Table 1: Table of the required control input (Torque) to han-
dle the disturbances in Figure 3.
i 1 2 3
[kNm] 81.9 100.1 80.8
[kNm] 91.4 112.6 89.0
reduction in travel time.
The proposed controller also accounts for all the
states in the platoon by estimating the states of the
follower vehicles, the behavior is close to the central-
ized controller. The computed relative differences in
the cost function as well as the difference in required
control inputs to handle the disturbances are minimal.
We have presented a quadratic optimal distributed
control method for chain structures with applications
to heterogeneous vehicle platooning under commu-
nication constraints. A procedure has been given
for constructing low order optimal decentralized con-
trollers through a simple decomposition scheme. A
discrete HDV platoon model has been derived that in-
cludes physical coupling between the vehicles upon
which the controllers are evaluated. The results show
that the total control input energy required for the pro-
posed controller is very close to a centralized con-
troller where communication is needed among all the
vehicles, and is significantly lower compared to a sub-
optimal controller which only accounts for the im-
mediate preceding vehicle. In particular, by estimat-
ing the interaction with the follower vehicles, per-
formance can be improved by adding a communica-
tion link from the first to the third vehicle in a three-
vehicle platoon. Thus, considering preceding vehicles
as well as follower vehicles is significant for fuel op-
A natural extension to the presented work is to de-
rive explicit solutions for the problem of M-HDVs. It
is planned for future work.
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