The main novelty of the proposed solution is a
system that can guarantee high flexibility and
effectiveness own to its mobile nature. A real
application scenario was defined in order to fully
validate and deeply test the system, and the results
show its capabilities as well as its reliability.
Next activities aim at testing innovative
approaches related to perception of the environment,
in order to improve the navigation and interaction
capabilities of the system. Future works will include
the implementation of Particle Filtering techniques
and fusion of multimodal sensor data (LRF data, 3D
sensors data and 2D camera images). Issues
concerning human-robot interaction and safety will
be improved and refined. Robot manipulation
capabilities will be also increased, making the
system able to perform additional tasks.
This work has been partly financed by the EU
Commission, within the research contract FP7 –ICT-
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A Mobile Service Robot for Industrial Applications