Distributed Control System for Crystal Growth
A. E. Kokh, V. A. Vlezko and K. A. Kokh
Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, SB RAS, 3, Koptyuga Ave., 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Crystal Growth Control System, LBO Crystal, Controller, Load-commutator, Thermal Field Symmetry.
Abstract: Distributed system for control over the crystal growth process is presented. The main advantages of the
system are its low cost, ability to recover after power failure, an application of standard ISaGRAF software
environment and available low-power PC-Controller. One of the option of the system is an ability to control
symmetry and dynamics of the heat filed. This option is the key factor for the progress in growth of
nonlinear optical LBO crystal.
Crystal growth systems with various control loops
(rotating, pulling, weighting of the crystal etc.) have
been developed for industry since the middle of last
century. Now there are a lot of commercially
available growth stations with modern control
systems (CS). Our approach in elaboration of CS is
based on ability to nonuniformly heat the
crystallization domain and therefore to apply
nonsymmetric stationary or dynamic heat field. This
provides additional parameters to control over heat-
mass transfer processes which are always have been
considered as a key factor in the growth of high
quality crystal.
The base of our CS is a PC-controller I-7188
and remote input-output modules of I-7000 series
(produced by ICP DAS Company). The use of the
modules of I-7000 series provides quite cost-
effective reliability. They are not unique. A lot of
similar modules are produced by other companies,
for instance by Advantech. Also we have designed
home-made modules with controllers of crystal
rotation and pulling, as well as load-commutator for
control of the heat field.
Here we consider one example of operating CS for
the growth of nonlinear crystal LBO (LiB
). Fig. 1
presents the scheme of the growth station which
consists of three-zone heating furnace, balance
sensor, pulling and rotation drives, contact-meter
and main controller I-7188EG. Temperature control
is realized by three-zone Eurotherm reglator through
the separated RS-485 bus. For that reason additional
serial ports for I-7188EG were added by introducing
mezzanine board X511. A main feature of the CS is
the presence of the load-commutators which may
switch segments of the heating zones through solid
state relays according to the program. The feedback
signal for thermoregulator is provided by four
parallely connected thermocouples placed around
heating zone. This was found to be enough for stable
regulation of temperature in the wide range of
periods of switching (1 sec - 20 min).
Each growth station with individual IP-address has
its own controller with onboard DOS-compatible
“Mini OS7”. In that way any standard programming
language may be used to realize a project. In our
case we were concentrated on the logic of crystal
growth process, so the I-7188EG controller with
built-in ISaGRAF 3.xx system was used. ISaGRAF
system implements the following functions: data
reading signal preprocessing, realization of control
algorithms, communication between modules and
HOST computer.
A program loaded in the controller is performed
with cycle 0.2 sec. Crystal growth parameters are
slow and have a very wide dynamic range. For
instance, the growth speed may vary from 0.001 to
hundreds of grams/hour.
While a parameter is low-rate changing, the
controller specifies some time interval and calculates
E. Kokh A., A. Vlezko V. and A. Kokh K..
Distributed Control System for Crystal Growth.
DOI: 10.5220/0004033902020205
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2012), pages 202-205
ISBN: 978-989-8565-21-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)