not profitable to operate the engine in this situation.
On Monday (10.17.2011), Tuesday (18.10.2011)
and Thursday (20.10.2011), the engine shuts down
before the end of the evening peak, which is due to
low load and thus the low efficiency of electricity gen-
eration. A similar situation occurred on Saturday and
Sunday (22.10.2011 and 23.10.2011), when the en-
gine did not run continuously during the peaks and
sometimes electricity was purchased from the grid.
The cost of electricity production (Fig. 6) for the
previously predicted load ranged from $0.13/kWh (in
peaks) to $0.27/kWh (in valleys). The cost of elec-
tricity at the optimum operating strategy (Fig. 6) dur-
ing both the peaks and the valleys could not be higher
than the cost specified in the tariff G12r of the compa-
nies “ENERGA-OBRÓT S.A.” and “Energa Operator
In order to compare the cost-effectiveness of the
proposed solution it should be compared with the
single-zone electricity tariff by subtracting from each
the sum of both the variable and fixed costs for the
considered time period. As a reference point the
G11 tariff was assumed, relating to the power com-
panies “ENERGA-OBRÓT S.A.” and “Energa Oper-
ator S.A” (fixed cost – $3.49/month gross and variable
cost – $0.19/kWh gross).
For the considered week the difference in variable
costs was $287/week. After taking into account the
fixed costs, the income associated with the proposed
solution was $278/week.
The neural network used to predict the load was pro-
posed and the control strategy for the NG piston en-
gine as a DG source of power is presented. From
the investigations performed, it was determined that
the most appropriate objective function of the strat-
egy is to operate the engine for maximum profit (de-
fined as avoided costs of buying electricity from the
grid). On average, the NG piston engine is started up
two times a day: during both the morning and evening
peak loads.
Profits from operation of the NG piston engine de-
pend strictly on the load profile and for the case at
hand it was $278/week.
Currently, many buildings (e.g. office buildings)
have piston engines as emergency power units, but
mainly fueled by liquid fuels (gasoline, oil) – which
are more expensive than NG. Those units are not used
for power generation. If as expected there is further
inflation in electricity prices, power units might be
considered for power generation exclusively during
peak loads. In those cases, investment (installation)
costs are incurred, but in the case of large buildings
(with a range of MW), the profits could be quite sub-
Scientific work financed from funds for science in
2010–2012 as a research project
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