Finally, figure 7 shows the average end-to-end
delay during the three evaluation scenarios. Both the
use of traffic categorization (with the use of
802.11e) and the utilization of the SNR mechanism
lead to a significant improvement of average end-to-
end delay. We have to mention that the above
improvement in average end-to-end delay is very
important for video streaming applications.
Average end-to-end delay
802.11g 802.11e 802.11e + SNR
Average end-to-end delay (ms)
Figure 7: Average end-to-end delay.
The above results show that the use of both the
traffic categorization and the SNR-utilizing cross-
layer mechanism lead to important improvements
during the transmission of multimedia data over the
MANET network. This improvement can lead to a
noticeable quality improvement of the video
received, as subjectively judged by some viewers.
This judgment verifies that the improvement can
also be perceived by the users.
In addition the above results indicate that the use
of the cross-layer design, can lead to significant
improvements in video transmission in MANETs.
These improvements can help make the difference in
MANETs between an interrupted, low-quality video
transmission and a usable video transmission service
without perceived annoyances for the users..
We presented in this work a cross-layer design that
aimed to improve the performance of video
transmission with the use of TFRC. Our design
provided priority to video packets and exploited
information from the MAC layer (SNR) in order to
improve the TFRC performance. Simulation results
showed that the proposed cross-layer design led to
improving performance, under several metrics, and
could result in perceived improvements of the
received video quality.
We also showed how a cross-layer design involving
the Application, Network and the MAC layers can
improve QoS in MANETs by sharing information
between non-adjacent layers.
Our future work includes the implementation of
an adaptive estimation for the appropriate SNR
threshold based on network metrics. In addition, we
plan to implement a prototype of the proposed cross
layer design and evaluate it in a real MANET.
Another interesting extension of this work is to
use the SNR measurements in order to provide
TFRC with estimations of whether the observed
packet loss is due to network disruption or due to
congestion. This is expected to have a positive
impact on the performance of TFRC and the video
transmission in MANETs, as well.
Furthermore, we plan to investigate the
(combined) use of new cross-layer designs and
mechanisms in order to come up with a balanced set
of improvements that could provide the best
outcome. Finally, we plan to investigate the effect of
the proposed design, and especially the use of SNR,
in the performance of other routing protocols in
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