In the same time from Figures 7-11 it can be
seen, that the increase of operating temperature has
positive effect on repeatability of the piezoresistive
effect during cyclic loading. The noticeable decrease
of the initial electrical resistivity at the start of each
loading cycle is observed only for operating
temperatures of 55 °C and below as the initial
resistivity for repeated cycles shifts lower. If the
operating temperature was at least 70 °C or higher,
only negligible drift of initial resistivity was
observed. Thus it can be seen, that LHPS performs
considerably better at elevated temperatures which
can be attributed to better mobility of filler particles
allowing the more rapid mechanical modification
and sequencial recombination of electroconductive
network of HSCB particles to occur.
The observed positive thermal coefficient of
resistivity (PTC) for PNCBC with 8 p.h.r. of HSCB
could be explained with large difference in thermal
expansion coefficients for both: polymer matrix and
HSCB filler causing the sufficient broadening of
tunnel junctions with subsequent exponential rise of
electrical resistivity versus temperature.
Behaviour of LHPS at evaluated operating
temperatures has been successfully investigated.
It has been found out that the sensitivity of
LHPS enhances gradually with the increase of
operating temperature. The increase of the operating
temperature improves the repeatability of the
piezoresistive cycles due to greater mobility of
particles of electroconductive filler and better partial
destruction/recombination of electroconductive
structure in the PNCBC.
The research was supported by Ministry of
Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia.
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