algorithms used for detection, recognition and
estimation of user’s commands.
In this work, it is presented a new interface
approach designed to be intuitive and meet usability
aspects. The interface integrates a joystick into the
walker upper base support. Preliminary studies were
conducted with healthy volunteers and no
motorization in the device. An analysis of the
joystick data was performed and user’s navigation
commands were identified. These commands are
going to be used in the guidance of the walker and
recurring to a fuzzy logic strategy, which is
fundamental for an efficient control of the device
during assistive gait. Then, a validation with the
motors on was performed.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II
describes the NeoASAS interface constituted by a
joystick. Section II also presents and discusses the
interaction components acquired with the joystick.
Section III discusses the processing strategy to
extract the signal components related to the user’s
navigation commands. Section IV presents and
discusses the developed control strategy based on a
fuzzy logic system and the achieved results are
present in Section V. Finally, conclusions
discussed in Section VI.
The NeoASAS Smart Walker is presented in figure
1. This new robotic walker was built through the
mechanical modification of a conventional four-
wheeled walker. An additional structure was
implemented to integrate the motors and sensors of
the robotic walker, as well as forearm supports.
To program all the implemented strategies on the
walker, it was used the Matlab and PC/104 platform.
2.1 Specifications of the Novel
Interface – Joystick
In this work, the interface consists on placing, at the
centre of the upper base support, a joystick
associated to a spring that is moved according to
user’s manipulation (Figure 1). When the user
begins his gait, he has to slightly move (less than 1
degree) the handlebar through the handles, moving
the joystick, informing the walker which direction
and velocity he wants to take. Hence, the user’s little
efforts are successfully converted into small
movements through this new interface.
To extract and study the signals from the
joystick, it was performed an user study with 11
healthy volunteers, with no history of any
dysfunction on either upper or lower limbs. These
volunteers had to perform simple tasks like moving
forward and then turn left or right. It is noteworthy
that these tests were performed without any
motorized system.
Figure 1: NeoASAS walker and a schematic of the upper
base with the joystick.
The joystick outputs three different signals
(X,Y,Z), measured in Volts that specify the imposed
movement described on the XYZ-axis attached to
the joystick. In this work it is just used Y and Z
2.2 Interaction Components
Three types of experiments were performed by the
11 healthy users: walking forward, turn right and
turn left (Figure 2). During these two types of
signals were acquired and evaluated – forward (Y)
and rotation (Z). The Y-signal, gives an indication of
the user intention to move forward and according to
the applied force on the X-axis, the signal will have
more or less amplitude, depending on the user’s
command intention to go forward with more or less
velocity. The Z-signal, gives an indication of the
user intention to perform a curve and the signal will
present high or low amplitude depending if the
performed curve is more or less accentuated. The
intention to turn right or left is detected by the sign
of the signal, i.e. turn left causes negative signal and
turn right causes positive signal.
Figure 3 show typical Y and Z joystick data.
Initially, the user is stopped (S1) and both signals
are zero. When the user begins to walk forward (S2),
he pushes forward the handles of the walker and the
Y-signal becomes negative, because the joystick is
moved around the X-axis. The Z-signal continues to
be zero, since the joystick is not rotated. Sometimes,
Z-signal can present some small variations while the
user is moving forward. This is associated to users
that may present more strength in one arm than in