PSO-based Linear SVM Classifier Selection for Credit Risk
Evaluation Modeling Process
Paulius Danenas and Gintautas Garsva
Department of Informatics, Kaunas Faculty, Vilnius University, Muitines St. 8, LT- 44280 Kaunas, Lithuania
Keywords: Support Vector Machines, Linear SVM, Particle Swarm Optimization, Credit Risk, Evaluation, Bankruptcy,
Machine Learning
Abstract: A research on credit risk evaluation modelling using linear Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifiers is
proposed in this paper. The classifier selection is automated using Particle Swarm Optimization technique.
Sliding window approach is applied for testing classifier performance, together with other techniques such
as discriminant analysis based scoring for evaluation of financial instances and correlation-based feature
selection. The developed classifier is applied and tested on real bankruptcy data showing promising results.
Credit risk evaluation is defined as one of the most
important domains in financial sector as it shows the
ability to regenerate income by lending money; yet,
calculation of the possibility to get back the money
invested is the most critical problem. Machine
learning and artificial intelligence techniques are
novel and state-of-the-art methods which help to
develop tools for this problem by overcoming the
drawbacks of statistical tools and deriving more
robust and accurate solutions.
Discriminant analysis was one of the first
techniques applied in credit evaluation (Altman,
1968). Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifiers
gained a lot of attention as they showed abilities to
get classification results comparable to Neural
Networks but avoiding their main difficulties such as
local minimas. Selection of hyperparameters is a
sophisticated task thus various metaheuristic and
evolutionary techniques have been adopted for
solving this task including swarm intelligence
techniques such as Ant colony Optimization (Zhou
et al, 2007). Particle Swarm Optimization (abbr.
PSO) has previously been applied for SVM
optimization in credit risk domain – personal credit
scoring (Xuchuan et. al, 2007), financial distress
prediction (Chen et al., 2010; Wang, 2010),
consumer credit scoring analysis (Yun et al., 2011).
Linear SVM (LIBLINEAR) has also been tested to
show competitive results to original C-SVC
classifier (Danenas et. al, 2010; Danenas et al,
2011), which proved that they can be a good
alternative in terms of both complexity and speed.
According to these aspects, linear SVM and PSO are
selected for model development. The research
presented in this paper proposes a hybrid method
based on linear Support Vector Machines
classification and Particle Swarm Optimization. The
proposed method is also tested in “sliding window”
approach manner, which means that it can be useful
to identify more general trends. Moreover, proposed
approach might be useful while trying to improve
the performance of these methods by identifying the
most relevant financial attributes and developing a
new classifier based on that particular technique.
Support Vector Machines (SVM). SVM solves
following quadratic minimization problem:
Kyy xx
subject to
Ciy i
ii =
where the number of training examples is denoted
by l, training vectors
, 1,..,i
Ri l
and a vector
such as
. α is avector of l values
where each component α
corresponds to a training
example (x
, y
). If training vectors x
are not linearly
Danenas P. and Garsva G..
PSO-based Linear SVM Classifier Selection for Credit Risk Evaluation Modeling Process.
DOI: 10.5220/0004006403380341
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 338-341
ISBN: 978-989-8565-10-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
separable, they are mapped into a higher (maybe
infinite) dimensional space by the kernel function
(, ) () ()
xx x x
Fan et al. (Fan et al., 2008) proposed a family of
linear SVM and logistic regression classifiers for
large-scale SVM classification which do not use
kernel functions for transformation into other
dimensional space; although with less flexibility, it
can perform effectively especially using large
amounts of data. The formulations of the algorithms
by are given in the paper of Fan et al.; four of them
(L2-regularized L1-loss SVC, L2-regularized L2-
loss SVC, L2-regularized logistic regression, L1-
regularized L2-loss SVC) are used in the
experiment. These classifiers are formulated as
minimization problems, but they all share the
concept of cost parameter C and bias usage. This
proposes a possibility for heuristic selection of
classifiers themselves.
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The PSO
algorithm, introduced by Kennedy and Eberhart, is
based on behavior of flock of birds which search for
food randomly in some area, knowing only the
distance from the food. Thus all the particles have
one fitness PSO is expressed in terms of particles
(birds) and searched target described by fitness
value; the location of each particle is determined by
velocity describing its flying direction and distance.
Two extreme values are tracked by each particle -
the optimal solution found by the particle itself
(pbest), and the optimal solution found by the whole
swarm (gbest). Unmodified PSO algorithm is used
in this research, thus its details are not presented in
this paper, but can be found in other sources, such as
(Kennedy et al., 2001).
2.1 PSO Approach for Linear SVM
A classification technique based on Particle Swarm
Optimization and linear SVM combination, namely
PSO-LinSVM is proposed in this paper. Each
particle P = <p
> is represented as follows:
– integer value, that represents the algorithm
used for classification:
0 - L2-regularized logistic regression
1 – L2-regularized L2-loss SVC
2 – L1-regularized L2-loss SVC
3 - L2-regularized L1-loss SVC
– real value, cost parameter C
–real value, which represents bias term
The fitness function is defined as maximization of
sum of TPR values:
where N
is the number of classes. Most of the
authors (Wang, Chin et al.) choose accuracy for
fitness evaluation; however, in case of imbalanced
learning, accuracy is not the best option, so sum of
TP rate values is selected for this case, which allows
selection of classifier that balances between
identification of both “majority” and “minority”
classes. These evaluations are obtained by
performing k-fold cross-validation training; k is
considered to be quite small (k = 5 is used for the
experiment), considering the amount of data used in
research. The optimal solution can be obtained only
in case of perfect classification; as this happens very
rarely, the main goal is to find best satisfactory
2.2 Sliding Window Testing Approach
This research adopts techniques used earlier by
Danenas et al. (Danenas et al., 2010; Danenas et al.,
2011), extending it with PSO application for
classifier optimization step. Thus the modified
algorithm is defined as follows:
Evaluate each financial entry manually or by
using expert techniques to compute bankruptcy
classes (discriminant models used in banking are
sued in this research).
Apply data preprocessing steps – elimination of
unevaluated instances, data imputation and
Perform the following steps for each
],1[ knm
, where n is the total number of
periods, k is the number of periods are used for
Feature selection;
Classifier and parameter selection, using
Particle Swarm Optimization;
Train classifier using data from first m periods.
Apply hold-out testing using data from period
pkmmp ];,1[
Note, that feature selection step is important for 2
1. Quality and complexity - data dimensionality
2. Ratio importance - a new classifier based on
other evaluator but using a set of statistically
significant attributes obtained from the data is
The output of each iteration in experimental stage
is the trained classifier and the list of selected
attributes for each period.
3.1 Data used in the Experiment
The dataset that was applied for the experiment
consists of entries from 785 USA Transportation,
Communications, Electric, Gas, And Sanitary
Services companies with their 1999-2008 yearly
financial records (balance and income statement)
from financial EDGAR database.
Each instance has 51 financial attributes (indices
used in financial analysis). “Risky” and “Non-
Risky” classes were formed using Zmijewski’s
scoring technique widely used in banking.
Table 1: Main characteristics of datasets used in
Entries labeled as
Total entries
No of selected
Bankrupt 1
years after
Bankrupt >1
year after
Risky (R)
Not risky
1999 376 166 542 11 - -
2000 423 192 615 8 0 0
2001 383 226 609 13 2 1
2002 376 239 615 11 1 0
2003 417 220 637 9 0 0
2004 460 194 654 9 1 1
2005 478 173 651 8 1 4
2006 375 118 493 8 0 1
2007 367 112 479 11 0 6
2008 38 12 50 8 - -
Total 3693 1652 5345 5 13
Note that ratios in original Zmijewski were not used
in order to avoid linear dependence between
variables. Main characteristics of the datasets
formed for the experiment are presented in Table 1.
It also shows financial ratios which were considered
relevant by feature selection procedure; the number
of such features is larger than the ones which are
considered in original evaluator.
3.2 Computational Results
Correlation-based feature subset selection (Hall,
2001) algorithm with Tabu search for search in
attribute subsets was applied for feature selection.
The search space for PSO was set
, as well as the number of
run iterations was set to 10. PSO was configured to
run with 20 particles and inertia rate of 0.8. Velocity
for p
was set to 3, for p
was set to 0.2.
Table 2 presents the results obtained by PSO-
LinSVM classifier: classifier parameters, obtained
by PSO, classification accuracy together with True
Positive and F-Measure rates for each class. It is
clear that classification accuracy did not show stable
increase while providing the classifier with more
data each year. While performing testing procedure
with first year data, accuracy decreased to 80% in
2004 although next year it returned to 83.8% was
relatively stable, and later in fell to 82%; similar
trends might be identified while analyzing testing
results obtained with Year 2 and Year 3 data. It is
important to note that instances marked as “risky”
were identified better.
Table 2: Experimental classification results.
Training period 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Linear classifier
C 15,3157 47,8343 24,7346 29,0490 22,3727 38,0860 6,5322 48,0734
Bias 1,000 0,196 0,749 0,797 0,873 0,838 0,436 0,508
Accuracy 77,941 78,409 80,220 83,689 80,640 83,806 82,887 82,000
Year 1
R 0,969 0,952 0,981 0,987 0,952 0,957 0,970 0,974
NR 0,461 0,521 0,464 0,482 0,412 0,462 0,385 0,333
R 0,846 0,843 0,867 0,895 0,878 0,900 0,896 0,892
NR 0,609 0,653 0,618 0,637 0,535 0,579 0,520 0,471
Year 2
Accuracy 80,032 77,080 84,146 83,232 83,806 84,742 82,000 -
R 0,979 0,947 0,985 0,990 0,957 0,959 0,974 -
NR 0,521 0,436 0,503 0,407 0,462 0,496 0,333 -
R 0,857 0,844 0,897 0,896 0,900 0,905 0,892 -
NR 0,670 0,568 0,653 0,567 0,579 0,611 0,471 -
Year 3
Accuracy 77,237 80,488 83,384 86,032 84,124 84,000 - -
R 0,966 0,952 0,987 0,987 0,967 0,974 - -
NR 0,405 0,456 0,418 0,462 0,444 0,417 - -
R 0,848 0,873 0,897 0,915 0,902 0,902 - -
NR 0,551 0,582 0,576 0,615 0,575 0,556 - -
verage testing accuracy 78,403 78,660 82,583 84,318 82,857 84,183 82,444 82
This paper presents an approach for credit risk
evaluation using linear SVM classifiers, selected and
optimized by Particle Swarm Optimization,
combined with sliding window testing technique and
feature selection using correlation analysis. Linear
SVM classifiers perform well when applied to large
scale problems; this is one of the main reasons why
they were selected as classification technique. The
developed classifiers were applied for real-world
dataset, combined with widely applied Zmijewski
technique as an evaluator and basis for output
formation. Analysis of experimental results shows
that the performance still needs to be improved to be
more stable and reliable. Particle Swarm
Optimization topology has not been investigated in
this research, thus further steps will involve more
detailed investigation into PSO performance.
Imbalanced learning is another field where
significant improvements might lead to increase in
overall performance; this procedure is especially
important if labelling is done automatically (as, in
our case, using Zmijewski’s model), as this might
lead to highly imbalanced datasets. Notably,
misidentification of bankrupt company might cost
more to the creditor than the misdentification of
“healthy” one, thus this problem is especially
important if there are much less bankrupt companies
or companies with high risk than companies which
belong to another classes.
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