Enhancing Photoware in the Social Networks Environment
Ombretta Gaggi
Dept. of Mathematics, University of Padua, via Trieste, 63, 35121 Padua, Italy
Digital Photo Management, Social Network.
This paper presents SMIL PhotoShow, an authoring tool for photo books, which allows the creation of en-
hanced multimedia presentations, enriched with audio (music or spoken) comments, transition effects and
animations in a very simple way. Our tool allows to create a digital counterpart of a printed photo book with
the aim to bridge the gap between digital web albums and printed photo books. Since authoring a photo book
is a time consuming activity, SMIL PhotoShow provides the users also the possibility to create, with only three
clicks, an engaging slideshows with transition effects and background music.
With the introduction of digital photography, the
number of pictures taken has deeply increased, but
the number of printed pictures did not. This problem
deeply affects this market and is essentially due to the
fact that the huge number of photos requires a lot of
time to manage them: a picture can be saved, printed
as is, arranged into a more interesting photo book or
shared through the web. Since all these operations re-
quire time, people tend to save them in a local folder
and leave them for a period.
Printed albums are still considered the best way
to archive photos (Frohlich et al., 2002; Frohlich
et al., 2008), but can be used only to share memo-
ries between family members and friends who are in
the same place at the same time. Unfortunately, the
real life is often different, and families and groups
of friends are spread in different cities and countries.
This is one of the reasons for the success and diffusion
of social networks, e. g., Facebook. Nevertheless, the
way Facebook and other social networks manage the
photos is still insufficient especially for what concern
the possibility to arrange pictures into a layout: the
same Facebooks timeline is a first attempt to give the
users the possibility to arrange pictures into a layout
to better represent themselves.
Slideshows of images synchronized with an audio
comment, in which the user descrives the pictures can
be a partial solution, but the authoring of such a pre-
sentation is still a complex and time consuming activ-
ity, and software that can be used to create a printed
album does not allow to create also a digital counter-
part which can be shared into a social network.
Therefore, to the best of our knowledge, there are
two possibilities to show pictures to other people and
discuss on them:
in presence, with the help of a printed photo book.
In this case, the quality of the product offered to
the users is high, but the authoring activity is com-
plex and highly time-consuming;
on line, with the help of features offered by social
networks to share pictures and discuss on them. In
this second case, the quality of the product is very
poor, but pictures are quickly and easily uploaded.
Our goal is to provide an easy-to-use tool for sharing
on line pictures in a more involving way, thus filling
the gap between social networks and photo book au-
thoring systems since many users still consider photo
books as the best way to archive memories, but they
cannot be shared on line. Therefore the possibility
to enhance their digital counterpart with animations,
transition effects, music and spoken comments, which
can be shared through the network, is interesting.
Moreover, another motivation for this work is that
Frohlich and Fennell (Frohlich and Fennel, 2007) de-
fine audio commentary as one of the key functionali-
ties to be implemented to improve the sharing of ex-
periences depicted in photos.
This paper presents Smil PhotoShow, a prototype
authoring tool which allows to create simple slide-
show and complex animated photo books. Our tools
fills the gap between digital web albums and printed
photo books. The idea is to give the user an applica-
tion to create, at the same time, a photo book for later
Gaggi O..
Enhancing Photoware in the Social Networks Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0004031600350039
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(SIGMAP-2012), pages 35-39
ISBN: 978-989-8565-25-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
printing, and a multimedia presentation to share with
friends, not only the taken pictures, but the experi-
ences they told. For this reason, we implement a tool
fully integrated in Facebook, since this social network
is the place chosen by many Internet users to share ex-
periences, pictures and, more in general, piece of their
life. The goal is to allow users to appreciate the result
of their work but also to have fun during the authoring
activity, since users can enjoy and share with friends
even the experience of creating a photo book.
Our tool gives two choices: the user can create an
animated slideshow, enriched with audio comments
and music, in very few clicks, or spend more time to
author a more sophisticated photo book enriched with
animations, transition effects, spoken comments and
music. The photo book is also translated into a pdf
file to be printed.
Other works in literature consider the problem of
managing photos. We can classify photo tools in three
classes: Photo Management Systems (PMS), Photo
Book Authoring Tools (PBAT) and the Photo shar-
ing tools (PST). PMSs allow to browse, date, geo-
localize, tag and organize pictures into folders or al-
bums. Their goal is to help the users to organize pic-
tures or to find a set of images among a collection.
Sometimes they provide also photo editing tools.
PBATs organize photos into photo books for print-
ing. They usually help the user in this activity try-
ing to automatically create the photo book filling the
pages with pictures taken in the same place, or with
the same person, etc. These tools usually provide a
digital preview of the obtained result that cannot be
shared through the Internet. Finally PSTs allow to
share pictures with friends through the web.
Examples from the first class are, among others,
(Ryu et al., 2011) and (Gomi and Itoh, 2011). Ryu
et al (Ryu et al., 2011) create a photo management
system which allows to automatically cluster photos
on the basis of user preferences and provides tools for
summarized visualization. Gomi and Itoh (Gomi and
Itoh, 2011) implement a photograph web browser to
cluster and navigate collection of pictures on the base
of location, time and person tagged in the photos.
Sandhaus et al describe the process of photo books
production as a complex activity divided in three
phases: the capture phase, the author phase and print
phase (Sandhaus et al., 2008). The authors identify
the second phase as the most time consuming and an-
noying activity. “Many for one” (Boll et al., 2007)
is a tool that automatically arranges the photos into
templates for printing. Moreover it enriches the photo
book by inserting interesting related information (e.
g. a text or pictures from a travel guide).
Flickr and Facebook are examples of the third
class of tools. The experience of users sharing photos
through web communities has been studied in (Cun-
ningham and Masoodian, 2007) and (Frohlich and
Fennel, 2007). They both highlight that interacting
with a web album must be more appealing to be re-
ally enjoyable for users.
These classes are not completely separated, e. g.
Apple iPhoto, is a PBAT which contains also some
feature of the PMSs, because it allows to tag and clas-
sify pictures. Google Picasa is a PMS which allows
also to share web albums with friends.
Storytelling is another means of conveying per-
sonal experiences through digital photos which
shares the same scenario described above: Storytellr
(Landry, 2008) is a system that integrates tasks of the
storytelling process with photo activities like annota-
tion and arrangements. PhotoArcs (Ames and Man-
guy, 2006) allows to add narratives to web photo al-
bums. The photos are organized into linear arcs con-
nected by text information. Different narratives may
intersect creating multiple versions of a story.
Some works cope with the problem of non-
existing connection between printed photos and their
digital counterpart. Gaggi and Ghidoni made a first
step to allow users to create printed photo books and
enriched multimedia presentations with the same tool
at the same time (Gaggi and Ghidoni, 2010). They
arranged pictures into predefined page layouts which
contains also animations and transition effects. The
tool gives as output a PDF file for printing and a SMIL
presentation, but the latter cannot be integrated into a
web page, and SMIL players are not commonly avail-
able in the users PC. For these reasons, this tool does
not allow to share animated photo books into the web,
but it requires a SMIL player.
SMIL PhotoShow is an authoring tool for animated
photo books fully integrated in Facebook, since this
social network is the platform chosen by millions
users to share pictures and personal information. To
improve the user experience during authoring activity,
we propose two possibilities: the user can quickly cre-
ate a slideshow of pictures, or a complete photo book.
The idea is to address two different requirements:
1. The need for an easy and really quick way to share
pictures which is more engaging of a simple web
album (animated slideshows);
2. A tool to author photo books to be printed, but that
can also be shared inside the network.
The first operation requires three clicks and less
than a minute, to select pictures (from Picasa or Face-
book), transition effects, and to uploads a background
music. If comments or caption are associated to a pic-
ture, they are visualized in parallel with it.
The second operation is more complex and time-
consuming, but provides a more engaging result.
SMIL PhotoShow provides a basic set of features to
create a photo book. It allows to create a new photo
book or modify an existing one, to import photos from
Facebook or Picasa Web Albums, to add or remove a
page, to modify the layout of a page and add pictures
and text comments on it. Moreover it allows to add
a background image to a page, a music or a spoken
comment to the multimedia presentation of the photo
book, and to generate a PDF file for later printing.
The system provides a set of predefined page lay-
out which can be filled dragging the pictures from
a panel and dropping them in the selected frame. If
someone is tagged in a picture, the system automati-
cally add a comment with this information in the near-
est text box. Each page layout may contains anima-
tions and transition effects. Page layouts with transi-
tions are denoted by a star icon, and the presence of
animations are denoted by a triangle to help the user
in the selection (see Fig. 1). Moreover, the tool pro-
vides a set of predefined background images which
can be used instead of a picture of the user.
The system provides two outputs for each created
photo book: a PDF file for printing and a multimedia
presentation, which shows all the pages of the photo
book, one at a time. The user can choose the interval
of time during which a single page remains on the user
screen, while the background music plays. Each page
plays animations and transition effects of the chosen
layout. Both slideshows and photo books can be pub-
lished in the user wall, or share with friends.
Since the reason why many users do not create
photo books is the time needed for this operation, we
think that the slideshows can be a way to interest users
to get a more sophisticated results: animated photo
books differ from slideshows for the introduction of
page layout and text comments. If the user like the
animated presentations created with the slideshows,
she/he can decide to spend more time to get a bet-
ter result. The assumption that users prefer activities
which give them a better result even if they require
more time is supported also by the fact that photo
books production is increasing better then the total
number of printed pictures. As an example, CeWe
Color produced about 4.3 million photo books in 2010
and this production has increased by 19% with respect
Figure 1: A screenshot of the authoring interface of SMIL
PhotoShow. The text comments were automatically added
on the base of the tags of the pictures.
to 2009 and by about 38% with respect to 2008, while
printed pictures increased only by 4.6% in the same
period (CeWe Color Holding AG, 2010).
3.1 System Implementation
The system is composed of two modules, Smiling
Web, a SMIL player (Gaggi and Danese, 2011) and
SMIL PhotoShow, an authoring tool fully integrated
in Facebook. SMIL PhotoShow contains the server-
side application, implemented using the PHP lan-
guage, and the client-side user interface, developed
with the JavaScript language.
The server-side application uses the JSON format
to exchange data with Facebook, e. g. data about
the user, her/his friends, and photographs, or data
about photo books and slideshows, and is encapsu-
lated in the social networks pages through an iframe.
It stores data about photo books and slideshows, e. g.,
date and time of creation, author, URLs, etc., into a
SQL database. To address privacy issues, the database
managed by our tool does not contains pictures, tags
or comments of the users, but only a references to
them. In this way, these objects are not exposed,
but can be accessed only inside the social network by
users with a proper account.
For each photo book or slideshow created, SMIL
Photo Show creates an XML file for internal use,
describing the element’s structure, i. e., number of
pages, the selected pictures, layout of each page, etc.
Then, the XML file is translated into a SMIL docu-
ment containing the multimedia presentation, or into
a PDF file for printing. As discussed for the local
database, the XML files and the multimedia presen-
tations do not contain tags, pictures or comments in
order to address privacy issues. This is not true for
the printable photo book, which is a PDF file. There-
fore, to protect his/her privacy, the user can control
access to this file.
Facebook Graph API are used for the connection
to the social network and to retrieve data about the
user, his/her albums, photographs and friends. More-
over the social plug-in Comments is used to allow
discussion on the elements and the “I like” button.
Photographs from Google Picasa web albums are ac-
cessed through Zend Framework. The PDF version of
the photo book is created with free FPDF library.
The client-side application is implemented in
JavaScript and manages the user interface, e. g. the
available buttons, the drag and drop operations to
change the layout of a page, or to fill a predefined lay-
out with photographs. We paid particular attention to
make the tool works with all available browsers, to be
adaptable to user preferences. Animated photo books
and slideshows are played with SmilingWeb (Gaggi
and Danese, 2011).
SMIL PhotoShow has been published at the end of
July, 2011, and it was used by 60 users: we invited 18
users to try the application, the others has found it by
themselves. The users have created more than 50 ele-
ments (i. e., photo books and slideshows)
of different
sizes, e. g., the number of pages of the photo books
ranges from 5 to 15. We ask the users to evaluate the
tool and give feedbacks through a questionnaire. 18
users answered to our questions.
The user study allows us to evaluate the tool, but
also its suitability to the target audience and the pos-
sible impact on the users’ choice among different au-
thoring tools and web communities for photo shar-
ing. The goal was to assess the interest of poten-
tial users in adding sound comments, animations and
transitions to standard photo books and the degree of
user-friendliness of the system for non expert users.
The 18 users who answered to the questions were
between 20 and 40 years old, selected both between
students of Computers Science degree and ordinary
people. We asked them to create a photo book and
The system does not keep trace of the slideshows and
photo books which has been deleted.
Figure 2: Answer to question 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the
a slideshow and to answer, anonymously, to 17 multi-
ple choice questions. The questions deal with the user
degree of expertise in using applications for photo
book editing and photo sharing, their interest in the
application, the quality of the experience made with
SMIL PhotoShow and the obtained results. The users
rate the answers on a scale from 0 to 5 (0 = “strong
dislike”, 1 = “dislike”, 2 = “neutral”, 3 = “good”, 4
=“very good”, 5=“excellent”). A last open question
gives the possibility to express additional remarks.
The questionnaires revealed the following in-
sights. The result was positive, since 56% of the users
have declared to prefer an application that produces
as output also a digital animated photo book respect
to authoring tools which allow to create only printed
photo books. If we better consider our audience, the
majority of users declare they had used at least once a
program photo sharing (94%), but only 39% of them
have used an authoring tool for photo books. Their
degree of expertise is rather low since only 2 users
declared to have created more than 5 photo books in
their life. Even if our audience probably reflects a pic-
ture of the general population, we must note that, in
many cases, our tool is their first experience with pho-
toware tools, and so they do not have experience of
time needed to create a photo book. This means that
they maybe cannot completely appreciate what our
tool provides more than the others. Therefore, 56%
is not a low percentage: we note that the users that
have declared a higher experience, also give a higher
evaluation to our tool.
The users reported a good experience in using
SMIL PhotoShow since all of them rated it with 3
or more points (mean 3.6, standard deviation 0.7, in
Figure 2, the answers to this question are labeled by
“Q9”). Moreover,67% of the users have declared they
will use our application to share pictures with friends.
The users preferred the animated photo book
(mean 3.6, most frequent value 4, series “Q13” in Fig-
ure 2) to the printed version (mean 3, most frequent
value 3, series “Q10” in Figure 2): only a user evalu-
ated the animated photo book less than 3.
Users have highly evaluated the relationship be-
tween the quality of the result and the effort to get
it. This is particularly true for slideshows which were
rated with a score less than 4 (equal to “very good”)
by only one user (slideshow: mean 4.2, most frequent
value 4, see series “Q11” in Fig. 2; photo books:
mean 3.7, most frequent value 4, see series Q12”
in Fig. 2), maybe because slideshows require only
3 clicks to be created.
Finally, some users reported that they highly ap-
preciated the simplicity of use of the tool.
In this paper we have presented SMIL PhotoShow, an
authoring tool for photo books production which al-
lows the creation of enhanced multimedia presenta-
tions with audio comments, transition effects and an-
imations. The photo book can be printed as a classic
photo books or shared through the web.
The main result of our system is the integration
of the storytelling paradigm into a software for pho-
towork. Since authoring a photo book is considered
by many users a time consuming activity, we test if
the integration of activity into the social network en-
vironment can help. Since millions users use Face-
book to share photos and memories, we choose to de-
veloped our tool as a Facebook application. The user
study has shown that 67% of the users declared they
will use our application to share pictures with friends,
therefore we can argue that the integration of photo-
ware tools into the social network paradigm can help
this kind of activity.
Moreover, the users have expressed very positive
comment on the slideshows and their narration, thus
the integration of the storytelling approach in the so-
cial networks environment was appreciated. More-
over, our study shows that the possibility to create, in
a very simple way, a simple photo composition, can
encourage users to spend more time in photoware ac-
tivity to obtain a better result.
Future works will be devoted to improve the set
of features of the authoring tool, by adding support
to geolocalization of photographs and suggestions of
pictures to include. Moreover, since our goal is to im-
prove and facilitate the authoring activity in order to
lower time it requires, we aims at providing a tool for
collaborative authoring of photo books with which a
group of friends can select and insert together photos,
comments and music.
The author would like to thank the many volunteers
who evaluated our tool for their helpful suggestions
and Luca Danese for his support in the development.
Partial financial support for this work is provided
Web Squared projects.
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