Table 5: Overall computational time for the Verify algo-
rithm, depending on the number of revoked members.
Revoked members NF CL-BU
10 3 s 9 s 14 s
100 19 s 13 s 18 s
1000 3 min 53 s 58 s
We present the first VLR Group Signature scheme
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is the costliest part) requires |RL| (number of revoked
users) exponentiations instead of |RL| pairings. Our
technique can be applied for adding BU to other VLR
schemes that rely on exponentiations in the Revoca-
tion Check. By applying our technique to (Chen and
Li, 2010), that we moreover modified to give a full se-
curity proof for traceability, we obtain the most effi-
cient VLR scheme enabling Backward Unlinkability.
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FIDELITY project (SEC-2011-284862).
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