This paper deal with adaptability of IOWF process
models suitable to structured cooperation. To
explain our approach, we have focused on process
models obeying to the subcontracting architecture
which describes a model of cooperation fairly
common in B2B relationship. In order to deal with
process models flexible enough, we have proposed a
cooperation pattern based on services to implement
IOWF obeying to the architecture considered; then,
we introduce the concept of orchestration function
that abstracts the structure of the process in terms of
control flow. Also, we distinguish operations of
adaptation from operations of evolution basis on two
perspectives the overall functionality of the IOWF
process and the cooperation. The operations of
adaptation and evolution of process models are
described at a conceptual level and turn to changes
operated on the orchestration function.
We are currently working to implement these
operations of adaptation and evolution as generic
adaptation patterns using a specific language of
business process definition like BPEL or jPDL.
Furthermore, we must provide mechanisms to check
the correctness of models after adaptation.
After that, we intend to deal with reusability of
IOWF process models which is another aspect of
flexibility allowing the combination of several
IOWF in order to build more complex business
processes based on existing ones. In our view, this is
possible because integration, composition and reuse
are well supported in SOA paradigm.
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