such as Business Process Execution Language
(BPEL), Business Process Modelling Notation
(BPMN) 2.0, Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs),
Unified Modelling Language (UML), ArchiMate etc
(Business Process Trends, 2007).
In addition to the notations, the ARIS framework
not only describes processes but also includes other
important information related to the process flow,
such as Organisation and organisational structures,
Business objectives and strategies, IT-systems and
software applications, Data and data structures,
Resources (e.g. people and materials), Information
flow, Costs, Products and services related to the
process, Skills and knowledge.
To handle such complicacy, the ARIS
methodology provides an ARIS House structure to
organize the different model types, objects and to
define their relation to each other. This structure
helps to organize all of the data and reduces
complexity by offering five views – Organization
View, Data View, Function View, Product/Service
View and Process (Control) View.
By itself, the ARIS framework does not provide
a detailed method for way how to perform business
re-engineering or designing the IT systems
necessary to support a business. The major focus
areas should be products and services that IC plans
to market, business processes, roles, documents and
data in critical value chains.
4.1.2 Processes for Industrial Cluster
To put IC in operation, the FP with its strategic
alliance partners should develop process architecture
for IC (Fig. 1). The process architecture is a
structure that describes the way the business will
operate by determining clear responsibilities.
Figure 1: Process lifecycle.
After the process architecture has been
established, the determined processes should be
carefully designed. The first priority should be to
have processes that are related to IC management.
When there is an agreement in these processes, the
companies may start to model their own processes to
adapt additional demands accrue from IC
management processes. The biggest change for IC
companies is that they need the Broker role. This
role should identify new collaboration opportunities
both inside and outside the IC.
During the process design, the ARIS toolset as
well as methodology was quite valuable, as it gives
us systematic way to communicate the agreed
processes and principles via FP web environment
which is opened for IC members.
When processes are designed, the process
implementation phase is started. According to our
approach, during this phase the FP’s production
planning environment, work order management and
inventory management functionality should be
implemented. As the IT solution is rather light-
weight, the implementation process is quite short.
After process implementation, the process
controlling activities should be started. Information
for controlling can be collected by FP and provided
by IC members. Basing on analyses, the IC FP may
initiate with strategic partners process changes to be
more effective or to adapt to changing market
According to our experiences, the main processes
that should be focused in level of IC are: Develop
and manage Industrial Cluster; Design and manage
products provided by Industrial Cluster; Purchasing;
Marketing and selling products; Delivering products
(incl. logistics); Managing customer services;
Manage IT; Manage knowledge, improvement and
In level of IC companies, the main focus should
be on the following processes: Information exchange
within IC; Manufacturing process and Manage
environment safety.
What is not listed is Risk management process.
According to our understanding, it is important to
emphasize it separately as it minimizes risk to be
unsuccessful. It is not listed, because we have seen
that small companies will do risk management quite
casually during project preparation phase.
4.1.3 Information Management
Having modelled all needed business processes, it is
possible to determine most critical artefacts that
companies need to exchange in IC. Based on that
information, the FP can consider extending its IT
environment, to offer wider functionality to the IC
Our research group has access to the IC that
covers more than 20 SME-s, which are also mostly
small companies operating in Estonia as well as in
neighbour countries.
Based on performed analyses, we have
determined the major artefacts describing IC,