of 100 individuals in two final spatial distributions: a
flat ellipsoid and a cigar-like one. As an example,
the obtained flat formation can be exploited for a
search on the sea bed, while the cigar maybe used
for communications.
Figure 3: A flat ellipsoidal configuration and a cigar-like
This work has been focused on the idea of exploiting
the flocking approach not to implement a naturally
plausible behaviour, but to make emerge a desired
spatial configuration in the swarm. In order to reach
this goal some asymmetry has been inserted in the
potential functions governing the flocking scheme.
To some extent such an idea can be found also in
Nature when dealing, for example, with the V-
shaped formation of migrating birds.
It has been here shown that through the tuning of
a limited set of parameters it is possible to
implement different swarm formations that can be
useful in different operative contexts. This allows
the possibility to contemplate human operator
control over a swarm of AUVs and the changing of
the swarm formation at the cost of the broadcasting
of a few bytes among the individuals.
Further work must be carried out: different three
dimensional functions should be studied and
simulated in order to find out new spatial
configurations. Stability issues must be studied and
checked since the here presented simulations have
the limit of implying instantaneous communication
and awareness among the swarm individuals. This is
not the case while coping with underwater vessels
whose communication capabilities are limited by the
speed of sound. Another issue is the study of the
ellipsoidal flock in more complex environments
such as the typically considered ones where
obstacles or narrow passages can be found, see e.g.
(Olfati-Saber, 2006).
This work has been partially supported by the
HARNESS project, funded by the Italian Institute of
Technology (IIT) through the SEED initiative.
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ICINCO 2012 - 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics