plexity, we designed a modular and generic environ-
ment that is also eligible for flexible model changes.
As an effective co-working of interdisciplinary ex-
perts is crucial to get useful results, a conceptual mod-
eling process was developed. The main benefits are in
particular well-defined areas of activity for all experts
and the capability to proceed in a structured way.
To evaluate our methods, an exemplary use-
case scenario of an innovative stroke treatment ap-
proach, represented by Mobile Stroke Units within
a Metropolitan Scenario, had been implemented, us-
ing the simulation software AnyLogic (XJ Technolo-
gies Company Ltd., 2012). This tool is predestinated
for multi-method simulation paradigms. The project
procedure strictly followed the CMP and an overall
expert-credibility has been achieved.
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ture. Real data from the Stroke Register of Erlangen
(ESPro) will be used to validate the model using other
stroke use-cases and to asses interventions whose ef-
fects are already attestable by evidence data. A fur-
ther complex task will be the application of our hy-
brid simulation approach to other diseases, especially
within the domain of personalized medicine. As the
ProHTA research group includes oncology experts,
cancer diseases will be the focus of further work.
Some technical challenges are also still remaining.
Some of them are simulation performance, scalabil-
ity of models, requesting data (semi-)automated from
the data management component and further hybrid
simulation research for combination of SD and ABS
Prospective Health Technology Assessment (Pro-
HTA) is funded by the German Federal Ministry of
Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Na-
tional Cluster of Excellence Medical Technology -
Medical Valley EMN (Project grant No. 01EX1013).
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