Quantitative Assessment of Cloud Security Level Agreements
A Case Study
Jesus Luna, Hamza Ghani, Tsvetoslava Vateva and Neeraj Suri
Department of Computer Science, Technische Universit¨at Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Cloud Security, Security Assessment, Security Benchmarks, Security Level Agreements, Security Metrics.
The users of Cloud Service Providers (CSP) often motivate their choice of providers based on criteria such as
the offered service level agreements (SLA) and costs, and also recently based on security aspects (i.e., due to
regulatory compliance). Unfortunately, it is quite uncommon for a CSP to specify the security levels associated
with their services, hence impeding users from making security relevant informed decisions. Consequently,
while the many economic and technological advantages of Cloud computing are apparent, the migration of
key sector applications has been limited, in part, due to the lack of security assurance on the CSP. In order to
achieve this assurance and create trustworthy Cloud ecosystems, it is desirable to develop metrics and tech-
niques to compare, aggregate, negotiate and predict the trade-offs (features, problems and the economics) of
security. This paper contributes with a quantitative security assessment case study using the CSP information
found on the Cloud Security Alliance’s Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (CSA STAR). Our security as-
sessment rests on the notion of Cloud Security Level Agreements SecLA and, a novel set of security
metrics used to quantitatively compare SecLAs.
Despite the pervasive nature of Cloud technologies
and their advocated economic/technological advan-
tages, the migration of applications has been limited,
in part, due to the lack of security assurance by the
CSP. This lack of assurance, along with the current
paucity of techniques to quantify security, often re-
sults in users being unable to assess the security of
the CSP they are paying for. Despite the assump-
tion that a given Cloud provider “seems” secure, is
it actually “secure enough” for my needs? Is my per-
sonal data more secure today than before? How do I
compare against other providers with regards to secu-
rity? These questions have been raised in the security
metrics area, including institutions such as ENISA
(Trimintzios, P., 2011), NIST
(Jansen, W., 2010) and
(Boyle K., et.al., 2010). The stated belief is
that well-designed security metrics and quantitative
security assessment techniques will both support the
achievement of assurance in CSPs and also motivate
the creation of trustworthy Cloud ecosystems.
Fortunately, security assurance in Cloud comput-
European Network and Information Security Agency.
National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Center for Internet Security.
Cloud SecLA
Quantitative Cloud
Security Assessment
Figure 1: Representation of the quantitative Cloud security
assessment presented in this paper. Dashed shapes indicate
the paper contributions.
ing has recently initiated promising steps. In partic-
ular, the Cloud community has identified that speci-
fying security in Service Level Agreements (termed
as “Security Level Agreements” or SecLA over this
paper) to be useful to model and assess the security
being offered by a CSP (cf. (Dekker, M. and Hogben,
G., 2011) and (Cloud Security Alliance, 2011c)).
Despite the potential advantages related with the
design and use of Cloud SecLAs, the security metrics
and techniques to quantitatively reason about Cloud
SecLAs are still lacking. To address this gap, this
Luna Garcia J., Ghani H., Vateva T. and Suri N..
Quantitative Assessment of Cloud Security Level Agreements - A Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0004019900640073
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 64-73
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
paper develops a quantitative security assessment ap-
proach considering a case study using the CSP infor-
mation found on the STAR repository (Cloud Security
Alliance, 2011c).
Our proposed quantitative security assessment ap-
proach is illustrated in Figure 1 and, is based on the
notion of Cloud SecLAs, with the contributions be-
1. A novel set of security metrics used to compare,
benchmark and assess the security compliance of
the evaluated Cloud SecLAs.
2. A real-world case study of the proposed security
assessment using the CSP information found on
the STAR repository.
Our results aim at impacting the Cloud ecosys-
tem in terms of security and transparency, thus facil-
itating service compliance and removing uncertainty
from CSPs interactions (ultimately helping them to
decrease transaction costs).
The paper is organizedas follows: Section 2 moti-
vates the notion of Cloud Security Level Agreements;
Section 3 presents the proposed quantitative security
assessment techniques, and Section 4 discusses the
results of the contributed security assessment using
the CSP information found on the STAR repository.
Section 5 reviews relevant existing approaches related
with our research.
The notion of SecLAs currently exists in varied di-
mensions (please refer to Section 5 for related state of
the art) and the Cloud is not an exception. The use
of Cloud SecLAs has the potential to provide tangible
benefits to CSPs especially associated with improved
security administration and management practices,
thus allowing for more transparency to end users. It
is clear that the definition of SecLAs forces a stake-
holder to think about security. However end users can
also benefit from SecLAs by understanding the costs
and benefits associated with this new service model.
Nowadays it is being realized that on the one hand
SecLAs will provide service-based assurance, but on
the other hand it is clear that SecLAs are not intended
to replace electronic assurance mechanisms for secu-
rity policy enforcement (Henning, R., 1999).
The importance of Cloud SecLAs has also been
recognized by ENISA: the development of template
contracts and service level agreements is being high-
lighted as one of the areas to be addressed in the Eu-
ropean Cloud computing strategy. In a recent survey
(Dekker,M. and Hogben, G., 2011)ENISA highlights
that manyCloud customers often do not monitor secu-
rity aspects of their contracted SLA on a continuous
basis. This implies that customers are left unaware
about many important security aspects related to their
services. The risk is that they find out about failing se-
curity measures only following a security breach. The
surveydata shows that while SLAs are often used, and
availability is often addressed in these SLAs, security
parameters are less well covered.
As mentioned in our previous work (Luna, J.,
et.al., 2011) and shown in Figure 2, the notion of
Cloud SecLAs is essential in order to quantitatively
assess the security level offered by a CSP. Cloud
SecLAs usually model the CSP security at the service
level and, are based on either a set of security require-
ments (e.g., for compliance reasons) or some kind of
preliminary security threat analysis. The result will be
a collection of security statements (also called “secu-
rity provisions”) related with the CSP’s technical and
organizational security, therefore ranging from provi-
sions like “Backup periodicity” to “Independent au-
dits frequency”. This final set of security provisions
will become the Cloud SecLA, just as shownin Figure
2 and discussed in works like (Bernsmed, K., et.al.,
2011) and (Almorsy, M., et.al., 2011).
Apart from the challenges related with the cre-
ation of SecLAs in real Cloud deployments, the cur-
rent paucity of techniques to quantitatively assessing
them has proven to be part of the obstacles in us-
ing SecLAs. To achieve the security assessment part
shown in Figure 2, this paper presents techniques to
quantitatively reason about Cloud SecLAs.
Service level-
Security Requirements,
Threat Modeling
Cloud SecLA
Creating a Cloud SecLAAssessing a Cloud SecLA
Quantitative Security
Quantitative Security
Figure 2: Workflow to quantitatively assess Security
Level Agreements in Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS),
Platform-as-a-Service (Paas) and Software-as-a-Service
(SaaS) CSPs.
Based on the notion of Cloud SecLA presented in
Section 2, it is possible to derive a set of security met-
rics to quantitatively assess the CSP from three differ-
ent perspectives: Comparison (Section 3.2), Bench-
marking (Section 3.3) and Compliance (Section 3.4).
However, before actually introducing the con-
tributed assessment metrics it is helpful to have a
mechanism to quantitatively reason about SecLAs.
Our approach utilizes the Reference Evaluation
Methodology — REM — originally proposed in (Ca-
sola V., et.al., 2005) as a technique to quantitatively
evaluate security policies. The basics related with the
use of the REM technique are presented next.
3.1 The Reference Evaluation
Methodology at Glimpse
In its basic form, REM (a) considers a set of security
to evaluate, (b) formalizes it to facilitate
the further evaluation step over an homogeneous met-
ric space, (c) uses a set of reference levels (known as
Local Security Levels or LSL) to apply a distance cri-
terion, and (d) finally obtains a number (also called
Global Security Level or GSL) that corresponds to the
policy’s security level.
For the purposes of this paper, only a couple of
REM-related concepts are presented and the inter-
ested readers are referred to (Casola V., et.al., 2005)
for further details.
The first concept is the formal representation of
any security policy by a n × m matrix, whose n rows
represent single provisions with a maximum of m pos-
sible LSLs. For example, if the LSL associated to a
Cloud Storage Provider’s provision called “File Sys-
tem Encryption” is 3, then the corresponding vector
will be (1,1,1,0).. The REM concept of LSL is con-
gruent with the notion of security ranges, as presented
in (Irvine, C. and Levin, T., 2001).
The second REM-concept is a criteria used to
quantify GSLs, and defined as the Euclidean dis-
among whatever pair of REM-matrices (A,B).
Just as in Equation 1, the GSL is defined as the square
root of the matrix trace of
(A B)(A B)
, where
(A B)
is the conjugate transpose.
GSL(A, B) = d(A, B) =
Tr((A B)(A B)
) (1)
In REM terminology, a security provision is a security
statement in the form {attribute, value}.
The LSL is usually known as the L1-Norm (Weisstein,
W., 2011b) of this vector.
Also known as the Frobenius-Norm (Weisstein, W.,
We consider utilizing REM primarily for the flex-
ibility it offers to model and quantitatively evaluate
most classes of security policies (e.g., Certificate Poli-
cies (Casola, V. et.al., 2007), (Casola, V., et.al., 2007)
and security policies associated with Desktop Grids
(Luna, J. et.al., 2008)). However, as discussed later in
Section 6, our security assessment can be easily ex-
tended to use other SecLA quantification techniques.
As a stand-alone security evaluationmethodology,
REM does not provide any additional metric to quan-
titatively reason about the LSL and GSL associated
with each Cloud SecLA. To bridge this gap, our re-
search develops a novel set of metrics to perform the
security assessment of a CSP based on the REM-
quantification of its SecLA, as depicted in Figure 2
and in Section 3.2.
3.2 Comparing Security Levels
The metrics introduced next are used to quantitatively
compare the GSL (as computed with Equation 1) of
two or more Cloud SecLAs, by determining where in
the “SecLA metric space MS —” are. The MS
used in this section and graphically shown in Figure
3, is delimited by the following two SecLA values:
SecLA(φ) = GSL(φ, φ), where φ is the origin of
the metric space or in other words, a Cloud SecLA
where all LSLs equal zero (i.e., are represented by
the vector (0,0,0,0)).
SecLA(max)) = GSL(max, φ) is the maximum al-
lowable GSL for any Cloud SecLA under evalu-
ation, and max is the SecLA where all LSLs are
represented by (1,1,1,1).
Notice that the SecLA metric space mentioned
above is able to contain whatever Cloud SecLA that
uses a maximum of four LSLs.
Definition 1. The following metric computes the rate
among the overall security level of the CSP under
analysis and, the maximum achievable security level
(i.e., the total length of the MS shown in Figure 3):
) =
, φ)
GSL(max, φ)
is the SecLA of the CSP to assess.
GSL(CSP, φ) is the GSL of the CSP as computed
with Equation 1 and, taking as reference level the
origin of MS.
GSL(max, φ) is the length of the defined MS.
From Definition 1, it can be observed that the
closer RateMS to 1 is, the more secure the CSP is.
Figure 3: Metric Space (MS) for quantitatively comparing
Cloud SecLAs.
Because in practice the overall quantification of
the Cloud SecLA may “hide” some details related
with the security level of individual provisions, we
propose the metric shown in Definition 2 to perform a
more fine-grained comparison.
Definition 2. To quantitatively compare a CSP
respect to second CSP
, we proceed to split their
SecLAs into a couple of subsets, just as defined next:
, SecLA
) =
, SecLA
, φ)
, SecLA
) =
, SecLA
, φ)
, SecLA
) is the subset of secu-
rity provisions from CSP
with a security level
greater or equal than CSP
, SecLA
) is the
subset of security provisions from CSP
with a se-
curity level smaller than CSP
From Definition 2, the closer both
to 0, the more similar CSP
to CSP
will be.
3.3 Benchmarking Cloud SecLAs
The notion of benchmarking used in Definition 3 is
to count how many individual provisions of Cloud
SecLA are above/belowof a predefined baseline (e.g.,
user-defined or standard-based). This metric is in-
spired by CIS’ security benchmark tool (Center for
Internet Security, 2009) and, uses the concept of LSL
explained in Section 3.1.
Definition 3. If two Cloud SecLAs have the same car-
dinality, then the “Benchmarking Score” of a CSPs
relative to a reference SecLA
is defined
, SecLA
) =
| is the number of security provisions
from SecLA
, such that LSL
| represents the SecLAs cardinality
(i.e., the total number of security provisions from
either SecLA
or SecLA
From Definition 3, the closer BenchScore to 1 is,
the best SecLA
has the baseline SecLA
filled. However, if BenchScore < 1 then the CSP is
only partially compliant, whereas if BenchScore = 0
then the CSP is not compliant at all with SecLA
3.4 Compliance Assessment
This metric is a case of the Benchmarking Score met-
ric presented in the previous section. The Compliance
Index metric shown next was designed to assess if a
CSP’s SecLA fulfills (or not) some specific security
compliance criteria.
Definition 4. Using the same notation from Def-
inition 3, the quantitative “Compliance Index”
(CompIndex) of a CSP relative to a reference crite-
ria is defined as:
, SecLA
) =
1 if LSL
From Definition 4, if
, SecLA
) = 1 then it
means that the CSP’s SecLA is fully compliant with
the reference criteria SecLA
A well-known challenge in the security metrics field
is related with the empirical validation of metrics
and frameworks (Verendel, V., 2009). Fortunately,
the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) has recently re-
leased the initial version of their “Security, Trust
& Assurance Registry” (STAR (Cloud Security Al-
liance, 2011c)), a publicly available repository that
documents the security controls provided by CSPs
worldwide. Currently, STAR contains the “Consensus
Assessments Initiative Questionnaire” (CAIQ (Cloud
Security Alliance, 2011b)) reports, which provides
industry-accepted ways to document what security
controls exist in Cloud offerings. The CAIQ con-
tains a set of over 160 questions a Cloud consumer
and Cloud auditor may wish to ask a CSP.
The remainder of this section presents the results
obtained from applying the metrics (of Section 3),
to the CAIQ reports stored in the STAR repository.
Please notice that (i) at the time of writing this pa-
per STAR contained only the reports of three CSPs
and, (ii) due to STAR’s usage restrictions we have
anonymized the identity of the CSPs under analysis.
4.1 Testbed
To perform in a semi-automated manner the con-
tributed CSP’s security assessment, we have imple-
mented an initial prototype of the architecture shown
in Figure 4.
REM Parsing
Cloud Service
1.- CAIQ Information
2.- CAIQ files
Download Manager
3.- SecLA, GSL 4.- SecLA, GSL
5.- Results
Figure 4: Testbed to perform the CSP’s security assessment.
At the core of our testbed are two building blocks
with the following functionality:
1. Preprocessor: after a CSP has uploaded its CAIQ
report to STAR (Step 1 in Figure 4) the Download
Manager will retrieve it (Step 2). Once down-
loaded, the CAIQ report is parsed into the Inter-
nal Repository shown in Figure 4 via the Pars-
ing module. Using a local REM implementation,
the parsed Cloud SecLA is quantitatively evalu-
ated and the resulting GSL/LSL stored into an In-
ternal Repository (Step 3). In the current version
of our prototype, both the downloading and pars-
ing processes are manually performed via the GUI
2. Analyzer: this module will download from the
Internal Repository a set of Cloud SecLAs to as-
sess (Step 4). Depending on the metrics selected
by the User (via the Analyzers GUI) this mod-
ule will invoke one or more of the Comparison,
Benchmarking and Compliance components. The
results of the security assessment will be graphi-
cally displayed via the GUI (Step 5).
Using on a working prototype of the testbed ex-
plained above, we show in Section 4.3 the results of
the CSPs’ quantitative security assessment using the
STAR reports.
4.2 Setting Up the SecLAs
Based on the CAIQ responses of the CSP under anal-
ysis, we created for the purposes of our security as-
sessment the following two sets of Cloud SecLAs for
each one of them:
1. CAIQ: this is an initial set of three SecLAs con-
taining all the 171 security provisions from the
different CAIQ’s “control groups” and common
to all the CSPs under evaluation. These 171 provi-
sions are distributed in the following way: Com-
pliance (CO) - 14, Data Governance (DG) - 15,
Facility Security (FS) - 9, Human Resources Se-
curity (HR) - 4, Information Security (IS) - 71,
Legal (LG) - 2, Operations Management (OP) -
5, Risk Management (RI) - 12, Release Manage-
ment (RM) - 5, Resilience (RS) - 11 and Security
Architecture (SA) - 23). These provisions had a
qualitative “YES/NO” answer in the CAIQ, but
there was an additional “Comments” field that al-
lowed the CSP to provide further details.
2. CAIQ+: after analyzing the CSP’s answers given
on the CAIQ’s “Comments” field, we designed
this additional set with 29 security metrics that
were used to create another three SecLAs (in this
case with 171 + 29 = 200 security provisions). Ta-
ble 1 shows some of these newly proposed met-
Finally, in order to establish our Metric Space
(cf. Section 3 and Figure 3) we created an additional
SecLA, where all security provisions were set to their
maximum value (LSL = 4).
4.3 Results
Our first test consisted in applying the “RateMS” met-
rics (introduced in Section 3.2) to the two sets of
SecLAs described in Section 4.2. Figure 5 show our
obtained results for the three CSPs in STAR. It is in-
teresting to notice that despite CSP
had the highest
security level according to the CAIQ SecLA, once
we have considered the additional set of metrics (the
CAIQ+ SecLA) then it was CSP
the one with the bet-
ter security level associated to its Cloud SecLA. The
reason for this can be easily obtained after reading
both CAIQ reports: on the one hand, CSP
“YES” to almost all the questions on the CAIQ but
their “Comments” were so generic that it was not
possible to obtain further quantitative data to evalu-
ate the additional set of 29 metrics on a reliable way.
Table 1: Some of the proposed security metrics for the CAIQ, based on the CSP’s responses found on the STAR repository
CID Consensus Assessment Questions Possible values
CO-01.Q1 Supported Audit Assertions formats None, Proprietary, Only one, More
than one
CO-02.Q1 Access requirements to third party audit reports Not specified, Only to customers, NDA
Required, NDA and written justifica-
tion required
CO-02.Q2 Frequency of the network penetration tests Not specified, Once per-Year, Twice
per-Year, Monthly
IS-19.Q2 Tenants’ encryption keys management Not specified, Not supported, Provider
only, Shared management, User only
On the other hand, CSP
s answers to the original
CAIQ contained more “NO” values than CSP
s but
its “Comments” were by far much richer in infor-
mation to quantify the corresponding CAIQ+ SecLA.
This demonstrates that disclosing a greater level of
detail on the SecLA is beneficial for the CSP. Also
notice that in all the cases the security levels associ-
ated with the CAIQ+ SecLAs were lower than those
obtained for the CAIQ SecLAs, this was in part be-
cause of the difference between both metric spaces
= 26.153 whereas MS
= 28.284).
RateMS Metrics
RateMS(CSP1) RateMS(CSP2) RateMS(CSP3)
Figure 5: Using the RateMS metric to quantitatively com-
pare CSPs. The higher RateMS is, the more security is be-
ing provided by the Cloud SecLA.
For our next test, let us suppose that a current cus-
tomer of CSP
wants to know if either CSP
or CSP
might provide her with a better SecLA. For this pur-
pose our hypothetical user first applies the metric pro-
posed in Definition 2, using CSP
as a baseline. The
obtained results (see Figure 6) show that with the two
policy subsets (CAIQ and CAIQ+), both CSP
had approximately 20% of their provisions with
a higher security level than CSP
s. However, it is no-
ticeable that the number of provisionswith a lower se-
curity level (
metric) was by far larger also for both
and CSP
(approximately 86% for the CAIQ
subset and, between 75% — 79% for the CAIQ+ sub-
set). Once again, the reason is clear when taking
a look at the responses found on the corresponding
CAIQ reports: CSP
replied either with a “YES” or
a better quantitative security value much more ques-
tions that the other providers.
Comparing CSP1 and CSP2 versus CSP3
Delta+(CSP1) Delta-(CSP1) Delta+(CSP2) Delta-(CSP2)
Figure 6: Quantitatively comparing CSPs with the metric
from Definition 2.
Now the question that arises for the hypothetical
customer of CSP
is: how the different CSPs com-
pare on the individual categories of their respective
SecLAs? This question can be answered through the
BenchScore metric (cf. Definition 3), by benchmark-
ing the Cloud SecLAs from both CSP
and CSP
ing as a baseline CSP
. Obtained results are shown
in Table 2, where the BenchScore metric was used
for this purpose (column “Pass” in Table 2), but also
was applied to quantitatively benchmark those Cloud
SecLA provisions from CSP
which security
level (i.e., LSL as explained in Section 3.1) fell be-
hind the benchmark (column “Fail” in Table 2). The
results shown in Table 2’s CAIQ+ column are consis-
tent with our previous tests, because we observed that
Table 2: Benchmarking CSP
and CSP
versus CSP
Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail
BenchScore 97.66% 2.34% 87.50% 12.50% 90.06% 9.94% 90.50% 9.50%
CO 7.02% 1.17% 7.00% 7.00% 7.60% 0.58% 12.50% 1.50%
DG 8.77% 0.00% 8.00% 0.00% 8.77% 0.00% 8.00% 0.00%
FS 5.26% 0.00% 4.50% 0.00% 4.68% 0.58% 4.00% 0.50%
HR 2.34% 0.00% 2.00% 0.00% 2.34% 0.00% 2.00% 0.00%
IS 41.52% 0.00% 38.00% 3.50% 37.43% 4.09% 38.00% 3.50%
LG 1.17% 0.00% 1.00% 0.00% 1.17% 0.00% 1.00% 0.00%
OP 2.92% 0.00% 2.50% 0.00% 2.92% 0.00% 2.50% 0.00%
RI 6.43% 0.58% 5.50% 0.50% 7.02% 0.00% 6.00% 0.00%
RM 2.92% 0.00% 2.50% 0.00% 1.75% 1.17% 1.50% 1.00%
RS 5.85% 0.58% 5.00% 1.00% 5.85% 0.58% 5.50% 0.50%
SA 13.45% 0.00% 11.50% 0.50% 10.53% 2.92% 9.50% 2.50%
the number of “failed” provisions increased for CSP
with respect to CSP
(from 2.34% — 12.50%).
As mentioned in Section 3 and seen on Figure 7,
the proposed assessment metrics can be used at dif-
ferent levels of granularity varying from the Cloud
SecLA-level to the individual security provision-
level. With the quantitative level of detail being pro-
vided by the proposed metrics e.g., our hypothetical
user should be able to take a decision about chang-
ing her current CSP depending on how important for
her are the security provisions that “failed” the bench-
marking process. This “weighting” of individual pro-
visions is part of our future work, just as discussed in
Section 6.
 !"#$
% %
Figure 7: Benchmarking a subset of security provisions for
two different CSPs.
SLA specifications and management is becoming an
essential component within several emerging tech-
nologies such as Cloud computing. In the past, SLA
specifications havebeen mainly considered in the Ser-
vice Oriented Architectures (SOAs) and Web services
fields like in (Andrieux, K., et.al., ) and (Ludwig, H.,
et.al., ). Unfortunately, one of the major limitations of
these approaches is that they do not take into consid-
eration security aspects even if the need for incorpo-
rating security in SLA was already highlighted some
years ago (Henning, R., 1999).
Despite in the last years some proposals have
started to consider security in SLAs, just very few
of these have focused on Cloud SecLAs. In par-
ticular we highlight (Bernsmed, K., et.al., 2011),
where the authors present a method for managing the
SecLA lifecycle in the context of federated Cloud ser-
vices. That work can be considered complementary
to our research, taking into account that the authors
of (Bernsmed, K., et.al., 2011) discuss the contents of
Cloud SecLAs, but do not further elaborate about the
techniques to quantitatively assess them.
In (Almorsy, M., et.al., 2011), the authors also
propose the notion of evaluating Cloud SecLAs. In
their paper, a metric is introduced to measure a CSP’s
“security categorization” of their information (either
per-tenant or per-service), based on impact metrics for
all the three dimensions of security — confidentiality,
integrity and availability —. However, the resulting
security categorization is qualitative (i.e. specifying
the High, Medium or Low security ranges), contrary
to our quantitative security assessment metrics.
As mentioned in Section 1, to the best of our
knowledge there are no further works related with
the quantitative security assessment of CSPs and in
particular aimed to empirically validate their security
metrics with real CSP data. Nevertheless for the sake
of completeness, the rest of this section cites the ef-
forts from other Information Technology fields (e.g,
Web Services and Grid computing) aimed to adopt
and assess SecLAs.
In (Frankova, G. and Yautsiukhin, A., 2007) and
(Krautsevich, L., et.al., 2011), the authors propose a
technique to aggregate security metrics from a web
services’ SecLA, however contrary to our research
they did not propose the techniques to assess their
SecLAs neither empirically validate the proposed
The Reference Evaluation Methodology — REM
(as explained in Section 3.1) was originally pro-
posed in (Casola V., et.al., 2006). The authors intro-
duced a methodology that can be adopted whenever
there is the need of evaluating and comparing secu-
rity SLAs (despite not specifically Cloud-related) ex-
pressed through the use of standard policy languages.
A similar approach was used in (Casola V., et.al.,
2005) and (Casola, V. et.al., 2007) to quantify the se-
curity of a Public Key Infrastructure, based on its Cer-
tificate Policy. The security assessment presented in
our paper has been built above the methodology from
(Casola V., et.al., 2006) by quantitatively evaluating a
Cloud SecLA, but contrary to existing works we have
also contributed with: (i) an additional set of security
metrics to quantitatively assess the CSP, (ii) an ini-
tial Cloud SecLA specification and, (iii) the building
blocks of an architecture aimed to empirically demon-
strate the assessment of the CSP.
In (De Chaves, S. A., et.al., 2010) the authors
highlight the importance of incorporating security
metrics in SLAs and, in particular, of controlling
and monitoring whether the security metrics are met.
However, contrary to our paper, no further details are
provided about the techniques used to represent and
assess these SLAs.
A metric-based approach for assessing the secu-
rity level of Critical Infrastructures was presented
in (Ghani, H., et.al., 2010). In that article the au-
thors define appropriate security metrics to monitor
whether the established security requirements are ful-
filled. Such metrics are also used for the definition
of SLAs that should capture the defined requirements
as well as the guarantees that the system provides to-
gether with the penalties that have to be applied when
such guarantees are not met. The present paper took
into account our previous experiences from (Luna, J.,
et.al., 2011), in order to contribute with the metrics
and testbed to quantitatively assess Cloud SecLAs.
The works presented in (Irvine, C. and Levin, T.,
2001) and (Neto, A., et.al., 2011) are also related
with the assessment metrics presented in this paper.
In (Irvine, C. and Levin, T., 2001), the authors sup-
port the notion of “Quality of Security” (similar to our
SecLA quantification) and the usefulness of security
ranges for quantifying security. Both arguments are
directly related with the security quantification tech-
nique used by our framework (cf. Section 3). In
(Neto, A., et.al., 2011) the authors present one of the
few works related with security benchmarking. From
their perspective trust can be used to benchmark secu-
rity by performing the enumeration and accumulation
of the evidence in favor of security that exists in a sys-
tem, in the form of security mechanisms, processes,
configurations, procedures and behaviors that prevent
the accomplishment of specific threats that the sys-
tem may be subjected to. These notions are directly
related with the use of metrics for benchmarking se-
curity in our CSP assessment.
Finally, from an industrial perspective SecLAs
must also be considered in security management regu-
lations and standards as mentioned in (Monahan, B.
and Yearworth, M., 2008). The Information Tech-
nology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is one of the
most prestigious good practices regarding IT Services
Management and, some works have been done on
modeling SLAs considering risks that threaten busi-
ness processes and the requisites detailed in the Ser-
vice Level Management module from ITIL (Feglar,
T., 2004). However, contrary to the approach pre-
sented in our paper the techniques for quantitatively
assessing these SecLAs in ITIL were not proposed in
(Monahan, B. and Yearworth, M., 2008) nor (Feglar,
T., 2004).
In this paper we have presented a practical CSP’s
security assessment use case based on (i) the con-
cept of Security Level Agreements and, (ii) a novel
set of quantitative security assessment metrics. This
practical security assessment has been applied to the
CSP’s information stored in the STAR repository of
the Cloud Security Alliance. To the best of our knowl-
edge there are no previous works related with the
quantitative security assessment of CSPs, and in par-
ticular aimed to empirically validate the applicability
of their security metrics with real CSP data.
The obtained results show that the proposed se-
curity assessment can be performed at different lev-
els of the CSP, ranging from the Cloud SecLA-level
to the individual security provision-level. Our results
also demonstrate the need to create meaningful quan-
titative security metrics for CSPs, because despite the
usefulness of initiatives like STAR, it is clear that the
more information is provided by the CSP the more
useful it will become to the end user. Fortunately,
some ongoing works are taking place in work groups
like CSAs Security Metrics WG (Cloud Security Al-
liance, 2011a) to create and motivate the use of these
more quantitative security metrics for the Cloud.
We have adopted the REM technique to quantify
Cloud SecLAs (as presented in Section 3.1), in partic-
ular due to the flexibility it offers to model and eval-
uate most classes of security policies. However, our
future work will also consider the adoption of other
SecLA evaluation techniques that might appear in the
near future (e.g., the scoring model being developed
by the Common Assurance Maturity Model commu-
nity (Samani, R., et.al., 2011)).
The contributed security assessment metrics (cf.
Section 3) are “Cloud SecLA-neutral”, in the sense
that they are able to work with different security cri-
teria and standards. The only pre-requisite is to define
the appropriate Cloud SecLA-templates to evaluate
with the REM (as described in Section 3.1). Our cur-
rent efforts in working groups like the CSA are aimed
towards this objective. For example, we expect that
in the near future it might be possible to create and
assess SecLAs derived from both the threat analysis
of real CSP architectures and, existing standards like
e.g., ISO27001 and PCI.
Research works like the one presented in this pa-
per will aid to trigger security transparency and new
types of SecLA-based services in CSPs. Our belief
is that SecLAs will become in the short term a key
factor to enable competition between CSPs based on
security properties.
The work in this paper is not aimed to substi-
tute the Cloud security auditing function. In contrary,
our security assessment rests on the belief that Cloud
SecLAs are trusted in the sense that they have been
previously audited by experts. This is precisely the
base to build the security assurance needed by Cloud
users, just as mentioned in Section 1.
The security assessment presented in this paper is
part of a broader research focusing on quantifying the
end-to-end security in CSPs, because the CSP’s se-
curity level perceived by an end user will depend on
the whole IT-chain, including the security behavior of
the intermediate ISP, the requested CSP and the end
user themselves. The most clear example is related to
availability: despite a CSP advertises 99.99% of ser-
vice availability, in the real-world it will depend on
the availability of intermediate ISPs.
Future work will complement our security assess-
ment metrics (cf. Section 3) with the techniques to
weight individual security provisions and to aggre-
gate, negotiate, predict and tune Cloud SecLAs based
not only on “declarative” information (e.g., the one
from the STAR repository), but also on real-time data
gathered from the service provider’s infrastructure.
The testbed presented in Section 4.1 can be further
improved taking into account both this real-time fea-
ture and the idea of deploying publicly available se-
curity assessment services for the Cloud.
Our final goal is the creation of techniques and
tools to empower end users through providing choices
of service providers via the use of end-to-end secu-
rity metrics. Users will be provided with adequate
support to make informed decisions regarding the
trustworthiness of an IT system to enable them to
react depending on the changing conditions of the
system in terms of security and trust. As a conse-
quence, the confidence in the use of IT systems will
increase. End users will also obtain a transparent view
on the SecLAs agreed or expected from their service
providers (Internet Service Providers included), thus
re-balancing the current unequal relationship between
both parties.
Research supported in part by EC FP7 IP
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