thomas, Lyon, France
Keywords: Cooperation System, Ontology Alignment, Ontology Evolution, Ontology Design, Hybrid Ontology.
Abstract: We present in this paper a cooperation system based on ontologies. To integrate heterogeneous knowledge,
an hybrid ontology is designed. Besides, in order to reach cooperation between local ontologies, a
computer-aided system is offered to assist experts to build mappings between entities of different
ontologies. An approach is described to capture ontology evolution. We define a relevant proposal relating
to the geotechnical domain involving different businesses and willing to cooperate.
Knowledge management is a great challenge for
industries. This involves the representation,
capitalization, sharing and evolution of knowledge.
The use of heterogeneous information sources
distributed across multiple organizations makes
these tasks more difficult.
Ontologies are a promised approach for
knowledge representation in a formal way. In
addition, they are used to ensure cooperation
between heterogeneous information sources.
Since they appeared at the beginning of the 90’s
in the community of Knowledge Engineering,
multiple definitions of ontologies are proposed. The
well-known is defined by (Grüber, 1993): “Ontology
is an explicit specification of a conceptualization”.
üder et al., 1998) adds to this definition that
ontology captures consensual knowledge shared by
an experts’ group. In fact, ontology includes
concepts networks, relationships and axioms to
represent and organize knowledge.
Various approaches established interoperability
between knowledge contained in several information
sources (Wache et al., 2001). We denote the
approach with a single ontology, with multiple
ontologies or with an hybrid ontology. In a single
ontology approach, a global ontology is built to
represent a shared vocabulary between all users
derived from multiple information sources. In a
multiple ontology approach, each information source
is described in its own ontology. Moreover, in an
hybrid approach a shared vocabulary is designed to
allow cooperation between the ontologies. It can be
a terminological resource, a data warehouse or a
global ontology.
Different techniques based on ontologies are
used to yield cooperation between several
information sources and to allow semantic
interoperability. In particular, ontology merging is
the creation of a new ontology from several different
ones. The resulted ontology contains knowledge of
the initial ontologies. In the case of ontology
integration, data from the first ontology is included
in the second one. Ontology alignment is the process
of determining mappings or relationships between
entities of different ontologies.
In this paper, we propose a system based on
ontologies to resolve problems involved in
knowledge management and to allow cooperation
between knowledge bases. Firstly, some related
cooperation systems are highlighted. Then, the
architecture of the offered system and the required
hybrid ontology to represent domain knowledge are
described. Afterward, the developed computer-aided
system is proposed in order to yield cooperation in
the process of mappings creation. Following this, the
consequences of changes in ontology and some
solutions to manage knowledge evolution are
exhibited. We conclude with some perspectives.
Many research projects have been proposed to
achieve cooperation. We distinguish the works on
database cooperation using ontologies and those on
knowledge engineering. Their aims are (i) to design
Ziani M., Boulanger D. and Talens G..
A Cooperation System based on Ontologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0003999600900097
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 90-97
ISBN: 978-989-8565-11-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ontologies for knowledge representation and (ii) to
allow cooperation between multiple ontologies. For
the database cooperation, there are two types of
systems: the first ones are automatic and the second
ones require the experts contribution to resolve
semantic conflicts between information sources.
OBSERVER (Ontology Based System Enhanced
with Relationships for Vocabulary hEterogeneity
Resolution) is a cooperation system for multiple
information sources described in multiple ontologies
(Mena et al.., 2000). Those are designed
independently of others to represent terms in a sub
domain capturing the information in a data
repository. OBSERVER allows to create manually
or semi automatically mappings between terms of
the distributed ontologies. These mappings consist
of synonym relations between terms in the different
ontologies and are stored in a component called IRM
(Interontology Relationship Management).
MOMIS (Mediator environment for Multiple
Information Source) is a semi-automatic system for
integrating structured and semi-structured data. It
provides an environment to manage the users
requests (Beneventano et al., 2000). MOMIS is
based on a mediator/ wrapper architecture: The
wrapper translates each data source in a conceptual
schema while the mediator provides the user with a
Global Virtual View (GVV). It is described in an
ontology representing the global classes and
attributes, and the semantic relations between them.
Users can send request to the GVV which asks the
data sources.
OntoDawa (Ontology-based Data Warehouse) is an
automatic system for autonomous and evolutive data
sources (Nguyen Xuan et al., 2008). Each source
contains its own local ontology and the semantic
relations that articulate with the shared (global)
ontology. This one is manually built by the experts
while local ontologies are designed from the existing
concepts in the global ontology. Therefore, the data
integration is automatic thanks to the semantic
relations between local ontologies extracted from the
global ontology.
OWSCIS (Ontology and Web Services based
Cooperation of Information Sources) is a
cooperation system which uses two levels of
ontology: The information source level (local) and
the cooperation (global) level (Abrouk et al., 2008;
Poulain, 2010). Information sources are semantically
described using local ontologies, and a “reference
ontology” describes the semantics of the domain. A
semi-automatic method was developed to produce
mappings between two ontologies (local and
reference). In addition, a technique for cooperation
querying was implemented. It is based on
exploitation of the semantic contained in the
ontologies and uses the different mappings created.
OMSys (Ontology-based Mediation System) is an
automatic mediation system based on ontologies
(Maiz et al., 2010). Its aim is to represent and to
integrate heterogeneous data. Local ontologies
describe the structure and the semantics of data
sources. An ontology containing the global
vocabulary is designed by merging the local
ontologies. An algorithm based on techniques of
Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) and
the OWL inference mechanism is implemented. The
AHC techniques classify the entities in the different
ontologies in order to define the elements
representing the global ontology. Users send queries
which will be translated into the global language.
In the field of knowledge engineering, ontologies
are used to support knowledge management and
reasoning. In this context, several systems offer
management of ontologies and cooperation between
them by establishing semantic links between
concepts and relations of two ontologies.
OntoMas (Ontology Matching Assistant) is a
system designed to aid the alignment of
heterogeneous ontologies (Huza et al., 2007). The
project develops a knowledge base using the
MAGDA architecture (Generic Mapping Discovery
Architecture) which supports different alignment
techniques. MAGDA classifies the alignment
methods according to the used technique, the type of
the obtained result and the existence of an algorithm
to optimize the alignment. OntoMas provides
assistance to choose the most relevant alignment
technique in a given context.
TooCom (Tool to Operationalize an Ontology with
the Conceptual Graph Model) is a tool dedicated to
knowledge engineering (Fürst and Trichet, 2009). It
proposes an approach to operationalize ontologies
represented in OCGL (Conceptual Graph Ontology
Language) in order to reason about domain
ontologies and therefore to deduce semantic. It
considers heavyweight ontology containing axioms
to define the semantic of the domain. Thus, the
semantic links between conceptual primitives
(concepts, relations) are deduced from the axiomatic
level of ontologies, and confirmed by calculating
the “likelihood coefficient” of the alignments.
Three approaches are involved in these systems:
An approach with a single ontology is used in
MOMIS, an approach with multiple ontologies is
used in OBSERVER, OntoMas and TooCom , and
an approach with an hybrid ontology is used in
OntoDawa, OWSCIS and OMSys. They offer both a
significant autonomy to the local ontology and a
shared vocabulary. However, to represent the whole
domain semantic in a global ontology is difficult.
The ontology is manually designed by experts,
except in OMSys which proposes an automatic
approach to design it but do not manage its
evolution. We propose to develop a cooperation
system based on an hybrid ontology. But, instead of
describing the entire domain semantic at a global
level, we represent only common concepts,
properties and the relations which connect them.
Experts can cooperate through the global ontology
which offers a shared vocabulary and a set of
mappings between the local ontologies. The system
offers an assistance to guide experts to generate
mappings between ontologies entities by proposing
to compute similarity measures relatively to the
ontologies characteristics. Contrary to the existing
alignment systems (OntoMas, tooCom …), our
system stores all the calculated similarities in order
to reuse them. In addition, all the relations validated
by the experts are also stored to maintain the
consistency of the created mappings.
Among the presented projects, some study
ontology evolution. In OntoDawa, several versions
of the ontologies concepts can be stored and
manipulated. The “current version” of the ontology
represents the last version used for each concept.
Moreover, the different versions of concepts and
instances are stored in a database. In OWSICS, the
addition or the deletion of a local ontology implies
changes at the global ontology in order to recovers
all the sub-domain of the local ontologies. In
OMSys, only the data source evolution is captured
by the mediator.
(Stojanovic, 2004) defines a process in six steps
to manage the evolution. The first step identifies
necessary changes to the ontologies. The second step
identifies all the updates to the ontology that will be
required. In order to maintain the consistency of the
ontology, the third step provides all the derived
changes involved by the required change. The fourth
step ensures the consistency of the dependent objects
(ontologies, instances, applications). The fifth step
aims to inform the ontology users of the
consequences of the changes, to implement the
changes, and to store all the executed changes.
Finally, the sixth step allows the users to authorize
or refuse the changes with their effects.
(Djedidi and Aufaure, 2010) proposes a system
called Onto-Evoal (Ontology Evolution-Evaluation)
to manage ontology evolution and evaluation. The
system is based on Change Management Pattern
modeling. Based on these patterns and the semantic
relations between them, the system integrates an
automated process which manages change while
maintaining the consistency of the modified
ontology. In addition, OntoEvoal defines an
ontology quality model to evaluate the ontology.
This model is used to resolve inconsistencies by
assessing the impact of the proposed resolutions on
ontology quality. Thus, users can select the best
(Jaziri et al., 2010) proposed an anticipatory
approach and a tool called Consistology to manage
ontology evolution and versioning. A taxonomy of
types of changes includes all the changes which can
occur in the ontology. The consistency of the
ontology is anticipated by suggesting all the possible
resolutions and their effects on the ontology
according to a set of rules defined by the system.
Finally, the validation of changes implies the
creation of a new version of the ontology. Each
version of the ontology is stored in a log and has a
duration that ends at the application of a new
KAON (Karlsruhe Ontology) is a framework
developed to manage ontologies (Stojanovic, 2004).
It contains some modules for the creation, storage
and application of ontologies. To manage the
ontology evolution, KAON provides a log
containing all the modifications that occur as well as
the concepts and properties concerned. A model of
changes describes some services that manage
ontology evolution. A log model stores the executed
changes, therefore allowing the possibility to go
back at a previous version.
These systems cannot handle the management of
hybrid ontology evolution. Our system has to
consider the impacts of changes to local ontologies
on the global ontology. A way of managing hybrid
ontology evolution is described later.
To represent heterogeneous and distributed
knowledge, we design an hybrid ontology on two
levels: local and global. At a local level, business
ontologies are built. Each one describes a sub-
domain specificity respecting the point of view of an
experts’ group which practising a same business. At
a global level an ontology representing a shared
vocabulary allows to connect all the local
ontologies. In order to yield cooperation between
some business ontologies, we offer a computer-aided
system to guide the experts in the process of
mapping creation between concepts of local
ontologies (Ziani et al., 2011b). Then, we propose an
approach to support knowledge evolution.
We applied this work to the geotechnical domain
(contract CETU n° 2005_4.69011). Therefore, we
developed a knowledge capitalization system
allowing cooperation between experts. The system is
based on an hybrid ontology and manages its
evolution. The cooperation is ensured thanks to the
global ontology and a set of mappings. The
architecture of this system is showed in the figure 1.
Figure 1: Architecture of the cooperation system based on
The cooperation system contains:
An interface of ontologies consultation: allows
the experts to see all the ontologies and mappings
existing between them.
An interface of updating ontologies: to add/
modify/ rename or delete concepts/ properties or
instances of its own ontology.
A computer-aided system: to help experts in the
process of mappings creation. It includes a
similarities module which implements several
similarity methods and measures.
A mapping database: stores all the discovered
A similarity database: stores all the calculated
And a module for ontology evolution: includes
three modules. The first one implements a merging
to create or update a global ontology. The second
one supports the local ontologies update and the last
one manages the semantic relations update.
These elements, the locals and the global ontologies
interact with experts in order to create mappings
between concepts of two ontologies and to support
the evolution of the hybrid ontology.
To represent knowledge from heterogeneous and
distributed knowledge bases, we designed an hybrid
ontology. It consists of local ontologies describing
concepts, properties and instances used by experts in
a given business and a global ontology containing
only concepts and properties shared by all. Each
local ontology is manually built by a group of
experts who share the same point of view, while a
global ontology is automatically designed by the
system. A merging algorithm was developed to
create it (Ziani, 2011a).
The figure 2 shows a part of a class diagram
which describes the hybrid ontology written in
OWL. The diagram represents some RDF resources
(Ressource Description Framework) identified by a
URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) and an object
‘synonym’ extracted from a database.
Figure 2: Class diagram describing a part of the hybrid
The figure 2 describes a simplified UML
Global ontology: identified by a URI and
composed by a set of concepts and the conceptual
relations “is a” which connect the concepts.
Figure 3: Part of the hybrid ontology representing the geotechnic domain.
Local ontology: identified by a URI and includes
concepts, conceptual relations, semantic relations
(“is equivalent”, “is disjoint”) and instances.
Concept: identified by a URI and defined by a
syntagm. In addition, each concept may have a
Property: identified by a URI and described by a
Synonym: each one has a unique identifier and
consists of a syntagm.
Instances: identified by a URI and represents a
concept instance. Each concept has zero, one or
many instances. An instance concerns one or many
Each concept contains either zero, or one or several
properties and instances. Each property and each
instance concern either one or several concepts.
Concepts or properties may have synonyms and each
synonym concerns 0..N concepts or properties.
The class diagram is simplified because we have
also the class of relation concept which allows to
represent richer semantic relations. An example of
an hybrid ontology that we developed in the
RAMCESH project is given in the figure 3.
Our system allows the cooperation between experts
through the ontologies alignment. In particular, it
offers a guide to an expert in the process of the
creation of mappings between concepts of different
ontologies. This process is presented in the figure 4.
When an expert wants to create a mapping
between its ontology and another one, he sends a
request through the ‘search interface of mappings’.
This one interrogates the hybrid ontology to find the
names of the different local ontologies. Thus the
expert selects the name of the initial ontology and
those of the research ontology. The first one
corresponds to its business and the second one is the
ontology he wills to cooperate. The selected
ontologies and the global are imported. This later is
required to disambiguate the meaning of ontological
entities in different ontologies. All the concepts of
the initial ontology are proposed via the Interface
and the expert selects one of the returned concepts.
The objective is to discover the concepts of the
research ontology to align with the concept of the
initial ontology.
Once all the parameters (initial concept, initial
ontology and research ontology) are submitted via
the ‘search interface of mappings’, a request of
researching similarities is sent to the ‘assistance
module’. This later forwards the query to the
‘mappings database’ where are stored all the
similarities. If synonyms of the initial concept exist
in the ‘similarities database’, they are returned and
proposed to the expert.
Sequence diagram
Resul ts
Com putati on
Request for updating ontologies
Request for storing mappings
Request for storing the results
Validate mappings
Proposition of similarities
Resul ts
Similarities to calculate
Selection of methods
and measures
Proposition of methods
and measures
Research of methods
and measures
Proposition of similarities
Research of stored similarities
Research of similarities
List of concepts
Research of the concepts in the initial ontology
Selection of the
initial concept
Global, initial and research ontologies
Cooperation query
Importation query
Selection of the
ontologies to align
List of ontologies
Research of the ontologies names
Search interface of mappings Assistance module Similarities module Ontol ogy Similarities database Mappings database Concept
[If exists]
[Expert research similarities]
Resul ts
Com putati on
Request for updating ontologies
Request for storing mappings
Request for storing the results
Validate mappings
Proposition of similarities
Resul ts
Similarities to calculate
Selection of methods
and measures
Proposition of methods
and measures
Research of methods
and measures
Proposition of similarities
Research of stored similarities
Research of similarities
List of concepts
Research of the concepts in the initial ontology
Selection of the
initial concept
Global, initial and research ontologies
Cooperation query
Importation query
Selection of the
ontologies to align
List of ontologies
Research of the ontologies names
Figure 4: Sequence diagram representing the alignment process.
While the expert researches similarities, the
‘assistance module’ proposes to compute similarities
measures using the ‘similarities module’ where all
the methods and measures of similarities are
implemented. The scheduling of these proposed
measures depends on the previous returned results
and the characteristics of the ontologies to align
(ontology granularity, number of concept properties
and instances).
Each found similarity is stored in the ‘similarities
database’ and proposed to the experts for validation
from the ‘search interface of mappings’. Then, the
expert can validate the found similarities. The
semantic links proposed and the expert names are
stored in the ‘mappings database’. Finally, a control
in the ‘mappings database’ allows to verify the
consistency of the generated mappings and therefore
requests to update the ontologies (creation,
modification, deletion).
Through this process, the system allows to store
all the calculated similarities in order to reuse them
and the generated mappings to verify their
consistencies. This interactive system aids to select
the best relevant similarity measures and is based on
a computer-aided algorithm to research similar
concepts (Ziani et al., 2011b).
The evolution of the knowledge domain and the use
of the ontologies for different tasks induce changes
in the local ontologies describing the businesses of
the domain. These evolutions induce changes in the
global ontology (updated concepts and the properties
after modifications) and in the mappings created
during the operations of alignment.
At each change, the system has to send
notifications to inform the experts about the
consequences of an asked change. Before taking in
account, the expert has to validate the modifications
involved. Furthermore, the system has to preserve all
the versions of the ontology evolution.
6.1 Management of Ontology Evolution
There are three types of changes: Elementary,
composed or complex. The elementary change
modifies only one entity of the ontology (add,
modify or delete). The composed change creates
modifications in the neighborhood of the ontology,
and the complex changes involving elementary and
composed changes (Stojanovic, 2004).
The elementary changes are directly performed
by the experts. Composed and complex changes
require verification into the locals and global
ontology. They mainly concern, the addition or
deletion of business ontology and the addition of
concepts sharing by all the experts. The solutions
proposed for the verification of the consistency of a
global ontology are:
For an Addition of Business Ontology. The
addition of a new ontology involves its integration in
the global ontology according to the approach of
designing an hybrid ontology (Ziani et al., 2011a). It
consists to verify if all the concepts and properties of
the global ontology exists in the added ontology. In
the contrary, the concept or property is deleted in the
global ontology.
For a Deletion of Business Ontology / Addition
of the not Leaf Concepts. The deletion of a
business ontology and the addition of not leaf
concepts into a business ontology can involving the
modification of the global ontology if there are new
concepts common to all the business ontologies.
These concepts must be integrated into the global
ontology and the relations which will connect them
to the other concepts in the global ontology are
deduced from the links which connect this one to the
other concepts in the "target" ontology (the business
ontology which was identified during the creation of
the global ontology). The conceptual graph obtained
is verified with an algorithm which allows to delete
the conceptual relations providing cycle into the
global ontology. This relation is only stored in the
local ontologies (Ziani et al., 2011a).
6.2 Management of Mapping Evolution
The system automatically updates the mappings
validated by the experts.
When an expert suggests to add a semantic link
between two concepts, the relation and the expert
name are stored in the mapping database. Then, the
system verifies if another relation between the
concerned concepts exists in the database. If there is
no relation, the system generates a mapping between
these concepts. On the contrary, if there are one or
several semantic relations between these concepts,
the consistence of the ontology is verified and the
existing mapping can be deleted or modified by the
adding of the new. There are two possibilities: Either
the same alignment exists, in this case there is no
modification to be brought to the ontologies, or there
is a contradictory alignment: In this case, we cannot
create this latter. The alignment previously created is
deleted. It can be recreated only by a third expert
who confirms one of the existing solutions or by an
expert who modifies the alignment which he has
previously proposed in the mapping database.
The expert can modify a relation which he has
created in the similarity database. This modification
can involve the updating or the deletion of the
generated mappings.
The expert can also delete a relation which he
has created in the similarity database. As previously,
this operation can modify or delete the generated
mapping between the concerned concepts.
The cooperation system we developed, allows to
represent heterogeneous and distributed knowledge
through an hybrid ontology, and to reach
cooperation between experts with different points of
view. In addition, it manages the hybrid ontology
evolution. This system is generic and can be applied
to all the domains with several identified sub-
domains. In particular, we applied this work to the
geotechnical domain.
Currently, the system of the geotechnical
knowledge management is partially implemented
(the implemented part concerns the hybrid ontology
design and the ontology alignment).
Therefore, our future work is to enable the
system to automatically support the hybrid ontology
evolution and to manage the different versions of the
hybrid ontology. Another perspective of this work is
to estimate all the mappings stored in the similarity
database in order to deduce other semantic relations.
Finally, it would be interesting to study the
scalability of the hybrid ontology and the alignments
between concepts.
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