A Hybrid Evaluation Approach for the Emotional State of
Information Systems Users
Rogério Aparecido Campanari Xavier and Vânia Paula de Almeida Neris
Sustainable and Flexible Interaction Laboratory, Department of Computing, Federal University of São Carlos,
Rod Washington Luiz, Km 235, São Carlos, Brazil
Keywords: Emotion, Users’ Emotional Experience, Emotional Evaluation, Information Systems.
Abstract: The Human-Computer Interaction community has been discussing ways to consider the user’s emotions
while interacting with computers. Emotions are a complex phenomenon, are difficult to identify and
measure and are linked to several components as cognitive aspects, subjective feelings, behavioral
tendencies, physiological responses and motor expressions. In the literature, it is possible to identify various
techniques, methods and tools for assessing the user’s emotional state. Considering the complexity of the
subject, it is necessary to combine methods to minimize the detection of false positives in the evaluation of
the user’s emotional state while interacting with information systems. This paper presents a hybrid approach
based on the emotion model described by Scherer (1984), which allows designers to check whether the
information system creates a positive, neutral or negative emotional reaction in the user. A feasibility study
was conducted in which an emotional evaluation of a web system was performed based on a group of
elderly users using tablet devices.
Emotions are a key to understanding human
behavior (Cristescu, 2008). They are seen as a
mental state that arises spontaneously, without
conscious effort, and considered as feelings in
general that are often accompanied by physiological
changes such as breathing, circulation and
secretions. They are also influenced by several
external and internal stimuli including the context of
the situation, life experience, recent experiences,
personality, affect and the cognitive interpretation of
these influences (Lim et al., 2008).
Emotions are a complex phenomenon that are
difficult to identify and to measure. For
psychologists, emotions are linked to the reaction of
several components as cognitive aspects, subjective
feelings, behavioral tendencies, physiological
responses and motor expressions (Mahlke and
Mingue, 2008); (Scherer, 2005). Emotions affect our
attention, perception, memory, behavior and
cognition. Emotional responses are present in all
types of interaction between human beings, and they
lead us to quickly determine if the elements of the
environment we live in are safe or dangerous, or
good or bad (Beale and Peter, 2008); (Norman,
2004); (Piccolo et al., 2010). This type of knowledge
about emotional responses may explain why people
express their feelings while interacting with
information systems.
Therefore, it is vital to consider the users’
emotional values and their expressions during the
design process to allow the information system’s
interfaces to inspire greater confidence among users
as well as for the interface to be easier to learn and
use (Jonghwa and Andre, 2008); (Hayashi et al.,
2008). In the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
literature, it is possible to identify methods,
techniques and tools for the assessment of users’
emotions, (e.g., (Lefevre and Lefevre, 2005);
(Axelrod and Hone, 2008); (Cristescu, 2008);
(Yusoff and Salim, 2010). However, the separate
applications of these approaches may lead to the
detection of false positives in the identification of
the users’ emotional state due the interaction
Among elderly users, we observed that in some
cases, a bad interaction experience relative to the
traditional usability metrics, such as the time of
interaction, the number of mistakes or non-
concluded tasks, whereas in other cases, the users
selected symbols indicating a good emotional
Campanari Xavier R. and de Almeida Neris V..
A Hybrid Evaluation Approach for the Emotional State of Information Systems Users.
DOI: 10.5220/0004003600450053
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 45-53
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
experience, such as happiness or satisfaction in a
self-reported questionnaire. One user stated, “In life,
we cannot be sad” and selected a happy face in the
questionnaire. Although we agree that usability
metrics are not by themselves sufficient for one to
judge an interaction experience, in this case, the user
considered her life experience in general and did not
evaluate the emotional reaction due to her
interaction with the system. We argue that it is
necessary to combine methods, involving different
stakeholders such as users and specialists, to
minimize the detection of false positives.
This work presents a hybrid evaluation approach
that allows designers to check whether the
information system creates a positive, neutral or
negative emotional reaction in the users. Our
approach, which is based on the emotion model
described by Scherer (1984), considers a set of
methods that allows designers to identify the
emotional state of the user by considering the
subjective feelings and physiological reactions with
the user’s opinions and reactions as well as the
cognitive appraisals, behavioral tendencies and
motor expressions. A feasibility study was
conducted in which an emotional evaluation of a
web system was performed that considered a group
of elderly users using tablet devices.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents the emotion model described by Scherer
(1984). Section 3 summarizes some techniques and
tools that can be applied to evaluate each component
of the model proposed by Scherer. Section 4
describes our hybrid approach aiming to help
designers in evaluating the user’s emotional
response. Section 5 presents the feasibility study
performed to evaluate the proposed approach.
Section 6 presents a critical analysis and some of the
lessons learned. Finally, section 7 provides the
The identification of human emotional states is
difficult and complex (Cristescu, 2008). Therefore,
to try to gain a better understanding of the subject,
some models describing how we feel emotions can
be found in literature. Some of these models
describe the emotions using mainly a cognitive
approach (e.g., Ortony et al., 1988), whereas others
consider multidimensional aspects as pleasure and
arousal (e.g., Osgood et al., 1975; Russell, 1983).
In this work, we have adopted Scherer’s model
(1984), which is based on components. According to
him, “it is interesting to speculate about the
possibility that specific components of emotion are
specialized to serve specific functions” (p. 297).
Scherer’s model was chosen because its approach
based on components allows us to work with each
component separately and therefore choose the
appropriate methods to evaluate the different
dimensions. Moreover, it has been successfully used
in other HCI studies to support the investigation of
emotional experiences in interactive contexts (e.g.,
(Desmet, 2003); (Mahlke and Mingue, 2008);
(Alonso et al., 2011).
Scherer’s model consists of a triangle, which is
connected to two components: cognitive appraisals
and behavioral tendencies (Scherer 1984; 2005);
(Mahlke and Mingue, 2008). The cognitive
appraisals are relevant to the assessment of the
environment including the objects and events. This
component leads to different emotions depending on
the user’s interpretation. In contrast, the behavioral
tendencies prepare the user’s emotional reactions.
According to Mahlke and Mingue (2008), these
reactions can be expressed in several ways, such as
the time required for single input operations or
completing a defined goal, the accuracy of reaching
a goal, the number of errors and the number of
creative ideas during interaction with a system.
Figure 1 illustrates Scherer’s model.
Figure 1: Scherer’s model to describe emotions (Mahlke
and Mingue, 2008).
In addition to the cognitive appraisals and
behavioral tendencies, Scherer’s model also
considers the following:
Subjective Feelings that monitor the internal
state and the organism's interaction with the
environment, also known as conscience of emotional
• Motor expressions that communicate reactions
and emotional and behavioral tendencies; and
Physiological reactions that act to regulate the
system, determining the activation of
neuroendocrine processes (related to the nervous and
endocrine influences) such as heart rate, skin
conductance, blood pressure, respiration, and pupil
dilation (Shami, 2008).
Our approach considers a set of methods that allows
designers to identify the user’s subjective feelings as
reported by the user as well as cognitive appraisals
and motor expressions derived from the participation
of evaluators.
In the literature, it is possible to identify methods,
techniques and tools with which to assess emotions
in humans. Each of them has features characterizing
them more appropriate for certain aspects of
emotions. Generally, the instruments applied in the
methods, techniques and tools can be classified as
verbal or non-verbal. In this research, we consider
an instrument as verbal when the user explicitly
verbalizes what s/he is feeling.
According to Desmet (2003), verbal instruments
enable users to express their emotion in scales (when
a user says “I am very happy” or “I am not anxious
at all”) and to report “mixed” emotions as tension.
However, they are difficult to apply across cultures
because it may not be easy to translate emotions into
words. On the other hand, non-verbal instruments
can be considered discreet and independent of
culture and language. However, they can be
subjective as they generally use universal symbols
such as pictograms.
Figure 2 presents a taxonomy, which classifies
emotional assessment metrics as verbal or non-
verbal. Each final node in the taxonomy represents
one of the five components of Scherer’s model, and
each parent node represents a set of available
methods, techniques, tools and instruments that can
be used to measure a component.
Cognitive assessments are linked to the
interpretation of a situation and further development
of emotions. This component can be measured by
the Geneva Appraisal Questionnaire (GAF) (Geneva
Emotion Research Group, 2010), the Think-aloud
method (Someren et al., 1994) and the Subjective
Discourse Analysis (Lefevre and Lefevre, 2005).
Although the Subjective Discourse Analysis
considers spoken statements, this technique was
classified as non-verbal because users do not
explicitly say what they are feeling. The evaluators
should interpret the statements spoken during the
user’s interaction and classify the related emotion.
According to Scherer (2005) and Desmet (2003),
there is no objective method capable of measuring
subjective feelings. It is necessary to query the user,
and thus, the methods involve self-assessment. Most
of the methods for evaluating subjective feelings are
non-verbal, such as the SAM (Self-Assessment
Manikin) (Lang, 1985), Emocards (Reijneveld et al.,
2003), and Preemo (Desmet, 2003). A verbal
instrument is the Affect Grid (Russell, 1989).
The motor expressions are related to facial
movements, body gestures as well as to some
characteristics of speech as speed, intensity, melody
and sound. Methods that can be applied include the
Facial Action Coding System (FACS) (Ekman et al.,
2002), the Ten Heuristics of Emotion (Lera and
Domingo, 2007) and electromyography.
Physiological reactions are non-verbal and can
be measured by electrocardiogram, respiration rate,
electrodermal activity, electromyography,
pupillometry, etc. Physiological reactions allow
designers to evaluate the user’s emotional responses
in an experimental context once the users
spontaneously and unconsciously reveal their
emotions (Cristescu, 2008); (Yusoff and Salim,
2010). However, most of these evaluations require
expensive instruments and are intrusive and complex
(Axelrod and Hone, 2008); (Cristescu, 2008).
Finally, behavioral tendencies are also non-
verbal and generally are evaluated by performance
indicators, such as the time required to complete a
task, the accuracy of reaching a goal, the number of
errors and the number of creative’ ideas during the
interaction (Mahlke and Mingue, 2008).
Aiming to minimize the detection of false positives
in the emotional evaluation of information systems,
this work proposes a hybrid approach based on the
emotion model described by Scherer (1984).
Considering the evaluation methods and instruments
presented in the literature, we have selected a subset
that matches the five components of the Scherer’s
model. This selection considered the main
stakeholder (user or specialist) responsible for the
final result of each method or instrument, aiming to
balance the final emotional assessment of the
information system.
Figure 2: A taxonomy for emotional evaluation methods, techniques and tools.
The subjective feelings demand a self-report
instrument, and we have selected the SAM (Lang,
1985) to measure it. The SAM is composed of three
sets of figures that represent pleasure, arousal and
dominance. Each dimension is evaluated using a
scale ranging from 1-9 in which the user selects one
circle. As a pictogram, it reduces the cultural
differences, and as a non-verbal instrument, it avoids
problems with the verbalization of emotions.
Moreover, it considers the dominance aspect
In our approach, we suggest that SAM be applied
after the interaction with the system. The evaluator
presents the instrument to the user and asks him/her
to classify his/her experience by choosing one of the
nine circles in each dimension (pleasure, arousal and
dominance). Figure 3 illustrates the pictograms
adopted by SAM for the pleasure dimension. The
emotional response is considered positive if the user
selects one of the circles indicated by the V+. The
negative experience options are represented by V-,
and the neutral experience is the central option and
represented by VN. The final result can be reached
for each dimension by adding the number of votes of
all users in V+, VN and V-.
Figure 3: Pictograms adopted by the SAM questionnaire
for measuring pleasure and the emotional values scales.
Following Mahlke and Mingue (2008), we have
adopted effective and efficient metrics to measure
the behavioral tendencies. They include the time
required to complete a task and the number of errors
or help requests, among others. Designers may not
have difficulty collecting these metrics and
evaluating if the final result is positive, negative or
neutral, as they are commonly measured in
traditional usability tests.
The physiological reactions can be assessed by
sensors because they are related to neuroendocrine
processes. The data should be collected during the
interaction instead of only at the end of interaction.
Moreover, the sensor should not disturb the user
during the interaction. The results should be
compared to baseline values established by the
designers. If heart rate is collected, a baseline value
could be 85 beats per minute. With a baseline value,
designers can evaluate if the final result is positive,
negative or neutral. However, sensors that can be
used during the interaction, which save the data and
do not disturb the user, are generally expensive.
The motor expressions component is assessed in
our approach by the Ten Emotion Heuristics (Lera
and Domingo, 2007), which are frowning, raising
eyebrows, looking from a distance, smiling,
compressing the lips, moving his mouth, vocal
expressions, hand touching the face, going back to
the chair and leaning the trunk forward. The
evaluation is divided into two steps. In the first one,
a group of pre-selected appraisers watch videos of
the user’s interaction. The videos can be captured by
common webcams and should record the user’s face
and body.
For each heuristic identified, we recommend that
the appraisers register the time it occurred, the task
the user was doing, the heuristic or set of heuristics
identified and a description of the emotional aspects.
In the second step, the evaluators meet, discuss and
build a final list containing the heuristics found.
According to Lera and Domingo (2007), the final
emotional experience evaluation is set as negative if
five or more negative heuristics are found per user.
Because it is a heuristic evaluation, the collective
common sense can identify the emotional experience
of a group of users more accurately than an
Figure 4: A hybrid approach for assessing the emotional state of users.
individual appraiser. Furthermore, facial recognition
software is generally expensive, and FACS demands
an experienced assessor to apply it properly.
The cognitive appraisals are measured by an
adaptation of the Subjective Discourse Analysis
(Lefevre and Lefevre, 2005). Using the same video
as that recorded for the heuristic evaluation, the
assessor lists key-expressions that were spoken
spontaneously by the users during the interaction.
Key expressions are central ideas that represent a
synthesis of the discursive content, such as "And
now?" or "Should I click here?”. In addition to the
expression, the assessor should add a description of
the emotional situation in which that phrase was
said, for example, in a moment of confusion, joy, or
surprise. Thus, based on the description, the
evaluator classifies the expression in terms of
positive, neutral or negative.
After analyzing the videos and selecting the key
expressions for each user, a final list of key
expressions should be created. To be selected for the
final list, a key expression should be used by more
than one user. Finally, considering the most
frequently spoken expressions and their
classification as positive, negative or neutral, the
designer can define the users’ emotional response to
that system considering the cognitive appraisals.
Figure 4 shows the hybrid approach for assessing the
emotional state of the users.
Applying the methods as described here, the
designer has partial and complementary emotional
responses of the users to the interaction with the
information system. Considering the evaluation of
each component, it is possible to reach a more
comprehensive result and to decide if the
information system creates a positive, neutral or
negative emotional reaction in the users.
Table 1: Stakeholders and the final decision on the user’s
emotional response.
Method Stakeholder
SAM User
Effective and
efficient metrics
Sensors User
Ten Heuristics of
Group of designers
Moreover, the results from each component
support designers altering different aspects of the
interface. Considering the most recurrent heuristic,
for instance, it is possible to learn if the users are
frustrated or confused. By SAM, it is possible to see
if the users are excited but not confident, and by the
sensor results, it is possible to see if the users are
anxious. Finally, Table 1 presents the methods that
are part of our approach and the stakeholder who
makes the final decision regarding the user’s
emotional response. We argue that these
complementary views minimize the detection of
false positives because we consider not only the
information provided by users but also the designers'
opinions to classify the emotional experiences.
The next section presents a feasibility study
applying the proposed approach.
Aiming to assess the feasibility of our hybrid
approach, we selected a group of seven elderly users
to evaluate a website about food and recipes using
tablet devices. The evaluation occurred in the Social
Reference Assistance Center (CRAS, in its
Portuguese acronym) in São Carlos-SP, Brazil. The
users were selected according to their age, education
level and experience with devices and were asked to
find a specific recipe, starting from the website
home page. As the elderly users were not
accustomed to using to tablet devices, one of the
researchers acted as an active moderator, answering
questions when the users asked for help.
Each user was filmed by two common cameras.
One camera was focused on the user's body, and the
other was registering the user’s interaction with the
device. After each interaction, the users were asked
to fill in the SAM questionnaire. The users’
selections were added in each dimension, and Table
2 summarizes the results. The pleasure dimension
had a positive assessment with seven positive votes
(V+). The arousal dimension was also ranked as
positive with six positive votes (V+). On the other
hand, the dominance dimension had a negative
assessment with six negative votes (V-). The users
reported that they had a pleasurable and exciting
interaction but that they were not in the control of it.
Table 2: Results of the SAM assessment.
Pleasure Arousal Dominance
V- VN V+ V- VN V+ V- VN V+
0 0 7 0 1 6 6 0 1
After the interaction experience, we applied the
Ten Heuristics of Emotion method. The evaluation
was performed by a group of six evaluators,
including five from the computer science field and a
professional nurse. The nurse was invited to join the
group based on the idea that a professional from the
health area could provide a complementary view in
an evaluation with elderly users. One of the
evaluators had experience in applying the method,
and the others received one-hour of training. The
final video, with all of the users, was 53 minutes and
41 seconds long. Figure 5 illustrates three different
moments in the video and the heuristics identified.
Figure 5: Three examples of emotional heuristics.
In this feasibility study, three users had a positive
experience with less than three different negative
heuristics identified, and four had a negative
experience with five or more negative heuristics
identified. With a small number of users and a non-
expressive difference in the final result, we
classified the assessment of motor expressions as
The Subjective Discourse Analysis, as described
in our approach, was applied by the researcher that
acted as the moderator during the interaction.
Analyzing the same video used to evaluate the
heuristics, it was possible to identify the key
statements made by the users in addition to their
interaction context. The selected statements were
classified as positive, neutral or negative.
Furthermore, the most frequently spoken key
statements were considered in the final cognitive
appraisals evaluation. Table 3 summarizes the data
Table 3: The most frequently spoken key expressions.
Key expressions Interaction context Experience
of users
Demonstrate doubt
or do not know how
to proceed in the
Negative 5
Realize where to
click to accomplish
the task.
Positive 4
And now?
Perform an action
and do not know
what will happen. It
was also said in
moments of
frustration or when
the user was
Negative 4
I do not know.
Difficulty in
understanding how
the system works,
how to interact, or
when abandoning the
Negative 3
I do not
Feelings of
confusion or
disorientation due to
do not knowing how
the information was
presented in the
Negative 3
Checking the list of the top five spoken
expressions, i.e., those most frequently stated by the
users, we evaluated the cognitive appraisal as
negative. The top five statements were chosen, and
these statements were sufficient to indicate an
emotional response tendency. If a non-clear
tendency is reached in a study, designers should
consider additional frequently spoken statements.
The behavioral tendencies were evaluated
considering the number of times the users asked for
help while interacting. As the expected interaction
time was short (approximately two minutes), we
considered that up to two solicitations for help
would be classified as positive. Three solicitations
for help were classified as neutral, and more than 3
solicitations were classified as negative. Two users
had a positive behavioral tendency, and one user’s
tendency was classified as neutral. Four users asked
for help more than three times, and their behavioral
tendencies were classified as negative. The final
result for this component was deemed negative.
The physiological measures were not evaluated
in this feasibility study because of the high cost of
the specific equipment and sensors required. Table 4
presents the final results of the website emotional
Table 4: Results of the emotional assessment to the
cooking site using the hybrid approach.
Method Evaluation
Subjective feelings
SAM- dimension of pleasure Positive
SAM- dimension of arousal Positive
SAM- dimension of dominance Negative
Effective and efficient metrics Negative
Sensors Not applied
Motor expressions Ten Heuristics of Emotion Neutral
Subjective Discourse Analysis Negative
Thus, an analysis of the results of each
evaluation revealed that the emotional state of users
while interacting with the website was classified as
Using this hybrid approach, we were able to identify
a set of relevant information about the emotional
experience of users. For instance, applying the SAM
questionnaire, it was possible to realize that even
when elderly users do not have control over
technology, the interaction can be pleasurable and
excited. Other lessons learned include the following:
Even in an evaluation of a user group with
similar profile characteristics, there were variations
in the users’ emotional states.
The users who were not familiar with the menus
and search engines triggered a greater number of
negative heuristics. This finding suggests a bad
relationship between less experience and the
emotional response, i.e., the less the user knows
about the system interaction logic, the more negative
is the emotional response to the interaction.
• The use of the Subjective Discourse Analysis
allowed us to observe that some key statements are
made by most of the users in similar interaction
experiences. This observation suggests that affective
systems could recognize these statements and
change their user interfaces based on their
The evaluators who applied the Ten Heuristics of
Emotion noted that the process of evaluating the
heuristics requires a significant amount of time.
"The method is inexpensive and fairly simple to run;
however, it is difficult to achieve due to the large
physical and cognitive effort required by the
assessor", said one of the evaluators. Therefore, the
emotional evaluation performed used limited
resources, but demanded time, especially of inexpert
Finally, the proposed approach supports the
evaluation of the users’ emotional responses due to
the interaction with information systems. The
evaluation led to a final assessment of the system.
However, the methods could also be applied to
assess each user’s emotional state. Therefore,
through flexible and more accessible design
solutions, users with low literacy levels and less
experience with technology could have better
emotional experiences.
This paper presented a hybrid approach to the
emotional evaluation of information systems. The
approach is based on Scherer’s model (1984), and
the evaluation methods were selected and adapted to
measure the user’s emotional response for the five
components. A feasibility study was conducted
considering a group of elderly users using tablet
devices. The results suggest that the proposed
approach can be easily applied, and moreover, it is
relatively inexpensive.
The feasibility study also suggested that the
approach is able to evaluate the users’ emotional
responses to the interaction, considering the software
and the hardware used. In the elderly users’ cases,
less experience with tablets certainly influenced the
final result. Moreover, the methods used also
allowed the evaluation of a web information system.
Future research can be performed to determine a
better combination of methods for specific system
domains. As Yusoff and Salim (2010) noted for
games, for instance, there are various physiological
features that can be measured and related to the
emotional response.
Future work will consider applying this hybrid
approach to identify the emotional state of young
people and adults during the interaction with
information systems in order to analyze the degree
of emotional experience obtained between and
among groups of users. Therefore, identifying the
users’ emotional states, we intend to improve the
design solutions to create flexible interfaces that
focus on satisfaction and emotional aspects of these
This work was funded by CAPES - Brazil. The
authors thank colleagues from LIFeS-UFSCar for
their insightful comments. The authors especially
thank the elderly users, who gladly received the
research group and participated in the feasibility
study, the designers and the referees for their
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