Homomorphic Primitives for a Privacy-friendly Smart Metering
Benjamin Vetter
, Osman Ugus
, Dirk Westhoff
and Christoph Sorge
Department of Computer Science, HAW Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Department of Computer Science, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
PET for Smart Metering, Homomorphic MACs, Homomorphic Encryption.
We propose a privacy-friendly smart metering architecture which is yet flexible enough to serve various future
third party energy services. Our secure architecture may be deployed as a cloud service and allows processing
of SQL queries on encrypted measurements, providing aggregated results in a most flexible manner. A com-
bination of homomorphic encryption and homomorphic MACs provides confidentiality of the users’ energy
consumptions, allowing integrity checks and enhanced SQL-queries on encrypted data. Our extensive perfor-
mance analysis shows that our approach is promising with respect to storage and computational overhead.
In the future energy market, millions of smart me-
ters will measure consumers’ electricity consumption.
At the backend, we expect a management system
which collects these readings. The system must, on
one hand, provide sufficient information to the grid
and energy providers. On the other hand, individual
consumption details must be kept secret. We solve
the first problem by allowing aggregation of the con-
sumed energy at various scales. Policies for access to
the data at different granularities can be defined by a
regulator or negotiated between the entities involved.
For example, a grid provider may need precise infor-
mation about specific regions only due to bottlenecks
in the transfer network. Thus, an energy management
system should consider concrete business cases with
respect to the policies agreed upon between each of
the energy services like e.g., energy demand forecast-
ing or grid optimization services. A smart metering
architecture typically involves the following entities:
Energy Provider (EP)
sells energy and
provides price information to its customers which
is used by the home automation systems to manage
home appliances with the overall objective of saving
energy and reducing the overall costs. Today, an EP
buys energy for a certain point in time based on stan-
dard load curves for private customers. A smart me-
tering architecture, on the other hand, allows precise
accounting. Based on its customers’ total energy de-
mand at a specific time, the EP can buy energy, make
forecasts and control the production of electricity.
Gateway (GW)
connects smart meters to the
smart grid. It is responsible for collecting smart me-
ter data as well as securing the collected data before
sending it to the GP via a Wide Area Network.
Grid Provider (GP)
is responsible for the
grid and for passing aggregated energy consumptions
received from GWs to the EP for planning purposes.
Moreover, the GP is responsible for providing energy
consumptions of individual customers to the EP, nec-
essary for billing purposes. The GP itself needs to
know accurate energy consumptions of all customers
in a certain region to optimize its network. Finally, ac-
cording to e.g., the German Energiewirtschaftsgesetz
(EnWG, 2005), smart meters are installed, operated,
and maintained by the GP or a third party authorized
by the GP. Thus, we assume that smart meters are ex-
clusively installed and operated by the GP.
Smart Meter
is responsible for measuring the
energy consumption of a customer and reporting it to
the GP through the GW. However, we assume that the
GW and smart meter are combined in a single device.
Typically, every 15 minutes, a smart meter reports a
customer’s energy consumption. Detailed reports al-
low to forecast energy demands more precisely and to
optimize its production. Customers can analyze and
Vetter B., Ugus O., Westhoff D. and Sorge C..
Homomorphic Primitives for a Privacy-friendly Smart Metering Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0004036601020112
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 102-112
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
optimize their energy usage to save costs. However,
detailed energy reports allow to create customer pro-
files. Anyone who knows the fine-grained consump-
tions can infer the customer’s habits like e.g., absence
and even concrete activities like watching TV (Enev
et al., 2011). Consequently, a smart metering archi-
tecture ideally has to protect customer privacy while
at the same time providing all benefits of smart me-
ters by allowing detailed energy measurement reports
of customers. A smart metering architecture needs
to process millions of energy consumptions. The
databases used for such a purpose may easily run out
of space or become too slow to respond to extensive
queries. GPs may want to outsource them to a cloud
provider to be able to dynamically scale the infras-
tructure according to their requirements. However,
outsourcing the processing of personal data is prob-
lematic from a legal perspective (European law, e.g.,
restricts the export of personal data). Moreover, data
leaks at the cloud provider causes damage to the GP’s
public image even if there are no legal consequences.
Thus, the cloud provider may at no time be able to
learn energy consumptions of individual customers
such that e.g., all consumptions have to be stored en-
crypted in the database. However, one must still be
able to aggregate the consumptions without the need
to first decrypt them, because decrypting them would
imply a huge computational burden. Homomorphic
encryption schemes are perfectly suited for this sce-
nario. They allow to perform certain operations on
ciphertexts directly where the operation corresponds
to an operation performed on the plaintexts.
A number of technical approaches have been sug-
gested to protect customer privacy in smart meter-
ing. (Bohli et al., 2010) present a privacy model for
smart metering and two approaches with and with-
out a trusted third party. In the former approach, a
trusted proxy aggregates the electricity measurements
of all smart meters. This approach does not scale well
for large smart grids. The latter approach is based
on adding a random noise to the meter measurements
which sums up to zero in the final aggregation. How-
ever, the precision is acceptable only for large groups
of meters. In (Kursawe et al., 2011), a number of
protocols for privacy-preserving aggregation are pre-
sented, based on distributing secrets to smart meters
that add up to a known value. (Efthymiou and Kalo-
gridis, 2010) propose to report privacy critical, fine-
grained measurements using anonymous identifiers.
Low-grained measurements are reported with known
smart meter identifiers. However, the following secu-
rity issue remains: The sum of fine- and low-grained
energy measurements must be equal. Hence, an at-
tacker having these measurements can still find rela-
tionships between them. The use of homomorphicen-
cryption has been suggested by several authors. (Gar-
cia and Jacobs, 2010) suggest a provably secure pro-
tocol that allows the energy supplier to learn only
an aggregate value by using a combination of addi-
tively homomorphic encryption and additive secret
sharing. In every reporting period, every meter per-
forms n 1 encryptions and a decryption for the ag-
gregation of measurements from a group of n smart
meters. This causes a huge overhead on the smart
meters. (Li et al., 2010) propose to use other smart
meters as intermediate hops which aggregate the ho-
momorphically encrypted meter data. Smart meters
are arranged in a tree structure, where the collec-
tor node is the root node. Thus, such a required di-
rect communication among smart meters is the main
drawback of this scheme. Recently, (McLaughlin
et al., 2011) proposed to place a battery between
a smart meter and the circuit breaker. The battery
allows to smooth the load curve, such that analyz-
ing algorithms can no longer detect certain events
within the curve. Other approaches include encrypted
databases and secure multi party computation. Un-
less the encryption mechanism is additively homo-
morphic, an encrypted database like OPES (Agrawal
et al., 2004) does not allow the aggregation of en-
crypted data. Hence, decryption of data is required
which again increases the overhead. Concepts from
multi party computation are applied for privacy pre-
serving data mining over databases by (Ben-Or et al.,
1988) and (Chaum et al., 1988). However,such mech-
anisms come with high storage and communication
overheads due to replica and the communication re-
quired between them. While the aforementioned sug-
gestions focus on privacy-aware aggregation of meter
readings, (Rial and Danezis, 2011) show how to use
a smart meter to securely compute electricity bills on
the meters without revealing the consumption data.
Besides the scientific community, smart grid pri-
vacy issues are also discussed by government agen-
cies. In the US, the NIST issued ”‘guidelines for
smart grid cyber security”’, including privacy recom-
mendations (NIST11, 2010). A focus is on secur-
ing access to meter data and limiting the collection of
data. In Germany, the (Federal Office for Information
Security, 2011) proposes a pseudonymization of cus-
tomers to protect their privacy. This approach is sim-
ilar to (Efthymiou and Kalogridis, 2010) and hence
suffers from the security problems discussed above.
We propose a smart metering architecture which is
both privacy-friendly and flexible to serve various
future energy services. Consumer privacy is pre-
served by encrypting energy consumptions with an
efficient additively homomorphic encryption mecha-
nism allowing their aggregation without decrypting
them first. Smart meters encrypt the consumptions
and send them to the energy managementsystem. The
encrypted measurements are stored in a database, al-
lowing aggregation over time, region, or other selec-
tion criteria with various selective SQL-queries. Our
protocol requires a trusted third party, but its pri-
mary task is to hand out a set of keys to each smart
meter used for encrypting consumption values. The
keys can be used for a long time and thus, the third
party is less frequently involved. Finally, we empha-
size that most of the proposed approaches like (Bohli
et al., 2010), (Garcia and Jacobs, 2010) and (Li et al.,
2010) require to perform the aggregation either on a
smart meter, in the smart grid or on a trusted third
party which limits their flexibility. Using these proto-
cols, the fine-granular energy measurements are sub-
sequently unavailable to the energy services. In con-
trast, our approach permits the aggregation of data
outside the grid even in the cloud using various selec-
tive SQL-queries, supporting third party energy ser-
vices and various types of new energy businesses.
Our smart metering architecture consists of a key au-
thority (KA), an energy management system (EMS), a
set of customersC and a set of services S = {s
representing the GP, EP and other services. Every
entity allowed to query the EMS for encrypted con-
sumptions is denoted as a service in our architecture.
We denote by e
sid, j
the electricity consumption mea-
sured by smart meter sid for period j.
The KA is responsible for managing certificates
and keys for smart meters. It can be e.g., a Certificate
Authority. As the main requirement, the KA should
be a trusted third party. We assume that certificates
and keys required in our architecture are generated
and stored in a smart card. The smart card is sub-
sequently sent to the customer by mail. If no smart
cards can be used, the keys must safely arrive at the
customers to be securely stored in the meters.
The EMS is operated by the GP and stores the en-
ergy consumptions received from all meters. The me-
ters send their encrypted measurements to the EMS
responsible for their GP. Anyone (e.g., an EP) inter-
ested in knowing energy consumptions of a certain
region queries the EMS using selective SQL queries.
Customers are grouped according to their loca-
tions, i.e. by a spatial grouping scheme. More specifi-
cally, customers at the same building or neighborhood
belong to the same group. A group can be composed
of any number of customers but at least two. Larger
groups provide a higher level of privacy. We argue
that our grouping does not limit the benefits of a smart
grid. For planning purposes and forecasts, an EP or
GP is primarily interested in the total consumption of
a specific region. Fine-grained knowledge about the
energy consumption of each customer is not required.
Our grouping scheme allows to precisely compute the
total energy consumption of certain buildings, neigh-
borhoods, cities, etc. Other grouping schemes like
e.g., temporal grouping schemes, are also possible.
However, they require the measuring periods to be
sufficiently large to preserve the customers’ privacy.
Such a grouping scheme can be used for e.g., billing.
Spatial and temporal groupingcan also be used in par-
allel to support various energy services.
5.1 Homomorphic Encryption Scheme
- In our architecture a service (EP,
GP, etc.) queries the EMS for the total energy con-
sumption of a group of smart meters located in the
same geographical region. The energy measurements
stored in the EMS are encrypted and their individ-
ual decryptions are not allowed. Hence, decryption
must be performed on the aggregated ciphertexts.
That is, the querier should be able to decrypt a sum
of ciphertexts but not the individual ciphertexts in-
cluded in that sum. Suppose Enc
() is an encryp-
tion function and Dec
() is the corresponding decryp-
tion function using a key k. Let E denote a message
space such that e
E and K a key space such
that k,k
K. We term Enc
() additively homo-
morphic if there is a and k = f(k
) such that
) Enc
)) = e
+ e
. Such an en-
cryption scheme thus allows to calculate the encryp-
tion of the sum of plaintexts from the corresponding
individual ciphertexts without first decrypting them.
- An overview of asymmetric homo-
morphic schemes can be found in (Mykletun et al.,
2006). We argue that for an equivalent level of
security, asymmetric schemes are generally less ef-
ficient than symmetric ones. Hence, we consider
merely symmetric homomorphic encryption schemes
in our evaluation. A symmetric scheme was proposed
by (Domingo-Ferrer, 2002). Although this scheme
employs mechanisms typically found in asymmetric
schemes, it is classified to be symmetric as the same
key is used for de- and encryption. This scheme is
provably secure against ciphertext-only attacks, but
insecure against known-plaintext attacks. Moreover,
this scheme only allows the aggregationof ciphertexts
that have been encrypted under the same key. Thus,
any entity that is allowed to decrypt the sum of ci-
phertexts can also decrypt the individual ciphertexts
involved in that sum. This is the main limitation of
this scheme for its use in a smart metering system,
as the privacy requirements obligate the decryption of
the sum of ciphertexts only. Finally, compared to the
candidate below, it is costly in terms of computational
overhead. Another scheme was proposed in (Castel-
luccia et al., 2005). It is similar to the one-time pad,
thus, with a proper key management, provides perfect
secrecy and is highly efficient. The security of this
scheme relies on a key-stream generating a random
key for the encryption of each message. To subse-
quently decrypt an aggregate of ciphertexts, one must
know all the keys used for the individual encryptions.
Fortunately, this is not a burden for its application in
our architecture, since the aggregation of energy con-
sumptions is always performed at the group level and
all smart meters belonging to the groups are known in
advance. Any service allowed to decrypt the ciphered
aggregates of a group needs to know only the group
key, i.e. the aggregate of the group members’ individ-
ual keys. This is actually due to the main advantage of
this scheme in the context of the smart metering ap-
plication: The homomorphism applies not only to the
ciphertext space but also to the key space. It allows to
aggregate energy consumptions encrypted using dif-
ferent keys and to decrypt the resulting ciphertext us-
ing the aggregated key such that
) +
)) = e
+ e
with k = k
+ k
. However, the
main limitation of this scheme is that it is prone to
a malleability attack. For instance, an attacker can
simply add an arbitrary value x to the ciphertext c,
such that c
= c+ x. The receiver of c
is subsequently
still able to decrypt c
, such that e.g., Dec
) =
)+x) = e
+x. How-
ever, the receiver is not able to detect that the ci-
phertext has been modified. (Peter et al., 2007) pro-
pose a hybrid approach combining the advantages of
the aforementioned mechanisms. Encryption is per-
formed by applying both mechanisms in a cascaded
manner to remove the individual security weaknesses
of both mechanisms, namely known-plaintext as well
as malleability attacks for (Domingo-Ferrer, 2002)
and (Castelluccia et al., 2005), respectively. However,
this approach is, due to the cascading, less efficient in
terms of data overhead and performance. Therefore,
we choose the scheme proposed by Castelluccia et al.
(e) = e+ k mod m and Dec
(c) = c k mod m.
Table 1: (Agrawal and Boneh, 2009).
,c, i) Message c [0,m 1],
i {1,...,n},
key k
[0,m 1]
u = G(k
), b = F(k
Output Tag t = (u· c) + b
Combine(T) T = {(c
Output t =
,b, y,t) Key k
, b =
Messages {c
y =
u = G(k
), a = u· y
If a+ b = t output 1, otherwise 0
We protect against malleability attacks via an efficient
homomorphic Message Authentication Code (MAC)
as described in the following section.
5.2 Homomorphic MAC
To mitigate malleability attacks, the querier must be
able to verify that the sum, i.e. the SQL-response,
is correctly composed of those energy measurements
sent by the meters only and not modified. A prefer-
able solution to achieve integrity and authentication
is the use of signature schemes. However, signature
schemes to be used in conjunction with the chosen
homomorphic encryption scheme must as well be ad-
ditively homomorphic such that: Sign(m
+ m
) =
) Sign(m
). Unfortunately, as shown by
(Johnson et al., 2002), no such additively group-
homomorphic signature scheme can ever be secure.
Another solution offering integrity and authentication
includes MACs that provide the required additively
homomorphic property, such that MAC
+ m
) =
) with k = f(k
). How-
ever, a secret key must be shared between the me-
ters and the untrusted services. To mitigate this lim-
itation, we propose to generate individual MACs for
each service, such that different services get different
keys. Thus, a compromised key of a service does not
impact the security of MACs associated with other
services. Due to its simplicity and efficiency, we
choose the homomorphic MAC scheme recently pro-
posed (Agrawal and Boneh, 2009). As shown in Ta-
ble 1, it is composed of three algorithms (Sign, Com-
bine, Verify). While Sign computes an authentication
tag for messages, Combine implements the homomor-
phic property, and Verify is used to finally verify the
aggregated message-tag pairs. The functions G() and
F() denote a pseudo random generator and a pseudo
random function, respectively. Please note that both
functions can be implemented using e.g., AES.
Table 2: Encryption keys and data stored on the smart card.
Name Description
sid The smart meter id
A unique secret key used for the homomorphic en-
cryption scheme
), A unique key pair together with its
certificate issued by the KA, used to securely com-
municate with e.g., the EMS
ServerList IPs of servers to send measurements to and accept
commands from
The public key and certificate of the KA
5.3 Protocol Outline
We propose that all messages include a sequence
number and are signed by the sender to mitigate re-
play attacks. Signatures of incoming messages are
verified by the receiver to ensure the authenticity and
integrity. Invalid messages are dropped and the re-
ceiver does not respond to the sender. We consider
the following scenarios: (1) a GP installs a meter (2)
a customer fixes a contract with an EP, (3) a customer
quits a contract with an EP, (4) a smart meter reports
its energy consumption to the EMS and (5) querying
the EMS for aggregated consumptions.
1- A GP installs a meter
: When a GP in-
stalls a meter within a building, the KA is instructed
to send a smart card issued for the sid of that smart
meter to the owner of the building. The smart card
stores a unique secret key k
used for the encryption
besides other data, as listed in Table 2.
2- A customer fixes a contract with an
: The EP assigns the sid of the customer’s smart
meter to a group G
according to its geographical
location. Subsequently, the EP requests the KA to
add smart meters sid to the selected group G
. The
KA knows the secret keys of all smart meters. It adds
the new smart meter’s secret key k
to the set K
which is composed of the secret keys of the smart
meters belonging to the group G
. The KA then
sends a key update to the EP. The key update includes
the gid of the group the meter is added to, the period
j from which on the meter is active, a number of
periods n and a set of n period keys (i.e., periods
j, ..., j + n) used for the additively homomorphic
encryption scheme. Each period key k
gid, j
for a group
and period j is calculated by the KA like:
gid, j
|| j) mod m
That is, the KA aggregates the period keys of the indi-
vidual smart meters belonging to the group gid for the
period j. The smart meters’ period keys are derived
from their root keys using a one-way hash function
h() and the period j. Please note that each aggregated
period key k
gid, j
is later used by the EP to decrypt
the encrypted, aggregated sum of metered values of
the group G
reported for period j. Moreover, every
key update includes n period keys for the homomor-
phic MAC mechanism used to check the authenticity
of the aggregated energy measurements. Each MAC
key update k
gid, j
for a group G
and a period j is
calculated by the KA like:
gid, j
||sid|| j) mod m
where (sid|| j) corresponds to the i of Table 1. Sub-
sequently, the KA sends the MAC key k
of the EP
to the smart meter, which is used by the smart meter
to authenticate the individual encrypted energy mea-
surements. Additionally, the KA sends the key update
gid, j
to the EP, which is used by the EP to verify the
authenticity of encrypted aggregates. Finally, the EP
adds the freshly received periodical encryption and
MAC keys, associated with the corresponding groups
as described below, to a local key database.
We propose that each EP manages a SQL key
database, storing the periodical keys received from
the KA. As we will show, a SQL key database can eas-
ily calculate the aggregated keys required to decrypt
the aggregated, encrypted consumptions of multiple
groups, according to specific selective queries. Al-
ternatively to local key databases, the KA could pro-
vide a key database. However, the security require-
ments for a key database at the KA would be very
high and the it should not be publicly accessible to
protect it against certain attacks. Moreover, the scal-
ability of a key database at the KA must be compara-
ble to the scalability of the EMS, because they have
to deal with nearly identical queries and amounts of
data. In contrast, a local key database at an EP must
only store the aggregated period keys of groups asso-
ciated with the EP. We argue that these security and
scalability requirements render a public database for
period keys at the KA unfeasible. Thus, we locate lo-
cal key databases at each service. When receiving the
period keys, an EP executes SQL INSERT statements
to import the keys. Table 3 and 4 show an exemplary
SQL key database managed by the EP.
3- A customer quits a contract with an
: The KA removes the meter’s secret key k
from the set of secret keys K
of the group G
the meter was initially added to. Subsequently, the
KA calculates the set of periodical encryption and
MAC keys anew (as shown in Equation 1 and 2,
respectively) using the keys of the smart meters
remaining in the group G
. The KA then sends the
key update including the freshly computed periodical
Table 3: SQL table keys located at each service, storing the
period keys received from the KA.
enc key mac key group id period
... ... ... ...
977285.. 186928.. 120211 2011-05-10 12:15
517848.. 174516.. 120212 2011-05-10 12:15
703805.. 184878.. 1 2011-05-10 12:30
100833.. 127747.. 2 2011-05-10 12:30
... ... ... ...
Table 4: SQL table groups located at each service, storing a
group’s associated e.g., zip and city.
group id zip city
... ... ...
120210 20357 Hamburg
120211 20357 Hamburg
120212 20358 Hamburg
... ... ...
MAC and encryption keys to the service. When
receiving the key update, the EP again updates its key
database as described in the previous scenario.
4- A smart meter reports its energy
consumption to the EMS
: For example, every 15
minutes, each smart meter reports its energy con-
sumption e
sid, j
to the EMS. Before, e
sid, j
is encrypted
using the encryption function Enc(). Additionally,
a MAC tag for the resulting ciphertext is computed.
The encryption is performed using a period key
derived from the smart meter’s root encryption key
and the period j like
sid, j
= Enc(e
sid, j
|| j),m)
= e
sid, j
+ h(k
|| j) mod m
Once the energy measurement is encrypted, a MAC
tag is computed using the keys (k
) of the EP:
sid, j
= G(k
) · c
sid, j
+ F(k
||sid|| j) mod m
The size of m
can be set to the output size of the
pseudo-random function. When receiving the con-
sumptions and tags, the EMS inserts them into its con-
sumption database. Table 5 and 6 show the exemplary
consumption database managed by the EMS.
We assume that the connection between a smart
meter and the EMS is reliable. Nevertheless, the EMS
can additionally request missing meter data from a
smart meter. The smart meter then encrypts and
authenticates the missed consumption as described
above. More details on the issue of smart meters be-
ing offline are discussed in Section 6.2.3.
must be chosen sufficiently large to avoid over-
flows. Assume that the largest query that a service can issue
is composed of n ciphertexts. Then, m
must be set to
, where p = max(e
) (Castelluccia et al., 2005).
Table 5: SQL table consumptions located at the EMS, stor-
ing encrypted consumptions, their periods and meters.
consumption tag meter id period
... ... ... ...
692169.. 17485.. 5000009 2011-05-10 12:15
629388.. 43894.. 5000001 2011-05-10 12:30
589178.. 43894.. 5000003 2011-05-10 12:30
702046.. 32894.. 5000007 2011-05-10 12:30
... ... ... ...
Table 6: SQL table meters located at the EMS, storing a
meter’s associated e.g., zip and city.
meter id zip city
... ... ...
5000009 20357 Hamburg
5000001 20357 Hamburg
5000003 20358 Hamburg
... ... ...
5- Querying the EMS for aggregated
: To retrieve a group’s energy con-
sumption for arbitrary periods, services can send
arbitrary queries to the EMS. To answer the queries,
the EMS uses its database storing the encrypted con-
sumptions like shown in Table 5 and 6. For instance,
to query the EMS for the aggregated consumption
c of meters having a zip prefixed by ’20’, the EP
sends the following SQL-query to the EMS: To
consumptions c, meters m
c.meter_id = m.meter_id
'2011-05-10 12:00'
'2011-05-10 12:30'
verify the authenticity and integrity, an aggregated
MAC tag is computed for the aggregated, encrypted
consumption by querying the EMS: The EP queries
consumptions c, meters m
c.meter_id = m.meter_id
'2011-05-10 12:00'
'2011-05-10 12:30'
the key database to verify the tag: The aggregated
keys k, groups p
k.group_id = g.group_id
'2011-05-10 12:00'
'2011-05-10 12:30'
MAC tag is valid if Verify(k
,b,c,t) = 1. To
decrypt the sum c received from the EMS, the EP
still has to calculate the aggregated key k by using its
local key database:
keys k, groups g
k.group_id = g.group_id
'2011-05-10 12:00'
'2011-05-10 12:30'
By using the aggregated key k, the EP can decrypt
the encrypted aggregate c, received from the EMS.
5.3.1 Billing
A temporal grouping scheme can be used to e.g., bill a
customer, as it allows to query aggregated consump-
tions of a single customer while still preserving the
customer’s privacy. To preserve the privacy, the EP
may only be able to decrypt aggregated energy con-
sumptions for a sufficiently large period. Neverthe-
less, aggregating consumptions of a single customer
over time is better suited to build customer profiles
than it is the case for the spatial grouping scheme. For
instance, if energy prices change frequently,e.g., mul-
tiple times a day, the period lengths are not sufficient.
In contrast, energy prices changing on a monthly ba-
sis only are better suited for the proposed temporal
grouping scheme, even if there are different rates for
the nights and days within a month. For the temporal
grouping scheme to work, the KA has to include these
aggregated keys within each key update. The keys for
the temporal scheme are again derived from the root
keys k
and k
as shown in Section 5.3. How-
ever, the keys must be aggregated by the KA such that
the keys can exclusively be used to verify and decrypt
the aggregated MAC tags and consumptions for the
period specified in the queries above, i.e. all nights
within a month, to preserve the customers’ privacy.
5.3.2 Multiple Services
Associating a smart meter with multiple services re-
quires the smart meter to use individual encryption
and MAC keys for each service. This is necessary to
mitigate colluding attacks described in Section 6.2.3
and it allows the groups associated with a service to
be individually composed for each service. Let S
denote the set of services a smart meter sid is associ-
ated with. The period keys for each service s S
are computed by the KA as follows:
s,gid, j
||s|| j) mod m
s,gid, j
||sid|| j) mod m
Smart meters report separate ciphertext-tag pairs to
the EMS for each service they are associated with. A
consumption is encrypted for each service s S
s,sid, j
= e
sid, j
+ h(k
||s|| j) mod m
Similarly,the MAC tag for an encryptedmeasurement
is computed for each service s S
s,sid, j
= G(k
s,sid, j
||sid|| j) mod m
6.1 Trust Model
The following trust model is considered.
- From the consumers’ perspective, the
EP as well as other services are untrusted. Services
want to obtain as much fine-granular consumptions as
possible, thereby threatening the customers’ privacy.
- We expect the EMS to usually work cor-
rectly such that queries sent to the EMS return a cor-
rect result. Thus, the EMS is functionally trusted.
However, beyond the functional trust, the EMS is
completely untrusted. Query results can be modi-
fied via hardware failures or attacks. We do not trust
the EMS to keep personal data secret. Moreover, the
EMS may be located at a cloud provider. It can be
located in a country other than the services or the GP
where different privacy rules apply. Even if the cloud
provider does not immediately earn any value from
obtaining the customer consumptions, the amount of
stored values may possibly arouse the provider’s in-
terest. Therefore, we argue that an additional level of
protection is necessary to prevent the EMS and cloud
provider from obtaining any unencrypted consump-
tions, neither fine-granular nor aggregated.
- The KA is a trusted third party. The KA is as-
sumed to sufficiently protect its services, systems and
keys. The KA gives keys and other data to authorized
parties according to clearly defined contracts only.
- We assume that the GP installs smart meters
which are not compromised and can thus be trusted.
- The customers are untrusted. Cus-
tomers want to pay as less as possible. Hence, they
would probably manipulate the messages sent or re-
ceived by their meters. However,the customers do not
want anyone to obtain fine-granular consumptions.
Smart Meters
- The smart meters are trusted.
They are assumed to work correctly and to be uncom-
promised. The keys and other sensitive data are as-
sumed to be protected from unauthorized access. Fi-
nally, smart meters are assumed to be protected from
physical attacks via a proper seal.
6.2 Attacks
6.2.1 Breaking the Homomorphic Encryption
Compromising a period key
- The homomorphic
encryption scheme we use allows to trivially deduct
the encryption key from a ciphertext using a known-
plaintext attack. Assume that a message e is en-
crypted under a key k such that c = e + k mod m.
An attacker can obtain the secret encryption key sim-
ply by computing k = c e mod m if the ciphertext-
plaintext pair (c, e) is known to the attacker. Luckily,
breaking a period key does not imply a total break
where an attacker obtains a root key as the security of
the encryption scheme relies on a keystream changing
from one message to the next. This is the case for our
protocol as each period key h(k
|| j) is derived from
a meter’s root key k
using a one-way hash function
for each period j. The root key is individually chosen
for each meter. Hence, our architecture reveals no in-
formation on the fine-granular and aggregated energy
consumptions as long as the period and aggregated
period encryption keys are unknown to the attacker.
Compromising a root key
- Based on the re-
sults of (Castelluccia et al., 2005), compromising a
smart meter’s root key k
is only possible by com-
promising a meter itself or the KA. As assumed in
Section 6.1, this is not possible.
Decrypting fine-granular consumptions
If any party, except a particular smart meter or KA,
can decrypt fine-granular consumptions, the privacy
of at least one customer is lost. In accordance to Table
5, the EP can always query the EMS for fine-granular
consumptions. However, recall that in this case the
key database, as shown in Table 3, can not be used to
query the aggregated decryption key k. Even if a tem-
poral grouping scheme is used, the KA is not allowed
to reveal keys for such fine-granular periods. Thus,
although c is received, the EP is unable to decrypt c.
6.2.2 Breaking the Homomorphic MAC
Random forgeries
- The attacker wants to manipu-
late either stored or aggregated encrypted values. As
the measurements and their aggregations are authen-
ticated using a homomorphic MAC like shown in Ta-
ble 1, the attacker needs to compute a valid MAC tag
for any value the attacker manipulates. However, as
shown in (Agrawal and Boneh, 2009), the probability
of producing a valid tag without knowing the MAC
key is 1/2
, where q is the size of the tag in bits
(Agrawal and Boneh, 2009) and thus, the probabil-
ity is negligible. We propose 128-bit tags to achieve
a sufficient level of security against adversarial modi-
fication of energy measurements. Thus, the attacker
cannot alter stored or aggregated encrypted values
without being detected if the MAC key is unknown.
Compromising a MAC key
- Compromising a
MAC key k = (k
) implies breaking the secure
functions G and F which can be implemented using
AES. The attacker needs to deduct the keys k
and k
from the outputs u = AES(k
) and b = AES(k
,i), re-
spectively. However, this requires breaking the secu-
rity of AES which is computationally infeasible with
sufficiently large keys (e.g., 128 bits).
6.2.3 Other Attacks
Colluding Attacks
- Multiple parties can share
keys to perform attacks. Malicious cooperations are:
(Service, Service)
- Two services a and b can
cooperate to exchange key updates received from the
KA, such that each service can send more comprehen-
sive queries to the EMS. However, the privacy of cus-
tomers is not at risk, because each service is only able
to decrypt aggregated consumptions of groups. More-
over, as shown in Section 5.3.2, the encryption keys
are individually chosen for each service. This choice
mitigates another attack: As groups can be differently
composed for each service, the services would be able
to calculate sub-group keys if a group G
of service a
is a sub-group of G
of service b while the keys are
not individually chosen for each service, i.e. G
For instance, assume that G
and G
only differ in a
single member. The period keys of this member could
be trivially broken. Our solution, choosing individual
encryption keys for each service, mitigates this attack.
(EMS, Service)
- A service can hand out its pe-
riod decryption keys as well as its individual MAC
key to the EMS. Subsequently, the EMS can decrypt
aggregated consumptions. Still, the privacy of indi-
vidual customers is not at risk. Additionally, the EMS
is subsequently able to calculate valid MAC tags for
the service such that random forgeries of the EMS can
not be detected by the service. However, the damage
of such an attack is limited to the service that shares
its MAC key maliciously with the EMS, as our archi-
tecture assigns unique MAC keys to each service.
DoS Attacks
- If an energy consumption of a me-
ter is missing at the EMS for a period, the stored con-
sumptions of the associated group and specific period
can still be queried, but the aggregate can no longer be
decrypted correctly. Thus, an attacker can perform a
DoS attack on the smart meters to prevent them from
reporting to the EMS and to subsequently prevent the
decryption of the aggregates. To handle these kinds
of errors, in our architecture the EMS sends an error
message to the querier when energy consumptions of
meters are missing for the queried period. Techniques
increasing robustness must be employed to increase
the resilience against such attacks by e.g., using a
dual-sim setup for the smart meters.
Replay Attacks
- Replacing an actual energy
measurement with an already reported one is a sim-
ple way of altering the energy measurements. Our
architecture mitigates such attacks, as energy reports
of smart meters are authenticated with a MAC tag
computed over a unique period number, a smart meter
identifier and a group identifier.
7.1 Performance Overhead
Our evaluation environmentis composed of a MySQL
5.1 server, provided by Debian 6.0.3, running the de-
fault configuration without optimizations. The server
runs on an Intel Core i3 2310-M, 4GB RAM and
a 320GB HDD at 7200rpm. The database stores
the consumptions of the EMS. It is randomly filled
with encrypted consumptions of 10000 meters for one
month at an interval of 15 minutes such that 30 mil-
lion consumptions and MAC tags are stored. The re-
sults regarding the database performance are listed in
Figure 1. Graph 1) shows response times of queries
on the 16-bit encrypted consumptions. Querying the
sum of 30 million consumptions takes about 10 sec-
onds. Please note that the results shown in graph 1)
are equal to the results of querying a database storing
purely plaintext consumptions, as the plaintext as well
as encrypted consumptions are of equal length. The
response times for queries on the respective MAC tags
are shown in graph 2). Querying the sum of 30 mil-
lion MACtags takes about 12 seconds. As these MAC
tags are 128-bits long, querying the tags continually
takes more time, compared to the response times for
the 16-bit encrypted consumptions. Finally, graph 3)
shows the response times for queries including con-
sumptions as well as MAC tags, such that a single
query returns the aggregated consumption and MAC
tag. The decreasing growth when querying more than
approx. six million consumptions, apparently notable
in Figure 1, is caused by a database specific optimiza-
tion. MySQL stops using the index on the period,
which is used for selective queries such as:
(consumption )
'2011-05-01 00:00'
'2011-05-08 00:00'
For larger amounts, MySQL decides not using the
index to be cheaper. However, in real-world settings
the index usually will be used, because much more
0 5e+06 1e+07 1.5e+07 2e+07 2.5e+07 3e+07
Response time [Sec]
Amount of queried consumption measurements and MAC tags
1) 16-bit encrypted consumptions (EMS)
2) 128-bit MAC tags (EMS)
3) 16-bit encrypted consumptions and 128-bit MAC tags (EMS)
Figure 1: Response times when querying the EMS.
0 1e+06 2e+06 3e+06 4e+06 5e+06 6e+06
Response time [Sec]
Amount of queried keys (five meters per group)
1) 16-bit decryption keys (local key database)
2) 128-bit MAC keys (local key database)
3) 16-bit decryption keys and 128-bit MAC keys (local key database)
Figure 2: Response times when querying a local key
database for aggregated decryption and MAC keys.
consumptions will be stored compared to our evalu-
ation. Please note that this issue is independent of
our architecture, because MySQL will make the same
decisions for databases storing purely plaintext con-
To verify and decrypt the responses of the EMS,
the querying service must additionally query a sec-
ond database, the local key database, for the aggre-
gated decryption key as well as for the aggregated
MAC key. In our setup, the smart meters are spa-
tially organized in 2000 groups such that each group
is composed of ve smart meters. Thus, six million
encryption keys as well as MAC keys are required to
validate and decrypt the responses to all selective ag-
gregation queries possible on the 30 million consump-
tions stored within the database of the EMS. More-
over, the response times of these queries are shown in
Figure 2, which correspondingly are about five times
lower than the response times shown in Figure 1.
7.2 Storage Requirements
Architectures without privacy protection would sim-
ply store 16-bit plaintext consumptions at the EMS.
Contrary, our privacy-friendly architecture stores en-
crypted 16-bit consumptions each with a 128-bit
MAC tag at the EMS. Thus, the storage requirements
of our architecture grow linearly with the number of
stored consumptions. Storing 100 million consump-
tions with their MAC tags requires 1.8 GB of stor-
age in contrast to 200 MB required to simply store
plaintext consumptions. Besides the overhead for the
EMS, each service must store the group-wise aggre-
gated keys sent by the KA, required to verify and de-
crypt the responses to queries directed to the EMS. If
a spatial grouping scheme is used while each group is
composed of ve smart meters, the overhead of stor-
ing the keys required to decrypt all possible aggre-
gates composed of 100 million consumptions is about
343 MB for each service. Contrary, the KA must not
store any period keys. It must only store the private
symmetric key k
as well as the private-public key
pair (k
) of each smart meter sid, such that the
storage requirements of the KA are equal to the num-
ber of smart meters multiplied with a constant factor
which corresponds to the key lengths. Thus, the stor-
age requirements of the KA are negligible.
This work presents a smart metering architecture
which is flexible enough to serve various services
while still preserving the customers’ privacy. Privacy
is preserved using a database storing purely encrypted
energy consumptions and a policy forcing a strict but
flexible grouping, like temporal and spatial grouping
of the smart meters. The database may be located in a
mutual suspicious cloud environment without affect-
ing our privacy guarantees. Third-party services, like
energy providers, can aggregate the encrypted con-
sumptions at the database level using various selec-
tive SQL queries. The responses to these queries can
only be successfully decrypted if the queries are valid
according to the grouping scheme and privacy poli-
cies enforced by a key authority. Thus, our protocol
requires a trusted third party. However, it is rarely in-
volved, as its primary task is to hand out sets of secret
encryption keys to the smart meters that can be used
for a long time. Finally, our privacy-friendly architec-
ture, while flexible, imposes only a moderate perfor-
mance and storage overhead.
The work presented in this paper was partly supported
by the German BMWi SmartPowerHamburg project.
The views and conclusions contained herein are those
of the authors and should not be interpreted as nec-
essarily representing the official policies or endorse-
ments, either expressed or implied of the SmartPow-
erHamburg project.
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