This paper proposes an adaptive approach to
visualize segmented digital ink texts in Chinese.
Each extracted object is adaptively visualized by
shape and colour labels according to relations
between it and its neighbours. Red, green, blue, and
their complementary colour are used. Rectangle, tilt
rectangles, and convex hulls are used. Confidences
of extracted objects are also visualized with various
line widths.
The proposed approach and its software
prototype have been tested with various
automatically segmented digital ink texts in Chinese.
The performance is reported, including the test
results and comparative evaluation relative to other
published methods. The analyses confirm that the
proposed approach is more effective than other
approaches currently available.
The work described in this paper was substantially
supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of P.R. China and the Microsoft Asia
Research (Grant No. 60970158), Beijing Language
and Culture University supported project for young
researchers program (supported by the Fundamental
Research Funds for the Central Universities) (Grant
No. 09JBT014) .
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