Contrary, our privacy-friendly architecture stores en-
crypted 16-bit consumptions each with a 128-bit
MAC tag at the EMS. Thus, the storage requirements
of our architecture grow linearly with the number of
stored consumptions. Storing 100 million consump-
tions with their MAC tags requires 1.8 GB of stor-
age in contrast to 200 MB required to simply store
plaintext consumptions. Besides the overhead for the
EMS, each service must store the group-wise aggre-
gated keys sent by the KA, required to verify and de-
crypt the responses to queries directed to the EMS. If
a spatial grouping scheme is used while each group is
composed of five smart meters, the overhead of stor-
ing the keys required to decrypt all possible aggre-
gates composed of 100 million consumptions is about
343 MB for each service. Contrary, the KA must not
store any period keys. It must only store the private
symmetric key k
as well as the private-public key
pair (k
) of each smart meter sid, such that the
storage requirements of the KA are equal to the num-
ber of smart meters multiplied with a constant factor
which corresponds to the key lengths. Thus, the stor-
age requirements of the KA are negligible.
This work presents a smart metering architecture
which is flexible enough to serve various services
while still preserving the customers’ privacy. Privacy
is preserved using a database storing purely encrypted
energy consumptions and a policy forcing a strict but
flexible grouping, like temporal and spatial grouping
of the smart meters. The database may be located in a
mutual suspicious cloud environment without affect-
ing our privacy guarantees. Third-party services, like
energy providers, can aggregate the encrypted con-
sumptions at the database level using various selec-
tive SQL queries. The responses to these queries can
only be successfully decrypted if the queries are valid
according to the grouping scheme and privacy poli-
cies enforced by a key authority. Thus, our protocol
requires a trusted third party. However, it is rarely in-
volved, as its primary task is to hand out sets of secret
encryption keys to the smart meters that can be used
for a long time. Finally, our privacy-friendly architec-
ture, while flexible, imposes only a moderate perfor-
mance and storage overhead.
The work presented in this paper was partly supported
by the German BMWi SmartPowerHamburg project.
The views and conclusions contained herein are those
of the authors and should not be interpreted as nec-
essarily representing the official policies or endorse-
ments, either expressed or implied of the SmartPow-
erHamburg project.
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