Facial Expression Recognition based on Facial Feature
and Multi Library Wavelet Neural Network
Nawel Oussaifi, Wajdi Bellil and Chokri Ben Amar
Research Group on Intelligent Machines (REGIM), National Engineering School in Sfax, Sfax University, Sfax, Tunisia
Keywords: Facial Expressions Classification, Wavelet Network, Facial Landmarking.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a wavelet neural network-based system for automatically classifying facial
expressions. This system is based on Multi Library Wavelet Neural Network (MLWNN) for emotions
classification. Like other methods, our approach relies on facial deformation features. Eyes, mouth and
eyebrows are identified as the critical features and their feature points are extracted to recognize the
emotion. After feature extraction is performed a Multi Library Wavelet Neural Network approach is used to
recognize the emotions contained within the face. This approach differs from existing work in that we
define two classes of expressions: active emotions (smile, surprise and fear) and passive emotions (anger,
disgust and sadness). In order to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed system for the facial expression
recognition, its performances are compared with other systems.
Identifying human facial expressions has become an
important study field because of its inherent
intuitive appeal as well as its possible applications
such as human computer interaction, face image
compression, synthetic face animation and video
facial image queries .This paper describes a method
for facial expression recognition from image
sequences using 2D appearance-based local
approach for the extraction of intransient facial
features, i.e. features such as eyebrows, lips, or
mouth, which are always present in the image, but
may be deformed .
Facial expressions are of great importance, since
they usually provide a comprehensible view of
users’ reactions. Actually, Cohen commented on the
emergence and significance of multimodality, Albeit
in a slightly different human-computer interaction
(HCI) domain, in (Cohen, 1998), while Oviatt
(Oviatt, 1999) proposes that an interaction pattern
constrained to mere “speak-and-point” only makes
up for a very small fraction of all spontaneous
multimodal utterances in everyday HCI (Oviatt,
1997). In the context of HCI, Jaimes in (Jaimes,
2005) defines a multimodal system as one that
“responds to inputs in more than one modality or
communication channel abundance”. Mehrabian
(1968) suggests that facial expressions and vocal
intonations are the main means for someone to
estimate a person’s affective state (Zeng, 2007), with
the face being more accurately judged, or correlating
better with judgments based on full audiovisual
input than on voice input (Pantic, 2003). This fact
led to a number of approaches using video and audio
to tackle emotion recognition in a multimodal
manner (Ioannou, 2005), (De Silva, 2000), while
recently the visual modality has been extended to
include facial, head or body gesturing (Gunes,
2005), (Karpouzis, 2007).
As it is known, the classic wavelet network CWNN
has a drawback which is the low speed of
convergence. For this reason new network
architecture, called multi-Library wavelet neural
network (MLWNN) was proposed by W. BELLIL
et.al in (Chihaoui, 2010), (Bellil, 2008), (Bellil,
2007). It is similar to the classic network, but with
some slight differences; the classic network uses
dilation and translation versions of only one mother
wavelet, but the new version constructs the network
by the implementation of several mother wavelets in
Oussaifi N., Bellil W. and Ben Amar C..
Facial Expression Recognition based on Facial Feature and Multi Library Wavelet Neural Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0004034004470450
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2012), pages 447-450
ISBN: 978-989-8565-22-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the hidden layer. The architecture of MLWNN is
presented in figure 1. The output of MLWNN is
given in equation 1 (Othmani, 2011).
w i
1),( 0
Figure 1: MLWNN architecture.
From a physiological perspective, a facial expression
results from the deformations of some facial features
caused by an emotion (Zeng, 2007). Each emotion
corresponds to a typical stimulation of the face
muscles. The aim of our work is to evaluate the
possibility of recognizing the six universal emotions
by only considering the deformations of permanent
facial features such as eyes, eyebrows and mouth.
The proposed algorithm is based on the analysis
of permanent features calculated on the face when
the emotion is product. We defined a model of each
emotion that is based on the facial deformation
characteristics (distance features and feature points).
We propose to define two expression categories:
active emotions (smile, surprise and fear) and
passive emotions (anger, disgust and sadness). 2D
facial emotion recognition occurs in two distinct
stages: the learning phase corresponds to a
representative vector of recording for each emotion
of persons in a data base. The model is built from 97
faces that are essentially extracted from the base
Cohn-Kanade Trade and represent different basic
expressions. 21 landmarks are manually positioned
on these images to generate characteristic vectors.
This phase determin 97 vectors for the six emotions,
then determining an average vector for each
emotion. A Multi Library Wavelet Neural Network
is used to approximate each vector by adjusting
wavelet structural parameters (weights, dilations and
translations). Six classes are generated for each
facial expression. For classification we used
minimum distance as defined in equation (2). Figure
2 shows facial expressions classification process.
Where: N
is the wavelet number in hidden layer
are the weights of the class j
are the weights of the 2D test face.
Figure 2: Proposed facial expression classification.
Figure 3: Manually landmark for different facial
Facial expression representation is essentially a
feature extraction process which converts
representation of the face in terms of its landmarks.
A landmark-based representation uses facial
characteristic points which are located around
ICINCO 2012 - 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
specific facial areas, such as edges of eyes, nose,
eyebrows and mouth as shown in figure 3. Since
these areas show significant changes during facial
articulation, we proposed a geometric face model
based on 21 facial characteristic points for the
frontal face view as shown in Figure 4 (a).
Subsequently, thirteen characteristic distances are
defined and estimated in Figure 4 (b). After facial
feature extraction, a feature vector built from feature
measurements, such as the brows distance, mouth
height, mouth width etc., is created.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Facial feature points and Geometric measures
between facial feature points. D
shows distances.
To evaluate our method, we use Cohn Kanade
expression database as input in our experiments. The
database contains image sequences of over 97
subjects. 65% of them are females, while 35% are
males. The motivation for the selection of this
database originates from its content, i.e, the fact that
image sequences depict the formation of human
facial expressions from the neutral state to the fully
expressive one.
First we considered to work with the same
parameters as the Hammal method, i.e. with the
thirteen characteristic distances shown in Figure 4
(b). To do this, we studied the variation of each
distance comparing to the neutral face for each
person of the database and for each emotion. An
example of the results obtained for distance D1,
D2,…, D13 is shown in Figure 5. From these
distances we used Multi Library Wavelet Neural
Network to classify emotions according to the value
of the states (Table 1).
To demonstrate the suitability of our approach
for facial expression recognition, we compare it with
Hammal method (Marti, 2007). One can see that for
Hammal approach anger, fear and sadness are not
recognized but in the proposed approach only
sadness is not recognized, because facial
deformations between sadness and neutral are very
small. For this reason we propose in future studies to
add some other characteristics for sadness emotion
to perform our approach.
Table 1: Classification rates of Hammal (second column)
and of our method (third column).
not recognized
not recognized
not recognized
not recognized
Figure 5: Statistics results for the 13 characteristic
distances (x axis) obtained for the 6 emotions and neutral
We have presented a method based on wavelet
neural network for automatic facial expressions
classification. Simulation results show its simplicity
and produce very significant improvement rates. The
recognition rates for the proposed approach and
Hammal one are respectively 85.56 versus 87.26 for
joy, 97.93 against 84.44 for surprise and 84.53 over
51.20 for disgust. Anger and fear are recognized by
the proposed approach; but both of them do not
recognize sadness emotion. In the future, we hope to
introduce new characteristics in the form of face
distances or angles (for example the angle formed by
the eyebrows). Another noticeable short-term
objective is to track landmarks automatically using
salient point techniques.
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial
support of this work by grants from General
Facial Expression Recognition based on Facial Feature and Multi Library Wavelet Neural Network
Direction of Scientific Research (DGRST). Tunisia
under the ARUB program.
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ICINCO 2012 - 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics