search information about a specific object (e.g.
book, movie or hotel) in a single place.
Applications built based on the proposed model
may allow in-depth analysis of the fine-grained
knowledge dispersed in the web. However, the
success of the implementation of this conceptual
data model is also dependent on an algorithm able to
recognize the facets in the opinionated texts. The
automatic identification of the semantic orientation
of the features in the reviews remains a current
challenge for Computer Science researchers.
To better test the model in the multidomain
aspect, we should use instances from other domain
than accommodations (e.g. books, cars or movies).
Regarding to the multilingual representation, we
should automatically load the reviews annotated by
Chaves, Gomes and Pedron (2012). These
annotations cover most of the facets in the
conceptual data model.
Finally, the model proposed is in its first version
and we know that there is room for improvements.
As future work, the model will be also tested with an
application for information visualization developed
in Carvalho and Chaves (2012).
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funds of FCT – the Portuguese Science and
Technology Foundation within the strategic project
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