Identification of Polytopic Models for a Linear Parameter-varying
System Performed on a Vehicle
Raluca Liacu, Dominique Beauvois and Emmanuel Godoy
Automatic Departement, Supelec Sciences of Systems (E3S), Paris, France
LPV Model Identification, Polytopic Model, Automotive Identification.
This paper deals with the parameter identification of continuous time polytopic models for a linear parameter-
varying system (LPV). A continuous-time nonlinear identification approach is presented, a mix between a
local approach and a global one is introduced in order to identify a LPV model for the lateral comportement of
a vehicle. The proposed approach is based on the prediction error method for LTI systems, which is modified
to take into account polytopic models and regularization terms. Using experimental data, different parameter-
varying structures, explaining the lateral behavior of the vehicle, were identified by the proposed method
considering the velocity as the scheduling parameter.
In the last years, the field of Linear Parameter-Varying
(LPV) systems has drawn a great attention in the in-
dustrial control with a growing number of successful
Interest for such models is largely justified by the
ability they offer to design gain scheduling control as-
suming guaranteed stability for nonlinear systems.
Classical LPV models are formed using polytopic
structures constructed by a linear combination of mul-
tiple LTI models obtained at each operating point.
The operating points are chosen from the range of
the scheduling parameter. Such an experimental ap-
proach is not always feasible because of difficulties
with experiments (safety, cost, duration...). For our
application, identification of the lateral behavior of
the vehicle, this leads us to an one-shot estimation of
different LTI models based on a single record with a
varying scheduling parameter.
Two situations were considered for the LTI mod-
els: the first situation assumes that we do not know
how the model depends on the scheduling parameter.
For this assumption we have created a fully parame-
terized structure which is suitable in any situation. In
the second case, we consider that the dependence of
the model on the scheduling parameter is known and
the developed structure is based on the bicycle model.
In this paper the polytopic model is found using
the prediction error method based on a quadratic cri-
terion error in the time domain, leading to a global,
nonlinear optimization approach.
This paper presents adaptations of the standard
prediction error method to the proposed polytopic
The paper is organized as follows: in section 2 the
polytopic model and the two LPV model structures
are presented. Section 3 discusses the prediction error
method for polytopic models. In section 4 the identi-
fication background is presented based on a real data
experiment. In section 5 the results are analyzed and
the two models for the lateral behavior of a vehicle
are validated.
A parameter varying system is considered. It is mod-
eled in the state space and is described by the follow-
ing equations:
= A(p(t),ξ(p))(x(t)) + B(p(t),ξ(p))u(t)
+K(p(t), ξ(p))e(t)
y(t) = C(p(t), ξ(p))(x(t)) + D(p(t), ξ(p))u(t)
where x(t), y(t), u(t), e(t) represent the state variable,
the output, the input and a stochastic white noise re-
spectively. p(t) is a measurable scheduling parame-
ter with respect to time. ξ(p) is the parameter vector
which is varying with respect to p.
Liacu R., Beauvois D. and Godoy E..
Identification of Polytopic Models for a Linear Parameter-varying System Performed on a Vehicle.
DOI: 10.5220/0004032504700475
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2012), pages 470-475
ISBN: 978-989-8565-21-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)