Privacy Preserving Approaches for Global Cycle Detections for
Cyclic Association Rules in Distributed Databases
Nirali R. Nanavati and Devesh C. Jinwala
Computer Engineering Department, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, India
Keywords: Privacy, Cyclic Association Rules, Distributed Setup.
Abstract: The current massive proliferation of data has led to collaborative data mining that requires preservation of
individual privacy of the participants. A number of algorithms proposed till date in this scenario are limited
to mining association rules and do not consider their cyclic nature that finds associations with respect to the
time segment. Hence catering to this challenge, we propose techniques for privacy preservation while
finding global cycles when mining cyclic association rules in a distributed setup. The proposed techniques
are based on homomorphic encryption and Shamir’s secret sharing that can help us decipher partial and total
global cycles along with maintaining privacy in a distributed setup. Additionally security, efficiency and
correctness analysis of the proposed algorithms are also given.
The concept of coopetation (Pedersen and Saygn,
2007) which symbolizes a blend of competition and
cooperation has become an important practice for
various organizations to sustain and succeed in this
competitive world. The approach of coopetation has
its application in Distributed Data Mining in which
privacy needs of the participating parties are to be
guaranteed. That is, the data mining results of each
of the sites that satisfy a certain function only, must
be known in the cumulative data. The identities of
the participants and the remaining data that does not
satisfy the cumulative function must be kept secret.
The solution for efficient implementation of
privacy preserving techniques for distributed data
mining is one of the most researched and
challenging fields of study today.(Venkatadri and
Reddy, 2011)
A major limitation of the existing distributed
privacy preserving algorithms in this area (Kargupta
et al., 2007); (Kantarcioglu and Clifton, 2004);
(Kantarcioglu, 2008); (Vaidya, 2008); (Ge et al.,
2010); (Aggarwal and Yu, 2008); (Sang et al.,
2009); (Shi et al., 2011) is that none of them deal
with cyclic data or data that is segmented and
The paper (Sang et al., 2009) does mention
privacy preserving tuple attribute matching in a
distributed setup; but again, it does not deal with
cyclic association rules. In addition, the recent work
by Shi et al. (Shi et al., 2011) does explain
approaches for aggregation of time series based data
using a third party aggregator with its main
application in wireless sensor networks; but then it
does not cater to cyclic association rules.
In a number of real life applications, data is time
based. So it is important to decipher the rules that
are frequent and repeat at regular time intervals.In
this context, we propose a construction comprising
of techniques to find global cycles among cyclic
association rules (Ozden et al., 1998); (Ben and
Gouider, 2010) (which is a subset of temporal rules)
while maintaining the privacy in a co-opetative
model. Our construction is restricted to a
horizontally partitioned homogeneous model. Any
scenario, where there are coopetative parties
involved and the data to be mined is segmented on
the basis of time, can use the approaches we propose
to exchange their information and preserve their
privacy as well.
The two proposed techniques for the multi-party
scenario are based on Efficient Private Matching
(EPM) (Freedman et al., 2004) and Shamir’s secret
sharing technique (Shamir and Adi, 1979)
respectively to find global cycles privately. These
methods have their pros and cons which have been
discussed in this paper.
R. Nanavati N. and C. Jinwala D..
Privacy Preserving Approaches for Global Cycle Detections for Cyclic Association Rules in Distributed Databases.
DOI: 10.5220/0004018803680371
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 368-371
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
An important example of such a scenario where
privacy preservation is required while mining global
cycles would be a group of television channels who
plan to share their data like their Television Rating
Points (TRPs), timings of the various programmes
being watched and various advertisements being
shown, by maintaining their privacy as well, so as to
figure out which TV program is being watched at
what time periodically by relatively more number of
viewers. The important thing to note here is that the
competing channels do not want to disclose their
identity and still be able to find out global cycles
(i.e. trends that repeat at regular intervals of time)
amongst every channel’s data.
We propose an algorithm that finds cyclic
association rules (Ozden et al., 1998) using the
interleaved algorithm that are supported at all the
participating parties privately. The problem
considers a co-opetative scenario of homogenous
databases where there are ‘p’ semi honest parties
collaborating to find the global cycles (cyclic and
frequent association rules in a particular time
segment at all the participating parties). Let there be
a set of ‘t
’ transactions and maximum N items at
each of the partitions (where 0 < i p) and each
transaction has a subset of ‘N’ items.
Let the schema at each of the sites be of the form
<tid, items, timestamp>. All the parties decide on
the local minimum Support ‘minSupp’, minimum
Confidence ‘minConf’ and the length of cycle which
is less than or equal to the set of transactions at each
of the parties. They also decide on one of the privacy
preserving protocols (explained below) that they
would follow.
In the first protocol i.e. Efficient Private
Matching algorithm (Freedman, Nissim and Pinkas,
2004), for the multiparty scenario, we consider p
parties, P
, with corresponding lists of inputs
which are the cyclic rules at each party. We
assume each list contains k
(0<ip) inputs. The
parties would be able to compute the intersection of
all p lists privately using homomorphic encryption
as explained in (Freedman, Nissim and Pinkas,
The second protocol is based on Shamir’s secret
sharing (Shamir and Adi, 1979); (Ge et al., 2010).
The algorithm finds the sum of the secret
information (which will help us decipher the global
cycles in our scenario privately) in the cumulative
Figure 1: Secret sharing approach applicable to our
There are 2 possible variations that can also be
applied to our approach:
1. If the co–opetative setup decides on finding
global association rules instead of global cycles; if
the association rule is cyclic; only then the count of
the item is exchanged privately (we could use Secret
Sharing or Secure Sum algorithm (Kantarcioglu,
2008) for this) by which we can calculate the global
support and hence find global association rules.
2. If partial cycles (cyclic association rules
supported at some of the parties) above a certain
threshold need to be determined; then the Secret
sharing approach could be used to determine
privately the count of the parties that support a
certain cyclic rule.
We begin by doing the correctness analysis of our
proposed protocols followed by the complexity and
security analysis. To find the globally cyclic
association rules; assume that the party P
has a
private vector V
for a particular cyclic association
rule C
(j is the total number of rules possible). This
vector V
has bits for whether a particular rule is
cyclic or not in a time segment ‘k’ such that 1<k t(t
is the total no. of time segments). Hence for a
particular rule C
; we try and find the
for a
particular cyclic association rule in a particular time
segment across different parties.
Figure 2: Algorithm to find global cycles privately in a
distributed setup.
Let us consider the protocol 1 based on efficient
private matching. Since this scenario has (p-1)
partitions and one leader S; and for y S;the
leader prepares p-1 shares that XOR to y. Now each
party formulates a polynomial equation whose roots
are their respective inputs. The coefficients of these
polynomials are encrypted and sent to the leader.
The leader takes Enc( r
· P(y
) + y
) and sends
the users the Enc(yi) where yi is one of the shares
that XOR to y ( y S). Hence all the p – 1 parties
will learn their share of Enc(yi). The parties decrypt
their share and XOR it with the other parties. They
will learn y only if y P
∩ P
….S. Hence
we will be able to find the cyclic association rule
that is supported by all the parties privately.
On the other hand, considering the protocol 2
using the secret sharing, we need to solve the linear
equations formulated which have p unknown
coefficients and n equations. Since the polynomials
would have a unique solution; each party P
solve the equation and find the value of
a particular cyclic association rule. However it
cannot determine the secret values of the other
parties as the polynomial coefficients of each party
are hidden from the other.
If the
= p; it implies that a global cycle
does exist among all parties for C
in the time
segment k. If on the other hand
= z (z < p) ;
it implies that a partial cycle exists at z parties.
Similarly other global cycles can be deciphered
privately with respect to time with the condition that
all parties follow the protocol honestly.
For the complexity analysis, consider first the
complexity of the cyclic association rules
generation. If we have n items, x time segments and
transactions (0 < i p) such that p is the no. of
partitions; then the number of possible association
rules with respect to time is O(x*n*2
). So the
computation complexity of the cyclic association
rule generation would be O(n*max(t
For the efficient private matching algorithm; the
communication overhead is O (pk) where there are
p-1 parties and one leader and k coefficients sent
using homomorphic encryption to the leader. As far
as the computation cost is concerned it involves
encryption and decryption of k values at each
partition site and for the leader to compute p-1
shares that XOR to y and Enc ( r
) + y
) using
k exponentiations and hence total O(k
). Thus, this
protocol has a much lesser communication cost
compared to the Protocol 2 that uses Shamir’s secret
sharing technique.
Secondly, for the secret sharing algorithm with
‘p’ parties; each party sends its shares to ‘p-1’ other
parties and if we consider ‘k’ such bits based on the
no. of transactions and the no. of time segments; the
complexity would be O (kp
Along with the communication cost there would
also be the computation cost of generating the
random polynomial, p
computations, p(p-1)
additions, and solving the equations with unknowns
to find the sum
Regarding the security analysis, our protocol that
finds global cycles based on efficient private
matching is semantically secure from attackers and
also preserves privacy. The data of all the clients is
private as the leader only sees the encrypted
coefficients. The leader’s privacy is also protected as
he only sends across encrypted shares that XOR to y
and hence the actual value of y is not known to the
different participants.
Our protocol based on secret sharing, is also
semantically secure from the network attackers. i.e.
network attackers cannot learn any valuable
information except for the shares of each of the
parties which would be of no use. This algorithm
can also effectively prevent collusive behaviour if
the number of collusive parties c < p-1.
In this paper we define a new problem of detecting
partial and total global cycles in a co-opetative setup
while maintaining the privacy of the individual
We extend the interleaved algorithm to find
global cycles in cyclic association rules privately.
Our first algorithm has higher computation cost and
lesser communication cost compared to the second
one based on Shamir’s Secret sharing.
However there are a few open research
challenges that which include applying these privacy
preserving theories to other temporal rule mining
methods like calendric association rules, temporal
predicate association rules, OLAP cubes and
sequential association rules. The algorithm could
also be extended to a heterogeneous setup and to
malicious models. Since our approach considers the
threshold count at each of the parties individually for
a particular item and gives equal importance to all
the participants; an extension to this could be to
privately decipher global cyclic association rules
considering the global count of the respective item
and hence giving importance to the parties with
respect to their transaction data size.
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