Service based Approach for Adaptability of Workflow Models
The Subcontracting Architecture
Saida Boukhedouma
1, 2
, Mourad Oussalah
, Zaia Alimazighi
and Dalila Tamzalit
USTHB- FEI- Department of Computer Science- LSI Laboratory – ISI Team,
El Alia BP n°32, Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria
University of Nantes - LINA Laboratory - MODAL Team
2, Rue de la Houssinière, BP 92208, 44322 Nantes, Cedex 3, France
Keywords: IOWF, Service, Cooperation Pattern, Subcontracting, Orchestration Function, Adaptability, Evolutivity.
Abstract: The environment of businesses is naturally unstable and dynamic due to increasing market constraints and
events. Thus business processes are frequently subject to changes which must be supported by process
models and systems that implement them. This paper deals with adaptation of IOWF (Inter-Organizational
Workflow) process models based on services. It states conceptually, the most frequent adaptations that can
be operated on IOWF models described through the concept of orchestration function which abstracts the
control flow of the process. Thus, operations of adaptation turn to modification of services and
transformation of the orchestration function describing the model. We particularly distinguish evolutive
adaptation leading to expansion of the cooperation and/or the global functionality of the process.
In our research works, we are interested in structured
cooperation supported by concepts and tools of
Inter-Organizational workflow (IOWF) (Aalst, 99).
In structured cooperation, the steps of the business
process and interactions between business partners
are well defined resulting in an IOWF model clearly
defined; so all process instances follow the same
IOWF model implemented. In (Aalst, 99), generic
architectures of IOWF have been defined. These are
the capacity sharing, the chained execution, the
subcontracting, the case transfer, the extended case
transfer and the loosely coupled WF. We consider
these architectures as basis of our research work
because they cover a wide range of business
processes since they express the different ways in
which businesses can cooperate together. However,
in their initial form these architectures were subject
to criticisms (Chebbi, 2007) because of their rigidity
and the difficulty to adapt business processes.
This paper deals with adaptability of IOWF
process models. An adaptation is due to various
reasons such as the improvement of the process, the
occurrence of new constraints imposed by the
environment or the correction of errors in the
process model. Another reason of adaptation can be
the evolution of process models called evolutive
adaptation that we perceive through two
perspectives: expansion of process functionalities
and expansion of cooperation; we globally talk
about evolutivity of process models.
For that, we propose cooperation patterns based
on services corresponding to the basic architectures
defined in (Aalst, 99), using a SOA based approach
because services are loosely coupled components,
easily invoked through their interfaces, business
oriented and platform independent and SOA
paradigm supports integration, reuse and
composition of services. We state that the basic
architectures considered can be implemented as
global orchestration or distributed local
orchestrations of services, according to constraints
relative to each architecture.
This paper focuses on the subcontracting; it
states conceptually, the most frequent adaptations
and evolutions to be done on IOWF process models
based on services and describes some basic
operations applied. The orchestration function
abstracts the structure (control flow) of the IOWF
process; it orchestrates internal and external services
using basic operators of control flow.
In the following, Section 2 presents some related
works and explains the motivation of our work.
Boukhedouma S., Oussalah M., Alimazighi Z. and Tamzalit D..
Service based Approach for Adaptability of Workflow Models - The Subcontracting Architecture .
DOI: 10.5220/0004008702240231
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 224-231
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Section 3 synthesizes the necessary background to
understand the paper. Section 4 describes the
cooperation pattern suitable to the subcontracting
architecture and illustrates the concept of
orchestration function. Sections 5 and 6 describe
respectively the different operations of adaptation
and evolution of IOWF process models. Section 7
concludes the paper and talks about future works.
The use of WF technology and SOA paradigm had a
great impact in the promotion of the B2B
cooperation. Hence, several approaches such as
CoopFlow (Chebbi, 2007), CrossFlow (Grefen and
al, 2001), CrossWork (Mehandjiev et al., 2005),
Pyros (Belhajjame et al., 2005), e-Flow (Casati et
al., 2001) have been proposed.
Also, flexibility is an important propriety to be
satisfied by business processes and their systems
allowing them to support changes. Even if some
approaches like CoopFlow, Pyros and e-Flow
provide internal adaptation of workflows without
compromising the coherence of the global process, a
large number of the proposed solutions are not
flexible enough because they are closely coupled
with the platforms. Otherwise, WF flexibility is
perceived at two complementary levels: (i) At the
system level, the flexibility defines the ability of
WFMS (WF management system) to face
unexpected and erroneous situations (Sadiq et al.,
2001). (ii) At the level of process models that defines
the ability of a process model to be adaptable,
evolvable and reusable;
many research works have
been proposed describing different techniques such
as adaptation patterns (He et al., 2008), (Döhring et
al., 2011), (Tragatcshnig et al., 2011), rule-based
adaptation patterns (Döhring et al., 2010) and
constraint-based modeling (Pesic et al., 2007).
The goal of this paper is to deal with adaptability
of IOWF process models based on services
especially obeying to the subcontracting
architecture. First, we introduce the concept of
cooperation pattern. Then, we express this
cooperation pattern using SOA approach in order to
deal with IOWF models easily adaptable and
evolvable. The cooperation pattern based on services
is defined using the concept of orchestration
function that abstracts the structure of the process;
thus, all adaptations and evolutions turn to
modification of this function.
3.1 Definition and Dimensions of
An IOWF can be defined as a manager of activities
involving two or more workflows autonomous,
possibly heterogeneous and interoperable in order to
achieve a common business goal.
In (Aalst, 99), generic architectures of IOWF
have been defined. These architectures are
characterized according to two main dimensions: the
partitioning of the process and the control of
execution. Regarding to the first dimension, two
types of partitioning are distinguished: process
schema partitioning and instance partitioning.
Process schema partitioning means that the IOWF
process model is implemented as fragments at the
partner’s sites. Instance partitioning means that the
execution of a process instance is distributed among
the different sites in a disjoint manner (at each
moment, an instance is located at one site).
For the second dimension, the control is
centralized if the execution of process instances is
delegated to one system that also manages all
interactions between the systems of partners. The
control is decentralized if the execution of instances
is distributed among the systems of all partners and
each system manages itself its interactions with the
other systems. We say that a control is hierarchized
if each system manages its own WF and there is one
principal system that controls interactions with other
secondary systems.
3.2 IOWF Meta-model, Adaptability
and Evolutivity
An IOWF process model is defined by a set of WFs
and a cooperation pattern that links two or more
WFs through a set of interaction points. Each WF is
attached to a partner, manipulates data and is
submitted to a condition (see Figure 1). A
cooperation pattern is defined through the two
dimensions of IOWF: the partitioning of the process
and the control of execution. We can affirm that the
constraints of flexibility in IOWF model are not
limited to one axis, but cover all axes that define it
(process, organization, data and interaction). We
focus on flexibility reflected at the process and
interaction axes.
Figure 1: Generic meta-model of IOWF.
An IOWF model is adaptable if one or more of
the entities -WF, conditions, data and interaction
points - composing it can be modified without
affecting the global functionality and the
The evolutivity (evolutive adaptability) of a
process model defines its capacity to accept
expansion of its functionalities and/or cooperation
(additional business partners and so additional WF
fragments) where maintaining the coherence of the
3.3 The Subcontracting Architecture
The subcontracting architecture supports a model of
cooperation that connects two or more business
partners, each of which implements its own
workflow process. There is one main workflow
attached to the main partner which subcontracts
some activities not implemented locally to one or
more secondary workflows. The UML activity
diagram of Figure 2 describes an IOWF process
related to the design and realization of integrated
circuits (PCB) to potential customers; the process
involves a main partner and a secondary partner.
When the customer’s order is received, the main
partner studies the schema of PCB, if it is a mono-
layer PCB, it is entirely designed and implemented
locally; otherwise in case of multi-layer PCB, its
design is subcontracted to an external partner
because the main partner has not enough
competencies and resources to design multi-layer
PCB. The result of processing (the design of multi-
layer PCB) is returned to the main partner. Figure 2
shows the most important phases of the process;
after studying the schema of the process, electrical
parameters are fixed, then mechanical and thermal
conditions are established simultaneously. After that,
all criteria established are validated according to
specified norms. Then, the PCB is designed and
implemented. The WF of the secondary partner
seems to be atomic from the main partner but in
reality it is complex and contains several phases.
In the next section, we define the subcontracting
pattern based on services and we introduce the
concept of orchestration function.
Figure 2: Example of IOWF process “Realization of PCB”
- The subcontracting architecture.
The question is to decide which parts of the global
WF process should be encapsulated within services
in order to abstract them and to invoke them from
outside. Specifically, it is to encapsulate a WF
process or a sub-process in a service where
maintaining interaction points in the initial IOWF
(Boukhedouma et al., 2011).
4.1 The Subcontracting Pattern
based on Services
For this architecture, we propose to entirely
encapsulate each secondary WF within a service. On
Figure 3, partner 1 hosts the main WF and partner 2
provides his secondary WF as a global service S2.
Thus, Partner 1 invokes the service of partner 2 for
subcontracting. To obtain an IOWF entirely based
on services, the whole WF can be implemented as an
orchestration of local services encapsulating sub-
processes or activities of the main WF and external
services provided by secondary partners. In the
subcontracting architecture, the control of execution
is hierarchized because the main WF manages the
control of the whole process and controls invocation
of external services. The subcontracting pattern is
described through the meta-model of Figure 3; given
a set of local and external services attached to
several partners and an orchestration function
implemented by the main partner, we can define the
IOWF obeying to this pattern.
Figure 3: Schema and meta-model of the subcontracting pattern.
4.2 Orchestration Function and
Control Flow
The orchestration function is defined using basic
control flow operators. In table 1, we introduce these
basic operators that we express using a general
notation independently from any language or
Table 1: Basic operators of control flow.
To describe multi-choice – respectively multi-
parallel - (more than two edges), we can decompose
on several simple choices – respectively several
simple parallel blocs. For example, Alt (S1, S2, S3)
is expressed as Alt (Alt (S1, S2), S3) or Alt (S1, Alt
(S2, S3)).
To illustrate the concept of orchestration
function, let’s consider the example of the IOWF
process “Realization of PCB” described on Figure 2.
If we consider that local activities “study the schema
of PCB”, “establish electrical parameters”,
establish mechanical conditions”, “validate
criteria”, “design PCB” and “implement PCB” are
implemented as local services named respectively
S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16 and S17 and the
secondary WF is implemented as external service
S2, the schema of the IOWF process and the
corresponding orchestration function are described
like shown on Figure 4.
For more readability and in order to reduce the
complexity of the orchestration function, we can
structure the process into blocs (expressing
composite services) of sequential, parallel or
alternative services. In a hierarchical manner, a bloc
can be expressed using other blocs.
Figure 4: IOWF Schema and Orchestration function of the
process “Realization of PCB”.
4.3 Formal Definition of IOWF
An IOWF is defined by a pair <S, F> where S is a
set of local and external services Sij. Local services
are attached to a main partner and external services
are attached to one or more secondary partners. F is
an orchestration function where
F (Si1, Si2, … , Sin) = Si1 op1 Si2 op2opn-1 Sin
op1, op2, … opn-1 are operators of control flow.
According to the previous definition, adaptation of
process models turns to modifications of the entities
composing it that means the services or the
orchestration function. A modification of a service
can be adding, removing, replacing, merging of two
services and decomposing a service into a bloc of
two services expressing sequential, parallel or
alternative execution. Adaptation of a service
usually induces modification on the orchestration
function using it or a modification of closely
attached attributes like condition or data (see Figure
3). Also, other operations of adaptation can affect
only the control flow in the process that means the
orchestration function.
5.1 Adding, Removing, Substituting of
For adding or removing of services, it is to
distinguish adding or removing of a service on one
edge composed by sequential services or in a bloc
composed by two edges expressing parallel or
alternative execution. The part on the top of Figure 5
describes the basic operations of adding of services
illustrated by generic schemas, the corresponding
orchestration functions and the sequence of
operations allowing the transformation of the
orchestration function. The adding of a service in an
exclusive choice (or parallel) bloc is not represented
in the figure because it is done in the same manner
as in a bloc of inclusive choice.
Adding a service is done in order to insert
additional steps in the process. If we consider the
example “Realization of PCB” (Figure 4), the
designer of the IOWF process can decide to add a
service “validate electrical parameters” named S’
after service S12 in order to add a step of validation
that can be necessary for the design of complex
PCB; then we obtain the schema shown on Figure 6
(Adding Service S’). The reverse operation of
adding is the removing of services, it is also to
distinguish the removing of a service from one edge
composed by sequential services or from a bloc
composed by two edges according to parallel or
alternative execution. The part on the bottom of
Figure 5 shows typical operations of removing of
services (service S2 for example). Let’s notice that
two configurations are possible when removing a
service S from a bloc with two edges: (i) service S is
in sequence with other services, (ii) service S is
alone on the edge; this results on two different
scenarios for operations done like shown on Figure
5. Another basic operation of adaptability concerns
the substitution (replacing) of services. This is
typically a removing followed by an adding of
5.2 Fusion and Decomposition of
The operation of fusion can concern two services
linked by a sequence, an alternative or a parallel
execution, in order to simplify the process model. If
the services to merge are in the same bloc, the
operation of fusion becomes easy since it consists to
replace the bloc that is considered as a single
composite service. More elaborated operations of
fusion concern configurations such as services to
merge are not in the same bloc. For example in a
model described by the orchestration function
Seq(Seq(S1, Par(S2,S3)), S4), the operation of
merging S1 and S2 cannot be done directly since we
must know if we maintain the parallelism or we
don’t maintain it; this information should be
provided as an additional parameter. In both cases,
this must be decomposed into elementary operations
of adding and removing.
The reverse operation of fusion is the
decomposition of a service to obtain a bloc of two
services that can be sequential, parallel or alternative
bloc. The decomposition of services can be done to
improve the parallelism in the process
(parallelization of services) or to add condition
(inclusive/exclusive choice) due to new constraints
or to have more control on process execution
(sequence of services). The decomposition of a
service consists to remove a single service and to
add a bloc composed by two services.
5.3 Adapting the Control Flow
Another category of adaptation on IOWF models
concerns modification of the orchestration function
without modifying services, this is typically a
replacing of an operator of control flow by another;
we can replace for example a sequence operator
(seq) by parallel operator (par) to improve the
execution time of process instances, or vice versa if
an execution of a service becomes dependant from
Figure 5: Adding and removing of services.
Figure 6: Examples of adaptation on the IOWF process “Realization of PCB”.
Figure 7: Expansion of the subcontracting.
another service.
Let’s consider our example of the process
Realization of PCB”, the designer can decide to
reorganize the control flow in the process by
restructuring services S13 and S14 in sequence
instead of parallel because he notices that in some
cases there is a dependence between mechanical
conditions and thermal conditions of the circuit. This
adaptation and the corresponding orchestration
function are shown on Figure 6 (Adapting control
flow between S13 and S14).
When services to be reorganized (restructured)
are in the same bloc, the operation of adaptation can
be easily done by substituting operators. For
example, in the orchestration function seq (seq
(S1,S2), S3), if we want to link services S1 and S2
by parallel operator, we just replace the operator seq
by the operator par to obtain the transformed
function seq (par(S1,S2), S3). By contrary, if
services to be restructured are not in the same bloc,
operations of adaptation are less evident; for
example in the orchestration function seq (seq (seq
(S1,S2), S3), S4), if we want to link (S2,S3) by
parallel operator, we cannot do this by direct
substitution of operator seq but we must remove S2
to obtain seq (seq (S1, S3), S4), then remove S3 to
obtain seq (S1, S4), and finally add a bloc par
(S2,S3) between S1 and S4 to obtain the function
seq (seq (S1, par (S2, S3)), S4).
The evolutivity of IOWF process models is reflected
at two perspectives: the global functionality and the
cooperation of the IOWF. Hence, an IOWF model
evolves if it can be extended to additional
functionalities or if it allows expansion to more
partners and more external services. The two
perspectives are not exclusive.
6.1 Expanding Functionalities
Expansion of functionalities in the IOWF can be
done by adding internal services Sij (resp. blocs)
with novel functionalities into the WF of one or
more partner(s) or by replacing a service (resp.bloc)
by another that covers more functionality. To do
that, we can refer to operations described in section
5.1, the only difference is that the new services
implement additional functionalities. At external
level, the expansion of functionalities can be
realized by replacing an external service Si
encapsulating a WF fragment by another external
service that covers additional functionalities.
6.2 Expanding Cooperation
According to the cooperation perspective, it is the
capacity to open the IOWF to more partners. This
can occur when the main partner subcontracts other
activities to external partners, this is what we call
expanding the subcontracting” or when a
secondary partner in turn subcontracts part of its WF
to other partners, this results in what we call “multi-
level subcontracting”.
6.2.1 Expanding the Subcontracting
Expansion of subcontracting can be done according
to one of these configurations (Fig. 7):
a) Replacing an internal service of the main WF by
an external service. b) Replacing an external service
by an alternative branch composed by two external
services Sx and Sy provided by two partners where
for some cases (according to a condition) , Sx is
invoked and for other cases Sy is invoked. c)
Replacing an external service by a parallel branch
composed by two external services Sx and Sy
provided by two partners; Sx and Sy are executed
simultaneously. Changes obviously described can be
expressed through operations of substitution and
decomposition explained in section5.The only
difference is that evolutivity concerns external
services. In our example of the process “Realization
of PCB”, the main partner can subcontract the task
validate all criteria” to another partner which
provides it as external service S3; then evolution
consists to substitute the internal service S15 by the
external service S3.
6.2.2 Multi-level Subcontracting
The configuration of multi-level subcontracting is
obtained when the main WF invokes a secondary
WF through the external service provided, and the
secondary partner in turn operates changes to
subcontract part of its own WF to another partner;
this is invisible for the main WF but the overall
IOWF implies additional partners at different levels.
Changes relative to this configuration are done at
the secondary partner by substituting one or more of
its local services by external services.
This paper deal with adaptability of IOWF process
models suitable to structured cooperation. To
explain our approach, we have focused on process
models obeying to the subcontracting architecture
which describes a model of cooperation fairly
common in B2B relationship. In order to deal with
process models flexible enough, we have proposed a
cooperation pattern based on services to implement
IOWF obeying to the architecture considered; then,
we introduce the concept of orchestration function
that abstracts the structure of the process in terms of
control flow. Also, we distinguish operations of
adaptation from operations of evolution basis on two
perspectives the overall functionality of the IOWF
process and the cooperation. The operations of
adaptation and evolution of process models are
described at a conceptual level and turn to changes
operated on the orchestration function.
We are currently working to implement these
operations of adaptation and evolution as generic
adaptation patterns using a specific language of
business process definition like BPEL or jPDL.
Furthermore, we must provide mechanisms to check
the correctness of models after adaptation.
After that, we intend to deal with reusability of
IOWF process models which is another aspect of
flexibility allowing the combination of several
IOWF in order to build more complex business
processes based on existing ones. In our view, this is
possible because integration, composition and reuse
are well supported in SOA paradigm.
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