The OMG ontology definition metamodel (OMG,
2009a) specifies mappings between OWL and UML.
In this paper, we present a general approach for map-
ping arbitrary MOF models into OWL. We provide
the means to express any MOF metamodel in its
equivalent OWL.
The OMG Request For Proposal for MOF to
RDF Structural Mapping in support of Linked Open
Data (OMG, 2009b) aims at defining a structural
mapping between OMG-MOF models and RDF. This
work is a response to this request. We propose an
approach to be used as a benchmark for future pro-
In this paper, we propose an approach to enable anal-
ysis, federation, querying and rationalization of mod-
els expressed in MOF compliant languages, including
OMG standards and domain-specific languages. We
demonstrate how our approach addresses the require-
ments of an architecture ecosystem (OMG, 2009b).
The contribution in this paper shows that the usage
of the Ontology Web Language for specifying meta-
models is a viable solution to achieve interoperabil-
ity and shared conceptualizations. The role of OWL
is not to replace MOF or the Object Constraint Lan-
guage because OWL addresses distinct requirements,
specially concerning networked environments. OWL
should compose the spectrum of software modeling
languages in a unified architecture.
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