The Use of Internet as a Marketing Tool
Evaluating the Websites of Spain's Top Restaurants
F. J. Miranda, S. Rubio, A. Chamorro and M. S. Janita
Business Management and Sociology Departament, Extremadura University, Badajoz, Spain
Keywords: World Wide Web, Restaurant Websites, Tourism Marketing, Content Analysis, Web Design, Internet,
Research Paper.
Abstract: The haute cuisine catering sector in Spain is faced with two facts that underscore the importance today of
their presence on the Internet. On the one hand, the quality and recognition of Spanish cuisine are fostering
the development of culinary tourism, both domestic in origin and from abroad. And on the other, an ever
greater proportion of tourists are using the Internet to obtain information and make decisions about activities
to include in their trips. Given this context, the present work describes a comparative analysis of the
Websites of Spanish restaurants which have at least one Michelin star in order to assess the quality of those
Web pages and provide some guidance to their designers to facilitate their use as a marketing tool. The
instrument used is the Web Assessment Index (WAI). This has been validated in other studies in the
literature, and measures the quality of a Website based on 4 dimensions: visibility, speed, navigability, and
content. The results showed the quality of the Website to be positively correlated with the category of the
corresponding restaurant.
Gastronomy has become a major tourist attraction,
and is becoming one of the primary reasons that
tourists choose the destination of their trip.
According to data of the Tourism Institute of Spain
(Turespaña), of the 52 million tourists who visited
Spain in 2009, 6 million declared Spanish food and
wine as their main reason for visiting the country.
With the widespread use of Internet by the
population, Internet Marketing and Social Media
Marketing have taken on great importance for the
promotion of culinary tourism. A specific study
conducted by Spain's Ministry of Industry, Trade,
and Tourism (Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y
Turismo, 2010) showed that already 11% of tourists
use Websites as a way to select the restaurants they
will eat at on their trips, and 14% make their
selection after consulting blogs and social networks.
In addition, 15% of tourists make restaurant
reservations through Webpage forms and another
12% through e-mail available on the Website of the
restaurant they have chosen. A restaurant's presence
on the Internet can therefore be a positive instrument
for attracting customers.
Likewise, there have been many studies on the
use of the Internet as a marketing tool in the tourism
sector, but they have mostly been restricted to the
analysis either of hotels (Chan and Law, 2006;
Chiang and Jang, 2007; Dabas and Manaktola, 2007;
Kaplanidou and Vogt, 2006; Law and Cheung, 2006;
Morosan and Jeong, 2008; Noone and Mattila, 2009;
Rong et al., 2009; Schmidt et al., 2008; Vermeulen
and Seegers, 2009; Ye et al., 2009, 2011) or of
tourism destinations (Kim et al., 2007; Law and Bai,
2008; Law et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2007; Litvin et al.,
2008; Park et al., 2007; Tsang et al., 2010; Vrana
and Zafiropoulos, 2006; Wang et al., 2007; Wen,
2009). In this context, it is interesting to evaluate the
quality of restaurant firms' Websites to shed some
light on how companies are adapting to today's
tourist, and to determine whether there is a
relationship between this quality and the firm's
performance or prestige.
But a mere presence on Internet is not in itself
sufficient to attract tourists. Also important is the
quality of the Websites, as has been shown by
various studies applied to firms in the tourism sector.
While it seems clear that a restaurant's Website
design has a direct impact on its customers'
expectations and satisfaction (Wang et al. 2004), few
studies have analyzed restaurants' use of the Web as
J. Miranda F., Rubio S., Chamorro A. and S. Janita M..
The Use of Internet as a Marketing Tool - Evaluating the Websites of Spain’s Top Restaurants.
DOI: 10.5220/0004029001090114
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking, e-Business and Optical Communication Systems (ICE-B-2012),
pages 109-114
ISBN: 978-989-8565-23-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
a marketing tool (Gregory et al., 2010).
Thus, the objective of the present study was to
conduct a benchmarking analysis of the Websites of
Spanish restaurants included in the 2011 Michelin
Guide, and to see if the number of stars a restaurant
received in the Guide is correlated with the quality
of its Website.
The rest of this communication is organized as
follows. Section 2 discusses the principal Website
evaluation tools that one finds in the literature, and
then describes the construction of the instrument
used in the present work which is based on the WAI
(Buenadicha et al., 2001) adapted to the restaurant
sector. Section 3 presents the results, and this is
followed by a discussion of these results and their
relevance to the sector in Sec. 4.
In recent years, there have been several important
contributions to the field of Website evaluation. For
instance, the recent review of Chiou et al. (2010) of
the literature on Website evaluation identifies 83
papers in 23 journals in the period 1995-2006. Of
particular interest for the purposes of the present
work is the classification made by Totz et al. (2001)
distinguishing between attribute-based and process-
based methods:
1) Attribute-based Methods assume that the
quality of a Website can be evaluated from the
quality of the various individual attributes into
which it can be decomposed. The methods may be
objective or subjective. The former seek objectivity
in the evaluation using independent judges who
value the various attributes after visiting the
different Websites. Most of these works (see
Shchiglik and Barnes, 2004; Blanca Hernández et
al., 2009) focus on the core content of the pages of
the site or on some specific aspect of the site's
design. The latter methods seek to identify variables
reflecting the quality perceived by the user. Their
essential assumption is that, in these times of intense
competition, the importance of the user's opinion is
the key to assessing the richness and quality of the
content of different Websites (Liang and Cheng,
2009; Liu et al., 2009).
2) Process-based Methods evaluate the user's
perceived quality of a Website in terms of a series of
processes and events that occur in his or her
interaction with the site. These methods necessarily
involve direct observation of the user's behaviour.
In the present study, it was decided to employ an
objective attribute-based method using independent
judges. In order to avoid the shortcomings of
previous models of this type, Buenadicha et al.
(2001) developed a new quantitative evaluation
index, the Web Assessment Index (WAI), for use in
evaluating how organizations of different types
currently use the Internet. This index has been used
successfully to assess the sites of different types of
organizations (Miranda and Bañegil, 2004; Miranda
et al., 2006, 2009, 2010). For the present work, this
index was adapted to the restaurant sector after
consultation with various experts on the Internet and
on tourism.
While there have been some previous studies
evaluating the Websites of tourism organizations
(Benckendorff and Black, 2000; Sigala, 2001; Wan,
2002; Baggio, 2003; Kozac et al., 2005; Baloglu and
Pekcan, 2006; Baggio et al., 2007), the present work
represents the first time that an objective attribute-
based method such as the WAI has been applied to
the restaurant sector. The use of a method such as
the WAI that has been extensively validated in other
sectors endows the conclusions that can be drawn
from the results with greater rigour.
The WAI is based on four essential categories for
the assessment of a site's quality: visibility, speed,
navigability, and content. With this model as a basis,
the key factors in each category reflect the variables
and attributes of a Website that its users consider
important. The weights used for each category were
obtained as recommended by a Delphi study
(Miranda et al., 2006) conducted with 12
independent experts (advanced Internet users and
experts in tourism). Specifically, these weights
were: visibility (30%), speed (10%), navigability
(10%), and content (50%). In the following
subsections, we shall examine these four categories
2.1 Visibility
The quality of a Website is greater if the site is
easily identifiable and accessible to users. A
privileged position in the order of presentation of a
search engine will in general result in increased
traffic, and consequently an improvement in the
site's visibility. A search engine usually provides its
users with the information they are looking for
directly and efficiently in response to their entering
appropriately related keywords (Liu et al., 2009).
The simplest measure of a site's visibility is its
popularity as determined by the number of hits it
receives. One of the novelties of the present study is
that it complements the measure of popularity used
ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business
in previous studies with four of the new "ranking
implementers" Google PageRanking, Alexa,
Emezeta, and Yahoo Ranking.
In the present work, the importance of each of
these tools was weighted, taking into account the
views of international experts on the Internet. The
weights used were the following: Google
PageRanking (25%), Alexa (25%), Emezeta (30%),
and Yahoo Ranking (20%).
2.2 Speed
The second category is based on access speed and
response time. The significance of these variables is
that the time required to access information is
critical factor for Web users seeking information.
Several studies have found that the individual's
attention can only stand ten seconds of inactivity,
after which the user will begin to perform other
tasks, redirect the search to another site, or simply
stop browsing (Cao et al., 2005). Indeed, Muylle et
al. (1998) and Hoffman and Novak (1996) already
noted in the 1990s that there was a significant
correlation between a page's loading speed and user
The tool used to perform the speed test was
PingDom, which provides measurements of the
loading speed of an HTML page including all its
objects (images, CSS, Java scripts, RSS, Flash, and
frames/iframes), mimicking the form in the page is
loaded in a Web browser.
2.3 Navegability
When visitors access a restaurant's Website, they are
usually seeking specific information. An
inappropriate design of the site may adversely affect
the number of visits if users fail to find what they
want, because the result may well be the loss of
potential future visits due to that negative initial
Given this context, the factors used to evaluate
this category were: a permanently displayed menu
allowing quick access to the different sections from
each page; a site map showing schematically the
various sections to aid users in accessing a specific
point that they want to reach and in knowing where
they are at all times; a keyword search function,
allowing users to locate the information that is
available on the restaurant's site.
In the present study, the judges just had to note
whether or not these indicators appeared on the
Website they were analyzing. All three indicators
were assigned equal weight in evaluating the site's
2.4 Content
The fourth category is the quality of the site's
content. This is measured by assessing the presence
of information relevant to the needs of users. The
factors used in this assessment were identified from
an analysis of previous studies (Huizingh, 2000;
Buenadicha et al., 2001; Miranda and Bañegil, 2004;
Kozac et al., 2005; Miranda et al., 2006), together
with the opinion of experts on the Internet and
tourism, and taking into account the experience of
the research team. 31 items were studied for each of
the restaurants' Websites.
To achieve our objective, we analyzed the Websites
of the 138 Spanish restaurants included in the 2011
Michelin Guide. Figure 1 shows the restaurants
scoring highest on the WAI. But the most
interesting contribution of the study lies not in
identifying the best Websites, but in comparing them
and being able to make suggestions on ideas and
practices that may improve each restaurant's Web
presence with a view to its use as a marketing tool.
An analysis of the Websites by restaurant
category (as measured by the number of Michelin
stars) showed them to differ significantly in the total
value of the WAI and in their visibility, but not in
speed, navigability, or content. The results therefore
confirm that the restaurants with more Michelin stars
are those with the best Websites and with the highest
values of visibility (i.e., of popularity).
Figure 1: Values of the WAI.
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Mugaritz (2 stars)
Etxanobe (1 star)
Zortziko (1 star)
Tristan (1 star)
El Bulli (3 stars)
Can Fabes (3 stars)
Can Jubany (1 star)
Caelis( Ht. Palace) (1 star)
Alejandro (1 star)
Coque (1 star)
Real Balneario (1 star)
Andra Mari (1 star)
El Lago (1 star)
El Nuevo Molino (1 star)
Mas Pau (1 star)
The Use of Internet as a Marketing Tool - Evaluating the Websites of Spain's Top Restaurants
As a general rule, the pages whose content
downloaded rapidly were also easily navigable. The
download speeds ranged between 0.1 seconds and
11.4 seconds, and, predictably, there was a negative
correlation between speed and content. The tests
showed no statistically significant differences in this
parameter between different categories of restaurant.
With respect to the navigability of the Websites,
96.4% of them had a permanent menu facilitating
navigation. But a keyword search function was
present on only 5.1%, and only 7.2% had a site map.
The commonest informational content of the
sites corresponded to a map locating the restaurant,
the menu, and photographs of the premises. These
appeared on more than 70% of the Websites (fig 2).
Figure 2: Informational content.
More than 40% of the sites contained
information on prices, press items relating to the
restaurant, and photographs of the most significant
dishes on the menu. A third of the sites offered
information on the features and style of the
premises, the restaurant's history and its personnel,
the characteristics of the natural and cultural
environment in which it is located, and job offers or
the possibility for candidates to present their job
applications for work in the restaurant.
With respect to communications content,
practically all the sites included contact information,
whether telephone or postal address, and some
75.9% also included an e-mail address.
Surprisingly, however, there were still 35.8% of the
sites which did not include multilingual support or
the possibility of displaying the site in various
languages. The ability to make reservations online
was provided by 52.6% of the sites, and e-mail
reservations by 10.9%.
Recent years have seen an evolution of Website
design towards the Web 2.0 approach. This is aimed
at fostering user participation and collaboration to
facilitate the provision of information on the Web.
In this sense, the so-called Tourism 2.0 concept is
characterized by total user involvement by means of
encouraging them to provide feedback with their
opinions, suggestions, and comments concerning
tourism products and services, sharing this
information through videos, photos, and blogs so as
to form a content that can influence other potential
customers in deciding on their destinations,
activities, etc. Such interactive elements should
therefore clearly be playing a key role in the
restaurant sector's Web designs. However, the
actual interactive capability of most of the sites
analyzed was still of little relevance. Only 14%
included a blog, and 10% some other tool for user
participation (newsletters, the option of making a
recommendation to a friend, etc.). The present study
found that only 20.4% of the Michelin star
restaurants had a presence in social networks
(primarily in Facebook and Twitter).
In the promotion of this culinary tourism, the use of
new technologies, specifically of the Internet, has a
crucial role to play as a means by which these
tourists can consult and select the activities to
include in their trips. In this sense, various studies
of tourism firms have examined the relevance of
their Internet presence and the quality of their
Websites in attracting customers and affecting
visitors' purchasing decisions. In concordance with
this line of research, the present study has sought to
examine the quality of the Websites of Spanish
restaurants included in the 2011 edition of the
Michelin Guide, and to determine whether there is a
relationship between that quality and the number of
stars they received as a measure of their prestige and
recognition. Indeed, these establishments can be
considered as sources of attraction of culinary
tourism for the country.
The website assessment index (WAI) used in the
study has been extensively validated in other sectors.
The results showed there to be significant
differences in both the overall value of the WAI and
the visibility score (essentially reflecting the site's
popularity). This seems reasonable a priori, since
one would expect the Websites of the top-ranked
restaurants to be more appealing to the culinary
tourist, and hence their visibility would be
correspondingly greater than that of establishments
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Location map
Photos of the premises
Photos of dishes
Premises (features & style)
Job offers
Wine cellar
Special offers
360º photos
ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business
with fewer stars.
As was noted at the beginning of Sec. 3, the most
interesting contribution of the present work is to be
able to make suggestions about ideas and practices
that could improve a restaurant's Website in terms of
its potential as a marketing tool. In this sense, we
would highlight the finding that the Websites of the
restaurants surveyed make limited use of social
As in all academic work, there are clear future
lines of work to deepen and complement the present
results. Of particular interest is the possibility of
determining whether culinary tourists visit a
restaurant's Website before actually making their
decision to eat there. This information would shed
some light on the capacity of Websites to influence
the purchasing decision process. Another line of
clear interest would be to evaluate the potential
commercial benefits these restaurants might expect
to derive from the use of the Internet, social
networks, etc.
In agreement with other authors, we find that the
present results provide evidence that the quality of a
restaurant's Website can have a significant positive
impact on its customers' satisfaction. It is therefore
advisable to invest in increasing that quality in order
to improve customers' virtual experience and
facilitate their purchasing decisions.
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ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business