Figure 8: Test Setup – Three Sensor Beams.
The experiments were carried out by varying the
speed of towing trolley from 0 knot to 1 knot with
the step increase of 0.5 knot (0.25 m/s).
The result for one of the tests is shown in Figure
9, which shows the comparison of theoretical strain
and the measured strain on the 50 mm width beam
(the graphs in this section are plotted based on the
data points, however, one can easily identify the
speed increase from 0.5 knot to 1 knot and then to
1.5 knots from the graphs).
Figure 9: Results_50 mm Sensor Beam 1.
As the measured strain has constant offset from
actual, we propose to use correction factors as listed
in table 1 to use while using the output of sensor
beam for control of the EUWV.
Table 1: Correction Factors of Sensor Beams.
Using the conventional relationship of force and
strain, the disturbing current velocity is derived
using the strain measured from the sensor beams.
Development of a disturbance velocity measurement
setup using strain gauges is presented in this paper.
Feed forward control strategy and simulation study
showing performance of the proposed control
scheme are presented. Study on the performance of
developed sensor setup of varying thickness and
width has been carried out. Acrylic sensor beam
having 2 mm thickness is selected to use for
implementation and experimental validation of
proposed control scheme. Derived correction factors
for the sensor beams will be used during further
experiments. This method of disturbance force
measurements can be effectively used for station
keeping control of AUVs.
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Strain_50 mm Sensor Beam 1
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
50_SB1_Exp. With CF
A Novel Approach to Measure under Water Vehicle Disturbance Force for Station Keeping Control