A Temporal Search Engine to Improve Geographic Data Retrieval in
Spatial Data Infrastructures
Fabio Gomes de Andrade
, Cláudio de Souza Baptista
and Ulrich Schiel
Department of Informatic, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraíba, Cajazeiras, Brazil
Department of Systems and Computing, University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil
Keywords: Geographical Information Retrieval, Spatial Data Infrastructures, Temporal Search Engine.
Abstract: Recently, spatial data infrastructures have become an important solution to ease the finding of geographical
data offered by different organizations. Nevertheless, the catalog services provided by these infrastructures
still have some important drawbacks that limit the geographic information retrieval based on temporal
constraints. Examples of these drawbacks include the lack of both a more detailed description of temporal
information, and ranking. Aiming to overcome these limitations, this paper describes a new temporal search
engine for solving feature type retrieval offered by catalog services. To reach this goal, our search engine is
based on a model that stores temporal information about each service and its respective feature types
described in the SDI catalog service. Moreover, the paper proposes a temporal ranking metric to evaluate
the relevance of each feature type retrieved for the user’s query.
Recently, spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) have
become an important solution to ease the finding of
geographical data offered by different organizations
(Williamson et al., 2003). SDIs usually offer catalog
services, which can be used by both providers and
clients. Providers use this service to announce their
resources, while clients use it to find the data of their
The current catalog services improve geographic
data retrieval, but still have serious limitations. One
of these limitations is the low support to temporal
searches. The time-based searches offered by the
current catalogs are performed using attributes such
as temporal extension and creation/modification date
of the resources. Nevertheless, the values of these
attributes are often omitted; or contain imprecise
information. Such characteristic considerably
reduces the quality of temporal searches. Other
important drawback is the lack of mechanisms to
evaluate the importance of each resource retrieved
from a user’s query.
Aiming to overcome these limitations, in this
paper we propose a new search engine for solving
temporal queries in SDIs. The proposed solution
offers two contributions. The first one consists of a
model that improves the description of the temporal
features of the services described in the SDI catalog
service. The second contribution consists in the
development of a ranking mechanism that is based
on the temporal features of each feature type and
ideas from the classical information retrieval. Such
ranking is used to evaluate how relevant each feature
type is for the user’s query, considering only the
temporal dimension.
It is important to keep in mind that geographical
data are characterized by three dimensions: space,
theme and time. The solution described in this paper
approaches only the time dimension. However, this
solution has been integrated to a broader search
engine, which is able to solve queries with spatial,
thematic and temporal constraints. Details about the
semantic ranking implementation can be found in
(Andrade and Baptista, 2011).
The remaining of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 describes how the current SDIs
offer temporal information. Section 3 focuses on the
model used to represent temporal information.
Section 4 presents the temporal ranking
measurement. Section 5 discusses the
implementation and the experimental evaluation.
Section 6 summarizes the main related works.
Finally, in section 7, we conclude the paper.
Gomes de Andrade F., de Souza Baptista C. and Schiel U..
A Temporal Search Engine to Improve Geographic Data Retrieval in Spatial Data Infrastructures.
DOI: 10.5220/0004001800560065
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 56-65
ISBN: 978-989-8565-10-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In order to ease the standardization and access to
their geographical data, many SDIs are being
implemented as a set of services (Bernard and
Craglia, 2005). In such infrastructures, the datasets
offered by a provider are commonly supplied as a set
of feature types. These feature types, in turn, are
encapsulated and delivered for the users through
services standardized by the Open Geospatial
Consortium [OGC], such as Web Map Service
(WMS) (OGC, 2004) and Web Feature Service
(WFS) (OGC, 2005).
When a provider registers a service in the SDI
catalog, it must provide metadata that describe
different features of the dataset offered by the
service. Part of this information is related to the
temporal extension, where the provider must inform
the time interval with respect to the dataset. The way
as this information is described depends on the
metadata standard adopted by the infrastructure. In
the ISO 19115 metadata standard, the temporal
reference of a resource is usually described through
a temporal interval. Such interval is defined by two
attributes called beginPosition and endPosition,
defining, respectively, the initial and final limits.
The value of these attributes is commonly described
in the ISO 8601 format.
One of the causes that limit the resolution of
temporal queries in the present SDIs is the fact that
the values of attributes that describe the temporal
extension of the data are often omitted by the
provider. In this case, the only information offered
that is related to time is the creation/modification
date of the metadata record, which do not describe
the temporal extension with precision.
Another limitation is related to the details
supplied during the registration. Presently, most
geographic data providers create a single metadata
record to describe their dataset. Hence, only one
temporal extension is defined to characterize all the
feature types offered by a service. Figure 1 shows
two metadata records from different providers,
called M
and M
. Each record describes the feature
types offered by a service
In the service described by M
, there are feature
types covering the periods of 2000, 2002 and 2005.
In this record, it was defined that the temporal
extension (TE) of the service is the interval between
2000 and 2005, which corresponds to the smallest
interval covering all of its feature types. Such a
situation leads to two kinds of disadvantages. In
order to understand the first one, let us consider a
query where the user looks for feature types
concerning the year of 2003. In this case, as the
extension of M
intersects the period defined in the
query, the record ends up being retrieved, though it
does not offer any feature type concerning the period
defined in the request. The second disadvantage
occurs because the catalog service always retrieves
the service as a whole. So, the user is in charge of
accessing the service and identifying the feature
types that satisfy the criteria defined in the query.
This task can be, often, tedious and time consuming,
since many services offer a large number of feature
Figure 1: Example of services temporal description.
Other problems concerning the resolution of
temporal queries occur due to inconsistencies
between the temporal extension defined in the
metadata record and the temporal extensions
concerning the feature types. Observing Figure 1
again, it is possible to notice that the record M
defines the interval 2005 as its temporal extension,
though it also has a feature type concerning another
temporal interval. This kind of situation occurs
because many providers use as temporal extension
just the period associated to most of its feature types.
So, in the case the user performs a query for feature
types concerning the period of 2003, the catalog
service will not retrieve the service described by M
though the service has data which satisfy the criteria
defined in the request.
Besides the limitations previously described,
another problem of the present catalog services is
that they assume that all the resources that satisfy the
selection criterion defined in the query have the
same relevance for the user. So, a resource that
covers the whole interval requested by the user is
considered as relevant as one that covers only a part
of the requested interval. This makes the possibly
more relevant services to be presented later to the
user. This is an undesired characteristic, especially
in queries which return a large number of results.
The main consequence is that, in these queries, the
user may lose time in trying to find the service
having the most relevant information or, in worse
cases, this user my end up not evaluating the
The first stage in the development of our search
engine consists in defining a model to represent
temporal information of the services offered by the
SDI. In order to fulfill requirement R
, the designed
schema stores the temporal information of each
service and of each feature type that it offers. Figure
2 presents the conceptual schema.
It is important to have in mind that the simplicity
of the schema is due to the fact that most part of the
service information keeps being stored in the
metadata record. So, our schema stores just the
information needed to resolve the temporal queries.
The temporal extensions of a service and of its
feature types are defined through the attributes
beginTime and endTime, present in their respective
entities. Both attributes are represented as
timestamps. Moreover, the model stores some
descriptive attributes of each service and of each
feature type, such as name, title and textual
description. These attributes are shown to the user
during the exhibition of the query result. After
evaluating the information shown by these attributes,
the user may request a complete view of the record
that describes the service offering the feature type of
interest. Such retrieval is performed by the attribute
metadataIdentifier, which keeps a reference for the
service metadata record.
After defining the model to be used for data
representation, we created a methodology to extract
temporal information from the service and feature
types. In order to facilitate the reader’s
understanding, this process will be referred to as
temporal annotation throughout this paper.
3.1 Services Annotation
The first stage of the process of extracting temporal
information consists in identifying the temporal
interval covered by the service. The information is
obtained through the processing of information in
the metadata record of the service.
The service annotation is done through the value
of the attributes that define its temporal extension.
When the values of these attributes are provided by
the metadata record that describes the service, they
are retrieved and normalized to a temporal interval.
This interval is then defined as the service temporal
extension. Another attribute verifies the service
update frequency. The verification is intended to
check whether the service is continuously updated.
If so, the model considers the service persistent and,
consequently, it has no final limit. In our solution,
we consider persistent just the services with the
following values for update frequency: annually,
continually, daily, monthly and weekly.
Figure 2: Conceptual schema.
When the temporal extension of the service is not
present in its metadata, its temporal extension is
identified through the values of other attributes. The
attributes are queried in a priority order. In the case
an attribute contains temporal information, its value
is extracted, standardized and associated to the
service, ending the annotation process. In the
opposite case, the next attribute is queried and the
process is repeated until all attributes are checked.
Currently, the attributes queried in order to obtain
temporal information of a service, in priority order,
are: keywords, title and textual description. Finally,
in the case temporal information is not found in any
of these attributes, the creation date of the metadata
record is used as temporal reference for this service.
Among the attributes queried during the
annotation process, some are represented directly as
dates, as the temporal extension and the inclusion
date of the record. When the temporal information is
obtained through these attributes, it is necessary to
convert the attribute value into a temporal interval,
in the format used by the data schema.
The date standardization process depends on the
format of the temporal information. In the case the
attribute value is a simple date (for instance,
1/10/2010), its conversion to an interval can be done
in two forms, depending on its update frequency. If
the service is continuously updated, the date is
converted into a persistent interval, which means
that the final limit corresponds to the moment at
which the query is performed. Otherwise, the value
is standardized to an interval containing the limits of
the value found for the attribute. The granularity of
this interval (day, month, year) is identical to the
granularity of the attribute value. For example, if the
value represents a day, the generated interval will
represent a day too. The same occurs for attributes
that represent a month or a year.
While attributes concerning temporal extension
and inclusion date of the record already supply the
values in the form of dates, some of the queried
attributes, such as service name and textual
description, are offered as a set of strings. When
these attributes are queried, their text values must be
processed in order to extract temporal information.
This processing, which is occurs with use of
machine learning techniques, is performed in two
In the first step, the text corresponding to the
attribute value is processed for analysis of the parts
of the speech. This stage is intended to identify and
classify the radical of the elements that appear in the
text. This task is done by a framework called
In the second stage, the result of the previous
stage is processed in order to find temporal
expressions. This information can be found by both
numerical values, such as dates, and textual
elements, such as the words today, yesterday and
tomorrow. As the result of this stage, an XML file
containing all the temporal expressions identified in
the text is generated. This file is coded in the
TimeML standard (Pustejovsky et al., 2003), an
XML-based standard for specification of temporal
expressions in documents. This task is carried out by
a framework called Heideltime.
The processing made by Heideltime automates
the recognition of temporal expressions. However,
each identified expression is treated and annotated
individually, with no relationship among them. So,
the file generated by this framework must be
processed, and the temporal information that is
found must be converted into a temporal interval.
The standardization of temporal annotations found
in a text depends on the number of annotations
found. If the file has just one temporal annotation,
the feature type interval corresponds to the smallest
interval that covers all the temporal information
found. Finally, the absence of temporal annotations
means that no temporal element was found in the
analyzed text. This situation indicates that the
temporal reference cannot be obtained through this
3.2 Feature Types Annotation
Differently from the annotation of services, the
temporal annotation of a feature type is performed
with basis on the information contained in the
document describing the capabilities of the service.
Such a document is obtained by invoking the
operation getCapabilities of the service being
An important characteristic of the capabilities
document is that, differently from the metadata
record, it has no specific attribute to define temporal
information of the feature types offered by the
service. So, the temporal annotation of these
elements must be done through the identification of
temporal expressions present in the values of some
attributes. In order to perform this task, for each
feature type, their keywords, titles and textural
descriptions are queried following the priority order.
Since all attributes used for feature types
annotation are textual, the temporal information
contained in these elements must be extracted
through the processing of the text corresponding to
their values. The procedure adopted to perform this
task is the same used in the annotation of services.
The values obtained after this process are used as the
temporal extension of the feature type that is being
processed. In the case the temporal extension of the
feature type cannot be obtained from any of the
verified attributes, we assume that its value is the
same one obtained for its respective service.
After defining how the temporal information will be
retrieved from the services and stored in the
database, we developed a search engine for retrieval
of feature types that meet a certain temporal
constraint. To implement it, we defined a metric that
evaluates how relevant each feature type is for the
query. Such a metric is computed from other two
measurements: the degrees of overlap and of
temporal relevance.
4.1 The Degree of Overlap
The first measurement used to evaluate the temporal
ranking is the degree of overlap, which evaluates the
similarity between the temporal interval requested in
the query and the temporal interval covered by the
feature type under evaluation. This metric is
computed by means of the Tversky equation
(Tversky, 1977). This equation was chosen because
it considers, during the evaluation of similarity
between objects, the characteristics that they may
have or not in common. Let t
be the temporal
interval defined in the user’s query and t
interval associated to the feature type under
evaluation. Then, the degree of overlap between
them is computed by equation 1.
| t
| represents the extension, in
milliseconds, of the intersection between the
intervals t
and t
| t
/ t
| represents the extension of the interval in
, but not in t
| t
/ t
| represents the extension of the interval in
, but not in t
The constant α represents the weight that the
complement of the interval t
has to the evaluation of
the overlap between the intervals. Presently, the
value 0.9 is used for this constant. To determinate
this value, we used a technique called weighting
(Fox and Shaw, 1993). To estimate the value of α we
used the Pearson correlation coefficient.
4.2 The Temporal Relevance
The second metric used to evaluate the temporal
ranking of a feature type is the degree of temporal
relevance. As in the classical information retrieval,
this metric evaluates how relevant a certain temporal
interval is to a certain service (Baeza-Yates and
Ribeiro-Neto, 1999). Hence, when two feature types
offered by different services have the same degree of
overlap (or close values) with respect to the user’s
query, the model prioritizes feature types offered by
services whose temporal extension has higher
In order to compute the relevance of a temporal
interval to the service, it is necessary to evaluate first
the frequency in which this interval occurs in the
service. This metric is called raw frequency (temp_f)
and is computed by comparing the temporal interval
under evaluation with the temporal extension
covered by each feature type offered by the service.
During the development of this metric, we
evaluated three forms to compute the frequency of a
temporal interval t in a service S. The first solution
consisted in computing the number of associated
feature types whose temporal extension was
identical to t. Despite being easier to compute, this
kind of approach did not consider that the intervals
were different from t, but that they completely
contained that interval, and also did not consider that
some parts of the interval were present in intervals
that intersected it. In the second approach, the
frequency was computed with basis on the number
of intervals that were identical or totally covered the
interval under evaluation. The disadvantage of this
solution is that it does not consider the overlap
between the evaluated interval and the other
intervals that do not cover it totally.
In the third approach, which ended up being
adopted for the proposed metric, the frequency is
computed by summing the degree of overlap
between t and the temporal interval associated to
each feature type offered by the service. So, all the
presences (total or partial) on the interval t in the
temporal interval associated to each feature type are
considered when evaluating the frequency of this
interval. Equation 2 describes the computation of
this frequency. In this equation, t represents the
temporal interval under evaluation, while S is the
service to which the relevance of t is being
computed. Moreover, Ti
represents the temporal
extension of a feature type T offered by the service,
and n represents the number of feature types offered
by the service.
After computed, the value of the raw frequency of
the temporal interval is used to compute its
normalized frequency (temp_tf). This frequency is
computed by the proportion between the raw
frequency and the number of feature types offered
by the service (Equation 3). As in the previous
equation, t represents the temporal interval which is
under evaluation and S represents the service to
which the relevance will be computed.
),(_ =
Another variable used to evaluate the degree of
relevance of a temporal interval is the inverse
frequency (temp_isf). Its objective is to evaluate how
important a temporal interval is to the whole set of
services offered by the SDI. The value of the inverse
frequency (Equation 4) is computed by the
proportion between the number of services offered
and the number of services in which the interval is
totally covered by at least one feature type.
tisftemp log)(_ =
After computing the normalized frequency and the
inverse frequency, their values are used to determine
the degree of temporal relevance of an interval to the
service. This degree of relevance is computed
through the product of both frequencies, as in
Equation 5.
)(_),(_),( tisftempSttftempSttr =
4.3 The Temporal Similarity
Once computed, the values of the degrees of overlap
and temporal relevance are combined to determine
the temporal ranking of a feature type. The value of
this metric is used to classify and sort the feature
types that are retrieved form a user’s query.
Given a temporal interval t defined in the user’s
query and a feature type T offered by the SDI, the
temporal ranking of T is obtained through Equation
6. In this equation, T
represents the temporal
interval covered by T, while S represents the service
that offers this feature type.
ranking represents the temporal similarity
between a temporal interval t defined in the user’s
query and a feature type T being evaluated;
od represents the degree of overlap between the
interval defined in the query (t) and the interval
covered by the feature type under evaluation (T
tr represents the degree of relevance of the
temporal interval associated to the feature type under
evaluation to its respective service;
and w
represent the weights that the degree
of overlap and the degree of temporal relevance has
for the calculation of the degree of temporal
similarity. Each weight must have a value between 0
and 1, and their sum must always be equal to 1.
Presently, we use values of 0.84 and 0.16,
respectively, for w
and w
. These values were
defined using the same statistical technique used to
determinate the weights in Equation 1.
Once defined the temporal ranking metric, our
temporal search engine was implemented. This
section first focuses on the implementation issues.
After, the results obtained from the experimental
evaluation are presented.
5.1 Implementation Issues
After defining the model used to represent
information and the metric used to retrieve this
information, we implemented a prototype for our
search engine. This engine was incorporated to a
tool called SESDI (Semantic-Enabled Spatial Data
Infrastructures) (Andrade and Baptista, 2011), used
for discovery of geographic data in SDIs. The
architecture used for its implementation is
comprised of two main subsystems: the data
acquisition module and the query resolution module.
The first module contains the components
responsible for the extraction of the temporal data
from the services registered in the SDI and from
their respective feature types. The query resolution
module, in turn, has the components that use the
temporal ranking, describe is the previous section, to
resolve temporal queries.
5.1.1 The Data Acquisition Process
The data acquisition process consists in collecting
temporal data that will be used during the query
resolution process. The data acquisition process is
performed periodically, in order to find new services
included and/or updated, keeping the database
The process consists in obtaining information
about new services. For this, the acquisition module
calls the getRecords operation of the registration
service of the infrastructure. This call has a filter that
selects only the services whose
inclusion/modification dates are more recent than
the last verification made by the module. Each
service retrieved in the first stage is then processed
in order to make its temporal annotation.
The processing of each service is subdivided into
several stages. The first one consists of extracting
the temporal extension covered by the service. After
obtaining this information, the module calls the
getCapabilities operation of the service to obtain a
document with information about the feature types
offered by this service. After this, each feature type
is processed to make its temporal annotation.
After extracting the temporal information from
the service and from its feature types, the next stage
consists in using the obtained information to
generate the temporal relevance data of the service.
For this, the module computes the temporal
relevance of each temporal interval associated to at
least one of the feature types offered by the service.
In the last stage of the data acquisition process,
the information obtained after the extraction of
temporal information and generation of temporal
relevance of the service are made persistent in the
database of the prototype. In this process, occurs the
storage of the information about geographic data
services and their feature types, with their temporal
information, besides temporal relevance data
generated for each service. Presently, these data are
made persistent in a database implemented in the
DBMS PostgreSQL/PostGIS.
5.1.2 The Query Resolution Process
The query module is responsible for the resolution
of temporal queries. All queries are performed
through a set of dynamic web pages featured by the
tool. Each requisition received by the query module
has as input parameter a temporal interval of the
user’s interest. The processing of queries is divided
in four steps: temporal filtering, matchmaking,
relevance filtering and ordering.
In the temporal filtering step, the search tool
selects, among all the feature types recorded in the
database, those whose temporal expression intersects
the interval defined in the query. This task is done
through a simple query in the SQL database. The
result of this step is a set containing all the feature
types that meet this constraint.
The second step consists in using the temporal
ranking to compute the relevance of each feature
type retrieved in the first stage. During the
matchmaking process, persistent intervals end up
receiving as final limit the timestamp value
corresponding to the time at which the query was
requested. At the end of this step, for each retrieved
result, the result obtained for the temporal ranking is
In many situations, temporal queries may return
results with very low relevance for the query. This
characteristic, in some situations, may be undesired,
especially during the processing of queries that
return a large number of results. In order to avoid
such a situation, the user may define a minimum
threshold at the moment of the query. When this
happens, the third step in the processing of a query
consists in removing from the final result all feature
types whose relevance is below this threshold.
Finally, the last step consists in organizing the
remaining results according to their relevance
values. For this, a sorting algorithm is executed, in
order to list the retrieved feature types in descendant
relevance order. Figure 3 shows the result of a
requisition for historic feature types concerning the
year of 1964.
Figure 3: Temporal query result.
5.2 Experimental Evaluation
After implementing our temporal search engine, an
experimental evaluation was performed, in order to
compare its performance to that of the present
catalog service. To make this validation, the catalog
service of the North-American SDI was used as case
study. The information of this service was collected
and processed to perform the temporal annotation of
each service and their respective feature types. The
results obtained after this processing were stored in
the database of the search engine. Presently, this
database has 103 services and 12,914 feature types.
During the validation process, several queries
were made for different time intervals. For each
temporal interval used, two queries were performed.
The first query was performed in the catalog service,
and retrieved any record whose temporal extension
intersected the interval defined in the query or
whose publication date intersected the query interval
(in the case of records with no temporal extension
value defined). The second query was performed
using the SESDI tool, which retrieved all the feature
types whose temporal extension was intersected by
the interval defined in the requisition. The results of
both queries were used to compare the performance
of these two approaches. This comparison was
performed according to recall and precision metrics.
Recall corresponds to the proportion between the
number of relevant results retrieved and the total of
existing relevant results. Precision, in turn, is
obtained through the proportion between the number
of relevant results retrieved and the total of retrieved
5.2.1 Recall Evaluation
The experiments results were analyzed in two steps.
In the first one, we made the evaluation at service
level. This evaluation was intended to check the
impact of our solution with respect to the number of
different services retrieved by a query. This
verification allows us to observe the number of
services that have at least one feature type which is
relevant to the query, but which end up not being
retrieved by the catalog service. Figure 4 shows a
graphic obtained through the comparison of results
with respect to coverage. This graphic shows the
performance of both SESDI and catalog service
along the queries that have been executed during the
evaluation process. Moreover, axis x represents the
queries, while axis y represents the obtained
performance for each approach.
The analysis of Figure 4 allows us to see that the
model used by SESDI led to a big improvement in
the coverage of the queries. The model used by the
tool obtained a mean recall of 88.45%, while the
catalog service had a mean recall of 45.17%. This
difference can be explained by the fact that our
search engine stores temporal information of
services and feature types, while the catalog service
makes queries only on information stored at services
level. This difference allows our search engine to
retrieve any services that offer at least one feature
type whose temporal extension matches the
constraints defines in the query, even if the temporal
extension of the service does not meet the criteria
defined in the query. This characteristic is
impossible for the catalog service. Moreover, the
large number of services that do not have a defined
value for the temporal extension contribute to this
difference, since the creation and modification dates
of the metadata do not express this information
In the second step of the validation process, the
two approaches were compared through the number
of retrieved feature types. This evaluation is
intended to obtain an overview of the number of
feature types that are not retrieved due to the
limitations of the present catalog services, as well as
measuring how much the model used by our search
engine improves the retrieval of this kind of
information. The recall comparison of the two
approaches with respect to the retrieval of feature
types is shown in the graphic of Figure 5.
Figure 5 shows that, when the recall of the
queries is compared at feature type level, the
performance difference between the two approaches
is still high. In this kind of evaluation, the model
used by our search engine presented a mean recall of
95.56%, while the catalog service obtained a mean
recall of 43.78%. The reasons that led to this
difference are the same that cause the recall
difference with respect to the retrieval of services.
However, the large number of feature types offered
by some services makes the difference between the
performances of both approaches to be still bigger
than what happens in the comparison at services
Recall for services retrieval
Catalog Service
Figure 4: Graph of recall for services retrieval.
Recall for feature types
Catalog Service
Figure 5: Graph of recall for feature types retrieval.
5.2.2 Precision Evaluation
Besides recall, the approaches were compared with
respect to precision. Figure 6 shows the comparison
of precision between the two approaches with
respect to the number of services retrieved by each
solution. The results show that the model used by
SESDI had a better performance in some queries,
while the catalog service achieves more precise
results in some requisitions. The mean precision of
the catalog service was of 93.72%, while SESDI
achieved a mean precision of 89.48%. The analysis
of the results shows that the precision loss of the
SESDI is not caused by the model used by its search
engine, but is due to the performance of the temporal
annotation process. While the catalog service
performs its searches with basis on information of
the catalog service, which are manually provided,
the temporal search engine used by SESDI performs
its queries with basis on information extracted
manually during the temporal annotation process.
This process is subject to errors, since some
temporal expressions may be misinterpreted when
extracted from textual attributes.
Precision for services retrieval
Catalog Service
Figure 6: Graph of precision for services retrieval.
When the precision of the approaches is
compared at feature type level, the performance of
the two approaches is similar to the performance at
services level. The graphic obtained for this
comparison is shown in Figure 7. While the catalog
service had a mean precision of 92.14%, SESDI
achieved a mean precision of 88.95%.
Precision for feature type retrieval
Catalog Service
Figure 7: Graph of precision for feature types retrieval.
In general, the results obtained through the
validation prove the feasibility of the model
proposed in this paper. The main element that leads
to this conclusion is that the model increases
considerably the coverage of temporal queries,
allowing the retrieval of many feature types even if
the temporal description of their respective service is
not supplied or not described in a consistent fashion.
The use of the temporal dimension to improve the
information retrieval has been addressed by many
studies over the years. Hübner and Visser (2003)
proposed a solution during the implementation of the
BUSTER project (Vögele et al., 2003). In that work,
the temporal extension of each resource is
represented through temporal periods. The limits of
these periods can be described in precise, persistent
or fuzzy forms, or can be defined with respect to
other periods. During the information retrieval
process, an algorithm based on Allen’s temporal
logic (Allen, 1998) is used to infer the semantic
relationships between each period. The use of logic
and inference allows the development of more
powerful search tools. Nevertheless, this kind of
approach does not offer a ranking. Moreover, the
high computational cost of this kind of solution
hinders its application to collections with a large
amount of data.
A ranking-based solution was developed by
Alonso, Gertz and Baeza-Yates (2006). In their
work, documents are grouped in clusters into a
timeline according to their temporal information.
Inside each cluster, the documents are organized by
a ranking, which is obtained through the metrics tf-
idf, with respect to the matching of the text in the
document and the text in the query. Manica et al.,
(2010) developed a search engine which enables the
retrieval of temporal information in XML
documents. In that work, the processing of queries is
performed in two stages: a keyword matching and a
temporal query, which is applied to the nodes that
are closer to those retrieved in the previous stage. In
both works, the ranking used to organize the
documents does not consider the temporal extension
of each resource.
Another ranking-based solution was developed
by Jin et al., (2010). In that work, the keywords that
form a document are associated to temporal
intervals, which are obtained from expressions
contained in the document. For each combination
formed by a keyword and a temporal interval, a
ranking value is computed through tf-idf techniques.
The disadvantage of that work is that its ranking
considers just the importance of the keywords, not
considering the relevance of each temporal
expression found in the document.
Another work that addresses temporal
information retrieval in documents was developed
by Strötgen and Gertz (2010). In that work,
spatiotemporal information of a document is
extracted through the processing of the text and can
be explored by users after a query. However, the
means to evaluate the temporal ranking of each
document are not supplied.
The analysis of the above studies shows that the
temporal information retrieval is still an open
problem. This analysis also shows that many studies
explore the temporal dimension during the
resolution of queries, but do not use (or use
superficially) this information to establish the
ranking of the retrieved results. This highlights the
need for a more specific ranking, generated from a
deeper analysis of this kind of information.
Moreover, we can notice the lack of effective
solutions to retrieve temporal data in the geospatial
domain. This limitation, allied to the key importance
that the time represents for this domain, highlights
the importance of the work presented in this paper.
The temporal dimension has great importance for the
retrieval of geographic data. However, the retrieval
of geographic data with basis on temporal criteria is
still a hard task for the present SDIs. The absence of
a detailed description of the temporal extension of
the services and the lack of a temporal ranking are
some of the characteristics that cause this limitation.
Aiming to overcome those limitations, this paper
described a new temporal search engine. The main
contributions consist in the development of a new
model that improves the description of the temporal
extension at service and feature type levels, and the
development of a ranking for the feature types
retrieved during a query.
Some future works still should be undertaken to
improve our research. An important task to be
developed consists of extending our approach to
handle others types of temporal information, such as
imprecise temporal information. Besides, we should
improve the integration of our temporal search
engine with the other similarity metrics. This task
will enable us to evaluate the performance of our
tool when solving queries concerning more then one
dimension. Finally, other important improvement to
be undertaken consists of integrating our solution to
the current catalog service interface.
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