statecharts. Currently, work is adressed to implement
an editor for object diagrams. Additional diagrams,
which will be implemented in the near future, are se-
quence diagrams and component diagrams. Further-
more, we are working on a mechanism for roundtrip
engineering of UML models and source code which
is inspired by Triple Graph Grammars (Sch
urr, 1994).
It is targeted to allow seamless editing of model and
source code. First results are very promising. An-
other area which is currently covered by a master
thesis is the generation of test cases based on use
case diagrams and activity diagrams. Future exten-
sion to the code generator comprise the support for
derived attributes which can already be expressed in
the class diagram editors using OCL constraints, and
the generation of operation behavior expressed by ac-
tivity diagrams and UML Action Language respec-
tively. UML2 supports extensibility and domain spe-
cific customization via profiles. Future work will
comprise the integration of the profile concept in our
tool. Since we use the Eclipse UML2 meta model
which is based on Ecore, our tool can be easily ex-
tended with research results from other projects at our
chair in the fields of modeling with graph transfor-
mations , the model-driven development of software
product lines and differencing and merging of mod-
els. Finally, our tool is used and evaluated in our un-
dergraduate teaching course Software Engineering I.
The author wants to thank the following students
for contributing to the implementation of Valkyrie
in various ways (in alphabetical order): Christopher
ar, Matthias Kufer, Stefan Matthaei, Stefan Oehme,
Patrick Pezoldt, Alexander Rimer and Frank Wein.
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